Police State: Cop Brutally Attacks 78 Year Old Grandma Delivering Cupcakes...

I'm actually learning something new about you cop haters, now that I'm seeing it again. Not only do you post thread after thread of cop abuse or (mostly) alleged cop abuse, but now I'm seeing that you all want an excuse to shoot a cop. I'm starting to get a feel for how deep cop hate runs with you people, to the point you want a reason to gun them down in the streets, even creating movies in your head with very fanciful scenarios which allow you to blow them away.

Your sick, twisted pathology is even more disturbing than I originally estimated.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

If I saw a shootout on the roadside occur between an officer and a thug, I'd take out my shotgun and put down the thug and defend the cop.

The problem in this story is that the thug is the cop.

That's what's terrifying about you and the Branch Paulinian. You think THIS is an example of where a citizen bystander should take out their gun and shoot the cop. Was he rough on the lady? Sure he was. But he wasn't threatening her life or doing anything that can't be rectified in the legal system. He certainly wasn't doing anything that would justify shooting him, either legally or morally.

I think you two are very scary people who just want to kill cops, and if you ever do, this thread and your posts will be located and used against you to establish your state of mind.
I'm actually learning something new about you cop haters, now that I'm seeing it again. Not only do you post thread after thread of cop abuse or (mostly) alleged cop abuse, but now I'm seeing that you all want an excuse to shoot a cop. I'm starting to get a feel for how deep cop hate runs with you people, to the point you want a reason to gun them down in the streets, even creating movies in your head with very fanciful scenarios which allow you to blow them away.

Your sick, twisted pathology is even more disturbing than I originally estimated.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

If I saw a shootout on the roadside occur between an officer and a thug, I'd take out my shotgun and put down the thug and defend the cop.

The problem in this story is that the thug is the cop.

That's what's terrifying about you and the Branch Paulinian. You think THIS is an example of where a citizen bystander should take out their gun and shoot the cop. Was he rough on the lady? Sure he was. But he wasn't threatening her life or doing anything that can't be rectified in the legal system. He certainly wasn't doing anything that would justify shooting him, either legally or morally.

I think you two are very scary people who just want to kill cops, and if you ever do, this thread and your posts will be located and used against you to establish your state of mind.
How about when he comes to take you ammunition
I'm actually learning something new about you cop haters, now that I'm seeing it again. Not only do you post thread after thread of cop abuse or (mostly) alleged cop abuse, but now I'm seeing that you all want an excuse to shoot a cop. I'm starting to get a feel for how deep cop hate runs with you people, to the point you want a reason to gun them down in the streets, even creating movies in your head with very fanciful scenarios which allow you to blow them away.

Your sick, twisted pathology is even more disturbing than I originally estimated.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

If I saw a shootout on the roadside occur between an officer and a thug, I'd take out my shotgun and put down the thug and defend the cop.

The problem in this story is that the thug is the cop.

That's what's terrifying about you and the Branch Paulinian. You think THIS is an example of where a citizen bystander should take out their gun and shoot the cop. Was he rough on the lady? Sure he was. But he wasn't threatening her life or doing anything that can't be rectified in the legal system. He certainly wasn't doing anything that would justify shooting him, either legally or morally.

I think you two are very scary people who just want to kill cops, and if you ever do, this thread and your posts will be located and used against you to establish your state of mind.
Again, we dont know if the cop ever touched the woman. All we've got is her word about it. The fact the cop is still on duty suggests there's more to the story here.
If I saw a shootout on the roadside occur between an officer and a thug, I'd take out my shotgun and put down the thug and defend the cop.

The problem in this story is that the thug is the cop.
You think that, you don't know it. You base your opinion on emotional reactions like your scenario above. You would likely go to prison.
I'm actually learning something new about you cop haters, now that I'm seeing it again. Not only do you post thread after thread of cop abuse or (mostly) alleged cop abuse, but now I'm seeing that you all want an excuse to shoot a cop. I'm starting to get a feel for how deep cop hate runs with you people, to the point you want a reason to gun them down in the streets, even creating movies in your head with very fanciful scenarios which allow you to blow them away.

Your sick, twisted pathology is even more disturbing than I originally estimated.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

If I saw a shootout on the roadside occur between an officer and a thug, I'd take out my shotgun and put down the thug and defend the cop.

The problem in this story is that the thug is the cop.

That's what's terrifying about you and the Branch Paulinian. You think THIS is an example of where a citizen bystander should take out their gun and shoot the cop. Was he rough on the lady? Sure he was. But he wasn't threatening her life or doing anything that can't be rectified in the legal system. He certainly wasn't doing anything that would justify shooting him, either legally or morally.

I think you two are very scary people who just want to kill cops, and if you ever do, this thread and your posts will be located and used against you to establish your state of mind.
Again, we dont know if the cop ever touched the woman. All we've got is her word about it. The fact the cop is still on duty suggests there's more to the story here.

I think for some reason you're laying aside your normal reasoning faculties. She was pepper sprayed, and something like that HAS to be in the police report, and if she was pepper sprayed then she was certainly handled because the use of pepper spray is an inextricable part of police procedures to subdue a subject. Your claim that the news report is based only on her testimony is an unjustified assumption. There must have been a police report. What I keep seeing here on this thread is the fear that condemning this particular cop is an affront to respect for law enforcement in general.
If I saw a shootout on the roadside occur between an officer and a thug, I'd take out my shotgun and put down the thug and defend the cop.

The problem in this story is that the thug is the cop.
You think that, you don't know it. You base your opinion on emotional reactions like your scenario above. You would likely go to prison.

I think this guy should be locked up. I just don't want a cop to die for that to happen.
If I saw a shootout on the roadside occur between an officer and a thug, I'd take out my shotgun and put down the thug and defend the cop.

The problem in this story is that the thug is the cop.
You think that, you don't know it. You base your opinion on emotional reactions like your scenario above. You would likely go to prison.

I think this guy should be locked up. I just don't want a cop to die for that to happen.
I understand, you made it clear that you believe in guilt until proven innocent. We just have different values.
If I saw a shootout on the roadside occur between an officer and a thug, I'd take out my shotgun and put down the thug and defend the cop.

The problem in this story is that the thug is the cop.
You think that, you don't know it. You base your opinion on emotional reactions like your scenario above. You would likely go to prison.

I think this guy should be locked up. I just don't want a cop to die for that to happen.
I understand, you made it clear that you believe in guilt until proven innocent. We just have different values.

I was thinking about a mental institution for the criminally insane. Unfortunately that won't happen until AFTER he shoots a cop like he dreams of doing.
If I saw a shootout on the roadside occur between an officer and a thug, I'd take out my shotgun and put down the thug and defend the cop.

The problem in this story is that the thug is the cop.
You think that, you don't know it. You base your opinion on emotional reactions like your scenario above. You would likely go to prison.

I think this guy should be locked up. I just don't want a cop to die for that to happen.
I understand, you made it clear that you believe in guilt until proven innocent. We just have different values.

I was thinking about a mental institution for the criminally insane. Unfortunately that won't happen until AFTER he shoots a cop like he dreams of doing.

Police State wet dreamers like Stalin, Mao and Castro agree with you.
Elder abuse? LOL. Look, I worked for a retirement community once and some of the elders are not always so pleasant. Sounds like granny got a wild hair and wasn't going to take no for an answer.

What does seniors being not so plesant have to do with this case? Thats the second time you claimed she was a bad person but so far you have been unwilling to say why you are making excuses how she "might probably possibly" be rude

He's an elder-hater.
"Mary obeyed the officer and left the school. She then pulled over to call her son and tell him what happened."

There is something fishy about this story...

Yeah, why would a granny obey and not have a knock down drag out fight? Smells fishy

She left the school and then pulled over to call her son but was approached by the same officer? Nah, nothing fishy in that story...the site itself screams left loon.
you mean rightloon. OP is a lolibertarian anti-police spammer.
How can you even feign to be supportive of the 2nd Amendment when it's primary purpose is to eliminate dangerous tyrants? Any time I see you making pro-gun posts I'm going to link this thread.

You're a fucking idiot. The purpose of the second amendment is to protect a person's right to bear arms. It guarantees that people can be armed for lawful purposes, to include defense of self, and defense of country in case of invasion. But you are advocating vigilantism. You want people to be killed on the spot for doing something immoral.

The way to get rid of tyrants is to be engaged in the civic process of selecting the government, and to be diligent against government possessing too much unchecked power. You don't shoot them just because you don't like them. For God's sake, this is a tiny old woman. She probably struggled to carry the damn cupcakes. If she tried to pull a gun that would have been all this asshole cop would have needed to shoot her. And then it would have been "justified" because the cop would have been just defending himself. Congratulations, you just turned a beat up old woman into a dead old woman.
I'm actually learning something new about you cop haters, now that I'm seeing it again. Not only do you post thread after thread of cop abuse or (mostly) alleged cop abuse, but now I'm seeing that you all want an excuse to shoot a cop. I'm starting to get a feel for how deep cop hate runs with you people, to the point you want a reason to gun them down in the streets, even creating movies in your head with very fanciful scenarios which allow you to blow them away.

Your sick, twisted pathology is even more disturbing than I originally estimated.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

If I saw a shootout on the roadside occur between an officer and a thug, I'd take out my shotgun and put down the thug and defend the cop.

The problem in this story is that the thug is the cop.

That's what's terrifying about you and the Branch Paulinian. You think THIS is an example of where a citizen bystander should take out their gun and shoot the cop. Was he rough on the lady? Sure he was. But he wasn't threatening her life or doing anything that can't be rectified in the legal system. He certainly wasn't doing anything that would justify shooting him, either legally or morally.

I think you two are very scary people who just want to kill cops, and if you ever do, this thread and your posts will be located and used against you to establish your state of mind.
Again, we dont know if the cop ever touched the woman. All we've got is her word about it. The fact the cop is still on duty suggests there's more to the story here.

I think for some reason you're laying aside your normal reasoning faculties. She was pepper sprayed, and something like that HAS to be in the police report, and if she was pepper sprayed then she was certainly handled because the use of pepper spray is an inextricable part of police procedures to subdue a subject. Your claim that the news report is based only on her testimony is an unjustified assumption. There must have been a police report. What I keep seeing here on this thread is the fear that condemning this particular cop is an affront to respect for law enforcement in general.
What evidence do we have she was pepper sprayed? What was the cop's account of what happened?
The lack of evidence here is stunning. No video, no stills. Just granny in the hospital and her account of it.
When was the last time an incident like this happened and there was no one around taking pictures?
How can you even feign to be supportive of the 2nd Amendment when it's primary purpose is to eliminate dangerous tyrants? Any time I see you making pro-gun posts I'm going to link this thread.

You're a fucking idiot. The purpose of the second amendment is to protect a person's right to bear arms. It guarantees that people can be armed for lawful purposes, to include defense of self, and defense of country in case of invasion. But you are advocating vigilantism. You want people to be killed on the spot for doing something immoral.

The way to get rid of tyrants is to be engaged in the civic process of selecting the government, and to be diligent against government possessing too much unchecked power.

I'm sure many gun control advocates agree with you.

Molon Labe.
I'm actually learning something new about you cop haters, now that I'm seeing it again. Not only do you post thread after thread of cop abuse or (mostly) alleged cop abuse, but now I'm seeing that you all want an excuse to shoot a cop. I'm starting to get a feel for how deep cop hate runs with you people, to the point you want a reason to gun them down in the streets, even creating movies in your head with very fanciful scenarios which allow you to blow them away.

Your sick, twisted pathology is even more disturbing than I originally estimated.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

If I saw a shootout on the roadside occur between an officer and a thug, I'd take out my shotgun and put down the thug and defend the cop.

The problem in this story is that the thug is the cop.

That's what's terrifying about you and the Branch Paulinian. You think THIS is an example of where a citizen bystander should take out their gun and shoot the cop. Was he rough on the lady? Sure he was. But he wasn't threatening her life or doing anything that can't be rectified in the legal system. He certainly wasn't doing anything that would justify shooting him, either legally or morally.

I think you two are very scary people who just want to kill cops, and if you ever do, this thread and your posts will be located and used against you to establish your state of mind.
Again, we dont know if the cop ever touched the woman. All we've got is her word about it. The fact the cop is still on duty suggests there's more to the story here.

I think for some reason you're laying aside your normal reasoning faculties. She was pepper sprayed, and something like that HAS to be in the police report, and if she was pepper sprayed then she was certainly handled because the use of pepper spray is an inextricable part of police procedures to subdue a subject. Your claim that the news report is based only on her testimony is an unjustified assumption. There must have been a police report. What I keep seeing here on this thread is the fear that condemning this particular cop is an affront to respect for law enforcement in general.
What evidence do we have she was pepper sprayed? What was the cop's account of what happened?
The lack of evidence here is stunning. No video, no stills. Just granny in the hospital and her account of it.
When was the last time an incident like this happened and there was no one around taking pictures?

Your scraping for proof to exonerate this cop at all costs. Why? Many incidents happen with no photographic evidence. The news report said she was pepper sprayed, which means there had to have been a police report on the incident, because such a confrontation would not go undocumented. And a confrontation did happen, evidenced by the injuries on her face, neck, belly, and thighs, all of which are being brought into evidence by her attorney.

It's ok to admit that there are bad cops out there. Maybe even liberating.
Federalist 46, the Right to Bear Arms against Tyrants:
Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it. Let us not insult the free and gallant citizens of America with the suspicion, that they would be less able to defend the rights of which they would be in actual possession, than the debased subjects of arbitrary power would be to rescue theirs from the hands of their oppressors.

Are SwimExpert and saintmichaeldefendthem Loyalists or Patriots? I'm betting Loyalists.
So there was a restraining order, the cupcakes were probably bombs in disguise, and the cookies most likely contained an anti-merican pathogen.

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