Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility

Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility
07-14-19 ~ By Ivan Pentchoukov
Police in Tacoma, Washington, killed an armed Antifa extremist early on July 13 after the man threw firebombs at the building and cars in the parking lot and attempted to blow up a large propane tank. The man succeeded in setting one car on fire before officers responded at 4 a.m. and gunned him down, according to the Tacoma Police Department. The man was armed with a rifle and wore a satchel with flares, the police said. No officers were hurt in the encounter. “This morning’s attack at the ICE detention center in Tacoma was a horrific act of violence that has shaken us all,” Washington Governor Jay Inslee wrote on Twitter.
The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office identified the man as Willem Van Spronsen of Vashon Island, according to the Seattle Times.... A friend of Van Spronsen, who described Van Spronsen as an anarchist and anti-fascist, said that she thinks he wanted to provoke a fatal conflict, the Seattle Times reported. Anti-fascists in the United States refer to themselves as Antifa.

The Epoch Times correctly identifies the group “Antifa” in the title. I bet nobody else does. This is the violence caused by Democratic divisiveness and hysteria. Both the biased media and law enforcement especially in the state of Washington have been excessively tolerant of Antifa’s violence that has only encouraged them to step up their violent tactics.
The radicalized Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left attacks because mainstream media encourages Antifa to commit the violence. This is a symptom and a sign of what is to come. Weakness encourages aggressive behavior. Time to clamp down on these extremists.
As always the anti-fascists committing fascist maneuvers. Only one side is participating in this civil war, (so far). There is a tipping point and it is coming soon. When the police cannot handle it anymore, things will get loud and bloody.
Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility

Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility
07-14-19 ~ By Ivan Pentchoukov
Police in Tacoma, Washington, killed an armed Antifa extremist early on July 13 after the man threw firebombs at the building and cars in the parking lot and attempted to blow up a large propane tank. The man succeeded in setting one car on fire before officers responded at 4 a.m. and gunned him down, according to the Tacoma Police Department. The man was armed with a rifle and wore a satchel with flares, the police said. No officers were hurt in the encounter. “This morning’s attack at the ICE detention center in Tacoma was a horrific act of violence that has shaken us all,” Washington Governor Jay Inslee wrote on Twitter.
The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office identified the man as Willem Van Spronsen of Vashon Island, according to the Seattle Times.... A friend of Van Spronsen, who described Van Spronsen as an anarchist and anti-fascist, said that she thinks he wanted to provoke a fatal conflict, the Seattle Times reported. Anti-fascists in the United States refer to themselves as Antifa.

The Epoch Times correctly identifies the group “Antifa” in the title. I bet nobody else does. This is the violence caused by Democratic divisiveness and hysteria. Both the biased media and law enforcement especially in the state of Washington have been excessively tolerant of Antifa’s violence that has only encouraged them to step up their violent tactics.
The radicalized Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left attacks because mainstream media encourages Antifa to commit the violence. This is a symptom and a sign of what is to come. Weakness encourages aggressive behavior. Time to clamp down on these extremists.
As always the anti-fascists committing fascist maneuvers. Only one side is participating in this civil war, (so far). There is a tipping point and it is coming soon. When the police cannot handle it anymore, things will get loud and bloody.
A very good birthday present.

Only a few more thousand to go.
Registered Democrat and registered far left wing socialist/activist..... And mentally unstable too boot like most dem-o-nazi's. (aka; ANTIFA)
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Thanks guys

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Registered Democrat and registered far left wing socialist/activist..... And mentally unstable too boot like most dem-o-nazi's.

BOOM BOOM out go the Lights! No more concrete shakes for him! No comment from the family? Hmmmm! They (Antifa )unleashed this guy trying to get some media attention, probably encouraged him and now he's dead! Isn't that a crime! Federal facility Federal terrorism charges. Using violence for political gain is terrorism. Go arrest their leaders. RICO may apply!
Registered Democrat and registered far left wing socialist/activist..... And mentally unstable too boot like most dem-o-nazi's.

BOOM BOOM out go the Lights! No more concrete shakes for him! No comment from the family? Hmmmm! They (Antifa )unleashed this guy trying to get some media attention, probably encouraged him and now he's dead! Isn't that a crime! Federal facility Federal terrorism charges. Using violence for political gain is terrorism. Go arrest their leaders. RICO may apply!

In another thread, on this site, someone posted up a screen shot of the DU conversations where they were discussing doing this very type of event. This is Domestic Terrorism and we should root them out and arrest them all as such. No more kid gloves. You put on the garb and you go to prison...

And YES, RICO applies... This organization has funding from George Soros through his thousands of front organizations and the DNC. Dig deep FBI,CIA, and NSA... there are a whole bunch of funding people who enable this and need to go to prison.
Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility

Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility
07-14-19 ~ By Ivan Pentchoukov
Police in Tacoma, Washington, killed an armed Antifa extremist early on July 13 after the man threw firebombs at the building and cars in the parking lot and attempted to blow up a large propane tank. The man succeeded in setting one car on fire before officers responded at 4 a.m. and gunned him down, according to the Tacoma Police Department. The man was armed with a rifle and wore a satchel with flares, the police said. No officers were hurt in the encounter. “This morning’s attack at the ICE detention center in Tacoma was a horrific act of violence that has shaken us all,” Washington Governor Jay Inslee wrote on Twitter.
The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office identified the man as Willem Van Spronsen of Vashon Island, according to the Seattle Times.... A friend of Van Spronsen, who described Van Spronsen as an anarchist and anti-fascist, said that she thinks he wanted to provoke a fatal conflict, the Seattle Times reported. Anti-fascists in the United States refer to themselves as Antifa.

The Epoch Times correctly identifies the group “Antifa” in the title. I bet nobody else does. This is the violence caused by Democratic divisiveness and hysteria. Both the biased media and law enforcement especially in the state of Washington have been excessively tolerant of Antifa’s violence that has only encouraged them to step up their violent tactics.
The radicalized Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left attacks because mainstream media encourages Antifa to commit the violence. This is a symptom and a sign of what is to come. Weakness encourages aggressive behavior. Time to clamp down on these extremists.
As always the anti-fascists committing fascist maneuvers. Only one side is participating in this civil war, (so far). There is a tipping point and it is coming soon. When the police cannot handle it anymore, things will get loud and bloody.

Democrat should be happy. One less entitled rich white boy! Hope they kill more!
Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility

Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility
07-14-19 ~ By Ivan Pentchoukov
Police in Tacoma, Washington, killed an armed Antifa extremist early on July 13 after the man threw firebombs at the building and cars in the parking lot and attempted to blow up a large propane tank. The man succeeded in setting one car on fire before officers responded at 4 a.m. and gunned him down, according to the Tacoma Police Department. The man was armed with a rifle and wore a satchel with flares, the police said. No officers were hurt in the encounter. “This morning’s attack at the ICE detention center in Tacoma was a horrific act of violence that has shaken us all,” Washington Governor Jay Inslee wrote on Twitter.
The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office identified the man as Willem Van Spronsen of Vashon Island, according to the Seattle Times.... A friend of Van Spronsen, who described Van Spronsen as an anarchist and anti-fascist, said that she thinks he wanted to provoke a fatal conflict, the Seattle Times reported. Anti-fascists in the United States refer to themselves as Antifa.

The Epoch Times correctly identifies the group “Antifa” in the title. I bet nobody else does. This is the violence caused by Democratic divisiveness and hysteria. Both the biased media and law enforcement especially in the state of Washington have been excessively tolerant of Antifa’s violence that has only encouraged them to step up their violent tactics.
The radicalized Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left attacks because mainstream media encourages Antifa to commit the violence. This is a symptom and a sign of what is to come. Weakness encourages aggressive behavior. Time to clamp down on these extremists.
As always the anti-fascists committing fascist maneuvers. Only one side is participating in this civil war, (so far). There is a tipping point and it is coming soon. When the police cannot handle it anymore, things will get loud and bloody.

Time for the Police to get serious and round up the whole Antifa crew. Send them off to Guantanamo Bay as enemy combatants.

They didn't mention how many bullets Spronsen took, but I would hope that they would have shot him at least a couple of times in the face so that his mother can't have an open casket for him.
Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility

Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility
07-14-19 ~ By Ivan Pentchoukov
Police in Tacoma, Washington, killed an armed Antifa extremist early on July 13 after the man threw firebombs at the building and cars in the parking lot and attempted to blow up a large propane tank. The man succeeded in setting one car on fire before officers responded at 4 a.m. and gunned him down, according to the Tacoma Police Department. The man was armed with a rifle and wore a satchel with flares, the police said. No officers were hurt in the encounter. “This morning’s attack at the ICE detention center in Tacoma was a horrific act of violence that has shaken us all,” Washington Governor Jay Inslee wrote on Twitter.
The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office identified the man as Willem Van Spronsen of Vashon Island, according to the Seattle Times.... A friend of Van Spronsen, who described Van Spronsen as an anarchist and anti-fascist, said that she thinks he wanted to provoke a fatal conflict, the Seattle Times reported. Anti-fascists in the United States refer to themselves as Antifa.

The Epoch Times correctly identifies the group “Antifa” in the title. I bet nobody else does. This is the violence caused by Democratic divisiveness and hysteria. Both the biased media and law enforcement especially in the state of Washington have been excessively tolerant of Antifa’s violence that has only encouraged them to step up their violent tactics.
The radicalized Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left attacks because mainstream media encourages Antifa to commit the violence. This is a symptom and a sign of what is to come. Weakness encourages aggressive behavior. Time to clamp down on these extremists.
As always the anti-fascists committing fascist maneuvers. Only one side is participating in this civil war, (so far). There is a tipping point and it is coming soon. When the police cannot handle it anymore, things will get loud and bloody.
This could be a ploy to receive more funding from the government to secure their centers. It is too bad that there are no other alternatives to house these immigrants. It look like the detention centers' owners, George Soros is calling the shots. Since he bringing them in by the truck loads, that it isn't given Pres.Trump a chance to figure out an alternative. But that is why we need to figure out what candidates that will be good for the Trump's administration. But all of this hoopla that it is going on. That it has us focusing on those things instead of the candidates.
Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility

Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility
07-14-19 ~ By Ivan Pentchoukov
Police in Tacoma, Washington, killed an armed Antifa extremist early on July 13 after the man threw firebombs at the building and cars in the parking lot and attempted to blow up a large propane tank. The man succeeded in setting one car on fire before officers responded at 4 a.m. and gunned him down, according to the Tacoma Police Department. The man was armed with a rifle and wore a satchel with flares, the police said. No officers were hurt in the encounter. “This morning’s attack at the ICE detention center in Tacoma was a horrific act of violence that has shaken us all,” Washington Governor Jay Inslee wrote on Twitter.
The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office identified the man as Willem Van Spronsen of Vashon Island, according to the Seattle Times.... A friend of Van Spronsen, who described Van Spronsen as an anarchist and anti-fascist, said that she thinks he wanted to provoke a fatal conflict, the Seattle Times reported. Anti-fascists in the United States refer to themselves as Antifa.

The Epoch Times correctly identifies the group “Antifa” in the title. I bet nobody else does. This is the violence caused by Democratic divisiveness and hysteria. Both the biased media and law enforcement especially in the state of Washington have been excessively tolerant of Antifa’s violence that has only encouraged them to step up their violent tactics.
The radicalized Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left attacks because mainstream media encourages Antifa to commit the violence. This is a symptom and a sign of what is to come. Weakness encourages aggressive behavior. Time to clamp down on these extremists.
As always the anti-fascists committing fascist maneuvers. Only one side is participating in this civil war, (so far). There is a tipping point and it is coming soon. When the police cannot handle it anymore, things will get loud and bloody.
This could be a ploy to receive more funding from the government to secure their centers. It is too bad that there are no other alternatives to house these immigrants. It look like the detention centers' owners, George Soros is calling the shots. Since he bringing them in by the truck loads, that it isn't given Pres.Trump a chance to figure out an alternative. But that is why we need to figure out what candidates that will be good for the Trump's administration. But all of this hoopla that it is going on. That it has us focusing on those things instead of the candidates.
Love the alternative spin..

But its to no avail, This has put the spot light on Democrats and their treasonous position. They now have nowhere to hide. THEY OWN ANTIFA and thier actions.
Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility

Police Kill Antifa Extremist Attacking Immigrant Detention Facility
07-14-19 ~ By Ivan Pentchoukov
Police in Tacoma, Washington, killed an armed Antifa extremist early on July 13 after the man threw firebombs at the building and cars in the parking lot and attempted to blow up a large propane tank. The man succeeded in setting one car on fire before officers responded at 4 a.m. and gunned him down, according to the Tacoma Police Department. The man was armed with a rifle and wore a satchel with flares, the police said. No officers were hurt in the encounter. “This morning’s attack at the ICE detention center in Tacoma was a horrific act of violence that has shaken us all,” Washington Governor Jay Inslee wrote on Twitter.
The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office identified the man as Willem Van Spronsen of Vashon Island, according to the Seattle Times.... A friend of Van Spronsen, who described Van Spronsen as an anarchist and anti-fascist, said that she thinks he wanted to provoke a fatal conflict, the Seattle Times reported. Anti-fascists in the United States refer to themselves as Antifa.

The Epoch Times correctly identifies the group “Antifa” in the title. I bet nobody else does. This is the violence caused by Democratic divisiveness and hysteria. Both the biased media and law enforcement especially in the state of Washington have been excessively tolerant of Antifa’s violence that has only encouraged them to step up their violent tactics.
The radicalized Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left attacks because mainstream media encourages Antifa to commit the violence. This is a symptom and a sign of what is to come. Weakness encourages aggressive behavior. Time to clamp down on these extremists.
As always the anti-fascists committing fascist maneuvers. Only one side is participating in this civil war, (so far). There is a tipping point and it is coming soon. When the police cannot handle it anymore, things will get loud and bloody.

Time for the Police to get serious and round up the whole Antifa crew. Send them off to Guantanamo Bay as enemy combatants.

They didn't mention how many bullets Spronsen took, but I would hope that they would have shot him at least a couple of times in the face so that his mother can't have an open casket for him.

Or be socialist and take away their allowance money
Looks like a suicide by cop.

Ordinarily, I would agree.

But this is up in Far Left Tacoma. The Antifa Thug may have thought the police would have stood down like they did in Portland when they beat and attacked the reporter.

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