Pirro to Obama: 'Your Lies, Your Policies and Your Divisiveness' Are Why Trump Is President


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Pirro to Obama: 'Your Lies, Your Policies and Your Divisiveness' Are Why Trump Is President

During his speech Friday, Obama warned that there are "dire" consequences to staying on the political sidelines, adding that "powerful and privileged" people want to "keep us angry."

He also said that Trump is "capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years."

Pirro said Saturday that Obama ran the most corrupt presidential administration since Harry Truman.

"You can't stand it that every metric under the Trump administration is better off than when you were in office."

Keep giving speech's Obama, republicans love it. Trump 2020!
Pirro to Obama: 'Your Lies, Your Policies and Your Divisiveness' Are Why Trump Is President

During his speech Friday, Obama warned that there are "dire" consequences to staying on the political sidelines, adding that "powerful and privileged" people want to "keep us angry."

He also said that Trump is "capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years."

Pirro said Saturday that Obama ran the most corrupt presidential administration since Harry Truman.

"You can't stand it that every metric under the Trump administration is better off than when you were in office."

Keep giving speech's Obama, republicans love it. Trump 2020!
Its fking sad that you losers think obama was a worse liar than trump. What false universe are you living in? Someone post the "you can keep your doctor" line and get it over with so I can laugh the lot of you out of relevance.
Pirro to Obama: 'Your Lies, Your Policies and Your Divisiveness' Are Why Trump Is President

During his speech Friday, Obama warned that there are "dire" consequences to staying on the political sidelines, adding that "powerful and privileged" people want to "keep us angry."

He also said that Trump is "capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years."

Pirro said Saturday that Obama ran the most corrupt presidential administration since Harry Truman.

"You can't stand it that every metric under the Trump administration is better off than when you were in office."

Keep giving speech's Obama, republicans love it. Trump 2020!
Its fking sad that you losers think obama was a worse liar than trump. What false universe are you living in? Someone post the "you can keep your doctor" line and get it over with so I can laugh the lot of you out of relevance.

Hey now. Guess who is going to be your next Supreme Court Justice, as soon as Ginsburg goes tits up?

That's right: Jeanine Pirro. :biggrin:
The idea that trump supporters would call obama a liar is laughable !
Obama and Hillary thought she was entitled to be president. The process was stacked against Trump, enough voters saw how bad Hillary and the entitled Democrats would be for America. Even today we see how they feel entitled to use whatever means to regain their rightful place.
The only reason why someone would say that the Obama administration was not heavily corrupted would be if they believe the media hype. The Media was and still is heavily biased against Trump and tried to further the liberal side by their nigh-and-day coverage of the two. Their thinking is that they can use the force of law instead of the force of the market to advance their business- we can see how Obama tried to put corporations in these positions (because a corporation that consolidated a resource is easy for the government to control) and how Trump is peeling back this approach. Politicians are corrupt- that has been true since politics came into play and has intensified with technology. The question is more of their agenda than of their corruption- Trump owns businesses that thrive on capitalism and Obama tries to control central resources. The media wants to be one of these resources so they lionize Obama and demonize Trump.

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Pirro to Obama: 'Your Lies, Your Policies and Your Divisiveness' Are Why Trump Is President

During his speech Friday, Obama warned that there are "dire" consequences to staying on the political sidelines, adding that "powerful and privileged" people want to "keep us angry."

He also said that Trump is "capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years."

Pirro said Saturday that Obama ran the most corrupt presidential administration since Harry Truman.

"You can't stand it that every metric under the Trump administration is better off than when you were in office."

Keep giving speech's Obama, republicans love it. Trump 2020!
Jeanine Pirro’s a retard.
Pirro to Obama: 'Your Lies, Your Policies and Your Divisiveness' Are Why Trump Is President

During his speech Friday, Obama warned that there are "dire" consequences to staying on the political sidelines, adding that "powerful and privileged" people want to "keep us angry."

He also said that Trump is "capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years."

Pirro said Saturday that Obama ran the most corrupt presidential administration since Harry Truman.

"You can't stand it that every metric under the Trump administration is better off than when you were in office."

Keep giving speech's Obama, republicans love it. Trump 2020!
Its fking sad that you losers think obama was a worse liar than trump. What false universe are you living in? Someone post the "you can keep your doctor" line and get it over with so I can laugh the lot of you out of relevance.

Hey now. Guess who is going to be your next Supreme Court Justice, as soon as Ginsburg goes tits up?

That's right: Jeanine Pirro. :biggrin:
After his secret documents and e-mails were released, you inbreds might not even get Kavanaugh
You never saw liberals weeping hysterically about McCain or Romney, in the way the Trumpflakes now constantly weep about Obama and Clinton.

The Trump cult is very strange that way. The liberals were proud to point to what Obama did. The conservatives are using any excuse to deflect away from what Trump is doing. Even conservatives understand what a humiliating failure Trump is.
Where are the indictments, arrests, plea deals, trials an d convictions from the Obama years, Pirro?
There weren't any.

Trump already has several indictments, with 5 plea deals and one conviction with more indictments/convictions on the way, eh?

Trump is looking more and more like one of the worst presidents... ever.
Where are the indictments, arrests, plea deals, trials an d convictions from the Obama years, Pirro?
There weren't any.

Trump already has several indictments, with 5 plea deals and one conviction with more indictments/convictions on the way, eh?

Trump is looking more and more like one of the worst presidents... ever.
Fast and Furious was far worse than anything anybody in the Trump administration has done.
Where are the indictments, arrests, plea deals, trials an d convictions from the Obama years, Pirro?
There weren't any.

Trump already has several indictments, with 5 plea deals and one conviction with more indictments/convictions on the way, eh?

Trump is looking more and more like one of the worst presidents... ever.
Fast and Furious was far worse than anything anybody in the Trump administration has done.
It wasn't even something "the Administration" did you dolt

And it certainly wasn't worse than kidnapping hundreds of kids
Pirro to Obama: 'Your Lies, Your Policies and Your Divisiveness' Are Why Trump Is President

During his speech Friday, Obama warned that there are "dire" consequences to staying on the political sidelines, adding that "powerful and privileged" people want to "keep us angry."

He also said that Trump is "capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years."

Pirro said Saturday that Obama ran the most corrupt presidential administration since Harry Truman.

"You can't stand it that every metric under the Trump administration is better off than when you were in office."

Keep giving speech's Obama, republicans love it. Trump 2020!
Its fking sad that you losers think obama was a worse liar than trump. What false universe are you living in? Someone post the "you can keep your doctor" line and get it over with so I can laugh the lot of you out of relevance.

Hey now. Guess who is going to be your next Supreme Court Justice, as soon as Ginsburg goes tits up?

That's right: Jeanine Pirro. :biggrin:
After his secret documents and e-mails were released, you inbreds might not even get Kavanaugh

"Livin' the dream", aren't you?

Except this nightmare isn't over for you yet. You still have another 6 years to go. :biggrin:
Name calling? Let’s stick to the topic at hand. Those kids were not ‘kidnapped’ but simply didn’t go to jail with their lawbreaking parents. Would you send a child to prison with his or her parents for any domestic crimes? And have you seen how nice the environment is and how these children are cared for until their parents’ situations are dealt with? Certainly better than the misery US kids endure at the hands of CPS!

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Pirro to Obama: 'Your Lies, Your Policies and Your Divisiveness' Are Why Trump Is President

During his speech Friday, Obama warned that there are "dire" consequences to staying on the political sidelines, adding that "powerful and privileged" people want to "keep us angry."

He also said that Trump is "capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years."

Pirro said Saturday that Obama ran the most corrupt presidential administration since Harry Truman.

"You can't stand it that every metric under the Trump administration is better off than when you were in office."

Keep giving speech's Obama, republicans love it. Trump 2020!
Its fking sad that you losers think obama was a worse liar than trump. What false universe are you living in? Someone post the "you can keep your doctor" line and get it over with so I can laugh the lot of you out of relevance.

Name me " the guy who gets an allowance from his mommy" what lie did Trump say that costed me money like Gruber /Obama care????

You never saw liberals weeping hysterically about McCain or Romney, in the way the Trumpflakes now constantly weep about Obama and Clinton.

The Trump cult is very strange that way. The liberals were proud to point to what Obama did. The conservatives are using any excuse to deflect away from what Trump is doing. Even conservatives understand what a humiliating failure Trump is.

A falure ?

Trump is beyond our wildest dreams a success at trolling the fuck out of liberals and the media ..

Pirro to Obama: 'Your Lies, Your Policies and Your Divisiveness' Are Why Trump Is President

During his speech Friday, Obama warned that there are "dire" consequences to staying on the political sidelines, adding that "powerful and privileged" people want to "keep us angry."

He also said that Trump is "capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years."

Pirro said Saturday that Obama ran the most corrupt presidential administration since Harry Truman.

"You can't stand it that every metric under the Trump administration is better off than when you were in office."

Keep giving speech's Obama, republicans love it. Trump 2020!
Its fking sad that you losers think obama was a worse liar than trump. What false universe are you living in? Someone post the "you can keep your doctor" line and get it over with so I can laugh the lot of you out of relevance.

Can I post the $2500 reduction in healthcare premiums lie?
You never saw liberals weeping hysterically about McCain or Romney, in the way the Trumpflakes now constantly weep about Obama and Clinton.

The Trump cult is very strange that way. The liberals were proud to point to what Obama did. The conservatives are using any excuse to deflect away from what Trump is doing. Even conservatives understand what a humiliating failure Trump is.

A falure ?

Trump is beyond our wildest dreams a success at trolling the fuck out of liberals and the media ..


I guess trump is a failure if you don’t like winning!

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Pirro to Obama: 'Your Lies, Your Policies and Your Divisiveness' Are Why Trump Is President

During his speech Friday, Obama warned that there are "dire" consequences to staying on the political sidelines, adding that "powerful and privileged" people want to "keep us angry."

He also said that Trump is "capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years."

Pirro said Saturday that Obama ran the most corrupt presidential administration since Harry Truman.

"You can't stand it that every metric under the Trump administration is better off than when you were in office."

Keep giving speech's Obama, republicans love it. Trump 2020!
Its fking sad that you losers think obama was a worse liar than trump. What false universe are you living in? Someone post the "you can keep your doctor" line and get it over with so I can laugh the lot of you out of relevance.

Hey now. Guess who is going to be your next Supreme Court Justice, as soon as Ginsburg goes tits up?

That's right: Jeanine Pirro. :biggrin:
After his secret documents and e-mails were released, you inbreds might not even get Kavanaugh

"Livin' the dream", aren't you?

Except this nightmare isn't over for you yet. You still have another 6 years to go. :biggrin:

Pence 2024!!!

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