Poorest States are Red. Most of Richest States are Blue

Why is it that states that have been controlled by republicans for a long time are the poorest and states controlled by democrats for a long time the richest?

Mississippi, Alabama and West Virginia are poor states- but were Democrat for most of their history.
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.

What you think it would happen overnight to recover from democrat control? It takes decades


When did democrats control those red states?

Democrats have controlled my blue states for decades.

We are ranked 10th richest state in the nation.

Most of the richest states are blue states and have been controlled by democrats for a long time.

Why is it that states that have been controlled by republicans for a long time are the poorest and states controlled by democrats for a long time the richest?

The most shithole cities in the U.S. are run by the Dems.

The red states have been hammered by the Globalism, promoted by Progressives, which has moved jobs overseas. The Feds have also harmed state economies via overreach regulations that impede economic use of resources.
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get and red states take more they get.

So how is it red states hate the federal government?

We must immediately stop giving them federal money
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.
Did you click on this arrow? The Commies on the Left are turning California into a third world shithole:

What the data reveals about the homeless in California

California has the highest percentage of unsheltered homeless individuals in the country, at slightly under 70 percent.
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.

Certain people in those States are Rich.

California has the largest income disparity in the nation.

The California Chasm: A Look At Income Inequality In The Golden State | HuffPost

And a lot of those Rich people are democrats.
Democrats in these so called rich states, like to live in mostly white- affluent neighborhoods, while enjoying the greatest income inequality, and preaching to the rest of the world about paying more taxes, racism, income inequality, sexism, tolerance, etc.
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.

So, the Democrats are the Party of the Rich while the Republicans are the Party of the Poor? That's NOT something I've ever heard before...are you sure?
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.

So, the Democrats are the Party of the Rich while the Republicans are the Party of the Poor? That's NOT something I've ever heard before...are you sure?
Forgive them, for they know not what they are saying...
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.

Certain people in those States are Rich.

California has the largest income disparity in the nation.

The California Chasm: A Look At Income Inequality In The Golden State | HuffPost

And a lot of those Rich people are democrats.
Democrats in these so called rich states, like to live in mostly white- affluent neighborhoods, while enjoying the greatest income inequality, and preaching to the rest of the world about paying more taxes, racism, income inequality, sexism, tolerance, etc.

You can see that when a city tries to integrate their school districts across income levels.
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get and red states take more they get.

So how is it red states hate the federal government?

We must immediately stop giving them federal money

Who is "we", Sealybooboo? Fuck the federal "gubermint", this corporate entity that leftards like you suck the cock of on a daily basis.
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get and red states take more they get.

So how is it red states hate the federal government?

We must immediately stop giving them federal money

Who is "we", Sealybooboo? Fuck the federal "gubermint", this corporate entity that leftards like you suck the cock of on a daily basis.
We the People. The USA. Why are you changing the subject? Do you agree or not? If Red States take more federal dollars than they pay in, and blue states pay more into the system then they get back, and if these stupid ass red states don't like the federal government, we should honor their wishes and get the federal government off their backs or in their pockets.

But that only means WE will stop putting money in their pockets, ya dumb fucks.
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.

No doubt most of the 1% is made up of rich elitist Liberals. Thanks for posting.
You mean the makers are liberals and the takers are actually the conservatives? You god damn right.
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.

What you think it would happen overnight to recover from democrat control? It takes decades


When did democrats control those red states?

Democrats have controlled my blue states for decades.

We are ranked 10th richest state in the nation.

Most of the richest states are blue states and have been controlled by democrats for a long time.

Why is it that states that have been controlled by republicans for a long time are the poorest and states controlled by democrats for a long time the richest?
Rural states tend to be poorer. Rural folks tend to be more conservative. Hence, red states are poorer. I don't think it has anything to do with how the states are run.
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.
Being that you are so liberal I am somewhat hesitant to go outside your comfort zone but take this little logic quiz anyway...
...when it comes to the richest and poorest, who is it that list says the poor would rather have in office...
...and who is it that list says the rich would rather see in office?
if the quiz is causing too much pain just skip the logic and reply willy nilly or not at all
Wealthy people are smarter and better educated than poor people.
And more amoral and greedy.
but I was told that wealthy people are more moral because God loves them more...

because they are rich and stuff -- and God loves wealthy folks...
You really should read the Bible, you wouldn't look so foolish.
Jesus didn't hang out with the kings, he hung out with the people such as carpenters and fishermen.
and the letter carriers of the day.....
Let's not get carried away.
ha!...i see what you did there...
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get and red states take more they get.

So how is it red states hate the federal government?

We must immediately stop giving them federal money

Who is "we", Sealybooboo? Fuck the federal "gubermint", this corporate entity that leftards like you suck the cock of on a daily basis.
We the People. The USA. Why are you changing the subject? Do you agree or not? If Red States take more federal dollars than they pay in, and blue states pay more into the system then they get back, and if these stupid ass red states don't like the federal government, we should honor their wishes and get the federal government off their backs or in their pockets.

But that only means WE will stop putting money in their pockets, ya dumb fucks.

Girl, please, most of you leftards are sucking off the public teat. I don't want anything from the federal "gubermint", need anything from the federal "gubermint" nor do I benefit from their largesse of throwing paper scrip to the state I live in.
What pisses off little pukes like yourself and those that are good little fabian socialists are those that think differently.
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I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get and red states take more they get.

So how is it red states hate the federal government?

We must immediately stop giving them federal money

Who is "we", Sealybooboo? Fuck the federal "gubermint", this corporate entity that leftards like you suck the cock of on a daily basis.
We the People. The USA. Why are you changing the subject? Do you agree or not? If Red States take more federal dollars than they pay in, and blue states pay more into the system then they get back, and if these stupid ass red states don't like the federal government, we should honor their wishes and get the federal government off their backs or in their pockets.

But that only means WE will stop putting money in their pockets, ya dumb fucks.

Uhm you do know the democrats made those rules right?


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