PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas quits leadership post

Phoenall, HOLLIE , P F Tinmore, et al,

I can't help but think there is something more going on that we have yet to learn.

The Palestinian people

Legally the P.A which is hamas majority, but has become a split dictatorship

The Palestinians shot themselves in the foot and split the vote too many ways.

I still think there is a political deception or strategy being played out.

Most Respectfully,

I think that Abbas might just throw hamas to the wolves and have the ICC/ICJ carry out the war crimes trials of the leaders. there has been too much bad blood between the two factions since 2007 for them ever to reconciled
Phoenall, HOLLIE , P F Tinmore, et al,

I can't help but think there is something more going on that we have yet to learn.

The Palestinian people

Legally the P.A which is hamas majority, but has become a split dictatorship

The Palestinians shot themselves in the foot and split the vote too many ways.

I still think there is a political deception or strategy being played out.

Most Respectfully,
I guess I'm not seeing where you are going with this, Rocco.

In my estimation, events are playing out exactly as they appear. Abbas is aging, a "Palestinian" state is no more likely today than before, he has accumulated phenomenal wealth and with ISIS being a real threat, his options are, to me, pretty clear. I wasn't being facetious in my earlier comment about the threat posed by ISIS.

We need to remember also that the various "Palestinian" agencies including the PA, PNC, PLO, are wholly ineffectual at governing (they truly have nothing to govern), and have become little more than bottomless pits of greed and corruption, competing for a share of the seemingly endless flow of welfare dollars that continues the fraud of "Palestinians".
It's becoming clearer why Mahmoud Mo' Money Abbas has decided to quit his post of HWCiC (Head Welfare Cheat In Charge) at the PA. It seems the Islamo-welfare cheats have been taking the Islamo-welfare train for Islamo-joy rides

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Documents leaked online detailing two attempts by Palestinian officials to misuse public funds have triggered outrage, highlighting the corruption and mismanagement critics say remains rampant in the Palestinian government.

It's becoming clearer why Mahmoud Mo' Money Abbas has decided to quit his post of HWCiC (Head Welfare Cheat In Charge) at the PA. It seems the Islamo-welfare cheats have been taking the Islamo-welfare train for Islamo-joy rides

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Documents leaked online detailing two attempts by Palestinian officials to misuse public funds have triggered outrage, highlighting the corruption and mismanagement critics say remains rampant in the Palestinian government.
The PA was installed not elected. You can't blame the Palestinians for that.
It's becoming clearer why Mahmoud Mo' Money Abbas has decided to quit his post of HWCiC (Head Welfare Cheat In Charge) at the PA. It seems the Islamo-welfare cheats have been taking the Islamo-welfare train for Islamo-joy rides

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Documents leaked online detailing two attempts by Palestinian officials to misuse public funds have triggered outrage, highlighting the corruption and mismanagement critics say remains rampant in the Palestinian government.
The PA was installed not elected. You can't blame the Palestinians for that.
Pretty typical for islamist whiners. Never take responsibility for your self-created disasters.
It's becoming clearer why Mahmoud Mo' Money Abbas has decided to quit his post of HWCiC (Head Welfare Cheat In Charge) at the PA. It seems the Islamo-welfare cheats have been taking the Islamo-welfare train for Islamo-joy rides

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Documents leaked online detailing two attempts by Palestinian officials to misuse public funds have triggered outrage, highlighting the corruption and mismanagement critics say remains rampant in the Palestinian government.
The PA was installed not elected. You can't blame the Palestinians for that.

So hamas was installed and not elected, is that what you are saying
It's becoming clearer why Mahmoud Mo' Money Abbas has decided to quit his post of HWCiC (Head Welfare Cheat In Charge) at the PA. It seems the Islamo-welfare cheats have been taking the Islamo-welfare train for Islamo-joy rides

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Documents leaked online detailing two attempts by Palestinian officials to misuse public funds have triggered outrage, highlighting the corruption and mismanagement critics say remains rampant in the Palestinian government.
The PA was installed not elected. You can't blame the Palestinians for that.

So hamas was installed and not elected, is that what you are saying
The islamo-whiner doesn't want to acknowledge that the PA is just a part of the rotten corpse that is the PLO.
It's becoming clearer why Mahmoud Mo' Money Abbas has decided to quit his post of HWCiC (Head Welfare Cheat In Charge) at the PA. It seems the Islamo-welfare cheats have been taking the Islamo-welfare train for Islamo-joy rides

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Documents leaked online detailing two attempts by Palestinian officials to misuse public funds have triggered outrage, highlighting the corruption and mismanagement critics say remains rampant in the Palestinian government.
The PA was installed not elected. You can't blame the Palestinians for that.

So hamas was installed and not elected, is that what you are saying
It's becoming clearer why Mahmoud Mo' Money Abbas has decided to quit his post of HWCiC (Head Welfare Cheat In Charge) at the PA. It seems the Islamo-welfare cheats have been taking the Islamo-welfare train for Islamo-joy rides

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

Leaked Palestinian government documents spark anger online over corruption among its leaders

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Documents leaked online detailing two attempts by Palestinian officials to misuse public funds have triggered outrage, highlighting the corruption and mismanagement critics say remains rampant in the Palestinian government.
The PA was installed not elected. You can't blame the Palestinians for that.

So hamas was installed and not elected, is that what you are saying

Your words above

The PA was installed not elected. You can't blame the Palestinians for that.

who was the last party to be elected as the P.A. but hamas, so making them installed and not really elected.
I was talking about the PLO not the PA. Please try to keep up.

The PA is a US installed oligarchy. So, yeah, its base is corruption.
Yours is a typical, toothless complaint for terrorist huggers who want to blame the Great Satan for their own failings, incompetence and ineptitude.

The PLO is nothing more than another franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc. One is no less corrupt than another.

The U.S. didn't install the PA. That's another common, toothless complaint of you terrorist huggers. The Great Satan has no need to install the social misfits that typically control Islamist nations. You Islamics do fine in that regard all your own.
Who lost the elections in 2006?

Who controls the PA in the West Bank?

How did that happen?
Gee whiz. No handy YouTube video to cut and paste?

Your usual sidestepping aside, please identify how the Great Satan installed Abbas.

How did that happen?
Of course I have a video.

Of course you have a YouTube video. Who cares?
Did you listen to it?
Yours is a typical, toothless complaint for terrorist huggers who want to blame the Great Satan for their own failings, incompetence and ineptitude.

The PLO is nothing more than another franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc. One is no less corrupt than another.

The U.S. didn't install the PA. That's another common, toothless complaint of you terrorist huggers. The Great Satan has no need to install the social misfits that typically control Islamist nations. You Islamics do fine in that regard all your own.
Who lost the elections in 2006?

Who controls the PA in the West Bank?

How did that happen?
Gee whiz. No handy YouTube video to cut and paste?

Your usual sidestepping aside, please identify how the Great Satan installed Abbas.

How did that happen?
Of course I have a video.

Of course you have a YouTube video. Who cares?
Did you listen to it?

Yours is a typical, toothless complaint for terrorist huggers who want to blame the Great Satan for their own failings, incompetence and ineptitude.

The PLO is nothing more than another franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc. One is no less corrupt than another.

The U.S. didn't install the PA. That's another common, toothless complaint of you terrorist huggers. The Great Satan has no need to install the social misfits that typically control Islamist nations. You Islamics do fine in that regard all your own.
Who lost the elections in 2006?

Who controls the PA in the West Bank?

How did that happen?
Gee whiz. No handy YouTube video to cut and paste?

Your usual sidestepping aside, please identify how the Great Satan installed Abbas.

How did that happen?
Of course I have a video.

Of course you have a YouTube video. Who cares?
Did you listen to it?
Of course not. There is one thing that is consistent about Israel's supporters. They refuse to learn anything. It is evident in their posts.
Who lost the elections in 2006?

Who controls the PA in the West Bank?

How did that happen?
Gee whiz. No handy YouTube video to cut and paste?

Your usual sidestepping aside, please identify how the Great Satan installed Abbas.

How did that happen?
Of course I have a video.

Of course you have a YouTube video. Who cares?
Did you listen to it?
Of course not. There is one thing that is consistent about Israel's supporters. They refuse to learn anything. It is evident in their posts.

Oh, but we have learned, Tinny.

There are cultures, religions, societies, and governments that are superior to others. To acknowledge this has nothing to do with racism, intolerance, or hatred. To ignore it does. Islamist culture and the Islamist faith is repressive, dangerous, and hostile to human rights and liberty. Christianity and Judaism, as we know. haver undergone reform and enlightenment. They don't inhibit real peace, progress, and positive change for all mankind as islamism does. We here in the West are not innately superior to any other people. We have simply embraced a way of life which fosters respect for the individual, pluralism for the immigrant, and peaceful integration for all who love freedom. It doesn't make us better than anyone, but it surely makes us better off[ than those living under the tyranny of islamist fascism. Haven't you noticed that the most extreme Joooooooo haters / islamo converts posting in these threads have safely ensconced themselves in the West where they are protected from the very fascist ideology they flail their Pom Poms for.

One only has to read the posts of the usual suspects in these threads for a glimpse into the true, insane logic of Islamism and Islam's jihad. Islamism is the most totalitarian ideology ever to part ways with man's formidable imagination. It consumes all that you are and, as our enthusiastic Joooooo haters so amply demonstrate, it demands precedence over anything else in life. Sadly, the end result is the most inimical human phenomenon there is--a thorough cheapening of life's value.
Gee whiz. No handy YouTube video to cut and paste?

Your usual sidestepping aside, please identify how the Great Satan installed Abbas.

How did that happen?
Of course I have a video.

Of course you have a YouTube video. Who cares?
Did you listen to it?
Of course not. There is one thing that is consistent about Israel's supporters. They refuse to learn anything. It is evident in their posts.

Oh, but we have learned, Tinny.

There are cultures, religions, societies, and governments that are superior to others. To acknowledge this has nothing to do with racism, intolerance, or hatred. To ignore it does. Islamist culture and the Islamist faith is repressive, dangerous, and hostile to human rights and liberty. Christianity and Judaism, as we know. haver undergone reform and enlightenment. They don't inhibit real peace, progress, and positive change for all mankind as islamism does. We here in the West are not innately superior to any other people. We have simply embraced a way of life which fosters respect for the individual, pluralism for the immigrant, and peaceful integration for all who love freedom. It doesn't make us better than anyone, but it surely makes us better off[ than those living under the tyranny of islamist fascism. Haven't you noticed that the most extreme Joooooooo haters / islamo converts posting in these threads have safely ensconced themselves in the West where they are protected from the very fascist ideology they flail their Pom Poms for.

One only has to read the posts of the usual suspects in these threads for a glimpse into the true, insane logic of Islamism and Islam's jihad. Islamism is the most totalitarian ideology ever to part ways with man's formidable imagination. It consumes all that you are and, as our enthusiastic Joooooo haters so amply demonstrate, it demands precedence over anything else in life. Sadly, the end result is the most inimical human phenomenon there is--a thorough cheapening of life's value.
I usually just scroll past any post that mentions religion. Religion is irrelevant to this topic.
Of course I have a video.

Of course you have a YouTube video. Who cares?
Did you listen to it?
Of course not. There is one thing that is consistent about Israel's supporters. They refuse to learn anything. It is evident in their posts.

Oh, but we have learned, Tinny.

There are cultures, religions, societies, and governments that are superior to others. To acknowledge this has nothing to do with racism, intolerance, or hatred. To ignore it does. Islamist culture and the Islamist faith is repressive, dangerous, and hostile to human rights and liberty. Christianity and Judaism, as we know. haver undergone reform and enlightenment. They don't inhibit real peace, progress, and positive change for all mankind as islamism does. We here in the West are not innately superior to any other people. We have simply embraced a way of life which fosters respect for the individual, pluralism for the immigrant, and peaceful integration for all who love freedom. It doesn't make us better than anyone, but it surely makes us better off[ than those living under the tyranny of islamist fascism. Haven't you noticed that the most extreme Joooooooo haters / islamo converts posting in these threads have safely ensconced themselves in the West where they are protected from the very fascist ideology they flail their Pom Poms for.

One only has to read the posts of the usual suspects in these threads for a glimpse into the true, insane logic of Islamism and Islam's jihad. Islamism is the most totalitarian ideology ever to part ways with man's formidable imagination. It consumes all that you are and, as our enthusiastic Joooooo haters so amply demonstrate, it demands precedence over anything else in life. Sadly, the end result is the most inimical human phenomenon there is--a thorough cheapening of life's value.
I usually just scroll past any post that mentions religion. Religion is irrelevant to this topic.

Of course. Islamic terrorists screeching out Allah Akbar following their every atrocity has no connection with Islamopolitico-religious ideology.

Have you fallen down and bumped your head again?
Of course you have a YouTube video. Who cares?
Did you listen to it?
Of course not. There is one thing that is consistent about Israel's supporters. They refuse to learn anything. It is evident in their posts.

Oh, but we have learned, Tinny.

There are cultures, religions, societies, and governments that are superior to others. To acknowledge this has nothing to do with racism, intolerance, or hatred. To ignore it does. Islamist culture and the Islamist faith is repressive, dangerous, and hostile to human rights and liberty. Christianity and Judaism, as we know. haver undergone reform and enlightenment. They don't inhibit real peace, progress, and positive change for all mankind as islamism does. We here in the West are not innately superior to any other people. We have simply embraced a way of life which fosters respect for the individual, pluralism for the immigrant, and peaceful integration for all who love freedom. It doesn't make us better than anyone, but it surely makes us better off[ than those living under the tyranny of islamist fascism. Haven't you noticed that the most extreme Joooooooo haters / islamo converts posting in these threads have safely ensconced themselves in the West where they are protected from the very fascist ideology they flail their Pom Poms for.

One only has to read the posts of the usual suspects in these threads for a glimpse into the true, insane logic of Islamism and Islam's jihad. Islamism is the most totalitarian ideology ever to part ways with man's formidable imagination. It consumes all that you are and, as our enthusiastic Joooooo haters so amply demonstrate, it demands precedence over anything else in life. Sadly, the end result is the most inimical human phenomenon there is--a thorough cheapening of life's value.
I usually just scroll past any post that mentions religion. Religion is irrelevant to this topic.

Of course. Islamic terrorists screeching out Allah Akbar following their every atrocity has no connection with Islamopolitico-religious ideology.

Have you fallen down and bumped your head again?
Who lost the elections in 2006?

Who controls the PA in the West Bank?

How did that happen?
Gee whiz. No handy YouTube video to cut and paste?

Your usual sidestepping aside, please identify how the Great Satan installed Abbas.

How did that happen?
Of course I have a video.

Of course you have a YouTube video. Who cares?
Did you listen to it?
Of course not. There is one thing that is consistent about Israel's supporters. They refuse to learn anything. It is evident in their posts.

Projecting again as you still have not learnt that there was never a Palestinian nation prior to 1988 and that the Mandate of Palestine granted the land to the Jews
Of course I have a video.

Of course you have a YouTube video. Who cares?
Did you listen to it?
Of course not. There is one thing that is consistent about Israel's supporters. They refuse to learn anything. It is evident in their posts.

Oh, but we have learned, Tinny.

There are cultures, religions, societies, and governments that are superior to others. To acknowledge this has nothing to do with racism, intolerance, or hatred. To ignore it does. Islamist culture and the Islamist faith is repressive, dangerous, and hostile to human rights and liberty. Christianity and Judaism, as we know. haver undergone reform and enlightenment. They don't inhibit real peace, progress, and positive change for all mankind as islamism does. We here in the West are not innately superior to any other people. We have simply embraced a way of life which fosters respect for the individual, pluralism for the immigrant, and peaceful integration for all who love freedom. It doesn't make us better than anyone, but it surely makes us better off[ than those living under the tyranny of islamist fascism. Haven't you noticed that the most extreme Joooooooo haters / islamo converts posting in these threads have safely ensconced themselves in the West where they are protected from the very fascist ideology they flail their Pom Poms for.

One only has to read the posts of the usual suspects in these threads for a glimpse into the true, insane logic of Islamism and Islam's jihad. Islamism is the most totalitarian ideology ever to part ways with man's formidable imagination. It consumes all that you are and, as our enthusiastic Joooooo haters so amply demonstrate, it demands precedence over anything else in life. Sadly, the end result is the most inimical human phenomenon there is--a thorough cheapening of life's value.
I usually just scroll past any post that mentions religion. Religion is irrelevant to this topic.

Until it is used by the Jews, isn't that right.
Did you listen to it?
Of course not. There is one thing that is consistent about Israel's supporters. They refuse to learn anything. It is evident in their posts.

Oh, but we have learned, Tinny.

There are cultures, religions, societies, and governments that are superior to others. To acknowledge this has nothing to do with racism, intolerance, or hatred. To ignore it does. Islamist culture and the Islamist faith is repressive, dangerous, and hostile to human rights and liberty. Christianity and Judaism, as we know. haver undergone reform and enlightenment. They don't inhibit real peace, progress, and positive change for all mankind as islamism does. We here in the West are not innately superior to any other people. We have simply embraced a way of life which fosters respect for the individual, pluralism for the immigrant, and peaceful integration for all who love freedom. It doesn't make us better than anyone, but it surely makes us better off[ than those living under the tyranny of islamist fascism. Haven't you noticed that the most extreme Joooooooo haters / islamo converts posting in these threads have safely ensconced themselves in the West where they are protected from the very fascist ideology they flail their Pom Poms for.

One only has to read the posts of the usual suspects in these threads for a glimpse into the true, insane logic of Islamism and Islam's jihad. Islamism is the most totalitarian ideology ever to part ways with man's formidable imagination. It consumes all that you are and, as our enthusiastic Joooooo haters so amply demonstrate, it demands precedence over anything else in life. Sadly, the end result is the most inimical human phenomenon there is--a thorough cheapening of life's value.
I usually just scroll past any post that mentions religion. Religion is irrelevant to this topic.

Of course. Islamic terrorists screeching out Allah Akbar following their every atrocity has no connection with Islamopolitico-religious ideology.

Have you fallen down and bumped your head again?

I typically ignore your goofy YouTube videos as pointless and time wasting. Holy muhammud (swish) but they're tedious.
Gee whiz. No handy YouTube video to cut and paste?

Your usual sidestepping aside, please identify how the Great Satan installed Abbas.

How did that happen?
Of course I have a video.

Of course you have a YouTube video. Who cares?
Did you listen to it?
Of course not. There is one thing that is consistent about Israel's supporters. They refuse to learn anything. It is evident in their posts.

Oh, but we have learned, Tinny.

There are cultures, religions, societies, and governments that are superior to others. To acknowledge this has nothing to do with racism, intolerance, or hatred. To ignore it does. Islamist culture and the Islamist faith is repressive, dangerous, and hostile to human rights and liberty. Christianity and Judaism, as we know. haver undergone reform and enlightenment. They don't inhibit real peace, progress, and positive change for all mankind as islamism does. We here in the West are not innately superior to any other people. We have simply embraced a way of life which fosters respect for the individual, pluralism for the immigrant, and peaceful integration for all who love freedom. It doesn't make us better than anyone, but it surely makes us better off[ than those living under the tyranny of islamist fascism. Haven't you noticed that the most extreme Joooooooo haters / islamo converts posting in these threads have safely ensconced themselves in the West where they are protected from the very fascist ideology they flail their Pom Poms for.

One only has to read the posts of the usual suspects in these threads for a glimpse into the true, insane logic of Islamism and Islam's jihad. Islamism is the most totalitarian ideology ever to part ways with man's formidable imagination. It consumes all that you are and, as our enthusiastic Joooooo haters so amply demonstrate, it demands precedence over anything else in life. Sadly, the end result is the most inimical human phenomenon there is--a thorough cheapening of life's value.

Your need to real about the ultra orthodox Jews then. Welfare capital and baby boom area of the US, the Hasidic community in NY.

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