Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

From the article that you probably didn't even read: The American Health Care Act of 2017 (H.R. 1628) often shortened to the AHCA, or nicknamed Trumpcare, is a United States Congress bill to partially repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA),
Yes, I know.

"Partially repeal"

"Persons with healthcare insurance coverage would be reduced by 14 million in 2018, 21 million in 2020, and 24 million in 2026 relative to current law."

Trump's promise: "“We’re going to have insurance for everybody. We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.”

Again, thanks.

Yeah, kind of like every family will see a reduction of their premiums by $2,000 a year. If you want your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.

If Trump and the Republicans lied, at least it didn't cost us a trillion dollars or so.
From the article that you probably didn't even read: The American Health Care Act of 2017 (H.R. 1628) often shortened to the AHCA, or nicknamed Trumpcare, is a United States Congress bill to partially repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA),
Yes, I know.

"Partially repeal"

"Persons with healthcare insurance coverage would be reduced by 14 million in 2018, 21 million in 2020, and 24 million in 2026 relative to current law."

Trump's promise: "“We’re going to have insurance for everybody. We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.”

Again, thanks.

Yeah, kind of like every family will see a reduction of their premiums by $2,000 a year. If you want your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.

If Trump and the Republicans lied, at least it didn't cost us a trillion dollars or so.
Just pointing out facts.

The GOP dropped the ball big time. Point the finger at the other guy all you want.

If we end up with Single Payer, which I don't want, the GOP will be partially to blame.
Now look at those countries that have healthcare paid by the government. How much is the individual income tax? The lowest is 45% the highest is 62%. Now compare that to the U.S.

Meaningless. If I paid what I paid in insurance as taxes, my tax would be up in the 50% range, too.

Next look at things like health costs. Medication cost are higher in the U.S. Because of strenuous testing standards. Look at Talcum powder and its link to ovarian cancer. What was the eventual settlement? What is a wrongful death lawsuit worth in the U.S. compared to those other countries which limit the amount?

Those other countries can limit the amount because lifetime healthcare is already guaranteed. As opposed to the US, where you have to get a seven figure settlement to cover lifetime medical needs.

Compare the cost of education. Compare the cost of running a hospital, ambulance service etc. compared to other countries.

Consider that a doctor often orders more tests just to cya because if they make a wrong diagnosis and are sued their cost of malpractice insurance goes up.

Um, guy, first, I want my doctor doing all the tests to make sure he doesn't miss anything.

When you compare the actual number of bankruptcies due solely to healthcare versus other reasons it is lower. The numbers show that you are more likely to declare bankruptcy due to purchasing too many toys or to large of a house then due solely to healthcare.

In 2008, I had a series of surgeries for MINOR medical issues, (nothing life threatening) and my bills totalled close to $50,000. Insurance covered about 2/3rds of that, but what I was left with was a lot more than I have ever spent on "toys".
See here is the problem. I am not saying that the U.S. should not have universal healthcare. What I am calling for is something that is lacking today, common sense.
First everyone needs to agree what they want implemented. Be it Medicare, single payer, a mixture of both or something completely different. What Bernie is talking about is single payer and not Medicare he may be calling it Medicare because he does not understand the difference (in his case I believe this) or he may be trying to hide something. Next a well thought out and workable plan for paying for whatever healthcare is decided upon.

Too many seem to think that it will magically be paid for. Or someone else will pay for it. I advocate a 50% income tax. If it turns out that this is too much then a tax cut can be given. I have heard of all types of crazy ideas for paying for universal healthcare. Such as we steal all those money from Bezos, Walton, and others. To we get rid of all the military. To we just print more money.
Now look at those countries that have healthcare paid by the government. How much is the individual income tax? The lowest is 45% the highest is 62%. Now compare that to the U.S.

Meaningless. If I paid what I paid in insurance as taxes, my tax would be up in the 50% range, too.

Next look at things like health costs. Medication cost are higher in the U.S. Because of strenuous testing standards. Look at Talcum powder and its link to ovarian cancer. What was the eventual settlement? What is a wrongful death lawsuit worth in the U.S. compared to those other countries which limit the amount?

Those other countries can limit the amount because lifetime healthcare is already guaranteed. As opposed to the US, where you have to get a seven figure settlement to cover lifetime medical needs.

Compare the cost of education. Compare the cost of running a hospital, ambulance service etc. compared to other countries.

Consider that a doctor often orders more tests just to cya because if they make a wrong diagnosis and are sued their cost of malpractice insurance goes up.

Um, guy, first, I want my doctor doing all the tests to make sure he doesn't miss anything.

When you compare the actual number of bankruptcies due solely to healthcare versus other reasons it is lower. The numbers show that you are more likely to declare bankruptcy due to purchasing too many toys or to large of a house then due solely to healthcare.

In 2008, I had a series of surgeries for MINOR medical issues, (nothing life threatening) and my bills totalled close to $50,000. Insurance covered about 2/3rds of that, but what I was left with was a lot more than I have ever spent on "toys".
My point is you can have the doctor run a test for a test but each test costs more money. Each time a doctor is sued his insurance goes up. That cost is passed on.

Once again medical costs money. It needs to be paid for one way or another. You can pay for insurance or you can pay for universal heathcare but you need to pay for it. The only thing that is free is dying because at times even air costs. Dying you do not pay for, your survivors may but you don't.
Too many seem to think that it will magically be paid for. Or someone else will pay for it. I advocate a 50% income tax. If it turns out that this is too much then a tax cut can be given. I have heard of all types of crazy ideas for paying for universal healthcare. Such as we steal all those money from Bezos, Walton, and others. To we get rid of all the military. To we just print more money.

Yeah, making the rich pay their fair share and not having a bloated military budget. That's just crazy talk,man!

Oh, except every other industrialized country already does that...
My point is you can have the doctor run a test for a test but each test costs more money. Each time a doctor is sued his insurance goes up. That cost is passed on.

Once again medical costs money. It needs to be paid for one way or another. You can pay for insurance or you can pay for universal heathcare but you need to pay for it. The only thing that is free is dying because at times even air costs. Dying you do not pay for, your survivors may but you don't.

again, Canada,Europe and Japan have already figured this out. They pay less and get better results.
My point is you can have the doctor run a test for a test but each test costs more money. Each time a doctor is sued his insurance goes up. That cost is passed on.

Once again medical costs money. It needs to be paid for one way or another. You can pay for insurance or you can pay for universal heathcare but you need to pay for it. The only thing that is free is dying because at times even air costs. Dying you do not pay for, your survivors may but you don't.

again, Canada,Europe and Japan have already figured this out. They pay less and get better results.

You think so? Try talking to older Canadians sometime and I think you'll find how wrong you are. We get Canadian truck drivers here all the time, and I often bring up their healthcare. The elder drivers tell me to keep what we got, or we'll be sorry.
From the article that you probably didn't even read: The American Health Care Act of 2017 (H.R. 1628) often shortened to the AHCA, or nicknamed Trumpcare, is a United States Congress bill to partially repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA),
Yes, I know.

"Partially repeal"

"Persons with healthcare insurance coverage would be reduced by 14 million in 2018, 21 million in 2020, and 24 million in 2026 relative to current law."

Trump's promise: "“We’re going to have insurance for everybody. We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.”

Again, thanks.

Yeah, kind of like every family will see a reduction of their premiums by $2,000 a year. If you want your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.

If Trump and the Republicans lied, at least it didn't cost us a trillion dollars or so.
Just pointing out facts.

The GOP dropped the ball big time. Point the finger at the other guy all you want.

If we end up with Single Payer, which I don't want, the GOP will be partially to blame.

Now there is leftist logic if there ever was.

The GOP is totally against single-payer, but they will be responsible for it when it comes. :confused:
You think so? Try talking to older Canadians sometime and I think you'll find how wrong you are. We get Canadian truck drivers here all the time, and I often bring up their healthcare. The elder drivers tell me to keep what we got, or we'll be sorry.

Guy, we've already established, anyone who you talk to probably tells you whatever racist shit you want to hear to get you to shut the fuck up.
I would like to live here:

I don't live there for one important reason. There isn't enough money in my bank account to pay for it.
Free everything for everybody faces the same dilemma. There isn't enough money in Uncle Sam's bank account to pay for it...
I don't live there for one important reason. There isn't enough money in my bank account to pay for it.
Free everything for everybody faces the same dilemma. There isn't enough money in Uncle Sam's bank account to pay for it...

One more time... because you are slow.

We spend more money on health care than any country on earth. The money is already being spent, it's just how it's being allocated.

We spend 17% of GDP on health care while most of the industrialized world spends 8-11%, and gets better results in nearly every metric.
You think so? Try talking to older Canadians sometime and I think you'll find how wrong you are. We get Canadian truck drivers here all the time, and I often bring up their healthcare. The elder drivers tell me to keep what we got, or we'll be sorry.

Guy, we've already established, anyone who you talk to probably tells you whatever racist shit you want to hear to get you to shut the fuck up.

Yeah, that must be it, because you certainly can't ever be wrong. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I am actually quick enough to know that free healthcare will bankrupt this country. Keep in mind that we are a debtor nation. We are already borrowing the money our government is spending on top of what they tax us.

We already work from Jan. to May before we reach tax freedom day. Add free health care to that and we'll
work until Sept. for our government, will less and less healthcare in return.
I am actually quick enough to know that free healthcare will bankrupt this country. Keep in mind that we are a debtor nation. We are already borrowing the money our government is spending on top of what they tax us.

We already work from Jan. to May before we reach tax freedom day. Add free health care to that and we'll
work until Sept. for our government, will less and less healthcare in return.

Sure, working people will, but the non working or poor won't. Like it is now, everything is at no cost to them. Taxpayers have to foot the bill, and that's exactly what Joe wants.

But like I said earlier, if you want to shut these people up about government healthcare, suggest we all pay evenly. Let's have a consumption tax of 20 cents on the dollar. Everybody pays, the rich, the poor, the middle-class, the drug dealers, the prostitutes, everybody. You'll see how fast they dummy up about it.
Too many seem to think that it will magically be paid for. Or someone else will pay for it. I advocate a 50% income tax. If it turns out that this is too much then a tax cut can be given. I have heard of all types of crazy ideas for paying for universal healthcare. Such as we steal all those money from Bezos, Walton, and others. To we get rid of all the military. To we just print more money.

Yeah, making the rich pay their fair share and not having a bloated military budget. That's just crazy talk,man!

Oh, except every other industrialized country already does that...
Well let's look at that crazy idea there sport. The lowest estimate puts Medicare for all which is cheaper then single payer at like 2.6 Trillion per year. That means that we would have to completely defund the military and kick up taxes on those you call rich to over 50%. So if we completely defund the military what do we do if China or the dreaded Russians attack? Give them hugs and throw kisses?
Not to mention the massive unemployment that would follow because not only would servicemen and women be unemployed, those civilians that work on base, those that have businesses that accept those from the base, companies that sell tanks planes etc., even those that supply things like food repair roads fix air conditioners etc. who is going to care for the reactors in subs and ships or missiles.
We would also have to drop all military commitments to other nations such as NATO. But who cares that they will feel that they can not trust us or call on us to help.

As far as the rich they are already paying far more then the average American. They pay 35% what do you pay? So once we steal more what keeps them here? Not to mention the endowments for things like poor children to go to college. Funding for libraries, collage football equipment and stadiums. Even things like cancer, Alzheimer's research. Funding to help homeless shelters. Plus all the other programs they fund or help fund.

If you looked at what other countries are paying then you would notice that the average is 50% income tax. They have FIQURED it out. They know that if they want proper health care they have to pay for it. You can not get things for free. Somehow they have to be paid for. So until you can actually come up with common sense idea on how to pay for it and a way to sell that idea to everyone then we are talking complete bull $hit. You can claim that by cutting this that, tax companies, or some other crap will pay for healthcare but it is just more the world owes me because I was born.
I am actually quick enough to know that free healthcare will bankrupt this country. Keep in mind that we are a debtor nation. We are already borrowing the money our government is spending on top of what they tax us.

We already work from Jan. to May before we reach tax freedom day. Add free health care to that and we'll
work until Sept. for our government, will less and less healthcare in return.
Yes free Healthcare will. There are not enough young healthy people paying in to Obamacare to support it.

Parts of every Medical bill=

Patients portion ( deductible,co pay,co insurance)

Provider portion

Medical /provider contractual adjustment.

After that

Anything denied by insurance, patients are responsible for.

The medical industry will not and can't eat all charges beyond what they already do.
The lowest estimate puts Medicare for all which is cheaper then single payer at like 2.6 Trillion per year

Not true. The lowest estimate puts it at 1.5 trillion

And you all ignore the fact that all the existing money (or most of it) that is currently being paid by employers into private insurance would no longer be spent ...or it would be spent paying INTO that fund.
The lowest estimate puts Medicare for all which is cheaper then single payer at like 2.6 Trillion per year

Not true. The lowest estimate puts it at 1.5 trillion

And you all ignore the fact that all the existing money (or most of it) that is currently being paid by employers into private insurance would no longer be spent ...or it would be spent paying INTO that fund.
I was talking reputable estimate. One which takes into consideration the so called "dead wood" those who can not pay anything or those that can not pay the full amount. It also takes into account the inevitable increase in government bloat and inefficiency.

You are also talking the absolute lowest estimate to Medicare not single payer. Medicare is forecast to be broke in the next fifteen years. It would be broke in much shorter time with more people. So using anywhere near what the current amount of cost would mean bankruptcy in short order. Plus that estimate does not take into account that those eligible for Medicare have paid into it all their working lives along with matching funds from their employers.

Not even close to ALL the money put toward paying for health insurance by employers would go toward paying for Medicare. Some companies at least would still want to pay for insurance to cover what Medicare does not cover. Not to mention that it would only put a dent in the cost it would not pay for all of it.

So the most viable minimum that I stated still stands. That is considered by some that even that may not even come close. No one has yet come up with a viable way to pay for it without increasing taxes. Nor has anyone come up with a viable alternative of what would be done if it turns out to be much more expensive then predicted.

So until you can convince the American public to accept a tax increase to pay for it and there is a valid strategy of what to do if costs escalate we are basicly just wasting time and space talking about it.

Not to mention that very few people understand the difference between Medicare and single payer. Most (including Bernie boy) think they are interchangeable. They are like comparing a moped to a race car.
So the most viable minimum that I stated still stands. That is considered by some that even that may not even come close. No one has yet come up with a viable way to pay for it without increasing taxes. Nor has anyone come up with a viable alternative of what would be done if it turns out to be much more expensive then predicted.

The real problem is we are looking for solutions in the wrong way.

The biggest problem is the cost. So that's what needs to be worked on first. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower cost of medical care. Once we can do that, then we can figure out a way to pay for it. But that's why ObamaCare was such a failure. It never addressed cost. It only shifted money from one place to another. The cost was still high and kept getting higher, but they just found new ways to pay for it, so it never solved our initial problems.
So the most viable minimum that I stated still stands. That is considered by some that even that may not even come close. No one has yet come up with a viable way to pay for it without increasing taxes. Nor has anyone come up with a viable alternative of what would be done if it turns out to be much more expensive then predicted.

The real problem is we are looking for solutions in the wrong way.

The biggest problem is the cost. So that's what needs to be worked on first. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower cost of medical care. Once we can do that, then we can figure out a way to pay for it. But that's why ObamaCare was such a failure. It never addressed cost. It only shifted money from one place to another. The cost was still high and kept getting higher, but they just found new ways to pay for it, so it never solved our initial problems.
While you are correct in some ways you fail to see a number of very important points.

First is everyone needs to decide what we are talking about. Medicare or single payer. They are not the same. Single payer would be much more expensive. We can not decide what or how to tackle any of the problems until everyone agrees on what they want.

The main problem with ACA was that insurance companies were still involved and were limited to the areas that they could service. There was also the fact that many that had never been or had not been for many years to a doctor suddenly flooded offices. Then the insurance companies were forced to take on catastrophic patients who had paid not premiums before. You are also correct that ACA never addressed costs.

The next problem we have to agree on and understand is that the only way to pay for it is by increasing taxes. It will not be free and too many want it or expect it to be free.

Yes we can get costs down but we need to agree on how much risk we are willing to take. How much testing are we willing to forgo to be sure that new drugs are safe? How many tests are we willing to forgo in being sure of a diagnosis? How much money are we willing to cap wrongful death or malpractice to? How are we going to combat medical fraud? How are we going to pay for the enevatible rise in prices as new tests, procedures, even such things as genetic engineering come up.

Last but not least we need to agree and have a strategy in place if it costs more then we think. Do we build in a high cost to start with and give a tax break if it is less expensive(my choice). Do we do an automatic tax increase and risk people, cities or states suing or rebelling? Do we drop the new system and try to go back to our current system? Perhaps we just decide to allow the government go broke at a faster pace.

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