Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him

Some political ideology IS a mental illness. Former Senatorial Candidate Alan Keyes threw his daughter out onto the streets without a cent or a place to stay. Many Republicans seem to find this kind of thing easy to do. They applaud him.

Alan Keyes is a wacko regardless of politics.

Oh that's BRILLIANT!

EVERYONE NOTICE HOW ENLIGHTENED THIS ONE IS: She feels that those who stand for high principles are "WACKOS"... and this in a thread where she JUST lamented to 'unintended concequences' of the life lived by low principle...


Hey Einstein... this would be a great chance for you to chime in and inform the board of how important it is to not take one's principles too seriously... and live a moderate, balanced life somewhere in the 'principled middle.'

ROFLMNAO... Oh GOD! You can't make this stuff up!

you are a disgrace to the Eagle Globe and Anchor.
i cant imagine doing something something like that. and i hang out with criminals all day. Seriously, thats messed up. And i dont care what her political position is.

Uh huh... It's messed up alright.

But those who've lamented the political aspects have missed the point...

Politics is what?

I'm sure you'd agree that politics is "the theory and practice of government, especially the activities associated with governing, with obtaining legislative or executive power, or with forming and running organizations connected with government ..."

And the purpose of obtaining that power is so one can influence 'The Rules,' right?

Now where those in power establish the rules... it's readily apparent that where those in power go to work to undermine sound cultural mores; where they work to lower standards; where they rationalize that high standards of behavior are oppressive to those who 'simply aren't able to meet those standards...' they will normalize behavior which is unacceptable... and inevitably things turn into a mess.

Thus this issue is about politics, to the extent that those who promote the normalization of obsessive sexual behavior; where they promote debauchery, hedonism and self serving decadence... such as homosexuality for instance... there is no CHANCE that such will not be noticed by the lowest common denominator and that such behavior will be amplified by that sad lot.

Some would argue that this individual is just a twisted nut... that no standard of behavior, no matter how high would have prevented her from pursung her own child for sexual gratification... others would argue that such standards could have trained her to respect herself and her progeny and in so doing forced her to discipline her mind to where she would never have accepted such behavior for herself.

People happen... to be sure... but we cannot delude ourselves into believing that all of these things happen in a vacuum; and that much of this perversion is simply a function of people allowing themselves to succumb to natural impulses, simply because they've been lead to believe, that it's no big deal and otherwise, 'perfectly normal.'

The thing is that murder is normal... and the very reason that standards exist at ALL, is to sift from the individual mind, those normal things towards which the species is prone... but which a viable, sustainable culture has DETERMINED ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE!

Where we allow those who believe otherwise to gain power; we subject ourselves to the absolute certainty of the unintended consequences of their foolish poli-cy.
Michigan police say a 35-year-old mother used the Internet to track down the son she gave up for adoption a decade ago, seducing and raping the teenage boy when she found him after an online search.

Aimee Louise Sword of Waterford Township, near Detroit, was arraigned this week on three charges of criminal sexual conduct for the alleged rape of her biological son, whom she put up for adoption more than 10 years ago, MyFOXDetroit reported.

full article:

Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Bones?????........PULEEEZ A woman cannot "rape" a man. If the male isn't into it ...it don't happen...period..end of story.. BOTH her and her kid are freaks.
Michigan police say a 35-year-old mother used the Internet to track down the son she gave up for adoption a decade ago, seducing and raping the teenage boy when she found him after an online search.

Aimee Louise Sword of Waterford Township, near Detroit, was arraigned this week on three charges of criminal sexual conduct for the alleged rape of her biological son, whom she put up for adoption more than 10 years ago, MyFOXDetroit reported.

full article:

Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Yawn... more sick twisted freaks, committing incomprehensible debauchery... because they just didn't care to do anything different.

I don't see this being any worse, morally speaking; than the cultural normalization of homosexuality... in so doing, the culture has opened the door to pedophilia; it doesn't seem reasonable to sit around and stare at one another and trying to be the MOST SHOCKED in the room; when we've apparently accepted abnormal sexuality...

GUESS WHAT KIDS! >>>Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com<<<


Grab a clue...

This stupid bitch was just 'gettin' hers... Literally...

The cultural normalization of homosexuality? Come on, give me a break. I don't find myself particularly enthralled with homosexuality, but the fact is it's been around since the beginning of time. There have always been a small percentage of homosexuals and there always will be unless they come up with a pill that can change them.

This has nothing to do with truly sick people like this woman.

Wow man... that's so deep...

It's like you totally understand that sexuality just 'is' and that it has always been that PEOPLE DO STUPID SHIT! And that just because people get all twisted... that we shouldn't think less of them for it... just recognize that it's normal and live and let live man!

Oh... one more thing... incest has been around for just as long... and like incest, homosexuality often finds itself being exercised against those among us, who are coming into their sexual awareness, but who haven't locked in their sexual identity...

Now, here's the problem... one's sexual life, much as the balance of one's life; or 'the rest of one's life... which is to say the other facets of one's life which is not sexual... will reflect for most of that life, that which was imprinted in the beginning of that life.

Thus where one is subjected to sexual behavior with a parent, one will likely find that as an adult, one will be fairly prone towards sexual behavior with their own children; just as where one finds that sexual behavior with someone of the same gender early on in one's life will imprint the individual to seek gratification as an adult, through associations with those of the same gender.

Thus... THE TABOO!

As a species, we came to understand the stark negative consequences of succumbing to these impulses WAY BACK! And that is why those in charge developed CULTURAL STANDARDS WHICH FORBID SUCH...


The same argument by the advocates of homosexuality which determine that such taboos are little more than arcane, moralistic superstitions... are a function of simple ignorance... and as is nearly alway the case... they simply require that the species RE-LEARN the reasons that they were forbidden in the first place.

But thanks for the deep thoughts... they're always a gas.
Alan Keyes is a wacko regardless of politics.

Oh that's BRILLIANT!

EVERYONE NOTICE HOW ENLIGHTENED THIS ONE IS: She feels that those who stand for high principles are "WACKOS"... and this in a thread where she JUST lamented to 'unintended concequences' of the life lived by low principle...


Hey Einstein... this would be a great chance for you to chime in and inform the board of how important it is to not take one's principles too seriously... and live a moderate, balanced life somewhere in the 'principled middle.'

ROFLMNAO... Oh GOD! You can't make this stuff up!

you are a disgrace to the Eagle Globe and Anchor.


Because, 'everyone knows...' that as far as the United States Marine Corps is concerned... "Principle is really an individual thing, and we can take 'em or leave 'em..."


As I said... you just CANNOT make this crap up!

Now for what's it worth... I'd like you to take just a moment and ponder the potential ramifications wherein an organization such as the Marine Corps... turns from high principle... where the tradition of principled honor are abandoned, for the hedonistic pursuit of power...

Imagine what comes when a force which spends its time training to inflict uncompromising mayhem on its objective... determines that the rules are just arbitrary, arcane, moralistic superstitions which are to be ignored.

Now in my mind and in the mind of non-idiots... "THAT'S BAD!" Incomprehensible, unbridled power, released to pursue its own naked ambition. We wouldn't like that much... I assure ya.

And the same is true for the release of human sexuality, where such is unbridled to pursue it's own ambition... these are powerful instincts which are to be disciplined; and where one fails to do so... one sets themselves on the road to certain, predictable... but highly unenviable ruin.


Yawn... more sick twisted freaks, committing incomprehensible debauchery... because they just didn't care to do anything different.

I don't see this being any worse, morally speaking; than the cultural normalization of homosexuality... in so doing, the culture has opened the door to pedophilia; it doesn't seem reasonable to sit around and stare at one another and trying to be the MOST SHOCKED in the room; when we've apparently accepted abnormal sexuality...

GUESS WHAT KIDS! >>>Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com<<<


Grab a clue...

This stupid bitch was just 'gettin' hers... Literally...

The cultural normalization of homosexuality? Come on, give me a break. I don't find myself particularly enthralled with homosexuality, but the fact is it's been around since the beginning of time. There have always been a small percentage of homosexuals and there always will be unless they come up with a pill that can change them.

This has nothing to do with truly sick people like this woman.

Wow man... that's so deep...

It's like you totally understand that sexuality just 'is' and that it has always been that PEOPLE DO STUPID SHIT! And that just because people get all twisted... that we shouldn't think less of them for it... just recognize that it's normal and live and let live man!

Oh... one more thing... incest has been around for just as long... and like incest, homosexuality often finds itself being exercised against those among us, who are coming into their sexual awareness, but who haven't locked in their sexual identity...

Now, here's the problem... one's sexual life, much as the balance of one's life; or 'the rest of one's life... which is to say the other facets of one's life which is not sexual... will reflect for most of that life, that which was imprinted in the beginning of that life.

Thus where one is subjected to sexual behavior with a parent, one will likely find that as an adult, one will be fairly prone towards sexual behavior with their own children; just as where one finds that sexual behavior with someone of the same gender early on in one's life will imprint the individual to seek gratification as an adult, through associations with those of the same gender.

Thus... THE TABOO!

As a species, we came to understand the stark negative consequences of succumbing to these impulses WAY BACK! And that is why those in charge developed CULTURAL STANDARDS WHICH FORBID SUCH...


The same argument by the advocates of homosexuality which determine that such taboos are little more than arcane, moralistic superstitions... are a function of simple ignorance... and as is nearly alway the case... they simply require that the species RE-LEARN the reasons that they were forbidden in the first place.

But thanks for the deep thoughts... they're always a gas.

And here is where you fail completely:

Thus where one is subjected to sexual behavior with a parent, one will likely find that as an adult, one will be fairly prone towards sexual behavior with their own children; just as where one finds that sexual behavior with someone of the same gender early on in one's life will imprint the individual to seek gratification as an adult, through associations with those of the same gender.

Where it can be substantiated that molestation of a child will make that child more prone to become a molestor themselves, there is no sustaining evidence that a child being raised by a homosexual will lead that child to be homosexual themselves. In fact, the extreme majority of homosexuals are and were raised by straight parents.

Now this is the best one, and I just love it. There is evidence that a person's first sexual experience will have a long lasting effect on their sexual preference. So someone having a homosexual experience as a first sexual experience will much more likely be homosexual and someone having a heterosexual experience as their first sexual experience will lead them to a heterosexual lifestlyle. The problem with this is that these people already know if they are gay or straight before their first sexual experience. If a person is gay, their first experience will almost certainly be with someone of the same sex, and the same is true of a heterosexual. Basically, this argument is as dumb as it gets.
The cultural normalization of homosexuality? Come on, give me a break. I don't find myself particularly enthralled with homosexuality, but the fact is it's been around since the beginning of time. There have always been a small percentage of homosexuals and there always will be unless they come up with a pill that can change them.

This has nothing to do with truly sick people like this woman.

Wow man... that's so deep...

It's like you totally understand that sexuality just 'is' and that it has always been that PEOPLE DO STUPID SHIT! And that just because people get all twisted... that we shouldn't think less of them for it... just recognize that it's normal and live and let live man!

Oh... one more thing... incest has been around for just as long... and like incest, homosexuality often finds itself being exercised against those among us, who are coming into their sexual awareness, but who haven't locked in their sexual identity...

Now, here's the problem... one's sexual life, much as the balance of one's life; or 'the rest of one's life... which is to say the other facets of one's life which is not sexual... will reflect for most of that life, that which was imprinted in the beginning of that life.

Thus where one is subjected to sexual behavior with a parent, one will likely find that as an adult, one will be fairly prone towards sexual behavior with their own children; just as where one finds that sexual behavior with someone of the same gender early on in one's life will imprint the individual to seek gratification as an adult, through associations with those of the same gender.

Thus... THE TABOO!

As a species, we came to understand the stark negative consequences of succumbing to these impulses WAY BACK! And that is why those in charge developed CULTURAL STANDARDS WHICH FORBID SUCH...


The same argument by the advocates of homosexuality which determine that such taboos are little more than arcane, moralistic superstitions... are a function of simple ignorance... and as is nearly alway the case... they simply require that the species RE-LEARN the reasons that they were forbidden in the first place.

But thanks for the deep thoughts... they're always a gas.

And here is where you fail completely:

Thus where one is subjected to sexual behavior with a parent, one will likely find that as an adult, one will be fairly prone towards sexual behavior with their own children; just as where one finds that sexual behavior with someone of the same gender early on in one's life will imprint the individual to seek gratification as an adult, through associations with those of the same gender.

Where it can be substantiated that molestation of a child will make that child more prone to become a molestor themselves, there is no sustaining evidence that a child being raised by a homosexual will lead that child to be homosexual themselves. In fact, the extreme majority of homosexuals are and were raised by straight parents.

Now this is the best one, and I just love it. There is evidence that a person's first sexual experience will have a long lasting effect on their sexual preference. So someone having a homosexual experience as a first sexual experience will much more likely be homosexual and someone having a heterosexual experience as their first sexual experience will lead them to a heterosexual lifestlyle. The problem with this is that these people already know if they are gay or straight before their first sexual experience. If a person is gay, their first experience will almost certainly be with someone of the same sex, and the same is true of a heterosexual. Basically, this argument is as dumb as it gets.


Ok Audit...

I hear you saying that there is no sustaining evidence that the experience of childhood tends to establish the path that the individual will follow as an adult...


Thus the whole parenting/child-hood thing... is just a myth.

Children trained to steal, for instance, will; upon reaching the age of majority, quite naturally recognize that theft is immoral and turn to righteous defenders of property rights...


But look... do me a favor will ya?

Could ya just clarify for me, this thing wherein you seem to be implying that sexuality cannot be imprinted through a childs initial sexual experiences...

Do I understand correctly that this is your position? I wouldn't want to mischaracterize your position, 'cause that would be wrong.

The problem I'm having here, is that what appears to be your position would seem to be in direct conflict with the concerns expressed by the high-holies of human psychology; those 'authorities' referenced in the article of the OP... who 'seemed' to be expressing GREAT CONCERN that the incest projected upon the subject child... at least in their medical opinions, this behavior COULD 'have severe, long lasting psychological ramifications for that child.'

I just want to be sure that what you're saying is that where a child's initial sexual awakening is a result of homosexuality... That such could never result in that child being imprinted to recognize that sexualilty is expressed with individuals of their own gender... along with the natural desire for such through minor children within that gender; and that this is due to the certainty that children who are so imprinted already recognized themselves as being homosexuals...

Frankly, I have doubts on that one... I mean what are the odds that the perv doing the molesting will consistantly hit on the budding pervs? Would it then also be true, that the incestuous heteros will only molest those kids who are 'already prone towards incest?'

My thinking tends towards the understanding that a childs brain is learning social interaction and that what is learned as a child will... if you can believe THIS: that what a child's brain imprints, will be the psychological blue-print it uses through-out it's life...

Now you seem to be disagreeing with that... and this on the foundational premise that 'there is no evidence to support it.'

With all due respect... please take the time to straighten me out here.
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Oh that's BRILLIANT!

EVERYONE NOTICE HOW ENLIGHTENED THIS ONE IS: She feels that those who stand for high principles are "WACKOS"... and this in a thread where she JUST lamented to 'unintended concequences' of the life lived by low principle...


Hey Einstein... this would be a great chance for you to chime in and inform the board of how important it is to not take one's principles too seriously... and live a moderate, balanced life somewhere in the 'principled middle.'

ROFLMNAO... Oh GOD! You can't make this stuff up!

you are a disgrace to the Eagle Globe and Anchor.


Because, 'everyone knows...' that as far as the United States Marine Corps is concerned... "Principle is really an individual thing, and we can take 'em or leave 'em..."


As I said... you just CANNOT make this crap up!

Now for what's it worth... I'd like you to take just a moment and ponder the potential ramifications wherein an organization such as the Marine Corps... turns from high principle... where the tradition of principled honor are abandoned, for the hedonistic pursuit of power...

Imagine what comes when a force which spends its time training to inflict uncompromising mayhem on its objective... determines that the rules are just arbitrary, arcane, moralistic superstitions which are to be ignored.

Now in my mind and in the mind of non-idiots... "THAT'S BAD!" Incomprehensible, unbridled power, released to pursue its own naked ambition. We wouldn't like that much... I assure ya.

And the same is true for the release of human sexuality, where such is unbridled to pursue it's own ambition... these are powerful instincts which are to be disciplined; and where one fails to do so... one sets themselves on the road to certain, predictable... but highly unenviable ruin.



HOLY CRAP!!!! did you forget your meds today?
That is a very liberal area. So it is safe to say this is just the latest example of how truly sick and diseased the minds of libtards are.
why did you have to make this political?
that's fucking stupid to say that
as if politics had thing one to do with this
Liberalism is a mental illness. This woman sounds mentally disturbed, and since she is from a excessively liberal are, it is germane to the discussion.

Is that too hard for you to understand or should I use smaller words?

I support the right of people like you to say what you just did. Now, could you please make sure you put your opinion on liberals out for all to see? Like at an RNC function?

Michigan police say a 35-year-old mother used the Internet to track down the son she gave up for adoption a decade ago, seducing and raping the teenage boy when she found him after an online search.

Aimee Louise Sword of Waterford Township, near Detroit, was arraigned this week on three charges of criminal sexual conduct for the alleged rape of her biological son, whom she put up for adoption more than 10 years ago, MyFOXDetroit reported.

full article:

Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Yawn... more sick twisted freaks, committing incomprehensible debauchery... because they just didn't care to do anything different.

I don't see this being any worse, morally speaking; than the cultural normalization of homosexuality... in so doing, the culture has opened the door to pedophilia; it doesn't seem reasonable to sit around and stare at one another and trying to be the MOST SHOCKED in the room; when we've apparently accepted abnormal sexuality...

GUESS WHAT KIDS! >>>Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com<<<


Grab a clue...

This stupid bitch was just 'gettin' hers... Literally...

Gotta give it to you. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Blame it on teh Gays!
people that associate a political ideology with mental illness are usually the ones who are mentally ill.

Some political ideology IS a mental illness. Former Senatorial Candidate Alan Keyes threw his daughter out onto the streets without a cent or a place to stay. Many Republicans seem to find this kind of thing easy to do. They applaud him.
Black baby daddies typically abandon their niglets and the many baby mommies they knock up. Their fellow libtard enablers accept this as normal and support the jig bucks by refusing to make them held accountable.

Libtard values could fit on the head of a pin.

Ooooo! More good stuff! You should sign up to be a Right wing spokesperson. You'll do great! :clap2:
Michigan police say a 35-year-old mother used the Internet to track down the son she gave up for adoption a decade ago, seducing and raping the teenage boy when she found him after an online search.

Aimee Louise Sword of Waterford Township, near Detroit, was arraigned this week on three charges of criminal sexual conduct for the alleged rape of her biological son, whom she put up for adoption more than 10 years ago, MyFOXDetroit reported.

full article:

Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Bones?????........PULEEEZ A woman cannot "rape" a man. If the male isn't into it ...it don't happen...period..end of story.. BOTH her and her kid are freaks.

Um...Statutory Rape is still rape.
That is messed up. If that is true, she deserves life in prison with no parole. What a sick person.

Life? So, you're saying she deserves 3 meals a day, and a place to sleep safely?


Honestly, I don't like the death penalty, but in cases like this, it is appropriate. How horrible for that young man to first be rejected by that bitch and then abused by her in that way. Scarred for life doesn't begin to cover that damage.
Michigan police say a 35-year-old mother used the Internet to track down the son she gave up for adoption a decade ago, seducing and raping the teenage boy when she found him after an online search.

Aimee Louise Sword of Waterford Township, near Detroit, was arraigned this week on three charges of criminal sexual conduct for the alleged rape of her biological son, whom she put up for adoption more than 10 years ago, MyFOXDetroit reported.

full article:

Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Bones?????........PULEEEZ A woman cannot "rape" a man. If the male isn't into it ...it don't happen...period..end of story.. BOTH her and her kid are freaks.

Shame on you. That kid was not of the age of consent, nor did he know it was his mother.
you are a disgrace to the Eagle Globe and Anchor.


Because, 'everyone knows...' that as far as the United States Marine Corps is concerned... "Principle is really an individual thing, and we can take 'em or leave 'em..."


As I said... you just CANNOT make this crap up!

Now for what's it worth... I'd like you to take just a moment and ponder the potential ramifications wherein an organization such as the Marine Corps... turns from high principle... where the tradition of principled honor are abandoned, for the hedonistic pursuit of power...

Imagine what comes when a force which spends its time training to inflict uncompromising mayhem on its objective... determines that the rules are just arbitrary, arcane, moralistic superstitions which are to be ignored.

Now in my mind and in the mind of non-idiots... "THAT'S BAD!" Incomprehensible, unbridled power, released to pursue its own naked ambition. We wouldn't like that much... I assure ya.

And the same is true for the release of human sexuality, where such is unbridled to pursue it's own ambition... these are powerful instincts which are to be disciplined; and where one fails to do so... one sets themselves on the road to certain, predictable... but highly unenviable ruin.



HOLY CRAP!!!! did you forget your meds today?

Sweet Concession... Ya did the best ya could, God bless ya...

Because, 'everyone knows...' that as far as the United States Marine Corps is concerned... "Principle is really an individual thing, and we can take 'em or leave 'em..."


As I said... you just CANNOT make this crap up!

Now for what's it worth... I'd like you to take just a moment and ponder the potential ramifications wherein an organization such as the Marine Corps... turns from high principle... where the tradition of principled honor are abandoned, for the hedonistic pursuit of power...

Imagine what comes when a force which spends its time training to inflict uncompromising mayhem on its objective... determines that the rules are just arbitrary, arcane, moralistic superstitions which are to be ignored.

Now in my mind and in the mind of non-idiots... "THAT'S BAD!" Incomprehensible, unbridled power, released to pursue its own naked ambition. We wouldn't like that much... I assure ya.

And the same is true for the release of human sexuality, where such is unbridled to pursue it's own ambition... these are powerful instincts which are to be disciplined; and where one fails to do so... one sets themselves on the road to certain, predictable... but highly unenviable ruin.



HOLY CRAP!!!! did you forget your meds today?

Sweet Concession... Ya did the best ya could, God bless ya...

concession? i cant even understand your insane ramblings never mind concede to them, man seriously seek some help.
Michigan police say a 35-year-old mother used the Internet to track down the son she gave up for adoption a decade ago, seducing and raping the teenage boy when she found him after an online search.

Aimee Louise Sword of Waterford Township, near Detroit, was arraigned this week on three charges of criminal sexual conduct for the alleged rape of her biological son, whom she put up for adoption more than 10 years ago, MyFOXDetroit reported.

full article:

Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Yawn... more sick twisted freaks, committing incomprehensible debauchery... because they just didn't care to do anything different.

I don't see this being any worse, morally speaking; than the cultural normalization of homosexuality... in so doing, the culture has opened the door to pedophilia; it doesn't seem reasonable to sit around and stare at one another and trying to be the MOST SHOCKED in the room; when we've apparently accepted abnormal sexuality...

GUESS WHAT KIDS! >>>Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com<<<


Grab a clue...

This stupid bitch was just 'gettin' hers... Literally...

Gotta give it to you. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Blame it on teh Gays!

Well as is your tendency... Ya missed the umambiguous, clearly stated point.

I am not blaming anything to the pathetic sexual devients who lack the character to abstain from perversion, inspite of their twisted obsession which draws them towards sexual attraction to those of the same gender.

I am stating that where a culture rejects longstanding taboos and accepts such abnormality as normal behavior; they NORMALIZE SEXUAL ABNORMALITY... and that such idiocy can only promote greater levels of and more perverted examples of sexual abnormality... such as flagrant incest.

Does that simplication of an already elementary problem make it possible for you to understand? Wouldn't want your keen insight to be absent from this one...
Michigan police say a 35-year-old mother used the Internet to track down the son she gave up for adoption a decade ago, seducing and raping the teenage boy when she found him after an online search.

Aimee Louise Sword of Waterford Township, near Detroit, was arraigned this week on three charges of criminal sexual conduct for the alleged rape of her biological son, whom she put up for adoption more than 10 years ago, MyFOXDetroit reported.

full article:

Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Bones?????........PULEEEZ A woman cannot "rape" a man. If the male isn't into it ...it don't happen...period..end of story.. BOTH her and her kid are freaks.

Shame on you. That kid was not of the age of consent, nor did he know it was his mother.

How old was he? As soon as a male reaches puberty he knows what to do with his dick and he CAN'T do anything he does not WANT to do. Consent is for girls. If you think differently you are a girl. Ya its fucked up ...its really fucked up. Being with any 35 plus hag when you are a teen male is sick...BOTH of them.

What is it with you that don't know that there is a big difference between boys and girls?

Truth is we are not equal. There should be some laws that apply to gals and some to guys. I had a french teacher in high school..she was 21 ...looked like mari osmond with bigger tits... she was SOOOOOO nice and smelled SOOOOOO good...I would have given my left nut if she had done me...:lol:
Alan Keyes is a wacko regardless of politics.

Oh that's BRILLIANT!

EVERYONE NOTICE HOW ENLIGHTENED THIS ONE IS: She feels that those who stand for high principles are "WACKOS"... and this in a thread where she JUST lamented to 'unintended concequences' of the life lived by low principle...


Hey Einstein... this would be a great chance for you to chime in and inform the board of how important it is to not take one's principles too seriously... and live a moderate, balanced life somewhere in the 'principled middle.'

ROFLMNAO... Oh GOD! You can't make this stuff up!

you are a disgrace to the Eagle Globe and Anchor.


Because, 'everyone knows...' that as far as the United States Marine Corps is concerned... "Principle is really an individual thing, and we can take 'em or leave 'em..."


As I said... you just CANNOT make this crap up!

Now for what's it worth... I'd like you to take just a moment and ponder the potential ramifications wherein an organization such as the Marine Corps... turns from high principle... where the tradition of principled honor are abandoned, for the hedonistic pursuit of power...

Imagine what comes when a force which spends its time training to inflict uncompromising mayhem on its objective... determines that the rules are just arbitrary, arcane, moralistic superstitions which are to be ignored.

Now in my mind and in the mind of non-idiots... "THAT'S BAD!" Incomprehensible, unbridled power, released to pursue its own naked ambition. We wouldn't like that much... I assure ya.

And the same is true for the release of human sexuality, where such is unbridled to pursue it's own ambition... these are powerful instincts which are to be disciplined; and where one fails to do so... one sets themselves on the road to certain, predictable... but highly unenviable ruin.



HOLY CRAP!!!! did you forget your meds today?

Sweet Concession... Ya did the best ya could, God bless ya...

concession? i cant even understand your insane ramblings never mind concede to them, man seriously seek some help.

Well that you can't understand is a given...

And sadly... you're failure to comprehend doesn't actually lend evidence to the assertion that something is insane; all it is, is more evidence of the aforementioned severe intellectual limitations.

And finally, you're desire to escape accountability, for your failure to sustain your own argument... through the pretense that you can't understand the oppositions response; a response conveyed in the common language; again denotes your intellectual limitations and a critical flaw in your personal character... specifically a total absence of veracity; and virtue... in general.
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