Physicists Examine The Structure Of Time: Reality Could

I disagree. That basically means that the sum of an objects time is relative to its position. It is an invention of man to quantify the position of different objects for comparison.
Its an invention of man to determine a measurement for this observation, but whats being observed..... exists.
Have you ever heard of Deepak Chopra? He did an experiment and basically proved that vibrational frequency has effect on time. Which counters your typical "time is real" rebuttals.
"Time is the only aspect of reality that isn't emergent from something else" for example
I know you just like to argue... cuz, ya told me. So, in that light, Imma let you believe what ya believe. But to me, Ill rock with physics. Time is a unit of measurement that we use to measure a relationship. The relationship....exists. ipso facto. "What we call time," exists.
I am completely "rocking with physics" lol
Basic stimuli effects time. Therefore, time is useless and just a triviality of actual event sequencing.
How can it be useless or trivial if it doesnt exist? Also, describe the function of the process of decay. Lets use.....the cellular level - without referencing time - and advise also why your penis isnt the same size as hen you were 4, and what is 4, or is it the same size? Lol. Stop.
You can make a joke of it if you want. But you are making fun of the very thing you say you are "rocking"..
Of course it's an illusion!
Sincere question for you Mr. Frank. You often gaze in wonderment, as I do, about the deeper implications of the Universe - albeit, we often dont share the same conclusions but thinking on this macro level leaves life in front of you seeming so micro, often. Why, then, do you lower yourself to partisan hackery? It all doesnt fucking matter, and being so cynical about mostly good people, or who a hack calls 'the other side,' is not only being a dick.....but in the grand scheme of things - its being a dick to no avail and no relevant outcome.


See, this is my version of Hell on Earth. Sometime I slip into the pit and imagine all the horrible things the government, or some other sinister villain: Obama, Rdean, George Soros, is doing and like the Hoarders and Waster down in Dante's Inferno, Circle IV, I'm rolling the rock onto the other side only to have them roll it back onto me

"Here, too, I saw a nation of lost souls,
Far more than were above: they strained their chests
Against enormous weights, and with mad howls

Rolled them at one another. Then in haste
They rolled them back, one party shouting out:
“Why do you hoard?” and the other: “Why do you waste?”

So back around that ring they puff and blow,
Each faction to its course, until they reach
Opposite sides, and screaming as they go

The madmen turn and start their weights again
To crash against the maniacs. And I,
Watching, felt my heart contract with pain."

Sometime I step outside and laugh at what an unbearable idiot I can be at times
I have love 4 ya bruvva

u2 brother
Its an invention of man to determine a measurement for this observation, but whats being observed..... exists.
Have you ever heard of Deepak Chopra? He did an experiment and basically proved that vibrational frequency has effect on time. Which counters your typical "time is real" rebuttals.
"Time is the only aspect of reality that isn't emergent from something else" for example
I know you just like to argue... cuz, ya told me. So, in that light, Imma let you believe what ya believe. But to me, Ill rock with physics. Time is a unit of measurement that we use to measure a relationship. The relationship....exists. ipso facto. "What we call time," exists.
I am completely "rocking with physics" lol
Basic stimuli effects time. Therefore, time is useless and just a triviality of actual event sequencing.
How can it be useless or trivial if it doesnt exist? Also, describe the function of the process of decay. Lets use.....the cellular level - without referencing time - and advise also why your penis isnt the same size as hen you were 4, and what is 4, or is it the same size? Lol. Stop.
You can make a joke of it if you want. But you are making fun of the very thing you say you are "rocking"..
no im not, not at all. The relationship we use time to describe most CERTAINLY exists. And its HARDLY erroneous, thats the most laughable thing ever. The speed of light, the age of the universe, decay, carbon dating.....thousands of advances in science because of measuring and understanding the measurement of time. You bumped you gott dang head.
Sometime I step outside and laugh at what an unbearable idiot I can be at times

GT has a t-shirt that says this! ;)
Its says Boss hates me cuz he aint me, and on the back is me moonwalking on your post history like Jackson in the flesh, minus the Pedophilia and beautifully feminine vocal chords. And the thriller album. And skin change. Alright, bad analogy. But LOOK! JANETS NIPPLE SLIPPED!
Have you ever heard of Deepak Chopra? He did an experiment and basically proved that vibrational frequency has effect on time. Which counters your typical "time is real" rebuttals.
"Time is the only aspect of reality that isn't emergent from something else" for example
I know you just like to argue... cuz, ya told me. So, in that light, Imma let you believe what ya believe. But to me, Ill rock with physics. Time is a unit of measurement that we use to measure a relationship. The relationship....exists. ipso facto. "What we call time," exists.
I am completely "rocking with physics" lol
Basic stimuli effects time. Therefore, time is useless and just a triviality of actual event sequencing.
How can it be useless or trivial if it doesnt exist? Also, describe the function of the process of decay. Lets use.....the cellular level - without referencing time - and advise also why your penis isnt the same size as hen you were 4, and what is 4, or is it the same size? Lol. Stop.
You can make a joke of it if you want. But you are making fun of the very thing you say you are "rocking"..
no im not, not at all. The relationship we use time to describe most CERTAINLY exists. And its HARDLY erroneous, thats the most laughable thing ever. The speed of light, the age of the universe, decay, carbon dating.....thousands of advances in science because of measuring and understanding the measurement of time. You bumped you gott dang head.
The measurement of time is completely necessary to humans IMO. However, time is altered by basic stimuli and vibrational frequency. THATS why I said it was trivial to the ACTUAL event sequencing.
You are not even supporting time ACTUALLY existing. It seems you are just supporting the measurement concept.
Wake me up when theres a point to your frivolity on this, and Ill humor whats relevant. Not interested in quibbling with retarded notions.
Wake me up when theres a point to your frivolity on this, and Ill humor whats relevant. Not interested in quibbling with retarded notions.
So much for an adult discussion. Thanks anyways!
All things happen all at once, time is an illusion. I have heard that before. Damn, We are caught up in that illusion. Do we have a choice?But maybe something may supersede this and lead us out of that illusion. But I don't think so. We are deeply embedded in the illusion to break it.
All things happen all at once, time is an illusion. I have heard that before. Damn, We are caught up in that illusion. Do we have a choice?But maybe something may supersede this and lead us out of that illusion. But I don't think so. We are deeply embedded in the illusion to break it.
Our physical existence is an illusion and matter is the cradle of time.
Does time exist in a vacuum??
Are you suggesting that vacuum is matter-free? It is pressure-free but I am certain it is not necessarily free of matter.

As the old Italian guy down the road says "Wotsamatta"???

Vacuum, Space in which there is no matter or in which the pressure is so low that any particles in the space do not affect any processes being carried on there. It is a condition well below normal atmospheric pressure and is measured in units of pressure (the pascal).

Birtannica: simple definition.

All things happen all at once, time is an illusion. I have heard that before. Damn, We are caught up in that illusion. Do we have a choice?But maybe something may supersede this and lead us out of that illusion. But I don't think so. We are deeply embedded in the illusion to break it.
Our physical existence is an illusion and matter is the cradle of time.

It is true that we create our perception of reality but reality exists regardless of our perception of it.


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