PoliticusUSA: Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
PoliticusUSA: Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets
The Hillary Clinton campaign immediately seized on Trump’s claim that he regrets using painful words during his campaign to ask for a specific list of insults that Trump regrets.

In a statement, HFA Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds said, “Donald Trump literally started his campaign by insulting people. He has continued to do so through each of the 428 days from then until now, without shame or regret. We learned tonight that his speechwriter and teleprompter knows he has much for which he should apologize. But that apology tonight is simply a well-written phrase until he tells us which of his many offensive, bullying and divisive comments he regrets—and changes his tune altogether.”

As a helpful resource to Trump, the Clinton campaign provided this list of 250 insults that he has spoken during the campaign.

(emphases mine)

Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets

This asshole as pretty much insulted the entire country and should just say he's sorry and dropout. Of course, that is what he'd do if he had any respect for this country or its people.
PoliticusUSA: Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets
The Hillary Clinton campaign immediately seized on Trump’s claim that he regrets using painful words during his campaign to ask for a specific list of insults that Trump regrets.

In a statement, HFA Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds said, “Donald Trump literally started his campaign by insulting people. He has continued to do so through each of the 428 days from then until now, without shame or regret. We learned tonight that his speechwriter and teleprompter knows he has much for which he should apologize. But that apology tonight is simply a well-written phrase until he tells us which of his many offensive, bullying and divisive comments he regrets—and changes his tune altogether.”

As a helpful resource to Trump, the Clinton campaign provided this list of 250 insults that he has spoken during the campaign.

(emphases mine)

Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets

This asshole as pretty much insulted the entire country and should just say he's sorry and dropout. Of course, that is what he'd do if he had any respect for this country or its people.

Regret telling the truth? I would be even more blunt if I had a chance.
Do we really have that kind of time?

The McCain quote?
The Megyn Kelly quote?.....

How is Trump still in this race?
Did you all notice that Trump "regrets" but doesn't apologize? He's a man of such low character and integrity. And our children are watching this and have to be told that this is not how a person of integrity acts.
PoliticusUSA: Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets
The Hillary Clinton campaign immediately seized on Trump’s claim that he regrets using painful words during his campaign to ask for a specific list of insults that Trump regrets.

In a statement, HFA Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds said, “Donald Trump literally started his campaign by insulting people. He has continued to do so through each of the 428 days from then until now, without shame or regret. We learned tonight that his speechwriter and teleprompter knows he has much for which he should apologize. But that apology tonight is simply a well-written phrase until he tells us which of his many offensive, bullying and divisive comments he regrets—and changes his tune altogether.”

As a helpful resource to Trump, the Clinton campaign provided this list of 250 insults that he has spoken during the campaign.

(emphases mine)

Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets

This asshole as pretty much insulted the entire country and should just say he's sorry and dropout. Of course, that is what he'd do if he had any respect for this country or its people.

Hilary is an insult to this country............so she should apologize for that.....
Did you all notice that Trump "regrets" but doesn't apologize? He's a man of such low character and integrity. And our children are watching this and have to be told that this is not how a person of integrity acts.

He has no reason for regrets...fuck you and your cultural marxism. I don't play the political correctness bullshit game and never will.
Trump has nothing to apologize for or regret. Everyone he has insulted has deserved it.
PoliticusUSA: Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets
The Hillary Clinton campaign immediately seized on Trump’s claim that he regrets using painful words during his campaign to ask for a specific list of insults that Trump regrets.

In a statement, HFA Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds said, “Donald Trump literally started his campaign by insulting people. He has continued to do so through each of the 428 days from then until now, without shame or regret. We learned tonight that his speechwriter and teleprompter knows he has much for which he should apologize. But that apology tonight is simply a well-written phrase until he tells us which of his many offensive, bullying and divisive comments he regrets—and changes his tune altogether.”

As a helpful resource to Trump, the Clinton campaign provided this list of 250 insults that he has spoken during the campaign.

(emphases mine)

Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets

This asshole as pretty much insulted the entire country and should just say he's sorry and dropout. Of course, that is what he'd do if he had any respect for this country or its people.

Hilary is an insult to this country............so she should apologize for that.....

It's like living in Bizzarro World where up is down and down is up. How in the hell does someone with Hitlery's baggage even get a c-hair's worth of consideration? Then you throw in the dirty dealings of the DNC that colluded against Sanders....how they paid Trump protesters and made them appear to be Sanders followers? It boggles the mind and let me tell ya, the average IQ of today's leftard voter has never been lower....dumb as a fucking rock. I'm not saying that Trump is the answer because presidents are mostly figureheads but it should be BLATANTLY obvious that Hitlery is not only a shitty choice but she is a rotten to the core human being that treats her underlings like shit. If she treats those tasked with looking out for her as beneath her, do you really think she gives a fuck about those of us that don't have to put up with her shit? Wikileaks is allegedly getting ready to release e-mails about Hitlery's "diplomacy in exchange for donations to the Clinton slush fund Foundation...wanna bet the Clintonistas will still circle the wagons around this POS?
Did you all notice that Trump "regrets" but doesn't apologize? He's a man of such low character and integrity. And our children are watching this and have to be told that this is not how a person of integrity acts.

As compared to getting a blow job in the Oval Office while your wife and child are upstairs? Really? Truly?
why anyone would corrupt their children by letting them watch politics, that's just messed up. children don't even vote. and this crap about hillary demanding to know whatever, it's none of her damned business. she's just upset that trump still has a soul and she doesn't anymore.
why anyone would corrupt their children by letting them watch politics, that's just messed up. children don't even vote. and this crap about hillary demanding to know whatever, it's none of her damned business. she's just upset that trump still has a soul and she doesn't anymore.

Priceless dodge of the actual question....

What insults does he regret?

Again Hillary is showing why she is head and shoulders above Trump...
why anyone would corrupt their children by letting them watch politics, that's just messed up. children don't even vote. and this crap about hillary demanding to know whatever, it's none of her damned business. she's just upset that trump still has a soul and she doesn't anymore.
He has no soul....

Even his apology was arrogant,

"Believe it or Not, even I have said things that were wrong blah blah blah"

What a prick.....

Believe it or not? Believe it or not???? Yes Donald, your so perfect.....that's so hard to believe... :rolleyes:
why anyone would corrupt their children by letting them watch politics, that's just messed up. children don't even vote. and this crap about hillary demanding to know whatever, it's none of her damned business. she's just upset that trump still has a soul and she doesn't anymore.
He has no soul....

Even his apology was arrogant,

"Believe it or Not, even I have said things that were wrong blah blah blah"

What a prick.....

Believe it or not? Believe it or not???? Yes Donald, your so perfect.....that's so hard to believe... :rolleyes:
That's now what he said.
He said:
"And believe it or not, I regret it — and I do regret it — particularly where it may have caused personal pain."
Can't you liberals ever be honest?
PoliticusUSA: Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets
The Hillary Clinton campaign immediately seized on Trump’s claim that he regrets using painful words during his campaign to ask for a specific list of insults that Trump regrets.

In a statement, HFA Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds said, “Donald Trump literally started his campaign by insulting people. He has continued to do so through each of the 428 days from then until now, without shame or regret. We learned tonight that his speechwriter and teleprompter knows he has much for which he should apologize. But that apology tonight is simply a well-written phrase until he tells us which of his many offensive, bullying and divisive comments he regrets—and changes his tune altogether.”

As a helpful resource to Trump, the Clinton campaign provided this list of 250 insults that he has spoken during the campaign.

(emphases mine)

Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets

This asshole as pretty much insulted the entire country and should just say he's sorry and dropout. Of course, that is what he'd do if he had any respect for this country or its people.

Regret telling the truth? I would be even more blunt if I had a chance.
It would be the truth if he ever actually felt sorry about something.
A man who stiffs his employees doesn't feel sorry ever.
A man who would cut off medical care for a baby does't feel sorry.
Trump Once Cut Off Medical Care For Sick Infant To Spite the Parents

He is so very Republican. He represents them perfectly.
PoliticusUSA: Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets
The Hillary Clinton campaign immediately seized on Trump’s claim that he regrets using painful words during his campaign to ask for a specific list of insults that Trump regrets.

In a statement, HFA Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds said, “Donald Trump literally started his campaign by insulting people. He has continued to do so through each of the 428 days from then until now, without shame or regret. We learned tonight that his speechwriter and teleprompter knows he has much for which he should apologize. But that apology tonight is simply a well-written phrase until he tells us which of his many offensive, bullying and divisive comments he regrets—and changes his tune altogether.”

As a helpful resource to Trump, the Clinton campaign provided this list of 250 insults that he has spoken during the campaign.

(emphases mine)

Hillary Clinton Pounces And Demands To Know Which Insults Trump Regrets

This asshole as pretty much insulted the entire country and should just say he's sorry and dropout. Of course, that is what he'd do if he had any respect for this country or its people.

Regret telling the truth? I would be even more blunt if I had a chance.
It would be the truth if he ever actually felt sorry about something.
A man who stiffs his employees doesn't feel sorry ever.
A man who would cut off medical care for a baby does't feel sorry.
Trump Once Cut Off Medical Care For Sick Infant To Spite the Parents

He is so very Republican. He represents them perfectly.

How can anyone blame the Haitian earthquake on the Clinton Foundation?

The catastrophe also unleashed an unprecedented flood of humanitarian aid — $13.5 billion in donations and pledges, about three-quarters from donor nations and a quarter from private charity.

5 Years After Haiti's Earthquake, Where Did The $13.5 Billion Go?

All the money didn't come from the US. And it wasn't our state department that organized all the support.
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