Pity The Nation...

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
“Pity the nation whose people are sheep,
and whose shepherds mislead them.
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages are silenced,
and whose bigots haunt the airwaves.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice,
except to praise conquerors and acclaim the bully as hero
and aims to rule the world with force and by torture.
Pity the nation that knows no other language but its own
and no other culture but its own.
Pity the nation whose breath is money
and sleeps the sleep of the too well fed.
Pity the nation — oh, pity the people who allow their rights to erode
and their freedoms to be washed away.
My country, tears of thee, sweet land of liberty

― Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Good post, describes the radical right wing plague eroding the nation perfectly.
Pity the nation with it's worst enemy at its head. Pity the United States for being inflicted with obama.
Good post, describes the radical right wing plague eroding the nation perfectly.

As well as the progressive liberal quest for control of the people's every breath and action

American exceptionalism came from Freedom and Capitalism

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jONF4D_sTK8&feature=BFa&list=FLPoHwbLVXmAWJ_5yqp43t5w]The Rights of Man - YouTube[/ame]
Is America as a nation somehow deserving of pity from us or anyone? I don't think so, we are rich enough and dominate enough and educated enough as a nation to have brought all our problems on ourselves. We had the power to shape our country into any good and honest thing we wanted and all we got was this lousy corrupt plutocracy.
Good post, describes the radical right wing plague eroding the nation perfectly.

As well as the progressive liberal quest for control of the people's every breath and action

American exceptionalism came from Freedom and Capitalism

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jONF4D_sTK8&feature=BFa&list=FLPoHwbLVXmAWJ_5yqp43t5w]The Rights of Man - YouTube[/ame]

I am quoting this as a test. My video was not showing up, a real curiosity for me
OK, that is weird, now it shows. But if you go back to my post, the vid is not there, What is up with that?
I think it comes down to choices, when we limit our choices in anything we lose as a country. Ceding control over to the gov't is not a good idea, history oughta tell us that. The gov't will only give you one choice - their way.
Is America as a nation somehow deserving of pity from us or anyone? I don't think so, we are rich enough and dominate enough and educated enough as a nation to have brought all our problems on ourselves. We had the power to shape our country into any good and honest thing we wanted and all we got was this lousy corrupt plutocracy.

"We deserved it!!" -- the mating call of the American Leftist Chickenshit.

After reading some of the responses, I'd add "pity the nation whose people can only point the finger at someone else for its woes."


As long as Obamacare doesn't affect me, just as he has promised, I will be just fine.

But hs has proven himself a liar over and over again, I fear for our freedoms. Obamacare is already telling us what to eat by getting cities to ban soft drinks. Once they have control of our health we will be vegans cuz Obama deems it so...
Is America as a nation somehow deserving of pity from us or anyone? I don't think so, we are rich enough and dominate enough and educated enough as a nation to have brought all our problems on ourselves. We had the power to shape our country into any good and honest thing we wanted and all we got was this lousy corrupt plutocracy.

"We deserved it!!" -- the mating call of the American Leftist Chickenshit.

It's a good thing they abort after they mate innit? :eusa_shifty:

After reading some of the responses, I'd add "pity the nation whose people can only point the finger at someone else for its woes."


As long as Obamacare doesn't affect me, just as he has promised, I will be just fine.

But hs has proven himself a liar over and over again, I fear for our freedoms. Obamacare is already telling us what to eat by getting cities to ban soft drinks. Once they have control of our health we will be vegans cuz Obama deems it so...

What do you think his 15 member death panel is going to do if not affect you?
"let's get out and vote
Let's make our voices heard
We've been given the right to choose
Between a douche and a turd
It's democracy in action
Put your freedom to the test
A big fat turd or a stupid douche
Which do you like best?"

Heehee. South park.
Is America as a nation somehow deserving of pity from us or anyone? I don't think so, we are rich enough and dominate enough and educated enough as a nation to have brought all our problems on ourselves. We had the power to shape our country into any good and honest thing we wanted and all we got was this lousy corrupt plutocracy.

"We deserved it!!" -- the mating call of the American Leftist Chickenshit.

I don't think anybody is saying "we deserve it". America definitely has problems that are of our own doing. We aren't going to fix any of those problems by pretending America can do no wrong. America is a great country and deserves much better than what we have.

I have also been waiting for an excuse to respond to one of your posts to say that I love your avatar and sig. Huge Dark Tower fan. :eusa_clap:
Is America as a nation somehow deserving of pity from us or anyone? I don't think so, we are rich enough and dominate enough and educated enough as a nation to have brought all our problems on ourselves. We had the power to shape our country into any good and honest thing we wanted and all we got was this lousy corrupt plutocracy.

"We deserved it!!" -- the mating call of the American Leftist Chickenshit.

I don't think anybody is saying "we deserve it". America definitely has problems that are of our own doing. We aren't going to fix any of those problems by pretending America can do no wrong. America is a great country and deserves much better than what we have.
If all I'd ever read was the left's distorted history, I'd agree with you.
I have also been waiting for an excuse to respond to one of your posts to say that I love your avatar and sig. Huge Dark Tower fan. :eusa_clap:
Thanks! It's an awesome work, and truly epic. :beer:

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