Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Fauci has been caught lying so often that it is hard for those of us in the middle (Not Anti Vaxer or Vaccine Nazi) to know who to trust on this.
You have FDS.jpg
The guy has lied, misled, flip-flopped, been proven wrong, clueless, and NOT to be 'following the science' so often it is amazing the man still has not been fired.
No, it states documents recently found show Fauci lied to Congress
It states that some critics have an opinion that may have lied.

Not that they have factual evidence. BTW the NIH backs everything that Dr. Fauci has stated on subject and calls out rand paul as a liar.
Randy's lie will be eagerly swallowed by the same dogmatic ideologues whose blind faith extends to cattle de-wormers to treat covid, climate change being a Chinese hoax, and even a vast conspiracy in which thousands of governors, attorneys general, secretaries of state, and other election officials of both parties - as well as dozens of judges - stole Loser's "landslide" even though there isn't a single suspect named. Their fantasy world even includes Trump ninjas, bogus bamboo ballots, and Italian satellites.

Screen Shot 2021-09-08 at 4.38.51 PM.png

Humor them! If they insist that Dr Fauci is a demon from the nether realm, Just smile and nod.
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It states that some critics have an opinion that may have lied.

Not that they have factual evidence. BTW the NIH backs everything that Dr. Fauci has stated on subject and calls out rand paul as a liar.
Again, you tool,, Fauci testified that no one had told him the virus came from a lab....and the e-mail was pulled out that was sent to him be another expert telling him all indications were that income from a lab.

Fauci claimed he did not lie because he had never read that or the e-mail. He said he decided it was too long and just did not read the e-mail.

Only an ignorant moron who wants to be lied to and wants to remain a sheep - like you - would choose to believe such obvious bullshit.
No, no they don't.
The proof is right here, as described perfectly by Dr. Paul in the OP....

"This work was jointly funded by...the National Institutes of Health (NIAID R01AI110964)"

"Recombinant viruses with the S gene of the novel bat SARSr-CoVs and the backbone of the infectious clone of SARSr-CoV WIV1 were constructed using the reverse genetic system described previously."

It's is obvious to anyone with a Brain that the NIH funded GoF research, and Fauci deliberately lied about it.
The proof is right here, as described perfectly by Dr. Paul in the OP....

"This work was jointly funded by...the National Institutes of Health (NIAID R01AI110964)"

"Recombinant viruses with the S gene of the novel bat SARSr-CoVs and the backbone of the infectious clone of SARSr-CoV WIV1 were constructed using the reverse genetic system described previously."

It's is obvious to anyone with a Brain that the NIH funded GoF research, and Fauci deliberately lied about it.
The NIH stands with Dr. Fauci.

It is apparently only obvious to people who farm out their opinion to a bias media silo.
This webpage was scrubbed yesterday, others like it may still be around:

Fact Check: Obama Administration Did Not Send $3.7 Million to Wuhan Lab

Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence
(Click on Award Abstract)

What are they hiding? At the start of Covid many scientists believed it likely leaked from Wuhan lab - until a conference call with Patrick Vallance changed their minds. We asked for his emails about the call. This is what we got . . .​

  • Government condemned for not releasing details of key email conversations
  • Conversation in question involves leading scientists discussing Covid origins
  • Mail on Sunday FOI obtained 32 emails but nearly every word was blacked out

The lines left intact include a demand for the discussions, involving 13 participants around the world, to be conducted in ‘total confidence’, and an intriguing email line suggesting ‘we need to talk about the backbone too, not just the insert’.

[The spike protein was inserted onto the backbone of a bat coronavirus to make it more infectious for humans - Jim]

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Rand Paul completely destroys HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra...

"You, Sir, are the one ignoring Science."

HHS completely ignores superior natural immunity which over 1/3 of Americans (over 120 million as of May) have acquired.

Our Secretary of Health is not a medical doctor. He does not even have a Science degree.

Dr. Paul calls him an arrogant unscientific unAmerican lying tyrant to his face.

Looks like the Principal Deputy Director of NIH, Dr. Lawrence Tabak, has confirmed once and for all that the US funded the Gain of Function research at Wuhan.

Fauci lied under oath....

Do any of you actually watch/read the bullshit you post?

- generic term "gain of function" is unregulated because it doesn't pose threat.

Only specific select agent gain of function research is regulated (SARS-COV being one of them).
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Looks like the Principal Deputy Director of NIH, Dr. Lawrence Tabak, has confirmed once and for all that the US funded the Gain of Function research at Wuhan.

Fauci lied under oath....

You will never know what was going at at Wuhan because TRUMP pulled all of the Americans out of that lab and cut off all funding in August of 2019. The Chinese warned the world of covid at the end of December, and provided DNA to the WHO organization to work on the vaccine.

If you had left the researchers and scientists in that lab, you would KNOW what was going on in Wuhan. Dumb Donald strikes again.

Stop blaming Faucci and the CDC for the orange blob's stupid decisions.
So very much of what us extreme minority of thinkers stated 5 years ago has come true. We were supposed to be locked in our homes, forced vaccinations, imprisoned and even put to death if we did not join the Fear Brigades
At the same time, so very little of what the emotetards loons so vigorously maintained has come true

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