Poll: 6 in 7 American voters say minorities are favored over Americans

Do 6 in 7 Americans say they would rather be a minority?
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Your dismissal of our reasonable grievances is not going to make us go away.

I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.

We don't want to marginalize you ... we just want to mock you.

Yes, keep it up. Drive away all the whites from your party.

I invite everyone to my party...


Not if you support "favor minorities over Americans".

You are dis inviting white people and more and more of them are getting the message.
Not surprising, feeling victimized is all the rage.

Your dismissal of our reasonable grievances is not going to make us go away.

I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.

Yes, that’s great! With a routine like that you’ll likely make the podium.

DO you realize that the type of pompous dismissal of white people's issues, is one of the reasons, that Trump was able to swing the Rust Belt and win the Presidency?

I live in the Rust Belt. We were deep, deep, deeply blue collar union dems.

It took generations of smug libs like yourself to end that.

Think on that, lib.

Oh, please. I live here as well. President Trump won the Rust Belt b/c Hillary is a moronic twat and he promised a return to our glory days like all every other huckster politician that has won around here. I’ve been hearing the same story since as long as I can remember. Sooner or later you realize these words are nothing, but wind.
Your dismissal of our reasonable grievances is not going to make us go away.

I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.

Yes, that’s great! With a routine like that you’ll likely make the podium.

DO you realize that the type of pompous dismissal of white people's issues, is one of the reasons, that Trump was able to swing the Rust Belt and win the Presidency?

I live in the Rust Belt. We were deep, deep, deeply blue collar union dems.

It took generations of smug libs like yourself to end that.

Think on that, lib.

Oh, please. I live here as well. President Trump won the Rust Belt b/c Hillary is a moronic twat and he promised a return to our glory days like all every other huckster politician that has won around here. I’ve been hearing the same story since as long as I can remember. Sooner or later you realize these words are nothing, but wind.

HIs trade and immigration policies seriously address(ed) our interests.

THe trade talks, the new direction at ICE, he might not succeed, but he has already done enough to disprove the "nothing but wind" claim.
Your dismissal of our reasonable grievances is not going to make us go away.

I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.

Yes, that’s great! With a routine like that you’ll likely make the podium.

DO you realize that the type of pompous dismissal of white people's issues, is one of the reasons, that Trump was able to swing the Rust Belt and win the Presidency?

I live in the Rust Belt. We were deep, deep, deeply blue collar union dems.

It took generations of smug libs like yourself to end that.

Think on that, lib.

Oh, please. I live here as well. President Trump won the Rust Belt b/c Hillary is a moronic twat and he promised a return to our glory days like all every other huckster politician that has won around here. I’ve been hearing the same story since as long as I can remember. Sooner or later you realize these words are nothing, but wind.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass, or other's ass, you might of seen what President Trump was doing to get America from going over the Cliff that Obama set US on.

I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.

Yes, that’s great! With a routine like that you’ll likely make the podium.

DO you realize that the type of pompous dismissal of white people's issues, is one of the reasons, that Trump was able to swing the Rust Belt and win the Presidency?

I live in the Rust Belt. We were deep, deep, deeply blue collar union dems.

It took generations of smug libs like yourself to end that.

Think on that, lib.

Oh, please. I live here as well. President Trump won the Rust Belt b/c Hillary is a moronic twat and he promised a return to our glory days like all every other huckster politician that has won around here. I’ve been hearing the same story since as long as I can remember. Sooner or later you realize these words are nothing, but wind.

HIs trade and immigration policies seriously address(ed) our interests.

THe trade talks, the new direction at ICE, he might not succeed, but he has already done enough to disprove the "nothing but wind" claim.
And then the dipshit moderates and liberals(if they didnt recount the elections) voted in the bat shit crazy Nan from San Fran again. Boy the stock market didnt like that, as we have seen the drop just like it did when she took the gavel in 2007.. If the stock market crashes again, it wont be Bush's fault, it will be Nancy Pelosi, because she once again is holding the purse strings...

January 4, 2007: Nancy Pelosi Becomes the First Woman Elected Speaker of the House of Representatives
The Housing Market Crash of 2007 was the worst housing crash in U.S. history. The Housing Market Crash of 2007 was the cause of the financial crisis.
housing market crash of 2007 - Stock Picks System
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass, or other's ass, you might of seen what President Trump was doing to get America from going over the Cliff that Obama set US on.

My region has been in decline long before Obama become president. My parents were the fed the same lines of bullshit by huckster politicians since they were teens. My region votes for them and shit stays the same regardless of which clown occupies the Oval Office.
Not surprising, feeling victimized is all the rage.

Your dismissal of our reasonable grievances is not going to make us go away.

I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.

We don't want to marginalize you ... we just want to mock you.

Yes, keep it up. Drive away all the whites from your party.
Not surprising, feeling victimized is all the rage.

Your dismissal of our reasonable grievances is not going to make us go away.

I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.
Nothing about your whine fest is legitimate or particularly interesting. Its uneducated babbling and moaning to be honest.
Poll: 6-in-7 GOP Voters Say Minorities Favored over White Americans

They are 100% correct! White Americans especially White males are discriminated against and its damn near legal its certainly allowed!
Yeah I was discriminated against, many times, when it came to me getting a promotion or the black guy. It happened over in Saudi Arabia because the Managers didnt have the balls to fire the black guy, because he was ex-union and would claim racism, even when there was proof against him. Fucking managers were spineless like liberals. I would work the whole underside of the F-15 all the way from the intakes to the engine's exhaust, both sides and have the work done in 14 work days. So the Managers thought it would be a good idea that they give me the big fat black guy to help me, because he couldn't get along with the Indian-American up on the top side of the jet. So the black guy worked the left side lower, I worked the right side lower, and it took 16 work days to complete the work. Guess who the managers brought in to have a chat with? Me, because since I got help the jet should of been done quicker. I told them to go look at my side how it is done already and watch the black guy sit on his stool for 8 hours a day doing nothing, and then in his union ways, ask for overtime because(he wanted the time and 1/2), it was taking longer than usual. I told the managers I would work upper left side of the jet, that was the hardest area and by myself. I got it done in 14 workdays and down below it still took 16....Dont give me shit that there isnt discrimination against white people, but you know what? I used my "White Privilege" to make my fortune over there, and now retired, living very well...

Everything from the intakes to the engines...

You didnt get a promotion because you suck ass as an employee. Stop whining and sniveling and get your shit together. Youre white. Your people own all the opportunities.
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Poll: 6-in-7 GOP Voters Say Minorities Favored over White Americans

They are 100% correct! White Americans especially White males are discriminated against and its damn near legal its certainly allowed!
The header for this thread is wildly misleading. While stating that "American voters" think that "minorities are favored over Americans," it goes on say that the poll was taken only among GOP voters and refers only to white Americans. Many Americans are members of "minority" groups, so we are not talking about "Americans" in general.

Moreover, I don't see how white males are any more beleaguered or discriminated than the rest of us are. Look at the rats in the White House and Congress. They are almost totally white males, so why the big chip on your shoulder?


These white boys stay whining because they cant legally discriminate out in the open anymore.


These white boys stay whining because they cant legally discriminate out in the open anymore.

So what are whites going to do about it?

You will accept the fact you do not get everything handed to you anymore because you are white. That is what you will do about it.
Not surprising, feeling victimized is all the rage.

Your dismissal of our reasonable grievances is not going to make us go away.

I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.
Nothing about your whine fest is legitimate or particularly interesting. Its uneducated babbling and moaning to be honest.

Your denial of reality is a weakness on your part.

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