Phil Valentine Does a 180 on Covid and Vaccines


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021

He was originally thinking Covid 19 was nothing more than a minor cold... nothing really to worry about with all the hype being the biggest part of the thing...
(He is a primadonna)

Now he has gone and done a telling everyone to get it.

He was originally thinking Covid 19 was nothing more than a minor cold... nothing really to worry about with all the hype being the biggest part of the thing...
(He is a primadonna)

Now he has gone and done a telling everyone to get it.
He must be a deep state globalist rino.
He must be a deep state globalist rino.
Think before you speak...
He is one of the most conservative conservatives out there. He can't vote democratic if his life depended on it. He's the guy who outs the RINOs on a regular basis.
Look into his background and's pure conservatism all the way.
The premise of this latest demagoguery that all you Nazis have been fed by the fascist hate sites is that this Phil Valentine - whoever the fuck he is - was an anti-vaxxer. But of course none of you Reich member offer any sort of evidence to support your claim.

This is just the latest talking points by KOS, CNN and the other Nazi hate sites.
Think before you speak...
He is one of the most conservative conservatives out there. He can't vote democratic if his life depended on it. He's the guy who outs the RINOs on a regular basis.
Look into his background and's pure conservatism all the way.
I was kidding. Or, making fun of republicans because that’s what they say about anyone who goes off script
But COVID is just a mild flu. What a wuss.
He has been a conservative talk show host for over 30 years.

He's done voiceovers for movies as being a conservative talk show host. Helping Marsha Blackburn get elected...he is an ultra conservative.
Think before you speak...
He is one of the most conservative conservatives out there. He can't vote democratic if his life depended on it. He's the guy who outs the RINOs on a regular basis.
Look into his background and's pure conservatism all the way.

Or at least that's the picture the Reich needs you to paint in promoting the bullshit your spewing..
He has been a conservative talk show host for over 30 years.

He's done voiceovers for movies as being a conservative talk show host. Helping Marsha Blackburn get elected...he is an ultra conservative.
Republicans will only believe if they or someone close to them dies. Even then they are skeptical look at Herman cains family. Can’t admit going to rallies was wrong.
Republicans will only believe if they or someone close to them dies. Even then they are skeptical look at Herman cains family. Can’t admit going to rallies was wrong.

Americans, because that is the divide, you fucking Nazi pigs versus we Americans. Americans have learned that you Nazi scum are without honor or integrity and lie about EVERYTHING.

Mainly because none of you fascists know what the fuck your talking about, you just vomit out hating points from the hate sites like NBC or Alternet that do your thinking for you.

You take the talking point, then make shit up to slander the object of your hatred, Americans.
Americans, because that is the divide, you fucking Nazi pigs versus we Americans. Americans have learned that you Nazi scum are without honor or integrity and lie about EVERYTHING.

Mainly because none of you fascists know what the fuck your talking about, you just vomit out hating points from the hate sites like NBC or Alternet that do your thinking for you.

You take the talking point, then make shit up to slander the object of your hatred, Americans.
You fucking hypocrite. Read what you wrote. Right back at you but instead of msnbc change that to Fox and Phil valentine.

You guys aren’t americans. America is a melting pot. You’re racist whites who attempt coups and try to kidnap governors. Fuck yourself
Who cares?

You Nazis are fucking liars - every last one of you fascist vermin.

{I haven’t posted anything pro or con relating to the vaccine because I felt like everyone should decide for themselves whether or not to get it.}

From your own link, scumbag.
I have never and will never be in favor of state forced medical treatment of adults.

I'm not a fan of employers doing it either. Otherwise my boss would order a colonoscopy or prostate exam every time I smarted off to him. (And I do that a lot)

But I'm suggesting that these mRNA vaccines are good and effective...and that COVID-19 is an endocrine system virus unlike anything that has come before. Meaning that the likelihood of the next generation having birth defects is really high even if you survive the virus easily.

Coronaviruses are not something to play with...Ebola, SARS, MERS, and Zitka are all examples...
Look at shrunken head is caused by a variant of coronavirus. (Just another fever by most people's standards)
But the effects are devastating.

At this point we don't know the long term effects of this virus...but they never are good.
You fucking hypocrite. Read what you wrote. Right back at you but instead of msnbc change that to Fox and Phil valentine.

You guys aren’t americans. America is a melting pot. You’re racist whites who attempt coups and try to kidnap governors. Fuck yourself

You Nazi pigs are engaged in a civil war to end our Constitution. No one said anything about race, but you Nazis have your scapegoat, your hatred of whites, as the "magic bullet" for everything. DER JUDEN...

Fucking Nazi scum.
You Nazi pigs are engaged in a civil war to end our Constitution. No one said anything about race, but you Nazis have your scapegoat, your hatred of whites, as the "magic bullet" for everything. DER JUDEN...

Fucking Nazi scum.
Well when you’re the problem....

And for the record I’m a straight educated successful white male liberal progressive democrat.

You calling us nazis is classic projection.
I have never and will never be in favor of state forced medical treatment of adults.

I'm not a fan of employers doing it either. Otherwise my boss would order a colonoscopy or prostate exam every time I smarted off to him. (And I do that a lot)

But I'm suggesting that these mRNA vaccines are good and effective...and that COVID-19 is an endocrine system virus unlike anything that has come before. Meaning that the likelihood of the next generation having birth defects is really high even if you survive the virus easily.

Coronaviruses are not something to play with...Ebola, SARS, MERS, and Zitka are all examples...
Look at shrunken head is caused by a variant of coronavirus. (Just another fever by most people's standards)
But the effects are devastating.

At this point we don't know the long term effects of this virus...but they never are good.

All of which is utterly irrelevant.

You LIED about this guy Valentine in order to create a caricature consistent with the stereotype your Reich has created. You lied that he said the Wuhan Designer Virus® (funded by Fauci) is "only a cold." That is a flat out lie you simply made up because you wanted to smear all those who are enemies of your Reich.

I, and most of America - including you - have never heard of this dude before - but your Reich and the hate site NBC thought you could use him to propagate hate, division, and maybe spread some fear.

It is the way you Nazis operate.

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