Photos of Alexander Cortez or Sandy as she was known at her elites high school in Yorktown not in

This whack job has been maintains her rough upbringing and it was far far far from rough
Kinda like a guy from Chevy Chase saying he had it bad because he did not live in Potomac
Show us where she claimed she had a "rough upbringing".

If the worst thing she's lied about is how rough she may or may not of had it growing up, she's better than most.
I’ve seen that crazy look many times after being called to help with a psych patient. lol
Stop lying. They never let patients assist with other patients. Its just asking to be sued.
I know it’s hard for black people to understand certain things.
I agree. Still cant figure out why head lice love you guys. Is it that wet dog scent?
Head lice? What’s that?

Forget I asked.
This thread is about libs being nuts. We’re not interested in any personal issues you might have.
Take your own advice ya baboon. No one cares what you think about Black people. :rolleyes:
This whack job has been maintains her rough upbringing and it was far far far from rough
Kinda like a guy from Chevy Chase saying he had it bad because he did not live in Potomac
Show us where she claimed she had a "rough upbringing".

The entire 2nd paragraph recounts the hardships
Man you are just stupid plus ineffective at trying to raise hackles because you are pitifully inept. You just provided your very own disproof of your assertions
This whack job has been maintains her rough upbringing and it was far far far from rough
Kinda like a guy from Chevy Chase saying he had it bad because he did not live in Potomac
Show us where she claimed she had a "rough upbringing".

The entire 2nd paragraph recounts the hardships
Man you are just stupid plus ineffective at trying to raise hackles because you are pitifully inept. You just provided your very own disproof of your assertions
You think the second paragraph means she grew up rough? The word rough isnt even in the second paragraph. Please have an adult review your comments next time. You sound like an idiot. :rolleyes:
I’ve seen that crazy look many times after being called to help with a psych patient. lol
Stop lying. They never let patients assist with other patients. Its just asking to be sued.
I know it’s hard for black people to understand certain things.
I agree. Still cant figure out why head lice love you guys. Is it that wet dog scent?
Head lice? What’s that?

Forget I asked.
This thread is about libs being nuts. We’re not interested in any personal issues you might have.
Take your own advice ya baboon. No one cares what you think about Black people.
I have a lot of respect for the black people I’m friends with. They also know about the problems people like you create.
Stop lying. They never let patients assist with other patients. Its just asking to be sued.
I know it’s hard for black people to understand certain things.
I agree. Still cant figure out why head lice love you guys. Is it that wet dog scent?
Head lice? What’s that?

Forget I asked.
This thread is about libs being nuts. We’re not interested in any personal issues you might have.
Take your own advice ya baboon. No one cares what you think about Black people.
I have a lot of respect for the black people I’m friends with. They also know about the problems people like you create.
Not really interested in your fantasies. Get back on topic lice head.
I know it’s hard for black people to understand certain things.
I agree. Still cant figure out why head lice love you guys. Is it that wet dog scent?
Head lice? What’s that?

Forget I asked.
This thread is about libs being nuts. We’re not interested in any personal issues you might have.
Take your own advice ya baboon. No one cares what you think about Black people.
I have a lot of respect for the black people I’m friends with. They also know about the problems people like you create.
Not really interested in your fantasies. Get back on topic lice head.
I’m good with you running away. :)
Left likes to create myth around their "idols".

"Sandy" Ocasio wasn't good enough name to identify with her constituents. Just like Robert Francis O'Rourke, so he named himself "beto", or Kenyan Barry Soetoro.
I agree. Still cant figure out why head lice love you guys. Is it that wet dog scent?
Head lice? What’s that?

Forget I asked.
This thread is about libs being nuts. We’re not interested in any personal issues you might have.
Take your own advice ya baboon. No one cares what you think about Black people.
I have a lot of respect for the black people I’m friends with. They also know about the problems people like you create.
Not really interested in your fantasies. Get back on topic lice head.
I’m good with you running away. :)
You have no choice but to be good with any decision I make. :)
The dailymail brought that info to light back in June-
The hardscrabble biography of Democrat Congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been called into question after the revelation that she grew up mostly in wealthy Westchester County.

Though Ocasio-Cortez, 28, was born in and currently lives in the Bronx, county land records show her late father Sergio Cortez-Roman bought a quaint three-bedroom in Yorktown Heights, New York in 1991, when she was about two.

It is an apparent contradiction with the candidate's official biography, which states in part: 'The state of Bronx public schools in the late 80s and early 90s sent her parents on a search for a solution. She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40 minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx.'

Ocasio-Cortez also boasted on Stephen Colbert's late-night show that President Donald Trump, born in Queens, wouldn't know how to handle 'a girl from the Bronx' such as herself.

'Girl from the Bronx' Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez grew up in Westchester County | Daily Mail Online

Ocasio-Cortez also boasted on Stephen Colbert's late-night show that President Donald Trump, born in Queens, wouldn't know how to handle 'a girl from the Bronx' such as herself.
Is she saying she wants Trump to grab her snatch?
Head lice? What’s that?

Forget I asked.
This thread is about libs being nuts. We’re not interested in any personal issues you might have.
Take your own advice ya baboon. No one cares what you think about Black people.
I have a lot of respect for the black people I’m friends with. They also know about the problems people like you create.
Not really interested in your fantasies. Get back on topic lice head.
I’m good with you running away. :)
You have no choice but to be good with any decision I make. :)
Getting back on topic was a good decision, Asclepias. That’s a decision I can applaud.

You and I both know you shouldn’t have mentioned your problems with lice. Just saying. :)
Get back on topic lice head.

Apparently Asclepias is using "lice head" as a racial "slur" for Cracker. How would you like it if someone called you "Sickle Cell" or AIDSclepias or something similarly insensitive? Let's stay on the topic that Donkey Face AOC lied about her "Bronx" upbringing, and that like with Barry "Brock" Obama, there is surprising little we know about her except she is exceptionally stupid and ignorant.
Just because you dont go to school in the Bronx doesnt mean you are not from the Bronx. She was born there and has family there in the Bronx.

Dude, do yourself a favor right now. Quit defending this boneheaded snatch. She will only (continue) to disappoint you. She is a dim witted ideologue who will be the bane of Pelosi. Pelosi already hates her.
So now the right needs to destroy another elected representative for no real reason.

No. There is a reason. A really good reason. She is a representative from a huge state and she doesn’t support our representative democracy. Oh and she really stupid too.

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