Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities
The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal.

ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.

After the Syrian false flags, I don't believe anything that comes from Murica's alleged "intelligence community".

That’s because you’re an insane loser asshole. How about dem apples? You don’t like what I am saying? I don’t care.
Muslims killing Muslims. Let them kill each other, and the world will be a better place.
Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities
The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal

ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.

Never believe a word Pompeo says. He’s a prolific liar.
Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities
The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal.

ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.

The Kenyan Pig provided re-fueling support and sold weaponry to aid the Saudi-led invasion of Yemen in 2015. That was then. Now Trump makes an end-run around Congress to provided additional weaponry and munitions to the Saudis. They're dropping US bombs in Yemen right now. Some would take that as evidence the US is to blame for the war in Yemen.

As to exceeding the uranium limits, the Breaker of Deals pretty much guaranteed that. He applied maximum-pressure sanctions in an attempt to force Iran to the negotiating table. Now, he's talking about reducing sanctions to lure Iran to the table. He's clueless.
Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities
The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal

ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.

Never believe a word Pompeo says. He’s a prolific liar.

IOW, you have nothing but trolling.
Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities
The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal.

ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.

The Kenyan Pig provided re-fueling support and sold weaponry to aid the Saudi-led invasion of Yemen in 2015. That was then. Now Trump makes an end-run around Congress to provided additional weaponry and munitions to the Saudis. They're dropping US bombs in Yemen right now. Some would take that as evidence the US is to blame for the war in Yemen.

As to exceeding the uranium limits, the Breaker of Deals pretty much guaranteed that. He applied maximum-pressure sanctions in an attempt to force Iran to the negotiating table. Now, he's talking about reducing sanctions to lure Iran to the table. He's clueless.

There would be no war in Yemen if Iran were not supplying the Houthis with weapons and the Saudis are fighting to stop Iran's imperialist aggressions across the ME. Trump has not discussed easing any Iran sanctions. Pro Iranians like you and weak minder Europeans leaders are just expressing their hope he will in these reports.
Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities
The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal.

ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.

The Kenyan Pig provided re-fueling support and sold weaponry to aid the Saudi-led invasion of Yemen in 2015. That was then. Now Trump makes an end-run around Congress to provided additional weaponry and munitions to the Saudis. They're dropping US bombs in Yemen right now. Some would take that as evidence the US is to blame for the war in Yemen.

As to exceeding the uranium limits, the Breaker of Deals pretty much guaranteed that. He applied maximum-pressure sanctions in an attempt to force Iran to the negotiating table. Now, he's talking about reducing sanctions to lure Iran to the table. He's clueless.

There would be no war in Yemen if Iran were not supplying the Houthis with weapons and the Saudis are fighting to stop Iran's imperialist aggressions across the ME. Trump has not discussed easing any Iran sanctions. Pro Iranians like you and weak minder Europeans leaders are just expressing their hope he will in these reports.

President Donald Trump discussed easing sanctions on Iran to help secure a meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani later this month, prompting then-National Security Advisor John Bolton to argue forcefully against such a step, according to three people familiar with the matter.

After an Oval Office meeting on Monday when the idea came up, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin voiced his support for the move as a way to restart negotiations with Iran, some of the people said. Later in the day, Trump decided to oust Bolton, whose departure was announced Tuesday.

Trump told reporters at the White House that he’s “not looking at anything” with regard to a meeting with Rouhani, but indicated he may consider easing sanctions on Tehran to make it happen. “We’ll see what happens,” he said after he was asked about backing off the sanctions, adding that he does not desire “regime change” in Iran.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

One needn't be pro-Iranian to know Trump is in over his head.
Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities
The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal.

ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.

The Kenyan Pig provided re-fueling support and sold weaponry to aid the Saudi-led invasion of Yemen in 2015. That was then. Now Trump makes an end-run around Congress to provided additional weaponry and munitions to the Saudis. They're dropping US bombs in Yemen right now. Some would take that as evidence the US is to blame for the war in Yemen.

As to exceeding the uranium limits, the Breaker of Deals pretty much guaranteed that. He applied maximum-pressure sanctions in an attempt to force Iran to the negotiating table. Now, he's talking about reducing sanctions to lure Iran to the table. He's clueless.

There would be no war in Yemen if Iran were not supplying the Houthis with weapons and the Saudis are fighting to stop Iran's imperialist aggressions across the ME. Trump has not discussed easing any Iran sanctions. Pro Iranians like you and weak minder Europeans leaders are just expressing their hope he will in these reports.

President Donald Trump discussed easing sanctions on Iran to help secure a meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani later this month, prompting then-National Security Advisor John Bolton to argue forcefully against such a step, according to three people familiar with the matter.

After an Oval Office meeting on Monday when the idea came up, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin voiced his support for the move as a way to restart negotiations with Iran, some of the people said. Later in the day, Trump decided to oust Bolton, whose departure was announced Tuesday.

Trump told reporters at the White House that he’s “not looking at anything” with regard to a meeting with Rouhani, but indicated he may consider easing sanctions on Tehran to make it happen. “We’ll see what happens,” he said after he was asked about backing off the sanctions, adding that he does not desire “regime change” in Iran.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

One needn't be pro-Iranian to know Trump is in over his head.

An unsourced allegation from an extremely anti Trump source. You'd have to be pro Iranian or very, very stupid to imagine that Trump would ease sanctions before getting a deal with Iran. With each new report about how deeply the sanctions are hurting Iran, pro Iranians,anti Americans, including most Democrats, are panicked by the thought Iran may yield before the election, so you fantasize about an Iranian victory. The only thing that can save Iran or China is a Democrat in the WH.
Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities
The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal

ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.

Never believe a word Pompeo says. He’s a prolific liar.

IOW, you have nothing but trolling.

I thought you Donnie supporters wanted to empty the swamp. Pompeo is a swamp creature. Hence, he should be removed.
Does it make me an asshole that I don’t care whose responsible? Saudi Arabia is a foresaken land. Fuck them.
Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities
The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal

ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.

Never believe a word Pompeo says. He’s a prolific liar.

IOW, you have nothing but trolling.

I thought you Donnie supporters wanted to empty the swamp. Pompeo is a swamp creature. Hence, he should be removed.

Pompeo is a brilliant guy, a pragmatist and a very skilled politician. He may well become President after Trump.

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