Politico: Fleeing a Sinking Ship


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Most folks know that Politico is hardly conservative...but this article will warm the hearts of those opposed to this President....
President Obama's big dragsBy JIM VANDEHEI & MIKE ALLEN

1. Obama emerges from the months-long fracas weaker — and facing much deeper and more durable political obstacles — than his own advisers ever imagined.

2. Gallup pegs his approval rating at a discouraging 42 percent, with his standing among independents falling 9 points in four weeks.

3. Obama has few, if any, domestic achievements that enjoy broad public support. No one assumes employment, growth or housing prices to pick up much, if at all …. And the political environment and electoral map are significantly tougher than in 2008, especially in true up-for-grabs states.

4. Absent the president’s ability to defy political gravity, one Obama adviser conceded, “The numbers add up to defeat.”

5. … the Republican nominee will be able to pluck economic data — not spin, empirical data — to make the following case against Obama:

a. Millions of people lost jobs, saw the value of their house drop every month he’s been in office, never realized the economic growth he promised and were so cash-strapped they couldn’t buy the big-ticket items they were used to.” The auto industry is on pace to sell nearly 30 percent fewer new cars than it did a decade ago, and the sales of stoves and ovens haven’t been this low since 1992, according to David Leonhardt, The New York Times columnist who often defends the Obama administration's economic policies. He provided Republicans some handy stats last month in a column with the stark conclusion: “We are living through a tremendous bust.”

b. The new litmus tests for GOP presidential candidates are the Paul Ryan Medicare plan and repealing the Obama health care plan, both of which go straight to the heart of this philosophical fight about the scope of government. For that reason alone, it is unimaginable that debt doesn’t become an even bigger issue in the presidential election. The size-of-government spat is a hard one for the president to win.

c. All of these points meet on the electoral map, which isn’t looking great for Obama. …the states needed to add up to 270 electoral votes — looks more difficult than Democratic officials had expected even a few months ago. Obama’s electoral map from 2008 will be tough to duplicate, with all three perennial bellwethers — Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania — once again up for grabs. The states Obama won in 2008 have lost six electoral votes, complicating his quest…. without at least a couple of the traditional bellwether states, Obama will be a one-term president.

d. A big hurdle for the president is the unpopularity of the very policies that his team thought would be big accomplishments in the first term. A top Democratic strategist who is close to the White House said that Obama’s first-term record “is going to be, on balance, probably a liability” for his reelection, partly “because of the failure to sell and explain the things that they were doing.” Polls show his economic policy, the health care law and the auto bailout get positive reviews from fewer than half of voters. Hard to see how that changes. “the biggest problem is that he has not accumulated enough domestic accomplishments that people can easily recall.

e. He knows the key to reelection is winning back the independent voters who helped elect him — and then bolted in the face of his health care push. He entered office with 62 percent support among independents. But they took flight in the spring of 2009 — and have never returned. …control of the House — and, more important but less talked-about, many state legislatures around the country.

President Obama's big drags - Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen - POLITICO.com
If HE were a 'pubbie HE'd be dead meat. however HE's not, and the MSM is proceeding full speed ahead on their unofficial campaign to re elect Barack Hussein Obama. Like the approaching springtime, you can almost smell the scent of the Journolist in the air.......
What is missing so far is the faux Greek temple and accompanying squad of janitors to pick up and arrange the freshly worn, still warm and moist underwear, each bearing their respective media logos, that the enthusiastic journalists eagerly throw upon the stage HE stands on with each and every word HE utters.
His lack of a record to scrutanize helped him get elected. His dismal record as president, one would think, would be enough to make him a one-termer. I didn't think the electorate would vote him in the first time, but will not be surprised if they do it again.

Hopefully those that voted for him to prove they were not racist, will not vote for him this time to prove they are not stupid.
If he is at 42%, then his approval rating has gotten better over the last week.

It is going to be an interesting 15 months between now and the election. Right now the Republican field is very fluid. It will be very interesting to see what shakes out. I remember I was very enthusiastic about Bush 41 back in December of 79, and no one I knew thought Reagan had a prayer. Since that time I have sort of chilled when it comes to prognostication.
Granted, the MSM will pull for Papa Obama; but the "tools" will be limited
It will be a tougher sell

-The race card won't work twice for anyone that voted for him the first time
-The lack of vetting. again, will not matter since he has a record now and the MSM and people
will not be able to "impose" their perception on him as easily

Straight up, it will be a tougher "bag of goods" to sell to the American people next time around
Also a death certificate for OBL.

But so far his administration has been a death certificate for the economy as well

Gee, what a shock! Timmy "I can't figure out Turbo Tax" Geithner got something wrong about our economy? Who would have thunk it!

Seriously, I think the only reason Geithner hasn't run for cover like Larry Summers and Christina Romer did is that he's now perceived as perhaps the only man in Washington with less of a clue about economics as his boss, Barack Obama. Who exactly would be dumb enough to hire this guy?

Gee, what a shock! Timmy "I can't figure out Turbo Tax" Geithner got something wrong about our economy? Who would have thunk it!

Seriously, I think the only reason Geithner hasn't run for cover like Larry Summers and Christina Romer did is that he's now perceived as perhaps the only man in Washington with less of a clue about economics as his boss, Barack Obama. Who exactly would be dumb enough to hire this guy?

Obama literally flees a sinking ship. Every single time his administration runs into trouble B. Hussein hits the road. The stock market is in crisis and Barry is taking a magical mystery bus tour of the mid-west.
I do not think this captain's going to be allowed on the lifeboat by all the other rats trying to escape with their own skin. Somebody better make sure they can't cast off and row free, and allow them to endanger us again. This is potentially worse than 1980 for the DNC. If things go horrifically wrong, as it now seems inevitable in the remaining 15 months till election day, for the nation, there stands to be a groundswell of fiscal conservatism that can overwhelm even the most entrenched LOCAL governments as well as state and federal. I'm talking county boards that have been socialist for 70 years getting flushed finally because they will no longer get bailed out by the next rung up the ladder.

This is what happens when you get downgraded and flirt with currency devaluation as a method to prevent hyperinflation.

Fucked. Fracked. Frelled, Screwed, Boned, Porked, Molested, Assraped and made sweet sweet prison love to.
This is all well and good, but the kicker is how the public see's this last " made up crisis" and who they blame. When they are saying 70+% is acting like children then nobody has any room to gloat.

Furthermore you have S&P blaming the downgrade partially on the tea party being AGAINST the tax increases. Obama could run with that all day.

If you look at the statement by S&P, the gist of why they lowered the bond rating was that they didn't feel our elected representatives had the collective will to address our deficit problem. How can you fault them for coming to that conclusion? It is EXACTLY the case.

And trying to blame any of this on the Tea Party is rather absurd, since S&P was calling for deficit reduction and so was the Tea Party. It was moderate Republicans and the majority of Democrats that are to blame for this downgrade because they passed that joke of a compromise bill that raising the debt ceiling with only minimum cuts to spending over a ten year period.
Obama is living the Progressive Dream Presidency: Record number of people unemployed, on food stamps and homeless, record deficits of inconceivable numbers, debt up to 100% of GDP, and finally got control over our lives through ObamaCare.
Obama is living the Progressive Dream Presidency: Record number of people unemployed, on food stamps and homeless, record deficits of inconceivable numbers, debt up to 100% of GDP, and finally got control over our lives through ObamaCare.

Downgraded. First time in our History. Hopey Changey Land aint no Fairy Tale. It's just a very sad nightmare. :(
Obama is living the Progressive Dream Presidency: Record number of people unemployed, on food stamps and homeless, record deficits of inconceivable numbers, debt up to 100% of GDP, and finally got control over our lives through ObamaCare.

Downgraded. First time in our History. Hopey Changey Land aint no Fairy Tale. It's just a very sad nightmare. :(
I reiterate:

Hope and Change? Try Bait and Switch.
If HE were a 'pubbie HE'd be dead meat. however HE's not, and the MSM is proceeding full speed ahead on their unofficial campaign to re elect Barack Hussein Obama. Like the approaching springtime, you can almost smell the scent of the Journolist in the air.......
What is missing so far is the faux Greek temple and accompanying squad of janitors to pick up and arrange the freshly worn, still warm and moist underwear, each bearing their respective media logos, that the enthusiastic journalists eagerly throw upon the stage HE stands on with each and every word HE utters.

They are not missing the temple stuff, still have it from victory 2008.
S&P downgraded US Treasuries to AA+

If Obama was in trouble before, now he's absolutely frakked.
Which is exactly what I knew would happen irrespective of the latest vote. I mean, it's not as if the world doesn't know how in the toilet our debt is and that Obama has made it far worse. The investment risk in the USA is way too high.
S&P downgraded US Treasuries to AA+

If Obama was in trouble before, now he's absolutely frakked.
Which is exactly what I knew would happen irrespective of the latest vote. I mean, it's not as if the world doesn't know how in the toilet our debt is and that Obama has made it far worse. The investment risk in the USA is way too high.

Indeed. Anyone with enough sense to come out of the rain knew the downgrade was inevitable, thus the past few weeks sell off's. Yesterday was the meltdown, but there will be worse to come. Truth is, US is not a good place to be right now, but there are far worse places to be.

I'll be thrilled if history proves me wrong, and if ever a people were to buck history, the US would be that; it seems our 'time' is gone. We squandered it. It's not Obama, it's what led to his being elected, fairly. Many passionately still think he's wonderful and will vote for him again.

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