Poland considers activating Nato's Article 4, says PM


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Poland is in discussions with Lithuania and Latvia on whether to trigger Article 4 of the Nato treaty, Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish prime minister, has told PAP.

The three states are dealing with a migration crisis on their borders with Belarus.

Thousands of mostly Middle Eastern migrants are now camped in Belarus by the Polish-Belarusian border, and there have been numerous attempts to breach the border fence.

Poland, along with the Baltic States, accuses Alexander Lukashenko, the Belarusian president, of deliberately engineering the situation to destabilise the EU.

Areas adjacent to Poland's border with Belarus have been under a state of emergency since September 2 and thousands of border guards, police and troops have been deployed to the area.

"We are discussing with Latvia and especially Lithuania about whether to trigger Article 4," Morawiecki told PAP. "It seems that it is needed more and more. It is not enough to publicly express our concern. Now concrete steps and the commitment of the whole alliance are needed."

Article 4 foresees joint consultations whenever any of the alliance states considers themselves threatened by a breach of territorial integrity, political independence, or security.

Nothing good can come from this.
Nato Article 4


  • Consultation is a key part of NATO’s decision-making process since all decisions are made by consensus.
  • It takes place on all subjects of interest to the Alliance, including NATO’s day-to-day business, its core objectives and fundamental role.
  • Consultation reinforces NATO’s political dimension by giving members the opportunity to voice opinions and official positions. It also gives NATO an active role in preventive diplomacy by providing the means to help avoid military conflict.
  • In Article 4 of NATO’s founding treaty, members can bring any issue of concern, especially related to the security of a member country, to the table for discussion within the North Atlantic Council.
  • Since the Alliance’s creation in 1949, Article 4 has been invoked several times, for instance by Turkey.
The Globalists in Europe are itching for another war....and I'm sure the Left in the US is very willing to give them a hand.:mad-61:

They need a fresh new war, evil creatures that they are.
The Globalists in Europe are itching for another war....and I'm sure the Left in the US is very willing to give them a hand.:mad-61:

They need a fresh new war, evil creatures that they are.
Yeah, I been sort of watching them push that shit, along with them antagonizing that situation in Taiwan as well. . .

The Globalists WILL use war, if all that nations, corporations, and people, to not fall in lock-step with their 4th industrial revolution, "New Normal," and let the cabal build back "better," the global police state.
are they paying them to do it???

They're flying them in to push across the border into Latvia and Lithuania with the purpose of overwhelming the border controls and destabilizing the nations.
The Globalists WILL use war, if all that nations, corporations, and people, to not fall in lock-step with their 4th industrial revolution
can't they just do lunch together Mr B ?
They're flying them in to push across the border into Latvia and Lithuania with the purpose of overwhelming the border controls and destabilizing the nations.
that sounds bad....

It is bad. People are caught in the middle and freezing to death.
They were used as pawns, in an international drama. Those poor folks. . .

The evil folks, are the ones that met at that Cop26 in Scotland. . . those are the ones that need to be brought before international court for their crimes.
They were used as pawns, in an international drama. Those poor folks. . .

The evil folks, are the ones that met at that Cop26 in Scotland. . . those are the ones that need to be brought before international court for their crimes.

This happens every time I think I've finally found a conservative with half a brain.

Those two things are completely unrelated. Please keep whatever nutty conspiracy theory you were about to vomit to yourself.
NATO, who is way past its due date for existence, it's desperately trying to find new ways to show they are still "alive".

Useless idiots.

This happens every time I think I've finally found a conservative with half a brain.

Those two things are completely unrelated. Please keep whatever nutty conspiracy theory you were about to vomit to yourself.
I'm not saying that these migrants were forced to go. . .

But obviously, they would rather be in Germany than Belarus. And if NATO wasn't breaking treaties and continually acting in disingenuous manner toward nations in the East? Or hell, all nations, this would not continually pop up as a problem.

But? If you honestly believe that the world of these global governing elites has not become a multi-polar world of entangled alliances, much like it was, pre-WWI, you don't get it.

There are always two sides to every story, and there will by push back for every decision. Do not make assumptions that you have all the information that is pertinent, or that your POV is the only legitimate one. As soon as you start the name calling? IMO, you lose.

Belarus interested in cooperation with World Economic Forum​

Russian diplomat calls Poland, Lithuania's handling of migrants ‘a total shame'​

Belarus President Says EU Suspended Readmission Treaty By Imposing Sanctions​

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said that by imposing the sanctions against Minsk, the European Union (EU) has dismissed the readmission treaty.​

Why wasn't a Russian or Chinese representative in Glasgow?


Poland is in discussions with Lithuania and Latvia on whether to trigger Article 4 of the Nato treaty, Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish prime minister, has told PAP.

The three states are dealing with a migration crisis on their borders with Belarus.

Thousands of mostly Middle Eastern migrants are now camped in Belarus by the Polish-Belarusian border, and there have been numerous attempts to breach the border fence.

Poland, along with the Baltic States, accuses Alexander Lukashenko, the Belarusian president, of deliberately engineering the situation to destabilise the EU.

Areas adjacent to Poland's border with Belarus have been under a state of emergency since September 2 and thousands of border guards, police and troops have been deployed to the area.

"We are discussing with Latvia and especially Lithuania about whether to trigger Article 4," Morawiecki told PAP. "It seems that it is needed more and more. It is not enough to publicly express our concern. Now concrete steps and the commitment of the whole alliance are needed."

Article 4 foresees joint consultations whenever any of the alliance states considers themselves threatened by a breach of territorial integrity, political independence, or security.

Nothing good can come from this.
Why wasn't a Russian or Chinese representative in Glasgow?


Thousands of mostly Middle Eastern migrants are now camped in Belarus by the Polish-Belarusian border, and there have been numerous attempts to breach the border fence.
Liberals here in America such ss Mac1958, among othets, would blame the Poles for causing the migrants to want entry

And condemn them for “wasting” money on a fence when all they need are tough employer sanctions
Poland is in discussions with Lithuania and Latvia on whether to trigger Article 4 of the Nato treaty, Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish prime minister, has told PAP.

The three states are dealing with a migration crisis on their borders with Belarus.

Thousands of mostly Middle Eastern migrants are now camped in Belarus by the Polish-Belarusian border, and there have been numerous attempts to breach the border fence.

Poland, along with the Baltic States, accuses Alexander Lukashenko, the Belarusian president, of deliberately engineering the situation to destabilise the EU.

Areas adjacent to Poland's border with Belarus have been under a state of emergency since September 2 and thousands of border guards, police and troops have been deployed to the area.

"We are discussing with Latvia and especially Lithuania about whether to trigger Article 4," Morawiecki told PAP. "It seems that it is needed more and more. It is not enough to publicly express our concern. Now concrete steps and the commitment of the whole alliance are needed."

Article 4 foresees joint consultations whenever any of the alliance states considers themselves threatened by a breach of territorial integrity, political independence, or security.

Nothing good can come from this.
a new attack is underway
I'm not saying that these migrants were forced to go. . .

But obviously, they would rather be in Germany than Belarus. And if NATO wasn't breaking treaties and continually acting in disingenuous manner toward nations in the East? Or hell, all nations, this would not continually pop up as a problem.

But? If you honestly believe that the world of these global governing elites has not become a multi-polar world of entangled alliances, much like it was, pre-WWI, you don't get it.

There are always two sides to every story, and there will by push back for every decision. Do not make assumptions that you have all the information that is pertinent, or that your POV is the only legitimate one. As soon as you start the name calling? IMO, you lose.

Belarus interested in cooperation with World Economic Forum​

Russian diplomat calls Poland, Lithuania's handling of migrants ‘a total shame'​

Belarus President Says EU Suspended Readmission Treaty By Imposing Sanctions​

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said that by imposing the sanctions against Minsk, the European Union (EU) has dismissed the readmission treaty.​

You're tying a buncha unrelated stuff together. The climate change summit has zero to do with this, and Belarus wasn't getting into NATO with a Putin style dictator in charge, sanctions or no. The sanctions wouldn't have happened if Belarus wasn't creating the border crises anyway, so you're putting the cart before the horse on that one.

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