Police: Menendez Accusers Paid to Lie


Gold Member
Oct 19, 2008
Toledo, OH
Robert Menendez Accusers Were Paid To Make Prostitution Claims Against Senator: Dominican Police

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — Three women were paid to falsely claim in videotaped interviews that they had sex for money with a U.S. senator in the Dominican Republic, a spokesman for the police said Monday.

The women, whose claims generated media attention in the United States, were hired by a Dominican attorney to make the videotaped statements, spokesman Maximo Baez told reporters. Two of the women received about $425 and the other was paid about $300, he said.

Authorities are seeking to interrogate the attorney, Melanio Figueroa, about the payments and have not determined his motive or whether he was in turn paid by someone else to set up the interviews, Baez said.

Robert Menendez Accusers Were Paid To Make Prostitution Claims Against Senator: Dominican Police

I leave open room for the possibility of a massive fraudulent cover-up by Dominican Police, but I highly doubt it. We all know how well cover-ups tend to work for politicians in the US. Most likely, this was an intricate campaign to smear the Senator. I wonder how many of those that called for Menendez' head will be admitting to their mistake. Something tells me very few.
The Daily Caller reportedly tried to find prostitutes who'd lie about Sen. Bob Menendez. The site denies it.

According to law enforcement officials in the Dominican Republic, a local lawyer alleges that he was approached by someone claiming to work for the Daily Caller about finding prostitutes who would say they were solicited by Sen. Bob Menendez, the Washington Post reports.

More: Report: Lawyer links Daily Caller to paid Menendez prostitutes - Salon.com

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