Philippine President Calls Barack Obama 'Son of a Whore'


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
When you look at his actions in office, EVERY ONE of them is not just bad and anti-American policy but has a little extra deliberate pain at the end. "Take THAT, America, just for being AMERICAN!"

His routine twisting the knife in religious groups, the excessive punishment of individuals who oppose him that accomplish nothing but expressing his rage ... virtually every action ends with -- "Oh -- and take THAT, too ..."

This is an abused child -- probably s3xua!!y -- who grew up and channeled the anger at his parents (which they fully deserved) into anger at US, with the help of Frank Marshal Davis and the Rev. Wright.
Interesting. Spot has an opinion


I was just reading this story.. LMFAO The Chinese, Filipinos and the Russians LOATHE the boy king.. That's what happens when you suck every Terrorists dick, bow before leaders and lead like a sniveling coward.. NO FUCKING RESPECT.. He's a damn joke with his sissyazz pictures floating all over the world on his girly bike, lifting 5 lbs dumbbells which made him fucking grimace..
LOL Here's his exact quote:

"You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum," Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend a summit.
I can understand Obama cancelling his meeting with the guy. He shouldn't call Obama's mother a whore, even though she was.
I can understand Obama cancelling his meeting with the guy. He shouldn't call Obama's mother a whore, even though she was.

A guy has to do what he's gotta do.. I support Duterte's freedom of speech.
Obama doesn't seem to be very warmly greeted anywhere these last few days at the G20 meetings - I saw one scathing report of his reception by the Chinese when they arrived ... no stairs in place for him to deplane, issues being allowed to enter the hotel where they were registered...the press corp, the staffers, everybody was getting jacked up by various officials in a very unfriendly. Some hours later there was something about a chilly meeting between him and Putin at the same conference.
Obama doesn't seem to be very warmly greeted anywhere these last few days at the G20 meetings - I saw one scathing report of his reception by the Chinese when they arrived ... no stairs in place for him to deplane, issues being allowed to enter the hotel where they were registered...the press corp, the staffers, everybody was getting jacked up by various officials in a very unfriendly. Some hours later there was something about a chilly meeting between him and Putin at the same conference.
In Obama's first ever meeting with Russian officials, they refused to shake his hand.
They already knew Obama was a jerk
He is tired of the UN and the US pushing his nation around.
Don't blame the attitude but the language is hardly "diplomatic".
I think many in the world are fed up with PC guarded wording that says nothing but BS

They must be used the "How to say nothing in 1000 word" handbook when they raise their hand to take an oath.

This is why nations like Iran and N Korea think they can do anything and the US will blabber some empty words and ignore bad behavior.

Words, words, words, I'm so sick of words.............

I think we can all do with some honesty for a change.
Obama doesn't seem to be very warmly greeted anywhere these last few days at the G20 meetings - I saw one scathing report of his reception by the Chinese when they arrived ... no stairs in place for him to deplane, issues being allowed to enter the hotel where they were registered...the press corp, the staffers, everybody was getting jacked up by various officials in a very unfriendly. Some hours later there was something about a chilly meeting between him and Putin at the same conference.
In Obama's first ever meeting with Russian officials, they refused to shake his hand.
They already knew Obama was a jerk

Russians don't respect weak men. Men either take charge or get pushed aside in that culture.

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