Poland 1939 vs Ukraine 2022- Historical Parallel?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
In 1939, Germany invaded Poland to recover territory it lost after WW1. A key objective was to establish a secure land bridge to East Prussia, which had been separated from the rest of Germany. The UK led Poland to believe that it would protect Poland from Germany. As a result, Poland took an intransigent position against German recovery of its former territories. War ensued, and the UK began a blockade of German ports. However, direct military engagement between the UK and Germany did not occur for an extended period of time (aka the Phony War).

In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine to recover territory it lost after the breakup of the Soviet Union. A key objective was to establish a secure land bridge to Crimea, which had been separated from the rest of Russia. The US led Ukraine to believe that it would protect Ukraine from Russia. As a result, Ukraine took an intransigent position against Russian recovery of its former territories. War ensued, and the US began an economic blockade of Russian exports. However, direct military engagement between the US and Russia has not occurred for an extended period of time.

Does anyone else see an historical parallel? Are we now in another "phony war" that will ultimately lead to direct conflict between the US and Russia? How long before that occurs?
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In 1939, Germany invaded Poland to recover territory it lost after WW1. A key objective was to establish a secure land bridge to East Prussia, which had been separated from the rest of Germany. The UK led Poland to believe that it would protect Poland from Germany. As a result, Poland took an intransigent position against German recovery of its former territories. War ensued, and the UK began a blockade of German ports. However, direct military engagement between the UK and Germany did not occur for an extended period of time (aka the Phony War).

In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine to recover territory it lost after the breakup of the Soviet Union. A key objective was to establish a secure land bridge to Crimea, which had been separated from the rest of Russia. The US led Ukraine to believe that it would protect Ukraine from Russia. As a result, Ukraine took an intransigent position against Russian recovery of its former territories. War ensued, and the US began an economic blockade of Russian exports. However, direct military engagement between the US and Russia has not occurred for an extended period of time.

Does anyone else see an historical parallel? Are we now in another "phony war" that will ultimately lead to direct conflict between the US and Russia? How long before that occurs?
NATO & Biden's USA & Lincoln Republicans are simply trying to defend DEMOCRACY & HUMAN RIGHTS against Nazi terrorists, such as Putin, aka Hitler #2.
In 1939, Germany invaded Poland to recover territory it lost after WW1. A key objective was to establish a secure land bridge to East Prussia, which had been separated from the rest of Germany. The UK led Poland to believe that it would protect Poland from Germany. As a result, Poland took an intransigent position against German recovery of its former territories. War ensued, and the UK began a blockade of German ports. However, direct military engagement between the UK and Germany did not occur for an extended period of time (aka the Phony War).

In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine to recover territory it lost after the breakup of the Soviet Union. A key objective was to establish a secure land bridge to Crimea, which had been separated from the rest of Russia. The US led Ukraine to believe that it would protect Ukraine from Russia. As a result, Ukraine took an intransigent position against Russian recovery of its former territories. War ensued, and the US began an economic blockade of Russian exports. However, direct military engagement between the US and Russia has not occurred for an extended period of time.

Does anyone else see an historical parallel? Are we now in another "phony war" that will ultimately lead to direct conflict between the US and Russia? How long before that occurs?
East Sorosiana

The transnational Globalists are destroying the formerly United States from within, including controlling its foreign policy by forcing us to finance a proxy war against Russia.
Whatever passed for "intelligence" in the FDR administration was apparently shocked (or not shocked) by Hitler's aggression into Poland. Fast forward 80 years another democrat administration and it's inept "intelligence" network was shocked about Russian's incursion into Ukraine. And the beat goes on.
In 1939, Germany invaded Poland to recover territory it lost after WW1. A key objective was to establish a secure land bridge to East Prussia, which had been separated from the rest of Germany. The UK led Poland to believe that it would protect Poland from Germany. As a result, Poland took an intransigent position against German recovery of its former territories. War ensued, and the UK began a blockade of German ports. However, direct military engagement between the UK and Germany did not occur for an extended period of time (aka the Phony War).

In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine to recover territory it lost after the breakup of the Soviet Union. A key objective was to establish a secure land bridge to Crimea, which had been separated from the rest of Russia. The US led Ukraine to believe that it would protect Ukraine from Russia. As a result, Ukraine took an intransigent position against Russian recovery of its former territories. War ensued, and the US began an economic blockade of Russian exports. However, direct military engagement between the US and Russia has not occurred for an extended period of time.

Does anyone else see an historical parallel? Are we now in another "phony war" that will ultimately lead to direct conflict between the US and Russia? How long before that occurs?
Wrong! Russia only intervened after the2014 coup backed by the US led west, and several years of the Kiev Regime attacking Donbass and the intention of that Regime to turn Crimea and the Russian base at Sevastopol over to Nato, in fact when the Donbass Republics broke away Russia didn't even want them incorporated into Russia but events took over, the Ukrainians brought all this war and suffering on themselves and as a result they will be lucky if they have a Country left after this is over.
Wrong! Russia only intervened after the2014 coup backed by the US led west, and several years of the Kiev Regime attacking Donbass and the intention of that Regime to turn Crimea and the Russian base at Sevastopol over to Nato, in fact when the Donbass Republics broke away Russia didn't even want them incorporated into Russia but events took over, the Ukrainians brought all this war and suffering on themselves and as a result they will be lucky if they have a Country left after this is over.
Ukraine wanted and wants to be with EU, not Putin's genocidal regime. That's why Putin grabbed Crimea when he could and sent/supported his Russian nationalists to take over the Donbas oblasts that had many ethnic Russians, but mostly ethnic Ukrainians lived there ... before the genocide started in 2014.
Ukraine wanted and wants to be with EU, not Putin's genocidal regime. That's why Putin grabbed Crimea when he could and sent/supported his Russian nationalists to take over the Donbas oblasts that had many ethnic Russians, but mostly ethnic Ukrainians lived there ... before the genocide started in 2014.
Which Ukraine wanted? there were no Russians sent to Donbass you clown, it was the people there who resisted the Coup and the Nazis and Ukrainian army who had been sent there to kill them, did you miss the Odessa massacre the battle at Donetsk airport the battle of Debaltseve? the Donbass fighters were the people who lived their you ignorant moron.
Which Ukraine wanted? there were no Russians sent to Donbass you clown, it was the people there who resisted the Coup and the Nazis and Ukrainian army who had been sent there to kill them, did you miss the Odessa massacre the battle at Donetsk airport the battle of Debaltseve? the Donbass fighters were the people who lived their you ignorant moron.
YOU are the ignoramus or Putin puppet (most likely) that ignores the census fact that ETHNIC Russians (Ukrainian citizens) who lived in the Donbas oblasts were in the minority before 2014, but many supported the Putin nationalists who came down to take over that region & commit genocide against ETHNIC Ukrainians.
Putin does not recognise Ukrainian ethnicity/culture and wants to convert Ukrainians into "Russians" to prevent them from joining democratic & economically thriving EU countries.
YOU are the ignoramus or Putin puppet (most likely) that ignores the census fact that ETHNIC Russians (Ukrainian citizens) who lived in the Donbas oblasts were in the minority before 2014, but many supported the Putin nationalists who came down to take over that region & commit genocide against ETHNIC Ukrainians.
Putin does not recognise Ukrainian ethnicity/culture and wants to convert Ukrainians into "Russians" to prevent them from joining democratic & economically thriving EU countries.
A minority? is that why they voted overwhelmingly for Yanukovych in 2010? that was the last real election in Ukraine everything changed in 2014 after the Coup, and no one came down from anywhere to take over you arsehole but you already know that, look at this map of the percentage of voters in the 2010 election, the Donbass in blue, that is the area where all the fighting has taken place from day one in 2014, that's because the people there didn't accept the elected government being overthrown by the Banderite rabble.
All these people are ethnically Russian ... "Ukrainian" as a separate Slavic branch died out during WWII ... thanks to Soviet genocide, then Nazi genocide ... any true Ukrainians left would be here in the United States ...

The parallel is with these polices of appeasement ... it made sense to give Germany back their own lands ... Austria, Czechoslovakia, Saar ... just like it makes sense to let Russia have her own lands back ... Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine ... and it will make sense for the United States to take back her lands ... American Columbia, St Lawrence Seaway, Cuba, Argentina, Antarctica, England, Italy, China, Africa, Mars, Andromeda ... the list goes on ...
A minority? is that why they voted overwhelmingly for Yanukovych in 2010? that was the last real election in Ukraine everything changed in 2014 after the Coup, and no one came down from anywhere to take over you arsehole but you already know that, look at this map of the percentage of voters in the 2010 election, the Donbass in blue, that is the area where all the fighting has taken place from day one in 2014, that's because the people there didn't accept the elected government being overthrown by the Banderite rabble.
Yes, you are a Putin propagandist. You use SOME true information, then provide a biased argument to support Putin's unwarranted war crimes. Yanukovich was from the Donbas region that was heavily Russified by Stalin, which Putin wants to replicate. Although most in the Donbas were ethnic UKRAINIANS, they also spoke Russian, esp in the cities, and did not mind pro-Russian affiliation in THOSE days, even though 92% voted Ukrainian independence in 1991.
When Yanukovich broke his promise on EU relations, due to Putin's interference, Ukrainians revolted.
Putin started his WAR with Ukraine, and Ukrainians want him DEAD as soon as possible!
In 1939, Germany invaded Poland to recover territory it lost after WW1. A key objective was to establish a secure land bridge to East Prussia, which had been separated from the rest of Germany. The UK led Poland to believe that it would protect Poland from Germany. As a result, Poland took an intransigent position against German recovery of its former territories. War ensued, and the UK began a blockade of German ports. However, direct military engagement between the UK and Germany did not occur for an extended period of time (aka the Phony War).

In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine to recover territory it lost after the breakup of the Soviet Union. A key objective was to establish a secure land bridge to Crimea, which had been separated from the rest of Russia. The US led Ukraine to believe that it would protect Ukraine from Russia. As a result, Ukraine took an intransigent position against Russian recovery of its former territories. War ensued, and the US began an economic blockade of Russian exports. However, direct military engagement between the US and Russia has not occurred for an extended period of time.

Does anyone else see an historical parallel? Are we now in another "phony war" that will ultimately lead to direct conflict between the US and Russia? How long before that occurs?
It won't if the USA minds its own business. Let Europe handle this.
Yes, you are a Putin propagandist. You use SOME true information, then provide a biased argument to support Putin's unwarranted war crimes. Yanukovich was from the Donbas region that was heavily Russified by Stalin, which Putin wants to replicate. Although most in the Donbas were ethnic UKRAINIANS, they also spoke Russian, esp in the cities, and did not mind pro-Russian affiliation in THOSE days, even though 92% voted Ukrainian independence in 1991.
When Yanukovich broke his promise on EU relations, due to Putin's interference, Ukrainians revolted.
Putin started his WAR with Ukraine, and Ukrainians want him DEAD as soon as possible!
Stalin my arse, no need for all that bullshit, i gave you the numbers about the 2010 election, there was no promise on EU relations Yanukovych wanted to look at what was on offer before deciding, what was on offer was more debt and austerity for the Ukrainians, Russia was a better bet, and Putin started nothing the Fascists in Kiev did when they rejected the deal that was agreed between the Maidan leaders and Yanukovych in February 2014, the Nationalist extremist supported by the US overthrew the Government those are the facts whether you like them or not.
Stalin my arse, no need for all that bullshit, i gave you the numbers about the 2010 election, there was no promise on EU relations Yanukovych wanted to look at what was on offer before deciding, what was on offer was more debt and austerity for the Ukrainians, Russia was a better bet, and Putin started nothing the Fascists in Kiev did when they rejected the deal that was agreed between the Maidan leaders and Yanukovych in February 2014, the Nationalist extremist supported by the US overthrew the Government those are the facts whether you like them or not.
Russia only intervened after the2014 coup

Wait, you mean the Dignity Revolution, where they threw out the Russian Puppet leader and he ran straight to Russia?

That was not a "coup", that was a revolution. A "coup" is when one group in power overturns another group in power. Saddam Hussein took power in a coup, after ousting al-Bakr. When it is the people themselves who remove the leadership, like in Iran or Ukraine like this example it is a revolution.
Whatever passed for "intelligence" in the FDR administration was apparently shocked (or not shocked) by Hitler's aggression into Poland. Fast forward 80 years another democrat administration and it's inept "intelligence" network was shocked about Russian's incursion into Ukraine. And the beat goes on.
You couldn't be more wrong, but you usually are, so this is no surprise.

It was Ukraine who was warned in advance from the U.S and didn't believe the warnings, (but you never saw that on the Gatewaypundit, did ya?)
Wait, you mean the Dignity Revolution, where they threw out the Russian Puppet leader and he ran straight to Russia?

That was not a "coup", that was a revolution. A "coup" is when one group in power overturns another group in power. Saddam Hussein took power in a coup, after ousting al-Bakr. When it is the people themselves who remove the leadership, like in Iran or Ukraine like this example it is a revolution.
Democracies don't have violent revolutions, period.

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