Poll for leftists.....Did you pay your FAIR SHARE?

Did you send in that extra dough to make sure you paid your FAIR SHARE?

  • Yes

  • NO

  • Taxes are for thee and not for me

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What is “fair share” ? Cause I work for a living and commute . So I get taxed from all sides .

Or is this where we pretend fed income taxes are the only taxes ?
exactly, what is fair share? it's a leftist term, so what is it?
That's a question I keep asking. Don't expect any answers, just the same, tired agenda driven tropes.
I know. I've been asking for six years in here. still nothing. funny how the left uses language they can't explain.
What is “fair share” ? Cause I work for a living and commute . So I get taxed from all sides .

Or is this where we pretend fed income taxes are the only taxes ?
exactly, what is fair share? it's a leftist term, so what is it?
That's a question I keep asking. Don't expect any answers, just the same, tired agenda driven tropes.
I know. I've been asking for six years in here. still nothing. funny how the left uses language they can't explain.
That's because they don't use language in any cognizant manner. They simple parrot whatever their current masters tell them to. And they ape all the proper SJW actions, just as instructed. Their minds cannot conceive of independent thought and action. Rather like the religious zealots in the past, like those who tortured and murdered women because they were designated as witches, don't you think?
The middle class was NEVER suppose to be hit with the Income tax, only the wealthiest paid income taxes... the government never tried to get blood out of turnips back then.... and only those who could afford to pay, were taxed, above a certain amount of personal exemption from taxes.... which pretty much exempted anyone in the middle class from any federal income tax.

So much for that....

The personal exemption amount in 1894 was $4,000 ($109,277 in 2016 dollars). The income tax enacted in 1894 was declared unconstitutional in 1895. The income tax law in its modern form—which began in the year 1913—included a provision for a personal exemption amount of $3,000 ($71,764 in 2016 dollars), or $4,000 for married couples. ($95,686 in 2016 dollars)
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The middle class was NEVER suppose to be hit with the Income tax, only the wealthiest paid income taxes... the government never tried to get blood out of turnips back then.... and only those who could afford to pay, were taxed, above a certain amount of personal exemption from taxes.... which pretty much exempted anyone in the middle class from any federal income tax.

So much for that....

The personal exemption amount in 1894 was $4,000 ($109,277 in 2016 dollars). The income tax enacted in 1894 was declared unconstitutional in 1895. The income tax law in its modern form—which began in the year 1913—included a provision for a personal exemption amount of $3,000 ($71,764 in 2016 dollars), or $4,000 for married couples. ($95,686 in 2016 dollars)
I bet you don't know that SS and Medicare make up 60% of the taxes received. Did you know that? funny how you leftist fks can never finish an analogy. Thanks bendog for that information.
The middle class was NEVER suppose to be hit with the Income tax, only the wealthiest paid income taxes... the government never tried to get blood out of turnips back then.... and only those who could afford to pay, were taxed, above a certain amount of personal exemption from taxes.... which pretty much exempted anyone in the middle class from any federal income tax.

So much for that....

The personal exemption amount in 1894 was $4,000 ($109,277 in 2016 dollars). The income tax enacted in 1894 was declared unconstitutional in 1895. The income tax law in its modern form—which began in the year 1913—included a provision for a personal exemption amount of $3,000 ($71,764 in 2016 dollars), or $4,000 for married couples. ($95,686 in 2016 dollars)
I bet you don't know that SS and Medicare make up 60% of the taxes received. Did you know that? funny how you leftist fks can never finish an analogy. Thanks bendog for that information.
What does that have to do with my post on federal income taxes?

Social security and medicare are NOT federal income taxes...

tell me YOU KNOW this....

And your 60% figure is off, Social security and medicare make up about 40% to 45% of the federal revenues and not 60%
The middle class was NEVER suppose to be hit with the Income tax, only the wealthiest paid income taxes... the government never tried to get blood out of turnips back then.... and only those who could afford to pay, were taxed, above a certain amount of personal exemption from taxes.... which pretty much exempted anyone in the middle class from any federal income tax.

So much for that....

The personal exemption amount in 1894 was $4,000 ($109,277 in 2016 dollars). The income tax enacted in 1894 was declared unconstitutional in 1895. The income tax law in its modern form—which began in the year 1913—included a provision for a personal exemption amount of $3,000 ($71,764 in 2016 dollars), or $4,000 for married couples. ($95,686 in 2016 dollars)
I bet you don't know that SS and Medicare make up 60% of the taxes received. Did you know that? funny how you leftist fks can never finish an analogy. Thanks bendog for that information.
What does that have to do with my post on federal income taxes?

Social security and medicare are NOT federal income taxes...

tell me YOU KNOW this....

And your 60% figure is off, Social security and medicare make up about 40% to 45% of the federal revenues and not 60%
sure they are federal income taxes. what do you think they are? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
/----/ "We both payed more than Amazon and other massive corporations."
My God man - you paid more than $412 million in 2015?
Does Amazon Pay Taxes? Contrary to Trump Tweet, Yes
The company, in its latest annual report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, said that it paid $177 million in income taxes in 2014, $273 million in 2015 and $412 million last year.
View attachment 249778

What % of the companies income is that ?
/---/ Don't answer a question with another question. Did you pay more than Amazon who paid $412 million?

That depends . What is their % taxable rate ?

Did they pay more in actual dollars? Yes! Did they use a lot more government services than I did ? That is also a yes !
are you trying to define fair share here? what is it? come on Timmy tell us, pretty please with shares of tax revenue on top?

I think higher brackets should pay a higher % because they have more discretionary income.
/——/ The rich already pay the majority of income tax.
I have never heard a definitive answer as to what a fair share is but it seems to be anyone who makes more than you should pay more in taxes.
but they do. Can't we all agree that if one who pays 10% of 1 million pays more than someone who pays 10% of 1000? I mean, simple math gets to that answer. Now, why is it the left can't do simple math?
What % of the companies income is that ?
/---/ Don't answer a question with another question. Did you pay more than Amazon who paid $412 million?

That depends . What is their % taxable rate ?

Did they pay more in actual dollars? Yes! Did they use a lot more government services than I did ? That is also a yes !
are you trying to define fair share here? what is it? come on Timmy tell us, pretty please with shares of tax revenue on top?

I think higher brackets should pay a higher % because they have more discretionary income.
/——/ The rich already pay the majority of income tax.
shhhhh he doesn't know that. It's obvious. he doesn't do simple percentages with math. has no idea that 10% of 1 million is more than 10% of 1000.
Leftist who contributes to society and doesn't only get in the way and wanting more invaders in...

The middle class was NEVER suppose to be hit with the Income tax, only the wealthiest paid income taxes... the government never tried to get blood out of turnips back then.... and only those who could afford to pay, were taxed, above a certain amount of personal exemption from taxes.... which pretty much exempted anyone in the middle class from any federal income tax.

So much for that....

The personal exemption amount in 1894 was $4,000 ($109,277 in 2016 dollars). The income tax enacted in 1894 was declared unconstitutional in 1895. The income tax law in its modern form—which began in the year 1913—included a provision for a personal exemption amount of $3,000 ($71,764 in 2016 dollars), or $4,000 for married couples. ($95,686 in 2016 dollars)
I bet you don't know that SS and Medicare make up 60% of the taxes received. Did you know that? funny how you leftist fks can never finish an analogy. Thanks bendog for that information.
What does that have to do with my post on federal income taxes?

Social security and medicare are NOT federal income taxes...

tell me YOU KNOW this....

And your 60% figure is off, Social security and medicare make up about 40% to 45% of the federal revenues and not 60%
sure they are federal income taxes. what do you think they are? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Federal payroll taxes, not federal income taxes, and not federal corporate taxes and not federal excise taxes...

they are part of the federal tax revenues collected but not federal INCOME taxes....

I almost wish they were a part of income taxes instead of payroll taxes... because at least then, those who make very little, but still pay nearly 10% of their salaries in payroll taxes, would be included in all of these "income tax breaks" that our government has given over the years.
The middle class was NEVER suppose to be hit with the Income tax, only the wealthiest paid income taxes... the government never tried to get blood out of turnips back then.... and only those who could afford to pay, were taxed, above a certain amount of personal exemption from taxes.... which pretty much exempted anyone in the middle class from any federal income tax.

So much for that....

The personal exemption amount in 1894 was $4,000 ($109,277 in 2016 dollars). The income tax enacted in 1894 was declared unconstitutional in 1895. The income tax law in its modern form—which began in the year 1913—included a provision for a personal exemption amount of $3,000 ($71,764 in 2016 dollars), or $4,000 for married couples. ($95,686 in 2016 dollars)
I bet you don't know that SS and Medicare make up 60% of the taxes received. Did you know that? funny how you leftist fks can never finish an analogy. Thanks bendog for that information.
What does that have to do with my post on federal income taxes?

Social security and medicare are NOT federal income taxes...

tell me YOU KNOW this....

And your 60% figure is off, Social security and medicare make up about 40% to 45% of the federal revenues and not 60%
sure they are federal income taxes. what do you think they are? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Federal payroll taxes, not federal income taxes, and not federal corporate taxes and not federal excise taxes...

they are part of the federal tax revenues collected but not federal INCOME taxes....

I almost wish they were a part of income taxes instead of payroll taxes... because at least then, those who make very little, but still pay nearly 10% of their salaries in payroll taxes, would be included in all of these "income tax breaks" that our government has given over the years.
explain to me the difference between taking money from payroll for SS and taking money from payroll for federal income taxes? are they both not taken from your pay? how fking stupid are you.
The middle class was NEVER suppose to be hit with the Income tax, only the wealthiest paid income taxes... the government never tried to get blood out of turnips back then.... and only those who could afford to pay, were taxed, above a certain amount of personal exemption from taxes.... which pretty much exempted anyone in the middle class from any federal income tax.

So much for that....

The personal exemption amount in 1894 was $4,000 ($109,277 in 2016 dollars). The income tax enacted in 1894 was declared unconstitutional in 1895. The income tax law in its modern form—which began in the year 1913—included a provision for a personal exemption amount of $3,000 ($71,764 in 2016 dollars), or $4,000 for married couples. ($95,686 in 2016 dollars)
I bet you don't know that SS and Medicare make up 60% of the taxes received. Did you know that? funny how you leftist fks can never finish an analogy. Thanks bendog for that information.
What does that have to do with my post on federal income taxes?

Social security and medicare are NOT federal income taxes...

tell me YOU KNOW this....

And your 60% figure is off, Social security and medicare make up about 40% to 45% of the federal revenues and not 60%
sure they are federal income taxes. what do you think they are? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Federal payroll taxes, not federal income taxes, and not federal corporate taxes and not federal excise taxes...

they are part of the federal tax revenues collected but not federal INCOME taxes....

I almost wish they were a part of income taxes instead of payroll taxes... because at least then, those who make very little, but still pay nearly 10% of their salaries in payroll taxes, would be included in all of these "income tax breaks" that our government has given over the years.
explain to me the difference between taking money from payroll for SS and taking money from payroll for federal income taxes? are they both not taken from your pay? how fking stupid are you.
With income tax, your entire income is taxable after certain deductibles.

With Payroll taxes, people who earn their incomes through investments, like in the stock market, or by owning a business, like the Bill Gates, the Warren Buffets, and the Trumps in the world....they do NOT have to pay any payroll taxes....ZERO. And those who do make a lot of money through a payroll salary, only have to pay these payroll taxes up to a CAP, which is about $128,000.... anything the rich guys make above tht $128k has NO Social Security TAXES due on it..... Which primarily puts the burden of payroll taxes, on to the middle class and lower class WORKERS.
I bet you don't know that SS and Medicare make up 60% of the taxes received. Did you know that? funny how you leftist fks can never finish an analogy. Thanks bendog for that information.
What does that have to do with my post on federal income taxes?

Social security and medicare are NOT federal income taxes...

tell me YOU KNOW this....

And your 60% figure is off, Social security and medicare make up about 40% to 45% of the federal revenues and not 60%
sure they are federal income taxes. what do you think they are? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Federal payroll taxes, not federal income taxes, and not federal corporate taxes and not federal excise taxes...

they are part of the federal tax revenues collected but not federal INCOME taxes....

I almost wish they were a part of income taxes instead of payroll taxes... because at least then, those who make very little, but still pay nearly 10% of their salaries in payroll taxes, would be included in all of these "income tax breaks" that our government has given over the years.
explain to me the difference between taking money from payroll for SS and taking money from payroll for federal income taxes? are they both not taken from your pay? how fking stupid are you.
With income tax, your entire income is taxable after certain deductibles.

With Payroll taxes, people who earn their incomes through investments, like in the stock market, or by owning a business, like the Bill Gates, the Warren Buffets, and the Trumps in the world....they do NOT have to pay any payroll taxes....ZERO. And those who do make a lot of money through a payroll salary, only have to pay these payroll taxes up to a CAP, which is about $128,000.... anything the rich guys make above tht $128k has NO Social Security TAXES due on it..... Which primarily puts the burden of payroll taxes, on to the middle class and lower class WORKERS.
dude, are you on drugs? everything has a fking cap. Capital Gains does not. you have no fking clue on what you're even trying to debate. I asked you what the difference was from taking taxes for federal income tax from a salary and taking money from your salary for SS. what is different? afraid t answer that?
Of course you weren't taxed at 70 to 90 percent so did you do the right thing and send in that extra 50% of your income?
Did you refuse to pay anything because it’s your hard earned money and not the government’s? We both payed more than Amazon and other massive corporations. Isn’t that something?
We don't have the option of paying nothing, turd. If we did, I would pay nothing.

Amazon paid billions of dollars, so where do you get off claiming you paid more?
Of course you weren't taxed at 70 to 90 percent so did you do the right thing and send in that extra 50% of your income?
Did you refuse to pay anything because it’s your hard earned money and not the government’s? We both payed more than Amazon and other massive corporations. Isn’t that something?
We don't have the option of paying nothing, turd. If we did, I would pay nothing.

Amazon paid billions of dollars, so where do you get off claiming you paid more?
cause he said so and he doesn't have to prove he did. remember, facts are not a leftists thing.
What does that have to do with my post on federal income taxes?

Social security and medicare are NOT federal income taxes...

tell me YOU KNOW this....

And your 60% figure is off, Social security and medicare make up about 40% to 45% of the federal revenues and not 60%
sure they are federal income taxes. what do you think they are? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Federal payroll taxes, not federal income taxes, and not federal corporate taxes and not federal excise taxes...

they are part of the federal tax revenues collected but not federal INCOME taxes....

I almost wish they were a part of income taxes instead of payroll taxes... because at least then, those who make very little, but still pay nearly 10% of their salaries in payroll taxes, would be included in all of these "income tax breaks" that our government has given over the years.
explain to me the difference between taking money from payroll for SS and taking money from payroll for federal income taxes? are they both not taken from your pay? how fking stupid are you.
With income tax, your entire income is taxable after certain deductibles.

With Payroll taxes, people who earn their incomes through investments, like in the stock market, or by owning a business, like the Bill Gates, the Warren Buffets, and the Trumps in the world....they do NOT have to pay any payroll taxes....ZERO. And those who do make a lot of money through a payroll salary, only have to pay these payroll taxes up to a CAP, which is about $128,000.... anything the rich guys make above tht $128k has NO Social Security TAXES due on it..... Which primarily puts the burden of payroll taxes, on to the middle class and lower class WORKERS.
dude, are you on drugs? everything has a fking cap. Capital Gains does not. you have no fking clue on what you're even trying to debate. I asked you what the difference was from taking taxes for federal income tax from a salary and taking money from your salary for SS. what is different? afraid t answer that?
Your ignorance is showing on your coat sleeve....
sure they are federal income taxes. what do you think they are? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Federal payroll taxes, not federal income taxes, and not federal corporate taxes and not federal excise taxes...

they are part of the federal tax revenues collected but not federal INCOME taxes....

I almost wish they were a part of income taxes instead of payroll taxes... because at least then, those who make very little, but still pay nearly 10% of their salaries in payroll taxes, would be included in all of these "income tax breaks" that our government has given over the years.
explain to me the difference between taking money from payroll for SS and taking money from payroll for federal income taxes? are they both not taken from your pay? how fking stupid are you.
With income tax, your entire income is taxable after certain deductibles.

With Payroll taxes, people who earn their incomes through investments, like in the stock market, or by owning a business, like the Bill Gates, the Warren Buffets, and the Trumps in the world....they do NOT have to pay any payroll taxes....ZERO. And those who do make a lot of money through a payroll salary, only have to pay these payroll taxes up to a CAP, which is about $128,000.... anything the rich guys make above tht $128k has NO Social Security TAXES due on it..... Which primarily puts the burden of payroll taxes, on to the middle class and lower class WORKERS.
dude, are you on drugs? everything has a fking cap. Capital Gains does not. you have no fking clue on what you're even trying to debate. I asked you what the difference was from taking taxes for federal income tax from a salary and taking money from your salary for SS. what is different? afraid t answer that?
Your ignorance is showing on your coat sleeve....
what ignorance is that dude? payroll tax is payroll tax. if money is taken out of your pay. stupid fk.

What percentage you think the corporations paid under obammy?
Of course you weren't taxed at 70 to 90 percent so did you do the right thing and send in that extra 50% of your income?
Did you refuse to pay anything because it’s your hard earned money and not the government’s? We both payed more than Amazon and other massive corporations. Isn’t that something?
/----/ "We both payed more than Amazon and other massive corporations."
My God man - you paid more than $412 million in 2015?
Does Amazon Pay Taxes? Contrary to Trump Tweet, Yes
The company, in its latest annual report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, said that it paid $177 million in income taxes in 2014, $273 million in 2015 and $412 million last year.
View attachment 249778

What % of the companies income is that ?
/---/ Don't answer a question with another question. Did you pay more than Amazon who paid $412 million?
I have to admit, it is a valid question. Percentage wise, they are not even close.

Looks like their net revenue for 2018 was 234 billion. If all they paid is 412 million that's like .18 percent. At the 21 percent number, they should have paid almost 50 billion in taxes. Sure. There will be some deductions for payroll and a few other things, but not enough to wipe away 99% of their tax burden.

I agree in that respect. They should pay what they are required to. If 21% is the number then that is what they should pay.

Or did I get my math wrong...?

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