planning for the inevitable

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Report: U.S. Needs National Strategy for Adapting to Warmer Climes - ScienceInsider

The federal government is way behind on efforts to develop effective strategies to adapt to a changing climate, a new report to the White House says today.

"Even with mitigation efforts, climate change will continue to unfold for decades due to the long atmospheric lifetime of past greenhouse gas emissions and the gradual release of excess heat that has built up in the oceans," the report says. States, cities, and towns could use guidance from the federal government's vast climate science effort on how to prepare for a warmer world, it adds.

Requested by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the report comes out of a 2-day summit held last year that involved both scientists and so-called stakeholders from state and local governments and businesses. These included wildlife managers, water and health officials, city planners, and construction experts. "In the past, meetings like this were just a bunch of academics talking together," said Jack Fellows, an official with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, who helped run the summit and contributed to the report.
Please explain how this related to the fact that Europe is facing its coldest winter in 1,000 years?
Please explain how this related to the fact that Europe is facing its coldest winter in 1,000 years?

What signs are there for europe having the coldest winter in a thousand years? Gulf stream/north Atlantic current is not stopping as of yet and the global temperatures aren't following solar output decrease yet, so logically it would be very hard to have a winter of europe colder then the 16th and 17th century.
Did anyone actually read the report? It was written by several long term feeders at the public trough and lo and behold they really didn't come up with anything tangible under the Conclusions and Priorities section.

They did however state the obvious with this little missive "Recent budget increases for Federal climate adaptation and research activities are encouraging but important funding needs remain and must be addressed".

So there you have it. More money to be pissed down the drain and what will we get out of it? Nothing that will be of use. Research on economic impacts (kind of like that laughable PNAS illegal immigration article claiming more ag workers than exist in Mexico will come north because of the heat), research on "best practices", research on vulnerability, research, research, research.

Go ahead and read it it's a hoot. Another example of how the AGW proponents can just simply waste tons of time and money and produce nothing....except for a very nice living for themselves and their cronies of course...and of course on our dime.
Report: U.S. Needs National Strategy for Adapting to Warmer Climes - ScienceInsider

The federal government is way behind on efforts to develop effective strategies to adapt to a changing climate, a new report to the White House says today.

"Even with mitigation efforts, climate change will continue to unfold for decades due to the long atmospheric lifetime of past greenhouse gas emissions and the gradual release of excess heat that has built up in the oceans," the report says. States, cities, and towns could use guidance from the federal government's vast climate science effort on how to prepare for a warmer world, it adds.

Requested by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the report comes out of a 2-day summit held last year that involved both scientists and so-called stakeholders from state and local governments and businesses. These included wildlife managers, water and health officials, city planners, and construction experts. "In the past, meetings like this were just a bunch of academics talking together," said Jack Fellows, an official with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, who helped run the summit and contributed to the report.

Report: U.S. Needs National Strategy for Adapting to Warmer Climes - ScienceInsider

The federal government is way behind on efforts to develop effective strategies to adapt to a changing climate, a new report to the White House says today.

"Even with mitigation efforts, climate change will continue to unfold for decades due to the long atmospheric lifetime of past greenhouse gas emissions and the gradual release of excess heat that has built up in the oceans," the report says. States, cities, and towns could use guidance from the federal government's vast climate science effort on how to prepare for a warmer world, it adds.

Requested by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the report comes out of a 2-day summit held last year that involved both scientists and so-called stakeholders from state and local governments and businesses. These included wildlife managers, water and health officials, city planners, and construction experts. "In the past, meetings like this were just a bunch of academics talking together," said Jack Fellows, an official with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, who helped run the summit and contributed to the report.


so you're saying Rocks is right?
Report: U.S. Needs National Strategy for Adapting to Warmer Climes - ScienceInsider

The federal government is way behind on efforts to develop effective strategies to adapt to a changing climate, a new report to the White House says today.

"Even with mitigation efforts, climate change will continue to unfold for decades due to the long atmospheric lifetime of past greenhouse gas emissions and the gradual release of excess heat that has built up in the oceans," the report says. States, cities, and towns could use guidance from the federal government's vast climate science effort on how to prepare for a warmer world, it adds.

Requested by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the report comes out of a 2-day summit held last year that involved both scientists and so-called stakeholders from state and local governments and businesses. These included wildlife managers, water and health officials, city planners, and construction experts. "In the past, meetings like this were just a bunch of academics talking together," said Jack Fellows, an official with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, who helped run the summit and contributed to the report.
Mebby you better move to a nice Mormon neighborhood and start hoarding canned goods.
Report: U.S. Needs National Strategy for Adapting to Warmer Climes - ScienceInsider

The federal government is way behind on efforts to develop effective strategies to adapt to a changing climate, a new report to the White House says today.

"Even with mitigation efforts, climate change will continue to unfold for decades due to the long atmospheric lifetime of past greenhouse gas emissions and the gradual release of excess heat that has built up in the oceans," the report says. States, cities, and towns could use guidance from the federal government's vast climate science effort on how to prepare for a warmer world, it adds.

Requested by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the report comes out of a 2-day summit held last year that involved both scientists and so-called stakeholders from state and local governments and businesses. These included wildlife managers, water and health officials, city planners, and construction experts. "In the past, meetings like this were just a bunch of academics talking together," said Jack Fellows, an official with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, who helped run the summit and contributed to the report.
Mebby you better move to a nice Mormon neighborhood and start hoarding canned goods.

how many wives does he get?
Okay, well,

I'm a "normal" person,

sort of,

but I don't think we can discount our effect on our surroundings as easily as just Pooh, Pooh'ing it all.

We all (I should hope) understand that we ARE encroaching upon wildlife habitats,

and NO ONE could look at L.A. and NOT know there is a SERIOUS problem with our emissions.

I'm no "fan" of Old Rocks, but PLEASE ~ let's get real about our impact on our environment.


We NEED folks like OR, just for the wake up calls, and to ALERT us to our own contributions to the losses that we are surely going to be seeing,

In The VERY Near Future.

Dispute him, but Do Not make the mistake of discounting him and his views,

out of hand.

We ARE fucking up, folks. We ARE killing off lifeforms on our planet,

and to DOWN someone for wanting something better for ALL of us is just pathetic, imho.

EVEN if I DID think he was a nutcase,

For At LEAST he's looking at shit, and CONCERNING himself with it,

and due to his diligence,


and so should YOU...

Just saying.
Saying that humans have an impact doesn't automatically make us the prime movers of environmental apocalypse....In fact, it's very arguable that technological advances make man's activities less of an impact rather than more so....Your example of the air in the L.A. basin is instructive, in that:

1) Smog is much less of a problem today than in the '70s, even though there are easily twice the number of cars on the roads and more industrial activity.

2) The temperature inversions that are the primary reason all that particulate matter gets trapped are completely beyond the control of anything man can do.
Report: U.S. Needs National Strategy for Adapting to Warmer Climes - ScienceInsider

The federal government is way behind on efforts to develop effective strategies to adapt to a changing climate, a new report to the White House says today.

"Even with mitigation efforts, climate change will continue to unfold for decades due to the long atmospheric lifetime of past greenhouse gas emissions and the gradual release of excess heat that has built up in the oceans," the report says. States, cities, and towns could use guidance from the federal government's vast climate science effort on how to prepare for a warmer world, it adds.

Requested by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the report comes out of a 2-day summit held last year that involved both scientists and so-called stakeholders from state and local governments and businesses. These included wildlife managers, water and health officials, city planners, and construction experts. "In the past, meetings like this were just a bunch of academics talking together," said Jack Fellows, an official with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, who helped run the summit and contributed to the report.
Mebby you better move to a nice Mormon neighborhood and start hoarding canned goods.

how many wives does he get?

Once again for the stupid and the slow, the Mormon Church does NOT condone nor believe in Polygamy. How many times do you have to be told this?
Saying that humans have an impact doesn't automatically make us the prime movers of environmental apocalypse....In fact, it's very arguable that technological advances make man's activities less of an impact rather than more so....Your example of the air in the L.A. basin is instructive, in that:

1) Smog is much less of a problem today than in the '70s, even though there are easily twice the number of cars on the roads and more industrial activity.

2) The temperature inversions that are the primary reason all that particulate matter gets trapped are completely beyond the control of anything man can do.

But we ARE at the (supposed) TOP of the intelligence ladder, eh?

Were you ever IN L.A. in the '70's? I WAS.

I was also there in the 2000's, if THAT's a "word!" :lol:

It's WORSE now ~ I don't KNOW why, and I'm not going to "research" it. I'll depend on personal experience, thank you very much.

L.A. has GROWN in these past, what? 40 years? EXPANDED. Gee, wEnder if THAT could have anything to do with it all? Well, sorry, 'cuz I'm getting ugly about it,

but are you going to tell me that we have IMPROVED our environment with ANY of our technological advances? OTHER than how we've brought our "feetprints" down, a bit?

Humans are aggressive and narcissistic ~ if it isn't for US? Talk to the hand.

It's a sad state of affairs, but that IS how it is. We KNOW and feel that WE are the important thangs, not all this other stuff.

OUR lives Count.

Well, guess what?

WE aren't the only ones this world was created to HOUSE, and even though we were given authority over it all,

we were expected to RESPECT it.

To LOVE it, for it's beauty and for all that it gives us, which is pretty much OUR LIVES.

To treat it the way we do is nothing more than committing mass suicide, imho,

'cuz it WILL come back to bite us in the ass.
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Okay, well,

I'm a "normal" person,

sort of,

but I don't think we can discount our effect on our surroundings as easily as just Pooh, Pooh'ing it all.

We all (I should hope) understand that we ARE encroaching upon wildlife habitats,

and NO ONE could look at L.A. and NOT know there is a SERIOUS problem with our emissions.

I'm no "fan" of Old Rocks, but PLEASE ~ let's get real about our impact on our environment.


We NEED folks like OR, just for the wake up calls, and to ALERT us to our own contributions to the losses that we are surely going to be seeing,

In The VERY Near Future.

Dispute him, but Do Not make the mistake of discounting him and his views,

out of hand.

We ARE fucking up, folks. We ARE killing off lifeforms on our planet,

and to DOWN someone for wanting something better for ALL of us is just pathetic, imho.

EVEN if I DID think he was a nutcase,

For At LEAST he's looking at shit, and CONCERNING himself with it,

and due to his diligence,


and so should YOU...

Just saying.


No sane person thinks otherwise. There is absolutely no doubt that mankind does incredible damage to his local suroundings. The problem is by wasting (and that is quite literally what we are doing) precious resources (money) on AGW "research" we limit the amount of mitigation and repair that would otherwise be possible.

The AGW proponents steal money away from people who ARE doing research on technologies and practices that actually would help eliminate pollution. That is the real crime happening here.

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