POLITICIZING THE FBI: How James Comey Succeeded Where Richard Nixon Failed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Nixon attempted to 'politicize' a 'straight-arrow' FBI in the scandal involving spying on political opponent...

...while evidence shows the leadership of the Obama administration, led by FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe were anything BUT 'straight-arrow', even playing a part in a criminal administration's (Conspiracy) attempt to affect the outcome of a Presidential election in favor of the DNC's hand-picked opponent.


"A little over 40 years ago, Richard Nixon went from a landslide re-election winner to a president forced to resign in disgrace. Nixon’s downfall was the direct result of his unsuccessful attempts to politicize through patronage of an independent, straight-arrow FBI. The commonsense, ethical lesson from this for all government officials would be to avoid attempts to use our nation’s independent fact-finder as a partisan force.

There is as well, of course, a more perverse lesson to be learned from Nixon’s downfall at the hands of an independent FBI, to wit: there is much power to gain by politicizing the Bureau, but only if its upper-leadership team is all on partisan board.
Emerging evidence increasingly suggests, sadly, that this was former FBI Director James Comey’s leadership strategy in our country’s most sensitive investigations."

Comey’s exoneration of Clinton clearly transgressed clear DOJ standards, although Comey makes a tenuous argument that this was made necessary by the clear bias of Attorney General Loretta Lynch. In so doing, though, he admits that the proper course would have been to recommend a Special Counsel. But, stunningly, he also admits in his recent book that he did not do so because the public might think she was guilty, a political calculation if there ever was one.


"Recent revelations show, chillingly, that he involved the FBI in what appears to have been a plot to entrap, and even frame, a political opponent and his campaign regarding Russian collusion. This radical politicization of the Bureau makes any Nixonian scheme seem like child’s play. Nixon shamefully tricked the FBI into doing a routine background check on his enemy, journalist Daniel Schorr. Comey outdid Nixon by a wide margin, using his FBI to construct a false case of possible treason against a political enemy."

In short, President Nixon TRICKED the FBI into doing a background check on his enemy - Comey was in on the Obama administration's Conspiracy / TREASON from the very start.

POLITICIZING THE FBI: How James Comey Succeeded Where Richard Nixon Failed
Comey the Clown will go to prison...I'm certain of it and I for one can't wait.....
Comey the Clown will go to prison...I'm certain of it and I for one can't wait.....
Unfortunately...sadly...I believe just the opposite.

There has never been so much evidence that there are now
2 Americas' thanks to the political scoundrels and elitists who get caught over and over and over committing these crimes / Conspiracies / treason without ever being held accountable.

IRS Director Koskinen Perjured himself in front of Congress - Congressional politicians made a deal to keep him out of jail.

NIA Director Clapper Perjured himself in front of Congress - Democrats invited him back so he could 'amend' his testimony to avoid criminal charges and fought attempts to indict him until the statute or limitations on his crime had expired...which is exactly what Democrats are doing now in regards to Hillary's crimes.

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has already been recommended for indictment by the US IG...and the criminal DOJ is protecting him.

Over and over and over and over.....
WORSE than Watergate and a fully politicized, complicit FBI ...
President Nixon attempted to 'politicize' a 'straight-arrow' FBI in the scandal involving spying on political opponent...

...while evidence shows the leadership of the Obama administration, led by FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe were anything BUT 'straight-arrow', even playing a part in a criminal administration's (Conspiracy) attempt to affect the outcome of a Presidential election in favor of the DNC's hand-picked opponent.


"A little over 40 years ago, Richard Nixon went from a landslide re-election winner to a president forced to resign in disgrace. Nixon’s downfall was the direct result of his unsuccessful attempts to politicize through patronage of an independent, straight-arrow FBI. The commonsense, ethical lesson from this for all government officials would be to avoid attempts to use our nation’s independent fact-finder as a partisan force.

There is as well, of course, a more perverse lesson to be learned from Nixon’s downfall at the hands of an independent FBI, to wit: there is much power to gain by politicizing the Bureau, but only if its upper-leadership team is all on partisan board.
Emerging evidence increasingly suggests, sadly, that this was former FBI Director James Comey’s leadership strategy in our country’s most sensitive investigations."

Comey’s exoneration of Clinton clearly transgressed clear DOJ standards, although Comey makes a tenuous argument that this was made necessary by the clear bias of Attorney General Loretta Lynch. In so doing, though, he admits that the proper course would have been to recommend a Special Counsel. But, stunningly, he also admits in his recent book that he did not do so because the public might think she was guilty, a political calculation if there ever was one.


"Recent revelations show, chillingly, that he involved the FBI in what appears to have been a plot to entrap, and even frame, a political opponent and his campaign regarding Russian collusion. This radical politicization of the Bureau makes any Nixonian scheme seem like child’s play. Nixon shamefully tricked the FBI into doing a routine background check on his enemy, journalist Daniel Schorr. Comey outdid Nixon by a wide margin, using his FBI to construct a false case of possible treason against a political enemy."

In short, President Nixon TRICKED the FBI into doing a background check on his enemy - Comey was in on the Obama administration's Conspiracy / TREASON from the very start.

POLITICIZING THE FBI: How James Comey Succeeded Where Richard Nixon Failed

Sessions is all over this, I'm sure of...ahh who the fuck am I kidding

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