POLL: Do you look at our politics as WAR?

Is Left vs. Right a "War" to you?

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IMO Anyone voting for democrats is absolutely voting against their own best economic interests. As to the electoral college, whine as you please, but Hillary had ample time to read the rules of the game before she played. It doesn't matter how many illegal alien and dead people votes you get if you don't make sure to get them in the right states.

Well, yeah, let's give white redneck assholes in the empty states extra votes.. that will work.

Are you referring to those REAL Americans...those who built this nation and the welfare system you need to survive?
Are you referring to those REAL Americans...those who built this nation and the welfare system you need to survive?

Guy, you need to look at a map of where the federal dollars go.

Woe... Looks like the INBRED states full of WHITE TRASH rely on government aid more than the liberal, multicultural states.


Oh, but it does get better.... Let's look at where the richest people in the country actually live? Oh, damn, most of them live in Blue states

Are you referring to those REAL Americans...those who built this nation and the welfare system you need to survive?

Guy, you need to look at a map of where the federal dollars go.

Woe... Looks like the INBRED states full of WHITE TRASH rely on government aid more than the liberal, multicultural states.


Oh, but it does get better.... Let's look at where the richest people in the country actually live? Oh, damn, most of them live in Blue states


Today's your lucky day...I aim to enlighten the ignorant, uninformed and self manipulated. You're welcome in advance.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Help me here....Are Blacks and Hispanics Republicans in "Red States"?

California - 12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients.
Note that Hawaii and New York are fighting CA for that number one spot....also note all three are blue states. Here you go:
It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.
California’s Welfare Benefits: Boom or Bust?
"There has been much discussion about immigrants in the United States from everywhere around the world. Yet, why is it that California seems to attract the most immigrants of any state? Indeed, while the state is only 12% of the nation’s population, it is home to 33% of welfare residents. According to a report published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) on January 26, 2015, there is a correlation between generous welfare benefits and an increase in immigration.

In total, California outspends every other state in public welfare spending – in 2014, it spent $22.4 billion. In contrast, the next closest state, New York, spent $11.9 billion. That being said, does this make California a magnet for immigrants? Not necessarily. It is more of an anchor – a reason why residents stay for long periods of time in the state. However, to deny that there is no magnet would be incorrect. According to George J. Borjas, the Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the author of the aforementioned report, the reason as to why people decide to relocate is due to “income-maximizing behavior.” Immigrants have already accepted that there are certain fixed costs that are inevitable because of migration, so it is natural that they will flock towards the places with the highest benefits. Empirical evidence suggests that it is because of these differences that there are an increasingly disproportionate number of immigrants among states. While there is the possibility of alternative explanations for this phenomenon, the conclusion that Borjas draws using the wealth-maximization hypothesis is one such testable method.
However, upon closer examination, on a per-capita basis, California’s seemingly generous benefits pale in data comparison to other states. For example, it spends approximately $179 for every resident, behind $233 in Hawaii and $256 in New York. Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state.

What else can I teach you?
Are you referring to those REAL Americans...those who built this nation and the welfare system you need to survive?

Guy, you need to look at a map of where the federal dollars go.

Woe... Looks like the INBRED states full of WHITE TRASH rely on government aid more than the liberal, multicultural states.


Oh, but it does get better.... Let's look at where the richest people in the country actually live? Oh, damn, most of them live in Blue states


And that proves nothing. Most of them are likely to live near where they have their headquarters.
And that proves nothing. Most of them are likely to live near where they have their headquarters.

Here's the thing. If we decided to finally say "Fuck it" and divide the country up..

Democrats get the blue states, and Republican get the red states...

Which one of those countries would rich people want to live in.

And that proves nothing. Most of them are likely to live near where they have their headquarters.

Here's the thing. If we decided to finally say "Fuck it" and divide the country up..

Democrats get the blue states, and Republican get the red states...

Which one of those countries would rich people want to live in.

View attachment 214511

Do you love rich people today or something?
OR just because it fits for this debate?
Don’t you normally hate the rich and income inequality?
You’re all over the place bud...where the fuck do you stand?
IMO Anyone voting for democrats is absolutely voting against their own best economic interests. As to the electoral college, whine as you please, but Hillary had ample time to read the rules of the game before she played. It doesn't matter how many illegal alien and dead people votes you get if you don't make sure to get them in the right states.

Well, yeah, let's give white redneck assholes in the empty states extra votes.. that will work.
Tell you what, when Chicago isn't a freaking cesspool of violence and poor public education, I might be more receptive to the idea that it's just the white redneck assholes that are the problem. The only thing voting democrat gets is more poverty and higher taxes for those people lucky enough to find a job in a democrat economy.
Both those words are just codes for Anti White. Race Mixing destroys blood lines. Its white genocide in slow motion. Instead of another white child or black child you get some mixed breed bastard that hates its self because it doesn't have real identity and instead some mixed mutt....my EX sister is a race traitor and has 2 half breeds who HATE being mixed....Enough mixing and it blends out the original races and creates one huge mud race...NO THANKS.

Your blood lives on in those dark children. Even of they, your sister, and you hate the thought.
Its not my blood. I didn't make the mutt's. My blood lives on in my 4 WHITE children with my WHITE Irish/French wife. Who the fuck knows what those 2 mutts of my EX sister are....just a coon for a daddy don't know him don't want to know him...she is nasty and so are her kids.

You and your sister share blood. As her kids, your neices and/or nephews, they share your blood. They share your genetics and probably share some traits that come from those genetics.
They share HER tainted blood and the thing she screwed to create 2 mutts. My kids have NON tainted blood as I had children with a woman of my own race not some negro beast of the field.

If you have the same parents, you share genes. Which means her darker children share some genes with your pale children.

But never mind that. The entire human race shares many more genes than we don’t share.
Indeed but she OBVIOUSLY got some bad gene from one of my parents while the other 4 kids got normal genes....she was always a problem child and obviously it didn't end at childhood.
Your blood lives on in those dark children. Even of they, your sister, and you hate the thought.
Its not my blood. I didn't make the mutt's. My blood lives on in my 4 WHITE children with my WHITE Irish/French wife. Who the fuck knows what those 2 mutts of my EX sister are....just a coon for a daddy don't know him don't want to know him...she is nasty and so are her kids.

You and your sister share blood. As her kids, your neices and/or nephews, they share your blood. They share your genetics and probably share some traits that come from those genetics.
They share HER tainted blood and the thing she screwed to create 2 mutts. My kids have NON tainted blood as I had children with a woman of my own race not some negro beast of the field.

If you have the same parents, you share genes. Which means her darker children share some genes with your pale children.

But never mind that. The entire human race shares many more genes than we don’t share.
Indeed but she OBVIOUSLY got some bad gene from one of my parents while the other 4 kids got normal genes....she was always a problem child and obviously it didn't end at childhood.

Obviously, you’d love to think that, but those dark children are your family, regardless.

By the way, if her “bad gene” came from one of your parents, which one are you blaming?
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.
You have to look at how the Left, Progressives have Hacked the Laws and Constitution into little pits of Freedom. That we live in. They have done it just "baby steps" to do it while we have stood by. The UN in the begining was a old but good idea that fell flat on its face and just does not work, and when it does work we have to supply the manpower and equipment to fund it. This has got to end. I feel that many people would pickup a gun if the time ever came and fight for this country to repel a invaders. As far as right now, we still have the right to vote and change DC and the direction of this Nation. I does not matter what party is in control, but the actions of that party. As long as we have people who are in fear, and will find the information and put it on the web we can do something about it, we just have to be able to determine the false news from the propaganda and what is the truth.
Its not my blood. I didn't make the mutt's. My blood lives on in my 4 WHITE children with my WHITE Irish/French wife. Who the fuck knows what those 2 mutts of my EX sister are....just a coon for a daddy don't know him don't want to know him...she is nasty and so are her kids.

You and your sister share blood. As her kids, your neices and/or nephews, they share your blood. They share your genetics and probably share some traits that come from those genetics.
They share HER tainted blood and the thing she screwed to create 2 mutts. My kids have NON tainted blood as I had children with a woman of my own race not some negro beast of the field.

If you have the same parents, you share genes. Which means her darker children share some genes with your pale children.

But never mind that. The entire human race shares many more genes than we don’t share.
Indeed but she OBVIOUSLY got some bad gene from one of my parents while the other 4 kids got normal genes....she was always a problem child and obviously it didn't end at childhood.

Obviously, you’d love to think that, but those dark children are your family, regardless.

By the way, if her “bad gene” came from one of your parents, which one are you blaming?
I disowned that disgusting whore YEARS ago...we have no contact and haven't in a long time. To me she is dead,to my wife and kids as well. They aren't allowed to call her Aunt and her kids are NOT their cousins. She made her bad choices she can live with them. She is not welcome at family gatherings either. She is looked down upon by EVERYONE in the family. Again her choices not mine.
You and your sister share blood. As her kids, your neices and/or nephews, they share your blood. They share your genetics and probably share some traits that come from those genetics.
They share HER tainted blood and the thing she screwed to create 2 mutts. My kids have NON tainted blood as I had children with a woman of my own race not some negro beast of the field.

If you have the same parents, you share genes. Which means her darker children share some genes with your pale children.

But never mind that. The entire human race shares many more genes than we don’t share.
Indeed but she OBVIOUSLY got some bad gene from one of my parents while the other 4 kids got normal genes....she was always a problem child and obviously it didn't end at childhood.

Obviously, you’d love to think that, but those dark children are your family, regardless.

By the way, if her “bad gene” came from one of your parents, which one are you blaming?
I disowned that disgusting whore YEARS ago...we have no contact and haven't in a long time. To me she is dead,to my wife and kids as well. They aren't allowed to call her Aunt and her kids are NOT their cousins. She made her bad choices she can live with them. She is not welcome at family gatherings either. She is looked down upon by EVERYONE in the family. Again her choices not mine.

That didn’t chage her genes, you dufus.

She’s family. Kin. Blood. As are her children.
They share HER tainted blood and the thing she screwed to create 2 mutts. My kids have NON tainted blood as I had children with a woman of my own race not some negro beast of the field.

If you have the same parents, you share genes. Which means her darker children share some genes with your pale children.

But never mind that. The entire human race shares many more genes than we don’t share.
Indeed but she OBVIOUSLY got some bad gene from one of my parents while the other 4 kids got normal genes....she was always a problem child and obviously it didn't end at childhood.

Obviously, you’d love to think that, but those dark children are your family, regardless.

By the way, if her “bad gene” came from one of your parents, which one are you blaming?
I disowned that disgusting whore YEARS ago...we have no contact and haven't in a long time. To me she is dead,to my wife and kids as well. They aren't allowed to call her Aunt and her kids are NOT their cousins. She made her bad choices she can live with them. She is not welcome at family gatherings either. She is looked down upon by EVERYONE in the family. Again her choices not mine.

That didn’t chage her genes, you dufus.

She’s family. Kin. Blood. As are her children.
Family doesn't mean just blood. I have friends I am closer with than actual blood family...She is persona non grata around here. She made bad choices she can live with them.
If you have the same parents, you share genes. Which means her darker children share some genes with your pale children.

But never mind that. The entire human race shares many more genes than we don’t share.
Indeed but she OBVIOUSLY got some bad gene from one of my parents while the other 4 kids got normal genes....she was always a problem child and obviously it didn't end at childhood.

Obviously, you’d love to think that, but those dark children are your family, regardless.

By the way, if her “bad gene” came from one of your parents, which one are you blaming?
I disowned that disgusting whore YEARS ago...we have no contact and haven't in a long time. To me she is dead,to my wife and kids as well. They aren't allowed to call her Aunt and her kids are NOT their cousins. She made her bad choices she can live with them. She is not welcome at family gatherings either. She is looked down upon by EVERYONE in the family. Again her choices not mine.

That didn’t chage her genes, you dufus.

She’s family. Kin. Blood. As are her children.
Family doesn't mean just blood. I have friends I am closer with than actual blood family...She is persona non grata around here. She made bad choices she can live with them.

Ok, as long as you know that those dark children and their mother share your genes.

I’m sure if she made a bad choice, she’s living with the consequences, regardless of how you feel. And something tells me even if she was ecstatically happy, you’d have disowned her.

That’s on you, not on anyone wlae.
I voted no as independent. Most folks don't talk politics except during election time or on political forums.
Oh, I don't agree with that at all.

Shallow partisan politics has infected our culture and society at nearly every level. Sports has been infected. Entertainment is now a constant source of political opinion and bias. "News" networks now have more one-sided "panel discussions" than real news. Freaking SEARCH ENGINES and social media have jumped into the fray. Restaurants. Retail stores. Coffee shops. High schools. This is just getting uglier by the day. And inescapable.

Now, I agree completely, it's not "war". The use of that word is silly, but our ability to communicate has deteriorated so rapidly, we've become so intellectually lazy, that we now just blurt out the most eye-catching and hyperbolic term we can in damn near every situation. But shallow partisan politics has oozed into more and more of our daily lives.
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Oh brother . “War” is so dramatic.

Americans are spoiled by how good we have it . People always looking for drama .

It wouldn't be a Stormy Mac thread if there wasn't Drama in it.

The reality is, we live in pretty simple times right now. I'm old enough to remember when we had race riots in the streets. And I don't the kind of half-hearted protest we have when some cop shoots a kid in the back.
We had tons of race riots just a few years ago, idiot.

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