Political debate Mitt vs. obama


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
obama would love to debate mitt. obama would walk all over romney because Romney would not nor could he have any logical acceptable answer to why he opposes obama's agenda when he in the past supported those very things.

by Gregg Jackson
Just for a moment, let’s envision a debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama:

Romney: “We need to repeal Obamacare.”
Obama: “But Mitt, your consultants helped us design Obamacare on the basis of Romneycare. While my plan didn’t include $50 co-pay abortion coverage like yours does, it still has the individual mandate!”

Romney: “We need to protect ‘traditional male-female’ marriage.”
Obama: “Well then why as governor did you unilaterally, illegally and unconstitutionally implement same-sex “marriage”falsely claiming the “court ordered you to?”

Romney: “We need a president who will protect and defend life and de-fund Planned Parenthood.”
Obama: “Well why as governor did you sign into law $50 co-pay abortions and put a Planned Parenthood board member on your healthcare advisory board (3 years after your supposed “pro-life conversion.”)? And why did you and your wife give Planned Parenthood money and give them extra power?

Romney: “We need to defend religious freedom for all religious organizations.”
Obama: “So why then do you support state level Employment Non-Discrimination Act which would force churches and other religious organizations to hire homosexuals and transvestites or face criminal fines and prosecution?”

Romney: “We need to cut taxes to get our economy moving.”
Obama: “So why did you oppose the Bush Tax Cuts and raise taxes and fees by a billion dollars which decimated the Massachusetts economy?”

Romney: “I oppose Obama’s amnesty.”
Obama: “So why did you support McCAin-Bush-Kennedy Amnesty?”

Romney: “I oppose cap and trade.”
Obama: “Well why did you support most of McCain-Lieberman Cap and Trade and recently state publicly that “global warming” is “man-made?”

Romney: “I oppose everything you stand for!”
Obama: “Kinda sounds like you and I actually stand for the very same things my brother from another mother!”

Obamney vs. Obamney | Steve Deace
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Obama would and will TROUNCE Willard.

Double goes for fatso Noot Ging Grinch.
Why are the Mitt Romney supporters silent? Is it because they know it's true but hope no one will notice Mitt and obama are mirror images of each other?
Why are the Mitt Romney supporters silent? Is it because they know it's true but hope no one will notice Mitt and obama are mirror images of each other?

I'm silent because this is jibberish.

obama would walk all over romney because Romney would not not could he have any logical acceptable answer to why he opposes obama's agenda when he in the past supported those very things.

If you can't write a coherent sentence, I really don't have time to interpret your meaning.
Why are the Mitt Romney supporters silent? Is it because they know it's true but hope no one will notice Mitt and obama are mirror images of each other?

really? obama is anti choice?

obama is for cutting mitt's tax rate even more?

i didn't know that. live and learn.

obama and mitt are mirrors images of each other. Who said obama was anti choice? Who said obama was for cutting taxes?

i didn't know that. live and learn
It's news to me.
Why are the Mitt Romney supporters silent? Is it because they know it's true but hope no one will notice Mitt and obama are mirror images of each other?

I'm silent because this is jibberish.

obama would walk all over romney because Romney would not nor could he have any logical acceptable answer to why he opposes obama's agenda when he in the past supported those very things.

If you can't write a coherent sentence, I really don't have time to interpret your meaning.

Most of my post was a cut and paste so you missed it by a mile.
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Why are the Mitt Romney supporters silent? Is it because they know it's true but hope no one will notice Mitt and obama are mirror images of each other?

I'm silent because this is jibberish.

obama would walk all over romney because Romney would not nor could he have any logical acceptable answer to why he opposes obama's agenda when he in the past supported those very things.

If you can't write a coherent sentence, I really don't have time to interpret your meaning.

Most of my post was a cut and paste so you missed it by a mile.

Well, then.... I suggest you read what you're cutting and pasting. It's not my role to interpret that drivel.

It's jibberish. Whether it is yours or theirs is of no consequence.
I'm silent because this is jibberish.

If you can't write a coherent sentence, I really don't have time to interpret your meaning.

Most of my post was a cut and paste so you missed it by a mile.

Well, then.... I suggest you read what you're cutting and pasting. It's not my role to interpret that drivel.

It's jibberish. Whether it is yours or theirs is of no consequence.

It's not gibberish, the original author did it to show how much Romney is a mirror image of obama.
Can you refute those claims you call gibberish?
$10,000 bet that she can't refute those claims.

Any takers?

Come on man I am not trying to piss anyone off. I am trying to get them to take a closer look at what they support. There's no logical way to support romney and turn around and not give obama support.
Great thread.

I imagine a debate between them being they both walk to the middle of the floor between their podiums, shake hands, and turn around and leave.

What else would they spend their time doing? Complimenting each other on their issues on stances? Applauding each other's answers?
Great thread.

I imagine a debate between them being they both walk to the middle of the floor between their podiums, shake hands, and turn around and leave.

What else would they spend their time doing? Complimenting each other on their issues on stances? Applauding each other's answers?

There is no way Romney can beat obama not with what he signed onto and supported while governor.
If obama and Romney are mirror images of each other democrats won't have a problem voting for Mitt. All else being equal, obama could only get the vote because he's black and that makes democrats racists.
If obama and Romney are mirror images of each other democrats won't have a problem voting for Mitt. All else being equal, obama could only get the vote because he's black and that makes democrats racists.

Thing is since Romney is a "republican" even though he is the mirror image of obama as political agenda goes not to many democrats will go against their party and vote for Romney they hardly ever vote out of party lines.
So all obama has to do is bring up Romney's job proficiency and what he supported as Governor.
Great thread.

I imagine a debate between them being they both walk to the middle of the floor between their podiums, shake hands, and turn around and leave.

What else would they spend their time doing? Complimenting each other on their issues on stances? Applauding each other's answers?

There is no way Romney can beat obama not with what he signed onto and supported while governor.

Actually his moderate stance is what makes him electable. The hard-right very vocal minority in your party is a minority nonetheless.

Think about this mathematically. As unpopular as you think he is, a little less than half of the country still approves of Obama. A slightly higher number disapprove. Of those who disapprove, how many do you suppose are disenchanted by how moderate Obama himself is?

In other words, you seem to think the harder right someone is, the more popular and/or 'electable' they are, which is nonsense. Obama the candidate was a lot further left than Obama the President, and the candidate won in 2008 in a landslide.
Great thread.

I imagine a debate between them being they both walk to the middle of the floor between their podiums, shake hands, and turn around and leave.

What else would they spend their time doing? Complimenting each other on their issues on stances? Applauding each other's answers?

There is no way Romney can beat obama not with what he signed onto and supported while governor.

Actually his moderate stance is what makes him electable. The hard-right very vocal minority in your party is a minority nonetheless.

Think about this mathematically. As unpopular as you think he is, a little less than half of the country still approves of Obama. A slightly higher number disapprove. Of those who disapprove, how many do you suppose are disenchanted by how moderate Obama himself is?

In other words, you seem to think the harder right someone is, the more popular and/or 'electable' they are, which is nonsense. Obama the candidate was a lot further left than Obama the President, and the candidate won in 2008 in a landslide.

His moderate stance? How can a leftie be a moderate? If he's the mirror image of obama how can he be anything but like obama?

OH and obama the president was much further left as president than when he was a candidate by the mid term election and you remember what happen then don't you?
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