Poll How many people still think Ryan plan is to destroy Medicare?

Wyden-Ryan Medicare plan will only apply to what age and younger?

  • Anyone who is retired now will have Medicare destroyed..

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Anyone over 65 will be affected

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • only applies to Americans younger than 55 years of age,

    Votes: 15 83.3%
  • I really don't understand the question

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Some of you don't know...


  • $CMSProgramData.jpg
    63.1 KB · Views: 54
Obama has already taken steps to destroy Medicare. Asking about Ryan's intentions is like asking if there was a second iceberg for the Titanic to hit.
Obama has already taken steps to destroy Medicare. Asking about Ryan's intentions is like asking if there was a second iceberg for the Titanic to hit.

It amazes me how you guys cry that someone needs to cut spending in Washington, and then when someone cuts spending in Washington, you cry that there was spending cut in Washington.
Wyden-Ryan Medicare plan will only apply to what age and younger?

Why does that matter?

Is it okay to screw over a given segment of society as long as it doesn't hurt you?

Surely, even rw's know that RobMe and Robin are equal opportunity robber barons. There is not segment of our country that would not be badly hurt by what those two criminals have in mind.
The best commie care programs must be run at billion/trillion dollar deficits ................

For the common good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
When Obama had his Health Care Summit in 2/10, it was a real opportunity for him to have applied the lessons that Clinton didn't learn until his second term. Obama could have guaranteed himself a second term AND gotten a bipartisan plan passed that would have been a give and take compromise...but the dems were in the position that they didn't have to work with the other side, yet of course the left doesn't see them as the party of no on this issue. Legislators throw shit out there and see how much of it will stick to the wall in hopes that they'll get at least some of what they were angling for, but prepared to give up some as well. Obama chose to cut off his nose to spite his face. So the left can go on and on about how they don't like this plan, but I don't think Ryan, or Romney based on his own experience, would be so quick to shoot down the idea of again working with the left to try and find some common ground to craft a final piece of legislation that could pass both houses.
When Obama had his Health Care Summit in 2/10, it was a real opportunity for him to have applied the lessons that Clinton didn't learn until his second term. Obama could have guaranteed himself a second term AND gotten a bipartisan plan passed that would have been a give and take compromise...but the dems were in the position that they didn't have to work with the other side, yet of course the left doesn't see them as the party of no on this issue. Legislators throw shit out there and see how much of it will stick to the wall in hopes that they'll get at least some of what they were angling for, but prepared to give up some as well. Obama chose to cut off his nose to spite his face. So the left can go on and on about how they don't like this plan, but I don't think Ryan, or Romney based on his own experience, would be so quick to shoot down the idea of again working with the left to try and find some common ground to craft a final piece of legislation that could pass both houses.

They would be willing.......but it's like trying to get Palestine to work with Israel.

It ain't gonna happen.

Not as long as the media backs up everything the Dems say.
Alright you don't care for the Ryan plan given the fact that Medicare is already spending more than it is bringing in which means if this trend continues sooner or later it will go belly up what plan or course of action would you support to prevent this?
Alright you don't care for the Ryan plan given the fact that Medicare is already spending more than it is bringing in which means if this trend continues sooner or later it will go belly up what plan or course of action would you support to prevent this?

Tax the rich, of course.:D
There is nothing that Ryan proposes that could possibly be any scarier than this. People that haven't paid attention the the IPAB, need to take a close look.
JUNE 15, 2012 4:00 A.M.
IPAB, Obamacare’s Super-Legislature
It’s even worse than you thought.
By Michael F. Cannon & Diane Cohen

The individual mandate isn’t Obamacare’s only unconstitutional provision, or even its most unconstitutional provision. That distinction belongs to the Independent Payment Advisory Board. A heretofore unreported feature of this super-legislature makes it even more authoritarian and dangerous than anyone knew.

IPAB consists of up to 15 unelected government “experts.” Its stated purpose is to restrain Medicare spending. If projected spending exceeds certain targets, Obamacare requires IPAB to issue “legislative proposals” to reduce future spending. Those proposals could include drastic cuts that jeopardize seniors’ access to care, leading some critics to label IPAB a “death panel.”

But the really dangerous part is that these are not mere “proposals.” Obamacare requires the secretary of Health and Human Services to implement them — which means they become law automatically — unless Congress takes certain steps to head them off. Congress may replace the Board’s proposal with its own cuts, at least initially. But Obamacare requires a three-fifths vote in the Senate to pass any replacement that spends more than the Board’s proposal. In other words, to override IPAB’s proposal completely, opponents must assemble a simple majority in the House and a three-fifths majority in the Senate and the president’s signature.

IPAB, Obamacare
Alright you don't care for the Ryan plan given the fact that Medicare is already spending more than it is bringing in which means if this trend continues sooner or later it will go belly up what plan or course of action would you support to prevent this?

Tax the rich, of course.:D
Oh I'm sure someone will say that tax the rich more to pay for everything. Which of course leads to the question what do you do when the rich are tapped out?
Liberal Trope:
“Ryan wants to destroy Medicare.”

By now the details of the Wyden-Ryan Medicare plan are well known. Avik Roy explains:

the Wyden-Ryan Medicare plan—so named because it was coauthored by progressive Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) —
only applies to Americans younger than 55 years of age, and
gives those younger individuals the option of remaining in the traditional Medicare program,
or choosing a comparable private-sector insurance plan.

The policy-wonk term for this approach is “competitive bidding,” an idea that originated with Democrats. The Wyden-Ryan plan is nearly identical to one that was introduced a few weeks earlier by Mitt Romney.

Five liberal tropes Ryan can eviscerate - Right Turn - The Washington Post

I don't care what his plan is. I don't live in America, so I shouldn't care, but I would actually worry if my American friends were to suffer, and I believe they would under the Republicans.
Liberal Trope:
“Ryan wants to destroy Medicare.”

By now the details of the Wyden-Ryan Medicare plan are well known. Avik Roy explains:

the Wyden-Ryan Medicare plan—so named because it was coauthored by progressive Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) —
only applies to Americans younger than 55 years of age, and
gives those younger individuals the option of remaining in the traditional Medicare program,
or choosing a comparable private-sector insurance plan.

The policy-wonk term for this approach is “competitive bidding,” an idea that originated with Democrats. The Wyden-Ryan plan is nearly identical to one that was introduced a few weeks earlier by Mitt Romney.

Five liberal tropes Ryan can eviscerate - Right Turn - The Washington Post

I don't care what his plan is. I don't live in America, so I shouldn't care, but I would actually worry if my American friends were to suffer, and I believe they would under the Republicans.

There are always going to be people who suffer no matter what party is in control. Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency for two years people still suffered they still control the Whitehouse and the Senate and there are people suffering.

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