Petition to remove Westboro's Tax Exempt Status

As much as I dislike them and their message....

This is still the United States of America and they are a "legit" Church and have the right to express their opinions.

Any scum bag can be a "legit" church but other than that, I agree with you.

We don't get to choose who enjoys equal rights under the law.

Well, unless you're rw ... Then you deny equal rights to anyone you don't like - women, gays, blacks ...
One man's religion is another man's cult.

I would like to first petition to removes Sharptons tax exemption... Or at least throw his ass in jail for the taxes he already owes...You know why democrat politicains and so called leaders dont mind taxes going up???? Because the fucks never pay theirs!

I agree. If there are any Islam Mosques that have tax exempt, they should lose that status. After all, they are a cult out to kill Americans(most aren't out to kill but enough are that they don't deserve tax exemption). Of course, that won't happen with the Kenyan muslim Obama as POTUS!:mad:
Proof? Links?

It is called history, learn from it.

So you don't have any proof as usual.

The fact that I don't do your homework assignments is not proof of anything other than me not doing your homework assignments. If the universe worked on the assumption that people could assign others work at their whim I would have forced you to prove something you cannot prove, and you would not be pretending that a Broadway play proves that the Mormon church allowed blacks into the priesthood because of public pressure.
As much as I dislike them and their message....

This is still the United States of America and they are a "legit" Church and have the right to express their opinions.

Any scum bag can be a "legit" church but other than that, I agree with you.

We don't get to choose who enjoys equal rights under the law.

Well, unless you're rw ... Then you deny equal rights to anyone you don't like - women, gays, blacks ...

comical coming from someone who somehow things affermative action is "equal protection"

How about providing equal protection from unconsitutional gun laws for people from places like new york city?
I blame the media, plain and simple. During Roosevelt's presidency, there was an unwritten agreement not to photograph him in his wheelchair. The days when the press showed a little common sense restraint are gone. Westbro would dry up and disappear within 6 months if the media didn't camp out at their doorstep and broadcast every word these guys speak. Hell, the media quotes them saying that they are going to protest at funerals that they have no intention of attending, because it instantly becomes national news, just because they say they will be there. The media loves it when those guys rant. It guarantees high ratings and increased ad revenues. iI is disgusting. This is why I stopped watching the "news" three years ago.
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It is called history, learn from it.

So you don't have any proof as usual.

The fact that I don't do your homework assignments is not proof of anything other than me not doing your homework assignments. If the universe worked on the assumption that people could assign others work at their whim I would have forced you to prove something you cannot prove, and you would not be pretending that a Broadway play proves that the Mormon church allowed blacks into the priesthood because of public pressure.

It's not homework, it's backing up your claim. You haven't. (Can't?)
So you don't have any proof as usual.

The fact that I don't do your homework assignments is not proof of anything other than me not doing your homework assignments. If the universe worked on the assumption that people could assign others work at their whim I would have forced you to prove something you cannot prove, and you would not be pretending that a Broadway play proves that the Mormon church allowed blacks into the priesthood because of public pressure.

It's not homework, it's backing up your claim. You haven't. (Can't?)

Like you backed up your ridiculous claim that no one sued them before they started protesting military funerals?

Frankly, if you chose to remain ignorant, that is your loss, not mine.

Mark Twain said:
The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.
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The fact that I don't do your homework assignments is not proof of anything other than me not doing your homework assignments. If the universe worked on the assumption that people could assign others work at their whim I would have forced you to prove something you cannot prove, and you would not be pretending that a Broadway play proves that the Mormon church allowed blacks into the priesthood because of public pressure.

It's not homework, it's backing up your claim. You haven't. (Can't?)

Like you backed up your ridiculous claim that no one sued them before they started protesting military funerals?

Frankly, if you chose to remain ignorant, that is your loss, not mine.

Mark Twain said:
The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.

I didn't say that, I said legislation was not being passed to stop protests prior to that.

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