Police ticket couple rushing to the hospital with wife in labor


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Cop Was Right To Ticket Man Whose Wife Was In Labor, Chief Says

Holds couple for ten minutes as officer writes ticket. Woman gives birth 25 minutes later

After he was pulled over, the driver said he told the police officer his wife was in advanced labor: "I tried explaining the severity of the situation, but he cut me off without inquiring in what condition my wife is, and just asked for license and registration. We pleaded with him to please make it fast as we are in an emergency, but he answered curtly: sit tight." The man's account of the incident claims the patrolman "left me stranded for 15 minutes" while his wife was in active labor, and sought advice on how to fight the speeding ticket. The baby was born at 12:35 a.m. at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, according to the man's account.
why didn't the cop let them go? he had the license plate #? he can give a ticket later? if the driver/etc weren't jack-offs, he should let them go...if they were being jack-offs, well--you get more flies with honey

I thought a few months ago there was a story of someone who said they had an emergency [ death in family, birth, etc ] and the cops let them go...later on the cops found out they were lying
What is there to say about that? They were speeding. The driver can take the ticket to court along with the birth record. I'd be shocked if the judge didn't dismiss the charge and waive court costs. That the cop gave the driver a ticket doesn't surprise or shock me for my experience with cops has not led me to conclude they, "as a species," are particularly compassionate or intelligent.
Cop Was Right To Ticket Man Whose Wife Was In Labor, Chief Says

Holds couple for ten minutes as officer writes ticket. Woman gives birth 25 minutes later

After he was pulled over, the driver said he told the police officer his wife was in advanced labor: "I tried explaining the severity of the situation, but he cut me off without inquiring in what condition my wife is, and just asked for license and registration. We pleaded with him to please make it fast as we are in an emergency, but he answered curtly: sit tight." The man's account of the incident claims the patrolman "left me stranded for 15 minutes" while his wife was in active labor, and sought advice on how to fight the speeding ticket. The baby was born at 12:35 a.m. at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, according to the man's account.

That’s a lawsuit right there. Stupid cop in that case for sure.
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Gone are the days when a cop would see the situation as it is...and escort them to the hospital. And people wonder why the NFL players kneel.
but stuff like this happens to whites and blacks.......the NFL idiots are just protesting for blacks--which is racist

these things are GOING to happen!!!
the police are HUMAN...you will have problems/miscommunication/accidents/etc
--but it is not a major, chronic porblem

a major, chronic problem is blacks MURDERING over 7 blacks every DAY
the NFL players are protesting for lies

so they should kneel for a bad traffic ticket--but not murder??!!!!!!?????
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Gone are the days when a cop would see the situation as it is...and escort them to the hospital. And people wonder why the NFL players kneel.

NFL players stand for Mexico and disrespect our anthem because law enforcement in Mexico is so much better?
why didn't the cop let them go? he had the license plate #? he can give a ticket later? if the driver/etc weren't jack-offs, he should let them go...if they were being jack-offs, well--you get more flies with honey

I thought a few months ago there was a story of someone who said they had an emergency [ death in family, birth, etc ] and the cops let them go...later on the cops found out they were lying

The Chief of Police complemented the couple for being so polite about it....I wouldn't have been

Common sense says give them a warning to slow down and an escort to the hospital

The cop replied...."That is what ambulances are for" when asked for an escort
Gone are the days when a cop would see the situation as it is...and escort them to the hospital. And people wonder why the NFL players kneel.

The cops are supposed to be public safety officers

Seeing a woman in obvious labor would normally be grounds to drop the ticket and send them on their way
why didn't the cop let them go? he had the license plate #? he can give a ticket later? if the driver/etc weren't jack-offs, he should let them go...if they were being jack-offs, well--you get more flies with honey

I thought a few months ago there was a story of someone who said they had an emergency [ death in family, birth, etc ] and the cops let them go...later on the cops found out they were lying

The Chief of Police complemented the couple for being so polite about it....I wouldn't have been

Common sense says give them a warning to slow down and an escort to the hospital

The cop replied...."That is what ambulances are for" when asked for an escort
well--it looks like a jerk cop, then

I've been stopped for idiotic stuff before...but the cops were never arrogant, etc
I have seen videos, though, where they have been verbally abusive and should've been fired
some human males are naturally ''jerks....they want and think they are in charge...add to that, they might be having a bad day and/or home problems = you get a jackass
Common sense is lacking in a lot of areas these days.
when humans interact with each other--especially with ''unhappy'' circumstances, there can be fireworks/explosions...
..humans don't like to be told they are wrong, what to do, stopped by cops, etc......
and if you have a cop like in post # 13.....fire + = explosion
Common sense is lacking in a lot of areas these days.
when humans interact with each other--especially with ''unhappy'' circumstances, there can be fireworks/explosions...
..humans don't like to be told they are wrong, what to do, stopped by cops, etc......
and if you have a cop like in post # 13.....fire + = explosion
I have met a lot of truly decent officers over the years and only a few that were total assholes but it does seem that a lot of good ones get ran out when a bad one gets some authority in a place were they never belonged in the first place.
Meh.....I watched the video. The officer offered to call an ambulance. The "couple" kept the officer there for at least 2-3 minutes asking silly questions.

Meh.....I watched the video. The officer offered to call an ambulance. The "couple" kept the officer there for at least 2-3 minutes asking silly questions.

Apparently the officer needs a lesson on what it is like to be close to popping the little one out. Maybe he'll get a chance to experience something similar at some point like being plugged for days on end and all the sudden needing to find a toilet to get relief.
Marotta explains to the driver that he was stopped for doing "almost 80 in a 50".

That's pretty excessive. The couple's emergency doesn't give them the right to put others in danger. The soon to be father's job first and foremost is to make sure they get to the hospital safely without killing anybody, including his wide and child. IMO they put the cop in a bad situation. The cop has to do his due diligence and find out who they are. This cop is not privy to the their situation or what a doctor may have told them. All he knows is they're speeding excessively and putting everyone else in danger.
Meh.....I watched the video. The officer offered to call an ambulance. The "couple" kept the officer there for at least 2-3 minutes asking silly questions.

Apparently the officer needs a lesson on what it is like to be close to popping the little one out. Maybe he'll get a chance to experience something similar at some point like being plugged for days on end and all the sudden needing to find a toilet to get relief.

There is no reason to drive 80 in a 50 zone. If birth was imminent, the officer would have called an ambulance. Did you see how calm these people were? Maybe If they were a little hysterical......:rofl:

At any rate, it's a tempest in a teapot.

I hope they baby is healthy! They will have a very cool story to tell him/her!

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