Poley Bear Extinction Watch


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
This was just published last month.

In a collaborative U.S.-Russian effort in spring of 2016, a minimum of 3,435 polar bears (but possibly as many as 5,444) likely inhabited the Chukchi Sea in 2016, quite a bit more than a previous study that estimated a population size of 2,937 the same year (which used data from one small US area extrapolated to the entire region).

The study, done by fixed-wing aircraft in April and May 2016 (Conn et al. 2021), estimated 3095 bears in the Russian portion of the Chukchi Sea compared to 340 in the US portion. That’s almost 10 times as many Russian bears as US bears in the Chukchi Sea, a statistic we’ve never had before now. The number estimated for the US portion in this study was almost 3 times as many as was estimated for the previous Regehr and colleagues study (340 vs. 126)(Regehr et al. 2018). Based on this latest data, the density of bears was said to be about half (~0.001 bears/km2) the density calculated from 1987 aerial survey data (0.002 bears/km2) but whether these figures are truly comparable remains to be determined.

al gore polar bears.jpg
This was just published last month.

In a collaborative U.S.-Russian effort in spring of 2016, a minimum of 3,435 polar bears (but possibly as many as 5,444) likely inhabited the Chukchi Sea in 2016, quite a bit more than a previous study that estimated a population size of 2,937 the same year (which used data from one small US area extrapolated to the entire region).

The study, done by fixed-wing aircraft in April and May 2016 (Conn et al. 2021), estimated 3095 bears in the Russian portion of the Chukchi Sea compared to 340 in the US portion. That’s almost 10 times as many Russian bears as US bears in the Chukchi Sea, a statistic we’ve never had before now. The number estimated for the US portion in this study was almost 3 times as many as was estimated for the previous Regehr and colleagues study (340 vs. 126)(Regehr et al. 2018). Based on this latest data, the density of bears was said to be about half (~0.001 bears/km2) the density calculated from 1987 aerial survey data (0.002 bears/km2) but whether these figures are truly comparable remains to be determined.

Polar Bears are morphing into Ghost Bears (half grisly and half polar) due to global warming
Turns out that Polar Bears are enjoying the warmer weather...

This was just published last month.

In a collaborative U.S.-Russian effort in spring of 2016, a minimum of 3,435 polar bears (but possibly as many as 5,444) likely inhabited the Chukchi Sea in 2016, quite a bit more than a previous study that estimated a population size of 2,937 the same year (which used data from one small US area extrapolated to the entire region).

The study, done by fixed-wing aircraft in April and May 2016 (Conn et al. 2021), estimated 3095 bears in the Russian portion of the Chukchi Sea compared to 340 in the US portion. That’s almost 10 times as many Russian bears as US bears in the Chukchi Sea, a statistic we’ve never had before now. The number estimated for the US portion in this study was almost 3 times as many as was estimated for the previous Regehr and colleagues study (340 vs. 126)(Regehr et al. 2018). Based on this latest data, the density of bears was said to be about half (~0.001 bears/km2) the density calculated from 1987 aerial survey data (0.002 bears/km2) but whether these figures are truly comparable remains to be determined.

Polar Bears are morphing into Ghost Bears (half grisly and half polar) due to global warming
So rugged species are capable of adapting to changing conditions like they have many times for millions of years of a cyclical change in environment.
Imagine that.

So exactly what is Earth's ideal perfect climate anyway?
Been tropical, been a frozen ice world and the Earth did just fine.
Some will benefit, others won't.
The last warming period directly benefited humans.
Al Gore lies like a bad rug.
Al Gore burns more carbons and uses more resources than a small town.
Total hypocrite.
But.....but....carbon credits!
"An indulgence is the extra-sacramental remission of the temporal punishment due, in God 's justice, to sin that has been forgiven, which remission is granted by the Church in the exercise of the power of the keys, through the application of the superabundant merits of Christ and of the saints, and for some just and reasonable motive."

Carbon credits are the indulgences of the Church of the Warming Globe.

I am really trying to see the downside of more open waters, more land capable of growing food for an increasing world population, warmer weather in the miserable climate of the northern hemisphere and Palm Trees on the shores of Lake Superior.
So a few shithole cities go like Atlantis and some country folks have new valuable beachfront.
Again, still trying to see the downside.

Nope, not seeing it.
Poley Bear Extinction Watch

Poley bear? Is that a cross between a pole dancer and a bear? :)

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