Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

The Buffalo terrorist's diatribe calls for LGB "to drop the T", and describes being trans as a "mental illness and should be addressed as such."

Where, I wonder, did he get these ideas?
Liberals spew nothing but hate and then they wonder why people are so angry and divided. Of course they have nothing to do with that.
To be fair, they don't spew hate until someone doesn't go along with some of their crazy crap, then they become completely unhinged. Talk about privilege (liberal privilege is off the chain in this country), so don't go along with it and see what happens.
FACTS not fears.

you can't tell the difference.

70% of all murders in the US take place in the poorest urban areas.

But since it's young minority males killing other young minority males no one gives a shit.

So your simplistic thinking that it is somehow the fault of law abiding gun owners is just highlighting your ignorance
They're not ignorant, so don't ever underestimate them because ignorant they aren't. They are pushing an agenda or agenda's, so when things don't go their way they can always fall back on the ignorant card or the race card, otherwise to bail them out of their trap in which they stepped right into when push to far.

It's the same tactic as the comedian's use when they push to far into politics and get hammered while being extremely dirty. Then they say "hey it's just comedy", so I should be able to do as I please no matter what
The Buffalo terrorist's diatribe calls for LGB "to drop the T", and describes being trans as a "mental illness and should be addressed as such."

Where, I wonder, did he get these ideas?
Who has claimed that they are just ideas ? Is it you or maybe it's ideas expressed by million's of Americans across this great land who are supposed to have a voice in the game ? Why not put what you claim as being just ideas that people suggest, push or come up with to a national vote ???? What are you afraid of, that the vote might not go as you might think ????? Com'on Man, give your democracy a chance, and let the people decide on the issue's again. You scared ?
Just listen to him, well never mind hell you think just like him.

So, you know it, but you can't support it at all.

Pretty much what I expected.

Meanwhile in teh real world, this nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks and browns since the mid-60s. This idea that any national hit tv shows is built on w.s. is retarded.

ie something only a retard would think.

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