Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Fauci's word don't mean shit to me after he first told the nation on TV that masks were a waste of time, then retracted that to say something totally different later.
Fauci was commenting on what he knew about COVID in March 2020

For reference, Republican claims at the time were
COVID is no worse than the common cold
There would be no deaths and cases would quickly go down to. Zero
It would all magically resolve by Summer
There was no need to socially distance
No, I think Fauci's just sick and tired of being dragged before the court of Senate Republican Opinion and being asked the same questions with same assertions by the hayseed from KY.
So far, Paul is 0 for 4 in his attempt to manufacture..erm...produce any tangible evidence to back his BS up. Once OK. Twice. Maybe. Three times? You're just trying for a "gotcha".
Four times??? I'd tell him to go fuck himself. Go blab your "assertions" to alt-right media.

Doesn't really matter what you think, beyond casual opining. We're talking about facts here.

Just take note who has been the one person all along who has held Fauci to the fire. That's what everyone should be taking note of. But I digress.

Certainly the bobbleheads in mainstream cable news entertainment will take Fauci's side, but in the real world Rand Paul has left Fauci completely scrambling to avoid his questions all along because Fauci cannot deny the facts. Fauci's only defense mechanism is to get verbally combative in an effort to avoid them. He knows he's beat.

And it's not like people don't see this happening. They can't unsee it. They can't unhear it.

In the end, Rand Paul will be vindicated, just as he's been all along. And Fauci will be known by his fruits, just as he has been all along.
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The quislings are scrambling to avoid the reality and validity of Rand's charge almost as bad as Fauci, though, aren't they?

Heh heh.

What a sight to behold.

They're chomping on that triple decker dookie sandwich Rand just served up to Fauci, talking about, gawdang this is mmm, mm good.

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Their testy exchange, where each accused the other of lying is here.

It would be helpful to watch the whole thing in order to cast an informed vote.

Basically, Rand Paul uses Fauci's own testimony, a paper from one of the Wuhan virologists stating that the research was being funded by NIH, and the NIH's own definition of "gain of function" to make the case that Fauci lied.

Fauci defended himself by saying that Dr. Paul does not know what he is talking about and he is the one who is lying (effectively, "nuh-uh").

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Yes...fauci lied
He asked fauxi and fauxi deflected. Do you know why he deflected? Do you know why he was shaking so bad? Because rand busted a nut all in his face. In front of everyone.
And Rand Paul will never get over his neighbor beating his ass because he was sick of his shit. Rand Paul like to bust a nut in the Senate being a nuisance, a disruptor with nothing constructive to offer. It's amazing that the people of his state would vote for a first class jerkoff like Rand Paul.
Gain-of-function research is medical research that alters an organism or disease in a way that increases pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range. This research is intended to reveal targets to better predict emerging infectious diseases and to develop vaccines and therapeutics.

And the Chinese are using it to create bio weapons to use against their enemies you communist stooge.
We post an article that clicks on the report Paul is drawing from for his argument:

20 Jul 2021 Rand Paul Accuses Fauci of Lying to Congress About Gain-of-Function Research Funding
‘....Fig. 6 LYRa11....2011.’

Lyra11 is from the bat Rhinolophus affinis, and the year is 2011. RaTG13 a virus also from Rhinolophus affinis, is the most closely related to SARS-CoV-2.

On 15 Jun 2021, we were posting on LYR11 on the Biological Politics thread:

Post #484
’....Of the two critical residues in RBM that play key roles in receptor recognition and enhancement of receptor binding, only one mutation, T487N, was observed in LYRa11 and Rs3367 compared with SARS-CoVs.’

Rs3367 is from Rhinolophus sinicus. This is another piece of evidence suggesting the CDC sanitized their variants webpage by changing the P.1 variant mutation, originally published as K417N/T, to K417T, thus removing the asparagine (N). In other words, the P.1 Brazil-Japan variant was expressing variable preference for either asparagine or threonine (T).

Fau Chi is lying.
You can't hide the truth anymore.......each day it is becoming harder and harder to pretend this was natural and not from the Chinese militaries bio weapon lab...that idiots like you try to hide this fact shows how dumb you are, or you are just part of China's American quisling operation.....
Is you proof of your assertion just like your proof of 2020 election fraud....nothing?
And as you've been told more times than I care to remember,
Show me once where that is true.

Fauci changed his position because of what was learned from how the virus spreads.
So you admit Fauci isn't an expert and needs to learn a lot. So why should I listen to the ass?

Something that's bound to happen in a fast moving pandemic.
BOLOGNA. The original story by Fauci was that he told people not to wear masks because he was really trying to save them for health care workers!

And Rand Paul will never get over his neighbor beating his ass because he was sick of his shit. Rand Paul like to bust a nut in the Senate being a nuisance, a disruptor with nothing constructive to offer. It's amazing that the people of his state would vote for a first class jerkoff like Rand Paul.

You mad, bro?

Anyway. Rand has a world class team when it comes to the business of getting elected down there.

And he isn't the only one. Nope. Huh uh.
Doesn't really matter what you think, beyond casual opining. We're talking about facts here.

Just take note who has been the one person all along who has held Fauci to the fire. That's what everyone should be taking note of. But I digress.

Certainly the bobbleheads in mainstream cable news entertainment will take Fauci's side, but in the real world Rand Paul has left Fauci completely scrambling to avoid his questions all along because Fauci cannot deny the facts. Fauci's only defense mechanism is to get verbally combative in an effort to avoid them. He knows he's beat.

And it's not like people don't see this happening. They can't unsee it. They can't unhear it.

In the end, Rand Paul will be vindicated, just as he's been all along. And Fauci will be known by his fruits, just as he has been all along.
Well, then you wasted a post as by my count, this is the second time Paul has attempted to bring up the same line of bullshit, hoping that he can shout over Fauci long enough to make the fawning masses (like yourself) believe. All without any facts to back it up except his belligerence. If Paul wants to grandstand, take it to alt-right media where it belongs. They prosecute the court of public opinion better than
Show me once where that is true.

So you admit Fauci isn't an expert and needs to learn a lot. So why should I listen to the ass?

BOLOGNA. The original story by Fauci was that he told people not to wear masks because he was really trying to save them for health care workers!

I'm not even going to waste my time as you have more of a short term memory than a Disney character. Fauci changed his opinion as more facts became known about the pandemic.
Not my problem you can't see beyond your partisan hackery. :)
I'm not even going to waste my time
I knew you would CRAP OUT. You're just a crapper, Jack---- a LOT of gas followed by a little turd.

Fauci changed his opinion as more facts became known about the pandemic.
Too bad I already heard him admit he knew he was lying in order to save more masks for the hospitals.

Not my problem
Your whole life is nothing but problems. Jack, you are the square block in the round-hole universe of Life.
Well, then you wasted a post as by my count, this is the second time Paul has attempted to bring up the same line of bullshit, hoping that he can shout over Fauci long enough to make the fawning masses (like yourself) believe. All without any facts to back it up except his belligerence. If Paul wants to grandstand, take it to alt-right media where it belongs. They prosecute the court of public opinion better than

For those of us living in the real world...

Rand - “You take an animal virus and you increase its transmissibility to humans, and you’re saying that’s not gain-of-function?” :26:

Fauci - “That is correct, and Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially” :yapyapyapf:

Fau Chi must own stock in either Johnson & Johnson or Janssen Pharmaceutica, the originator of fentanyl. What must have freaked the CDC was when they saw the Brazil-Japan variant literally (mimicking what happens [italics]) when hydrophobic amino acids are substituted so as to (increase the potency [italics]) of fentanyl.
For those of us living in the real world...

Rand - “You take an animal virus and you increase its transmissibility to humans, and you’re saying that’s not gain-of-function?” :26:

Fauci - “That is correct, and Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially” :yapyapyapf:

Keep digging. You'll get there....or not. :) Like I said, if I were Fauci, I'd tell Paul to do something unspeakable to himself.

I included the whole paragraph to be fair.

"Perlman told us that he thought Fauci’s response in the May 11 exchange was correct — that no money was given for gain-of-function research. But, he added, there’s a scientific discussion to be had on the benefits and risks of research making recombinant viruses, which involves rearranging or combining genetic material. The politicization of the issue, Perlman said, “doesn’t do anybody good.”
Sure, okay, your body your choice. Just like that from the pro-choice side.

So, the government doesn't pay for abortions.

You choose not to be vaccinated and you get COVID, the government doesn't pay for your care.

Let's go with that.

I included the whole paragraph to be fair.

"Perlman told us that he thought Fauci’s response in the May 11 exchange was correct — that no money was given for gain-of-function research. But, he added, there’s a scientific discussion to be had on the benefits and risks of research making recombinant viruses, which involves rearranging or combining genetic material. The politicization of the issue, Perlman said, “doesn’t do anybody good.”

Oh my goodness. lolol.

Now they're tossing out their so-called 'fact checkers'

lolol. Thats' comedy gold. And so Fauci-like.

We've already shared actual documentation. Get with the program. We don't need some quisling's loaded opinion of the documentation.

The problem with a lot of you people is you don't really know how to study.

Use Lori Robertson's (whoever the heck that is, lolol) pablum for a bib while you finish that dookie sandwich Rand just served up. That's about all it's worth.

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