Poll: Birtherism...

Do you think Obama was born in Kenya?

  • Yes, there are too many gaps in his background to indicate he was.

    Votes: 17 20.5%
  • No, this has been thoroughly investigated and vetted, and he was born in Hawaii

    Votes: 53 63.9%
  • I don't know... Dammit, I just don't know.

    Votes: 13 15.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
At the risk of being masochistic.... How many USMB people really, honestly believe in their heart of hearts that Obama was actually born in Kenya, and there has been a vast conspiracy to cover this fact up?
Yes or no, guy.

Not some obscure brochure written by some flunky who didn't bother doing her research.

DO you really think that Obama was born in Kenya, and somehow both Hillary Clinton and John McCain either missed this or ignored it?
HangFire and little lost one continue to whine like petulant little children.
Not some obscure brochure written by some flunky who didn't bother doing her research.


Young egomanic Obama, in promoting his first book, didn't write his bio or was at least complicit in promoting the fact he was born in Kenya?


Obviously, you don't know much about the Publishing world. If you are doing your first book, you kind of get bitch-slapped around by teh Publisher. They pick your cover art, which book signing you go to, and you do whatever they tell you.
At the risk of being masochistic.... How many USMB people really, honestly believe in their heart of hearts that Obama was actually born in Kenya, and there has been a vast conspiracy to cover this fact up?

All I know is that lies are being told and things are covered up. I believe he was born in Hawaii, but I also wonder if his stepfather didn't adopt him and make him a citizen of Indonesia. Only citizens were allowed in the country at the time Obama lived there and that does mean something.

I think that would explain the need to get a social security card at 18 in a state he never lived. The explanation from Snopes on why this happened (wrong zip code) doesn't explain it away and only raises more questions.

I think he lied at some point and still is. Did he lie for years about being Kenyan to benefit himself? I don't buy that his publisher made an error. They would have to get the info from Obama and if it had been incorrect, why did he let it stand for so long?

When someone is as mysterious and dishonest as Obama, the truth is likely stranger than fiction when it comes to his past. We know about the radicals he surrounded himself with in the past and the ones he appointed to his cabinet now. It all matters a great deal because his mindset guides his decisions. And we have to live with his choices.
Why they hate Obama | The Smirking Chimp

Nope; the irrational just "know" Obama had to be born elsewhere. But that's not the only reason he shouldn't be president, according to many other nuts nationwide, of whom Farah is only one of the more enterprising and eloquent spokesmen.

They also question "his Social Security card, his status as a college student, his adoption by an Indonesian, etc. etc. etc. They don't question his religion; they are all sure that he is secretly a radical Muslim, or, as one chain e-mail I have gotten over and over for years says: His mother's second husband "educated his stepson as a good Muslim by enrolling him in one of Jakarta's Wahabbi schools."

Why, he is so devious that he had Osama bin Laden killed, presumably to throw true patriotic Americans off the scent!

None of this is true. None of these things are even remotely true. Yet millions of Americans actually believe much of this. One survey this year showed a majority of voters in Mississippi, and almost that many in Alabama, think our president is a Muslim.

What's going on here?

Very simple, children, though nobody will say it out loud:

There are millions who still can't stand the thought that we have a ****** in the White House. Sorry for the shocking word.

But that's what they think. I've even heard a very few admit it openly; that's one of the advantages of being an old, white male.

That we have a black president drives them crazy, just crazy. The racists know, however, they can't say that publicly. They also know he didn't steal the election; Obama won by nearly 10 million votes in a landslide four years ago. They can't face that either.

They only way they can cope with this is to believe that there is something wrong with him. He can't be legitimate. He can't be a real president – this all has to be a horrible nightmare that must be purged from the history books, or we are all doomed.

Some of them even believe he is the Antichrist. My favorite moron in Toledo soberly assured me that the Book of Revelation predicted that the evil one would be a young, charming Muslim.

Never mind that it says no such thing, or that Islam wasn't invented till more than 500 years after Revelation was written.
I'm sort of depressed the tally is 3-3.

...but not surprised.

Um, actually, I'm a little surprised. And depressed.

I think it shows that some of the hatred of Obama on the right is so toxic that they will believe anything, no matter how illogical.

I can kind of understand the hatred some on the right had for Clinton. They guy was sleazy and corrupt.

Frankly, the hate the people of my former party have for Obama is kind of disturbing.

I can see a lot of good reasons to vote Against Obama, and if the GOP had run anyone but Mitt Romney, I'd be totally with them.

But this lack of logic on Birtherism, it just makes no sense to me.
At the risk of being masochistic.... How many USMB people really, honestly believe in their heart of hearts that Obama was actually born in Kenya, and there has been a vast conspiracy to cover this fact up?

All I know is that lies are being told and things are covered up. I believe he was born in Hawaii, but I also wonder if his stepfather didn't adopt him and make him a citizen of Indonesia. Only citizens were allowed in the country at the time Obama lived there and that does mean something.

I think that would explain the need to get a social security card at 18 in a state he never lived. The explanation from Snopes on why this happened (wrong zip code) doesn't explain it away and only raises more questions.

I think he lied at some point and still is. Did he lie for years about being Kenyan to benefit himself? I don't buy that his publisher made an error. They would have to get the info from Obama and if it had been incorrect, why did he let it stand for so long?

When someone is as mysterious and dishonest as Obama, the truth is likely stranger than fiction when it comes to his past. We know about the radicals he surrounded himself with in the past and the ones he appointed to his cabinet now. It all matters a great deal because his mindset guides his decisions. And we have to live with his choices.

All your complaints are easily checkable and have been checked, you just don't like the answers.

Let us go to equal extremes to get Romney's birth certificate. There is some question about HIS father in Mexico.
At the risk of being masochistic.... How many USMB people really, honestly believe in their heart of hearts that Obama was actually born in Kenya, and there has been a vast conspiracy to cover this fact up?

All I know is that lies are being told and things are covered up. I believe he was born in Hawaii, but I also wonder if his stepfather didn't adopt him and make him a citizen of Indonesia. Only citizens were allowed in the country at the time Obama lived there and that does mean something.

I think that would explain the need to get a social security card at 18 in a state he never lived. The explanation from Snopes on why this happened (wrong zip code) doesn't explain it away and only raises more questions.

I think he lied at some point and still is. Did he lie for years about being Kenyan to benefit himself? I don't buy that his publisher made an error. They would have to get the info from Obama and if it had been incorrect, why did he let it stand for so long?

When someone is as mysterious and dishonest as Obama, the truth is likely stranger than fiction when it comes to his past. We know about the radicals he surrounded himself with in the past and the ones he appointed to his cabinet now. It all matters a great deal because his mindset guides his decisions. And we have to live with his choices.


1) Why didn't he get an Indonesian Citizenship? Maybe his mother (still an American) didn't want him to. With all due respect to Obama's Mama, she doesn't strike me as the sort that committed herself to one man for life.

2) Social Security Card- Actually found out a while back I had two SSN's. The one my parents got for me when I was born, and the one I got for my first "reportable" job when I was 17. I've used the latter my entire life.

3) WHy is it implausible to you that a publisher made an error? I've seen errors made in books by big publishing houses. Publishing is not a pristine industry. Like any others, they make mistakes, and they often don't correct them quickly. If you published 2000 books with an error, and you were barely making money on them, you aren't going to recall them for a minor error no on cared about at the time.

4) Your last paragraph would be poingnent if you actually could cited examples of his radicalism. Continuing Bush's policies and adopting Romney's health care program isn't radical. WHat is radical is the GOP denouncing them BTBGDI. (Because the Black Guy Did It!)
I'm sort of depressed the tally is 3-3.

...but not surprised.

Um, actually, I'm a little surprised. And depressed.

I think it shows that some of the hatred of Obama on the right is so toxic that they will believe anything, no matter how illogical.

I can kind of understand the hatred some on the right had for Clinton. They guy was sleazy and corrupt.

Frankly, the hate the people of my former party have for Obama is kind of disturbing.

I can see a lot of good reasons to vote Against Obama, and if the GOP had run anyone but Mitt Romney, I'd be totally with them.

But this lack of logic on Birtherism, it just makes no sense to me.

There is no logic; the same types see Elvis at Walmart, and know the CIA killed Kennedy. Anti psychotics can only calm them down, the delusion remains.

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