Poll: Percent of Christians drop, those identifying as "none" soars

History Travel Arts Science People Places Smithsonian

Religious Tolerance
The idea that the United States has always been a bastion of religious freedom is reassuring—and utterly at odds with the historical record
and yet, despite this claim the US is still a nation in which Protestants and Catholics and Jews, as well as Mormons and Muslims, and Buddhists and even the despicable atheists continue to thrive.......
History Travel Arts Science People Places Smithsonian

Religious Tolerance
The idea that the United States has always been a bastion of religious freedom is reassuring—and utterly at odds with the historical record
and yet, despite this claim the US is still a nation in which Protestants and Catholics and Jews, as well as Mormons and Muslims, and Buddhists and even the despicable atheists continue to thrive.......
Hollie is a hater, and like many haters, hates being told she is wrong.

The Constitution protects her from religionists as well as religionists from her.

The second part of the above paragraph is what she hates.
I just saw this chart which is really good.

Organized religion can be dangerous to civil liberties, yes, but "faith" is not organized religion.
Organized religion can be dangerous to civil liberties, yes, but "faith" is not organized religion.
Although, you faithful types tend to coalesce into sects and subdivisions (often hostile to the competing sects and subdivisions), which tend to seek ways to manipulate government to promote the goals of the sect.

Let's collectively thank all the gawds that we're protected by constitutional fiat from you lovely folks.
Organized religion can be dangerous to civil liberties, yes, but "faith" is not organized religion.
Although, you faithful types tend to coalesce into sects and subdivisions (often hostile to the competing sects and subdivisions), which tend to seek ways to manipulate government to promote the goals of the sect.
I have seen evidence of that......things like arguing that killing unborn children is a constitutional right.......or that marriage actually means joining between two people of the same sex.....its amazing what some hostile sects are willing to manipulate the government into doing....
Organized religion can be dangerous to civil liberties, yes, but "faith" is not organized religion.
Although, you faithful types tend to coalesce into sects and subdivisions (often hostile to the competing sects and subdivisions), which tend to seek ways to manipulate government to promote the goals of the sect.
I have seen evidence of that......things like arguing that killing unborn children is a constitutional right.......or that marriage actually means joining between two people of the same sex.....its amazing what some hostile sects are willing to manipulate the government into doing....
That is why we have the 1st Amendment and separation of church and state.
Organized religion can be dangerous to civil liberties, yes, but "faith" is not organized religion.
Although, you faithful types tend to coalesce into sects and subdivisions (often hostile to the competing sects and subdivisions), which tend to seek ways to manipulate government to promote the goals of the sect.
Organized religion can be dangerous to civil liberties, yes, but "faith" is not organized religion.
Although, you faithful types tend to coalesce into sects and subdivisions (often hostile to the competing sects and subdivisions), which tend to seek ways to manipulate government to promote the goals of the sect.
I have seen evidence of that......things like arguing that killing unborn children is a constitutional right.......or that marriage actually means joining between two people of the same sex.....its amazing what some hostile sects are willing to manipulate the government into doing....
Thank the gawds that Western society is free from the burden of you christian Taliban.
Christians drop nones soar in new religion portrait

Christianity still dominates American religious identity (70%), but the survey shows dramatic shifts as more people move out the doors of denominations, shedding spiritual connections along the way.
Atheists and agnostics have nearly doubled their share of the religious marketplace, and overall indifference to religion of any sort is rising as well. Only the historically black Protestant churches have held a steady grip through the years of change.

The shrinking numbers of Christians and their loss of market share is the most significant change since 2007 (when Pew did its first U.S. Religious Landscape survey) and the new, equally massive survey of 35,000 U.S. adults.
The percentage of people who describe themselves as Christians fell about 8 points — from 78.4% to 70.6%. This includes people in virtually all demographic groups, whether they are "nearing retirement or just entering adulthood, married or single, living in the West or the Bible Belt," according to the survey report
The "nones" — Americans who are unaffiliated with brand-name religion — are the new major force in American faith. And they are more secular in outlook — and "more comfortable admitting it" than ever before

Nones," at 22.8% of the U.S. (up from 16% just eight years ago) run second only to evangelicals (25.4%) and ahead of Catholics (20.8%) in religious market share.
Funny how there are many other studies that say the opposite,but what the heck.What the rather shallow and not very scientific poll failed to include,when they just used general population number ,and they used 5 mil as thier numbers,The number of Middle eastern and other areas of the globe that are not christian,that have immigrated here in the years outlined by the poll,where not counted failed data failed study

Organized religion can be dangerous to civil liberties, yes, but "faith" is not organized religion.
Although, you faithful types tend to coalesce into sects and subdivisions (often hostile to the competing sects and subdivisions), which tend to seek ways to manipulate government to promote the goals of the sect.
Organized religion can be dangerous to civil liberties, yes, but "faith" is not organized religion.
Although, you faithful types tend to coalesce into sects and subdivisions (often hostile to the competing sects and subdivisions), which tend to seek ways to manipulate government to promote the goals of the sect.
I have seen evidence of that......things like arguing that killing unborn children is a constitutional right.......or that marriage actually means joining between two people of the same sex.....its amazing what some hostile sects are willing to manipulate the government into doing....
Thank the gawds that Western society is free from the burden of you christian Taliban.
it should protect unborn children from the liberal Taliban......
Organized religion can be dangerous to civil liberties, yes, but "faith" is not organized religion.
Although, you faithful types tend to coalesce into sects and subdivisions (often hostile to the competing sects and subdivisions), which tend to seek ways to manipulate government to promote the goals of the sect.
Organized religion can be dangerous to civil liberties, yes, but "faith" is not organized religion.
Although, you faithful types tend to coalesce into sects and subdivisions (often hostile to the competing sects and subdivisions), which tend to seek ways to manipulate government to promote the goals of the sect.
I have seen evidence of that......things like arguing that killing unborn children is a constitutional right.......or that marriage actually means joining between two people of the same sex.....its amazing what some hostile sects are willing to manipulate the government into doing....
Thank the gawds that Western society is free from the burden of you christian Taliban.
it should protect unborn children from the liberal Taliban......
Take that up with your Christian Taliban militia.
Says pointless, Hollie. You and Where R My Keys are the same type of non-thinking fundies.
Says pointless, Hollie. You and Where R My Keys are the same type of non-thinking fundies.
I understand you're angry. Your arguments have been dismantled, your incensed that Christianity is fading as is the influence of the extremist, fundie right and that results in your flailing around like a petulant child.
Hollie, you are the one angered and crazed and unable to answer why you are a fundy. That is in your head and such a strange wonderland it must be.
Hollie, you are the one angered and crazed and unable to answer why you are a fundy. That is in your head and such a strange wonderland it must be.
Some reflection on your part is in order, here. Your religion is fading and you zealots need to stop making excuses for your inadequacies.

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