POLL: Would you like to see race relations improve in America?

Would you like to see race relations improve in America?

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Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
I do, and I think it has to start with both ends of this issue (a) ending the screaming & finger-pointing and (b) honestly looking in the mirror and cleaning its own house first.

Those of us who really aren't on an "end" will need to do a better job of communicating and helping the ends find and work on areas of agreement and progress.

Please expand on your answer.

I'm not sure this is the right question.

The right question is HOW would you like to see race relations improve. Some might think blacks being in slavery is improved race relations.
It will never end! It is an industry for the left. Selling racial division and hatred! How can you possibly want to take livelihoods away?
I do, and I think it has to start with both ends of this issue (a) ending the screaming & finger-pointing and (b) honestly looking in the mirror and cleaning its own house first.

Those of us who really aren't on an "end" will need to do a better job of communicating and helping the ends find and work on areas of agreement and progress.

Please expand on your answer.


My actual vote is "yes", but I just like the word Mango.

Right now we have gone beyond bad race relations into bad everything relations. anyone not part of one's tribe is automatically suspect, and each tribe tries to jostle with the others for positions of power. The strange thing is these power fights, while for actual power, on the surface rely on the concept of which group has the LEAST power, at least according to the tribe themselves.

It's an exercise in doublethink.

To me race relations won't get better until people decide to not try to gain an advantage over others based on their race.
100% I do. I think first and foremost we need to not judge. If you ask me who I voted for and I said HRC you cannot come out and be like "YOU IDIOT". If I say I voted for DJT you cannot come out and be like "YOU RACIST". We need to respect one another's opinions. Disagreement is fine but disrespect is not.

Civility is needed on both sides.
Race relations will not improve until the PC crowd stops trying to make a buck over stirring the pot.
Did you see the Strzok hearing? There was no civility there between the GOP and Dem committee members and these are our elected representatives. They did not set an admirable example at all.
Yes, and the way it needs to start is with making English the Official language of the US Government and Society. We also need to create and enforce a Citizenship Code listing the Duties and Responsibilities of all citizens.
I'm not sure this is the right question.

The right question is HOW would you like to see race relations improve. Some might think blacks being in slavery is improved race relations.

I would think that would not be improvement, but elimination of race relations.
Would love to see it get better.

I think humans are pre-disposed to being with their own “type” or “class” or “sect” or “tribe” or whatever you wish to call it. If you go into a lunch room at a middle school, you’ll see kids sitting with people they identify with be it gender, race, etc… There is a comfort level that goes along with it.

One thing that gives me hope is the wonderful blending of the races that you see with people of all political stripes. When they have children, they do not think of themselves as Hispanic or White or Black or Asian or whatever… Eventually, the blended race persons will become a large enough group to have clout, ascend to positions where they can influence policy (both political and social) and the “stigma” (for want of a better term) that comes along with your race is removed.
Want to end racism?

Ignore leftist pseudo-intellectual sociopaths that use the concept of race to divide people.

Just to point something out also, lets say the world's richest professional clown really is as evil as libturds claim he is, (and these are the sorts of turds who follow Saul Alinsky, and he exalted satan for Christ's sake) and he manages to get all the laws repealed that liberal minorities, bed wetters and other loons insist are the only things keeping slavery from coming back.

Lets say some skin head dickheads open up restaurants and other businesses that are now allowed to deny service to blacks and others.

Do you believe they would last long, or would the building get burned down immediately?

Being a racist asshole is repulsive to most everyone I know. I do not know ANYONE who actually HATES minorities and considers themselves "superior". It's one thing to find other cultures less than appealing, or just not want to be around people far different than themselves. Actual HATE is something entirely different and is not tolerated in our society, except for liberal hate, which is quickly becoming less trendy.

the little white lie

‘And this is true of many of mixed race! For example Halle Berry
Want to end racism?

Ignore leftist pseudo-intellectual sociopaths that use the concept of race to divide people.

Just to point something out also, lets say the world's richest professional clown really is as evil as libturds claim he is, (and these are the sorts of turds who follow Saul Alinsky, and he exalted satan for Christ's sake) and he manages to get all the laws repealed that liberal minorities, bed wetters and other loons insist are the only things keeping slavery from coming back.

Lets say some skin head dickheads open up restaurants and other businesses that are now allowed to deny service to blacks and others.

Do you believe they would last long, or would the building get burned down immediately?

Being a racist asshole is repulsive to most everyone I know. I do not know ANYONE who actually HATES minorities and considers themselves "superior". It's one thing to find other cultures less than appealing, or just not want to be around people far different than themselves. Actual HATE is something entirely different and is not tolerated in our society, except for liberal hate, which is quickly becoming less trendy.

Anything the Right can do to clean its own house?
Want to end racism?

Ignore leftist pseudo-intellectual sociopaths that use the concept of race to divide people.

Just to point something out also, lets say the world's richest professional clown really is as evil as libturds claim he is, (and these are the sorts of turds who follow Saul Alinsky, and he exalted satan for Christ's sake) and he manages to get all the laws repealed that liberal minorities, bed wetters and other loons insist are the only things keeping slavery from coming back.

Lets say some skin head dickheads open up restaurants and other businesses that are now allowed to deny service to blacks and others.

Do you believe they would last long, or would the building get burned down immediately?

Being a racist asshole is repulsive to most everyone I know. I do not know ANYONE who actually HATES minorities and considers themselves "superior". It's one thing to find other cultures less than appealing, or just not want to be around people far different than themselves. Actual HATE is something entirely different and is not tolerated in our society, except for liberal hate, which is quickly becoming less trendy.

Anything the Right can do to clean its own house?
Lol. I knew where this was going! It never fails!

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