
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SeekingIntelligentSolutions

Hello, to my peaceful, caring, reasonably responsible American and foreign born neighbors genuinely concerned about the emotional well being and physical health of all our Nation's people.

I recognize potentially life scarring Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment affects kids residing in EVERY American community and neighborhood.

HOWEVER, I cannot and WILL NOT ignore the FACT that for more than thirty years significant numbers of American recording artists and American urban story-TRUTH-tellers raised, nurtured and socialized by black or American teen girls and women of African descent, aka the maternal half of our Nation's population, have been composing music art HATEFULLY demeaning and denigrating as less than human *itches and *hores, "hoes" or 't.h.o.t.s' undeserving of being treated with basic human respect, our Nation's population of black or American girls and women of African descent.


I cannot and WILL NOT ignore the FACT that for more than thirty years significant numbers of American urban story-TRUTH-tellers, including most all of the popular American recording artists President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and First Lady Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama invited to their children's and Nation's home...

...have been composing, performing and promoting American music art vividly describing the VIOLENT, SUIC*DAL, HOMIC*DAL 'people and community harming behaviors' they actively participated in, or witnessed other emotionally ill American citizens engaging in (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic*de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)



I am referring violent, suic!dal, homic!dal, 'anti-social people and community harming behaviors' that on a daily basis I witnessed or became aware during the near-twelve years I was a uniform cop, robbery and death investigator serving YOUNG 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn 'Jay-Z' Carter's and Christopher 'Biggie Smalls' Wallace's Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods.


Respectfully, I have a few questions for my peaceful, reasonably responsible American and foreign born neighbor GENUINELY concerned about the emotional well being and physical health of all our Nation's people:

IN ALL SERIOUSNESS who is raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns, maturing into apparent emotionally ill, VIOLENT, SUIC!DAL, HOMIC!DAL teen and adult "gang-bangers and thugs" the late social activist Ms. Sandra Bland correctly asserts are unnecessarily causing COMMUNITY FEAR and VIOLENCE, as well as TERRORIZING, gunning down, killing American Babies and Elders, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers or family relatives of African descent?


(*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)

Who is failing to responsibly raise, nurture and socialize a significant population of perfectly healthy American newborns maturing into angry, frustrated, sometimes violent, sometimes suicidal teen and adult American citizens largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors?

Who are the American moms apparently experiencing some type of emotional or mental illness preventing them from embracing a mom's natural maternal urge to protect hers, as well as any child from experiencing emotional harm...

...as well as failing to recognize an established medical fact that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well being of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets, will most likely result with a fairly or wonderfully happy child maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and adult citizen caring about their own well being, (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) as well as embracing compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful and less fortunate neighbors!


Homicidal Suicidal Man Walking Daughter Threatened With Violence By Rival Gang Member

In my opinion, the APPARENT 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims appearing in these recordings UNKNOWINGLY are providing a disturbing symbol for America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment evolving from America’s oppressive, multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Sadly, each of the apparent emotionally or mentally ill suicidal/homicidal thinking Americans (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) appearing in these horrifying recordings are exhibiting self, people and community harming behaviors that I, as well as a growing number of my responsible, caring American neighbors believe are impeding our responsible, peaceful black or American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent from fully experiencing the respect and equality all peaceful Americans have a right to enjoy.
I write about and share evidence of America’s MUCH IGNORED, oppressive, potentially life scarring black or African American *MATERNAL CHILD CARE* #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS that I, as well as a growing number of my reasonably responsible, caring, concerned American and foreign born neighbors believe is impeding our black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy.

The late 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim Tupac Shakur's T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment concept applies to American and foreign born citizens of ALL backgrounds:

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur

“We need more people who care; you know what I’m saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that…” ~Tupac Shakur, American urban story-TRUTH-teller

Unfortunately, before he developed the confidence to properly promote his #THUGLIFE Child Abuse *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* concept, Tupac was brutally murdered by OTHER emotionally or mentally ill victims (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) of America's Culture of African American Child Abuse, Neglect and Emotional Maltreatment evolving from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Much like Tupac I’m sorry to pick on moms, though since ancient times they are the primary caregivers we look to keep our young minds feeling SAFE, protected, cared for and loved right from our start.
I look forward to reading your reply, with hopes of intelligently discussing SOLUTIONS for PREVENTING large numbers of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets from experiencing, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!


American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations


Now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

EYE-OPENING knowledge Oprah exuberantly confirms is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey 'Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"


Medical doctors Harris, Ross and Dietz offer insights into how our Early Childhood Development plays a key role in determining the type of individual we mature into
"How 'Childhood Trauma' (ACEs) affects health across a lifetime" - Pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.

Dr. Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, addressed inmates at Ironwood State Prison offering a compelling overview of the role that exposure to *Childhood Trauma* plays in the lives of *Emotionally Troubled* and chronically ill American teens and ADULTS.

Speaking with Mafia hit-man and victim of Early Criminal Childhood Trauma/Abuse Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski, Dr. Park Dietz explains why Richard most likely developed into a emotionally disturbed, paranoid, cruel, heartless teen and man largely incapable of embracing the human capacity for compassion, empathy or respect for his peaceful or less fortunate neighbors.

Black Children Exposed to Violence



American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
Anyone who uses more than three fonts in a document is clearly insane.
Your OP is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long. Nobody has the time or inclination to read it all. Try again.
When I was interviewing welfare recipients in the 1970's, there was a noticeable lack of attention by Black women to their infants compared with White and Hispanic women. In many cases, the infants were left in car seats in dark smoky rooms with loud music playing.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SeekingIntelligentSolutions

Hello, to my peaceful, caring, reasonably responsible American and foreign born neighbors genuinely concerned about the emotional well being and physical health of all our Nation's people.

I recognize potentially life scarring Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment affects kids residing in EVERY American community and neighborhood.

HOWEVER, I cannot and WILL NOT ignore the FACT that for more than thirty years significant numbers of American recording artists and American urban story-TRUTH-tellers raised, nurtured and socialized by black or American teen girls and women of African descent, aka the maternal half of our Nation's population, have been composing music art HATEFULLY demeaning and denigrating as less than human *itches and *hores, "hoes" or 't.h.o.t.s' undeserving of being treated with basic human respect, our Nation's population of black or American girls and women of African descent.


I cannot and WILL NOT ignore the FACT that for more than thirty years significant numbers of American urban story-TRUTH-tellers, including most all of the popular American recording artists President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and First Lady Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama invited to their children's and Nation's home...

...have been composing, performing and promoting American music art vividly describing the VIOLENT, SUIC*DAL, HOMIC*DAL 'people and community harming behaviors' they actively participated in, or witnessed other emotionally ill American citizens engaging in (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic*de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)



I am referring violent, suic!dal, homic!dal, 'anti-social people and community harming behaviors' that on a daily basis I witnessed or became aware during the near-twelve years I was a uniform cop, robbery and death investigator serving YOUNG 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn 'Jay-Z' Carter's and Christopher 'Biggie Smalls' Wallace's Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods.


Respectfully, I have a few questions for my peaceful, reasonably responsible American and foreign born neighbor GENUINELY concerned about the emotional well being and physical health of all our Nation's people:

IN ALL SERIOUSNESS who is raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns, maturing into apparent emotionally ill, VIOLENT, SUIC!DAL, HOMIC!DAL teen and adult "gang-bangers and thugs" the late social activist Ms. Sandra Bland correctly asserts are unnecessarily causing COMMUNITY FEAR and VIOLENCE, as well as TERRORIZING, gunning down, killing American Babies and Elders, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers or family relatives of African descent?


(*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)

Who is failing to responsibly raise, nurture and socialize a significant population of perfectly healthy American newborns maturing into angry, frustrated, sometimes violent, sometimes suicidal teen and adult American citizens largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors?

Who are the American moms apparently experiencing some type of emotional or mental illness preventing them from embracing a mom's natural maternal urge to protect hers, as well as any child from experiencing emotional harm...

...as well as failing to recognize an established medical fact that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well being of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets, will most likely result with a fairly or wonderfully happy child maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and adult citizen caring about their own well being, (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) as well as embracing compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful and less fortunate neighbors!


Homicidal Suicidal Man Walking Daughter Threatened With Violence By Rival Gang Member

In my opinion, the APPARENT 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims appearing in these recordings UNKNOWINGLY are providing a disturbing symbol for America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment evolving from America’s oppressive, multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Sadly, each of the apparent emotionally or mentally ill suicidal/homicidal thinking Americans (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) appearing in these horrifying recordings are exhibiting self, people and community harming behaviors that I, as well as a growing number of my responsible, caring American neighbors believe are impeding our responsible, peaceful black or American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent from fully experiencing the respect and equality all peaceful Americans have a right to enjoy.
I write about and share evidence of America’s MUCH IGNORED, oppressive, potentially life scarring black or African American *MATERNAL CHILD CARE* #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS that I, as well as a growing number of my reasonably responsible, caring, concerned American and foreign born neighbors believe is impeding our black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy.

The late 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim Tupac Shakur's T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment concept applies to American and foreign born citizens of ALL backgrounds:

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur

“We need more people who care; you know what I’m saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that…” ~Tupac Shakur, American urban story-TRUTH-teller

Unfortunately, before he developed the confidence to properly promote his #THUGLIFE Child Abuse *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* concept, Tupac was brutally murdered by OTHER emotionally or mentally ill victims (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) of America's Culture of African American Child Abuse, Neglect and Emotional Maltreatment evolving from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Much like Tupac I’m sorry to pick on moms, though since ancient times they are the primary caregivers we look to keep our young minds feeling SAFE, protected, cared for and loved right from our start.
I look forward to reading your reply, with hopes of intelligently discussing SOLUTIONS for PREVENTING large numbers of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets from experiencing, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!


American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Interesting. What do you attribute the sharp rise in suicide among middle aged white males to? According to recent surveys, it is at all time high.
Your OP is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long. Nobody has the time or inclination to read it all. Try again.
That Partial new clip was well written, but it is true that the Black kids have very bad ideas about the world and grow up without a father figure. But they copy what they see and hear. I grew up in a black part of town and all we saw back then was the music makers, hookers, gamblers, the school teachers were the best for they cared, sometime the Deputies would befriend you, some you stayed away from (bad guys) somehow some of us did OK. Today most of what you see are the ones who have positions that are not really attainable to the general person. The are not exposed to great jobs that they could get with a education. It a problem only the people can solve without the Feds getting involved. It seems the gov just keeps the black down.
Interesting. What do you attribute the sharp rise in suicide among middle aged white males to? According to recent surveys, it is at all time high.

Hello, katsteve. Frankly I encourage you to create a discussion about issues you believe are harming or impacting our American neighbor's Quality of Life.

Currently, I am focused on finding SOLUTIONS for improving the Quality of Life for black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent who, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, are irresponsibly introduced to a potentially life scarring child and teen upbringing depriving them of experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood that all Americans have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to enjoy during a critical period of human childhood development.

katsteve, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"



American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations
Interesting. What do you attribute the sharp rise in suicide among middle aged white males to? According to recent surveys, it is at all time high.

Hello, katsteve. Frankly I encourage you to create a discussion about issues you believe are harming or impacting our American neighbor's Quality of Life.

Currently, I am focused on finding SOLUTIONS for improving the Quality of Life for black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent who, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, are irresponsibly introduced to a potentially life scarring child and teen upbringing depriving them of experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood that all Americans have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to enjoy during a critical period of human childhood development.

katsteve, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"



American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

You are not trying to find solutions. You are increasing the problem with your validation of what these white racists think about us. Katsteve asked you a fair question and you avoid it. Just like you avoid a discussion about the psychological impact of racism on blacks which would take you to a better understanding of whatever behaviors you claim exist. Because at 14.5 out of 1,000, you ignore the 985 children per 1,000 who are not abused and face living in a racist system. 98 percent of all black children do not face what you say. So what do you do to reduce this? You look at the psychological causes that create abuses. Talking about rappers and Tupac is not the answer, Racism is a trauma black children face and they face it at young ages. So as long as you ignore this and talk stupid, you present no solutions or do you seek them.
Last edited:
Interesting. What do you attribute the sharp rise in suicide among middle aged white males to? According to recent surveys, it is at all time high.

Hello, katsteve. Frankly I encourage you to create a discussion about issues you believe are harming or impacting our American neighbor's Quality of Life.

Currently, I am focused on finding SOLUTIONS for improving the Quality of Life for black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent who, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, are irresponsibly introduced to a potentially life scarring child and teen upbringing depriving them of experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood that all Americans have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to enjoy during a critical period of human childhood development.

katsteve, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"



American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

You are not trying to find solutions. You are increasing the problem with your validation of what these white racists think about us. Katsteve asked you a fair question and you avoid it. Just like you avoid a discussion about the psychological impact of racism on blacks which would take you to a better understanding of whatever behaviors you claim exist. Because at 14.5 out of 1,000, you ignore the 985 children per 1,000 who are not abused and face living in a racist system. 98 percent of all black children do not face what you say. So what do you do to reduce this? You look at the psychological causes that create abuses. Talking about rappers and Tupac is not the answer, Racism is a trauma black children face and they face it at young ages. So as long as you ignore this and talk stupid, you present no solutions or do you seek them.

"Frankly", I am involved in helping people who are troubled.

For over 10 years I have sat on the board of directors for a non profit organization in California by the name of Immanual House, which specializes at finding shelter, jobs and life stability through a second chance for people who need it.

Feel free to look it up.

Now, back to my question. If your concern is for ALL Americans, based on your opening statement of:

"Hello, to my peaceful, caring, reasonably responsible American and foreign born neighbors genuinely concerned about the emotional well being and physical health of all our Nation's people."

End Quote.

And then you start your post with SUICIDE being of great concern and identified a spike in suicide rates among young black people, why would you ignore the statistics at the bottom of this response?

They are far more alarming:

Facts About Suicide in the US

  • The annual age-adjusted suicide rate is 13.42 per 100,000individuals.
  • Men die by suicide 3.53x more often than women.
  • On average, there are 123 suicides per day.
  • White males accounted for 7 of 10 suicides in 2016.
  • Firearms account for 51% of all suicides in 2016.
  • The rate of suicide is highest in middle age — white men in particular.
I get the impression that you have an ulterior motive. Played out by linking rappers(which in general I do not care for), and a small percentage of a relatively small population of people who are born into poverty and broken homes to a much larger problem in society in general.

What is it that you are trying to say exactly?

When I read past the colorful graphics and pictures in your posts, it appears that there is a negative imagery of black youth that you are attempting to convey.....subliminally.

Last edited:
how could the MSM not call out Obama on his love of JayZ?????!!!!!!!!
THAT is what's bad for America
...instead of denouncing JayZ for his anti-American/anti-civlized/etc songs, Obama says JayZ is his favorite!!!!!!!
..if Trump so much as sneezes, the MSM calls him the DEVIL!!!!!!!
Interesting. What do you attribute the sharp rise in suicide among middle aged white males to? According to recent surveys, it is at all time high.

Hello, katsteve. Frankly I encourage you to create a discussion about issues you believe are harming or impacting our American neighbor's Quality of Life.

Currently, I am focused on finding SOLUTIONS for improving the Quality of Life for black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent who, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, are irresponsibly introduced to a potentially life scarring child and teen upbringing depriving them of experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood that all Americans have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to enjoy during a critical period of human childhood development.

katsteve, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"



American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

I would have liked having a childhood like that, but I just was not born to a family who pampered me like that and the guys in the Hood never treated me with any respect and I got beat up a lot. So where this place is only the rich can live there. I got respect when I started "Hurting" the Bullys and they got my message. Now no one screws with me and break my rules. MY RULES: You will not hit push or threaten me. You will not verbaly attack me, you will not pull a gun on me, you will also not threaten my family and in return I will do the same for you. (I got the rule from a John Wayne film.) a white guy. I should add you will never kill or injure my dog.
Interesting. What do you attribute the sharp rise in suicide among middle aged white males to? According to recent surveys, it is at all time high.

Hello, katsteve. Frankly I encourage you to create a discussion about issues you believe are harming or impacting our American neighbor's Quality of Life.

Currently, I am focused on finding SOLUTIONS for improving the Quality of Life for black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent who, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, are irresponsibly introduced to a potentially life scarring child and teen upbringing depriving them of experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood that all Americans have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to enjoy during a critical period of human childhood development.

katsteve, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"



American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

You are not trying to find solutions. You are increasing the problem with your validation of what these white racists think about us. Katsteve asked you a fair question and you avoid it. Just like you avoid a discussion about the psychological impact of racism on blacks which would take you to a better understanding of whatever behaviors you claim exist. Because at 14.5 out of 1,000, you ignore the 985 children per 1,000 who are not abused and face living in a racist system. 98 percent of all black children do not face what you say. So what do you do to reduce this? You look at the psychological causes that create abuses. Talking about rappers and Tupac is not the answer, Racism is a trauma black children face and they face it at young ages. So as long as you ignore this and talk stupid, you present no solutions or do you seek them.

"Frankly", I am involved in helping people who are troubled.

For over 10 years I have sat on the board of directors for a non profit organization in California by the name of Immanual House, which specializes at finding shelter, jobs and life stability through a second chance for people who need it.

Feel free to look it up.

Now, back to my question. If your concern is for ALL Americans, based on your opening statement of:

"Hello, to my peaceful, caring, reasonably responsible American and foreign born neighbors genuinely concerned about the emotional well being and physical health of all our Nation's people."

End Quote.

And then you start your post with SUICIDE being of great concern and identified a spike in suicide rates among young black people, why would you ignore the statistics at the bottom of this response?

They are far more alarming:

Facts About Suicide in the US

  • The annual age-adjusted suicide rate is 13.42 per 100,000individuals.
  • Men die by suicide 3.53x more often than women.
  • On average, there are 123 suicides per day.
  • White males accounted for 7 of 10 suicides in 2016.
  • Firearms account for 51% of all suicides in 2016.
  • The rate of suicide is highest in middle age — white men in particular.
I get the impression that you have an ulterior motive. Played out by linking rappers(which in general I do not care for), and a small percentage of a relatively small population of people who are born into poverty and broken homes to a much larger problem in society in general.

What is it that you are trying to say exactly?

When I read past the colorful graphics and pictures in your posts, it appears that there is a negative imagery of black youth that you are attempting to convey.....subliminally.


Hello, katsteve. You wrote, "For over 10 years I have sat on the board of directors for a non profit organization in California by the name of Immanual House, which specializes at finding shelter, jobs and life stability through a second chance for people who need it."

In the 80s-90s I spent near-twelve years of my life as an overworked uniform cop, robbery and homicide investigator serving young "Childhood Trauma" (#ACEs) victims Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter's and the late Christopher "Biggie Smalls" Wallace's Brooklyn, NY, neighborhoods.

During these 12 years on a DAILY basis I spoke with, interviewed or interrogated innocent (or not-so-innocent) fellow American citizens emotionally and/or physically harmed by the 'people and community harming anti-social behaviors' Biggie, as well as President Obama's friend Shawn Carter gleefully rap about.

Regarding suicidal people.

katsteve, do the people appearing in the five videos I shared in my OP, are speaking about engaging in suicidal, as well as homicidal 'people and community harming behaviors'?





Now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

EYE-OPENING knowledge Oprah exuberantly confirms is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey 'Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"


Medical doctors Harris, Ross and Dietz offer insights into how our Early Childhood Development plays a key role in determining the type of individual we mature into
"How 'Childhood Trauma' (ACEs) affects health across a lifetime" - Pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.

Dr. Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, addressed inmates at Ironwood State Prison offering a compelling overview of the role that exposure to *Childhood Trauma* plays in the lives of *Emotionally Troubled* and chronically ill American teens and ADULTS.

Speaking with Mafia hit-man and victim of Early Criminal Childhood Trauma/Abuse Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski, Dr. Park Dietz explains why Richard most likely developed into a emotionally disturbed, paranoid, cruel, heartless teen and man largely incapable of embracing the human capacity for compassion, empathy or respect for his peaceful or less fortunate neighbors.

Black Children Exposed to Violence



American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

So far the writer has praised every George Soros Org on my info list so he or she must be a Troll of some sort for a Progressive org,.


Now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

EYE-OPENING knowledge Oprah exuberantly confirms is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey 'Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"


Medical doctors Harris, Ross and Dietz offer insights into how our Early Childhood Development plays a key role in determining the type of individual we mature into
"How 'Childhood Trauma' (ACEs) affects health across a lifetime" - Pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.

Dr. Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, addressed inmates at Ironwood State Prison offering a compelling overview of the role that exposure to *Childhood Trauma* plays in the lives of *Emotionally Troubled* and chronically ill American teens and ADULTS.

Speaking with Mafia hit-man and victim of Early Criminal Childhood Trauma/Abuse Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski, Dr. Park Dietz explains why Richard most likely developed into a emotionally disturbed, paranoid, cruel, heartless teen and man largely incapable of embracing the human capacity for compassion, empathy or respect for his peaceful or less fortunate neighbors.

Black Children Exposed to Violence



American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

So far the writer has praised every George Soros Org on my info list so he or she must be a Troll of some sort for a Progressive org,.

Hello, Dan. WHO is the writer you mention?

Interesting. What do you attribute the sharp rise in suicide among middle aged white males to? According to recent surveys, it is at all time high.

Hello, katsteve. Frankly I encourage you to create a discussion about issues you believe are harming or impacting our American neighbor's Quality of Life.

Currently, I am focused on finding SOLUTIONS for improving the Quality of Life for black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent who, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, are irresponsibly introduced to a potentially life scarring child and teen upbringing depriving them of experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood that all Americans have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to enjoy during a critical period of human childhood development.

katsteve, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"



American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

You are not trying to find solutions. You are increasing the problem with your validation of what these white racists think about us. Katsteve asked you a fair question and you avoid it. Just like you avoid a discussion about the psychological impact of racism on blacks which would take you to a better understanding of whatever behaviors you claim exist. Because at 14.5 out of 1,000, you ignore the 985 children per 1,000 who are not abused and face living in a racist system. 98 percent of all black children do not face what you say. So what do you do to reduce this? You look at the psychological causes that create abuses. Talking about rappers and Tupac is not the answer, Racism is a trauma black children face and they face it at young ages. So as long as you ignore this and talk stupid, you present no solutions or do you seek them.

"Frankly", I am involved in helping people who are troubled.

For over 10 years I have sat on the board of directors for a non profit organization in California by the name of Immanual House, which specializes at finding shelter, jobs and life stability through a second chance for people who need it.

Feel free to look it up.

Now, back to my question. If your concern is for ALL Americans, based on your opening statement of:

"Hello, to my peaceful, caring, reasonably responsible American and foreign born neighbors genuinely concerned about the emotional well being and physical health of all our Nation's people."

End Quote.

And then you start your post with SUICIDE being of great concern and identified a spike in suicide rates among young black people, why would you ignore the statistics at the bottom of this response?

They are far more alarming:

Facts About Suicide in the US

  • The annual age-adjusted suicide rate is 13.42 per 100,000individuals.
  • Men die by suicide 3.53x more often than women.
  • On average, there are 123 suicides per day.
  • White males accounted for 7 of 10 suicides in 2016.
  • Firearms account for 51% of all suicides in 2016.
  • The rate of suicide is highest in middle age — white men in particular.
I get the impression that you have an ulterior motive. Played out by linking rappers(which in general I do not care for), and a small percentage of a relatively small population of people who are born into poverty and broken homes to a much larger problem in society in general.

What is it that you are trying to say exactly?

When I read past the colorful graphics and pictures in your posts, it appears that there is a negative imagery of black youth that you are attempting to convey.....subliminally.


Hello, katsteve. You wrote, "For over 10 years I have sat on the board of directors for a non profit organization in California by the name of Immanual House, which specializes at finding shelter, jobs and life stability through a second chance for people who need it."

In the 80s-90s I spent near-twelve years of my life as an overworked uniform cop, robbery and homicide investigator serving young "Childhood Trauma" (#ACEs) victims Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter's and the late Christopher "Biggie Smalls" Wallace's Brooklyn, NY, neighborhoods.

During these 12 years on a DAILY basis I spoke with, interviewed or interrogated innocent (or not-so-innocent) fellow American citizens emotionally and/or physically harmed by the 'people and community harming anti-social behaviors' Biggie, as well as President Obama's friend Shawn Carter gleefully rap about.

Regarding suicidal people.

katsteve, do the people appearing in the five videos I shared in my OP, are speaking about engaging in suicidal, as well as homicidal 'people and community harming behaviors'?




I worked in the ME s office as a Evidence Deputy (on loan) and found so many of the blacks who were the victim of the street thugs that I had a new outlook of the war on the citizens. Its has more than likely gotten worst in the past 22 years and it is not going to get better until the people rise up and take the streets back from the Drug Thugs, the Cops alone are not able to do it.
Interesting. What do you attribute the sharp rise in suicide among middle aged white males to? According to recent surveys, it is at all time high.

Hello, katsteve. Frankly I encourage you to create a discussion about issues you believe are harming or impacting our American neighbor's Quality of Life.

Currently, I am focused on finding SOLUTIONS for improving the Quality of Life for black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent who, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, are irresponsibly introduced to a potentially life scarring child and teen upbringing depriving them of experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood that all Americans have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to enjoy during a critical period of human childhood development.

katsteve, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"



American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

You are not trying to find solutions. You are increasing the problem with your validation of what these white racists think about us. Katsteve asked you a fair question and you avoid it. Just like you avoid a discussion about the psychological impact of racism on blacks which would take you to a better understanding of whatever behaviors you claim exist. Because at 14.5 out of 1,000, you ignore the 985 children per 1,000 who are not abused and face living in a racist system. 98 percent of all black children do not face what you say. So what do you do to reduce this? You look at the psychological causes that create abuses. Talking about rappers and Tupac is not the answer, Racism is a trauma black children face and they face it at young ages. So as long as you ignore this and talk stupid, you present no solutions or do you seek them.

IM2, you wrote, "You are not trying to find solutions. You are increasing the problem with your validation of what these white racists think about us."

IM2, please be more specific by informing me, as well as your readers WHO is the "us" you are referring to?
IM2, is Racism, the concept of 'White Supremacy' responsible for "PRO BLACK" minded American citizens LOUDLY, HATEFULLY & ILLOGICALLY denigrating as "C**NS, SELL-OUTS, and UNCLE TOMS" our responsible, accomplished, successful black or American friends, neighbors & co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness?

Respectfully, I'd like to invite my caring, RESPONSIBLE, reasonably well-adjusted American and foreign born neighbors to witness these apparent caring fellow citizens share their thoughts and concerns...

...AND then consider WHO are the black or American citizens of African descent LOUDLY declaring Racism or the concept of 'white supremacy' is impeding black American citizens of African descent from achieving equality and success?

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

YouTube Search Terms: Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll


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IM2, replying to AveryJarhman you wrote, "Because at 14.5 out of 1,000, you ignore the 985 children per 1,000 who are not abused and face living in a racist system."


IM2, during a now-deleted November 2016 live conversation with 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) and sexual abuse victim Tommy Sotomayor, Dr. Oya Maat, Ph.D revealed Tommy shared with his viewers information about Child Abuse she was not aware of.

IM2, focusing on the information Dr. Maat revealed about black or American of moms of African descent being the highest number of cases of reported Child Abusers, are you sad, disappointed and perhaps angry that just SIX PERCENT of America's population is responsible for our Nation's highest numbers of reported Child Abuse?

YouTube search terms: 'Dr Oya Maat Tommy Sotomayor CHILD ABUSE'

YouTube search terms: "Black women are destroying themselves and black men" ~BlacksUnited - Alexis Erika Published on Mar 7, 2014


"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri



"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community


"How black Women sabotage their sons" ~~Law of Polaris -North Star-

How black Women sabotage their sons

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost Killed Me" • r/mentalhealth

If you watch both Polaris Law video broadcasts and do not want to offer him a hug or hand shake, accompanied by kind words praising, as well as thanking Polaris for showing his strength and imparting his hard earned wisdom, you may need to take a long look in the mirror.


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No Avery, you go study the psychological impact of racism on blacks.
Just like you avoid a discussion about the psychological impact of racism on blacks which would take you to a better understanding of whatever behaviors you claim exist.

IM2. Sadly, again I question your reading comprehesion skills in that I DID INDEED offer to discuss the writings of author Alisha Gray, the single mom who's writing about racism and mental health you asked me to review.

Here's is PROOF I did not avoid the discussion you claim I avoided.

Can Whites trust Blacks?



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