Petition on protecting victims from Narcissistic bullying and abuse


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Protect Victims that suffer emotional, psychological, and financial abuse by Narcissistic Personality disordered individuals.

Wow. Just Wow.

Someone launched a petition and awareness drive
to protect people from bullying narcissistic mental and personality disorders.

See below.

I had one friend harass, threaten and bully me to the point I required him to sign
a Mediation agreement if we were going to communicate any further.

Another friend got harassed and bullied by a mentally ill man her nonprofit had helped.
He turned on her, with false accusations and slander, and got sponsors and donors to cut their support.
Because he was afraid to be pressured to pay back the help so he had to attack his helpers.

Not sure if that is BPD or NPD but the personality disorder
of attacking to alienate and chase off the very people trying to help
is a common factor in these self-destructive victimhood types of addictive or social disorders.


On March 14, 2016, a Spring, Texas resident resident, and United States Air Force Veteran, took his life after suffering over a decade of abuse from an Narcissistic Personality disordered individual (determined by researching specific patterns of behavior exhibited by those with this disorder). Both the victim and his new wife became targets, being harassed only to make their lives as difficult as possible. When the abuser could no longer get a response from the target, the harassement was then directed to another closest to the victim.... his wife. The victims fought hard within the legal system to end the abuse, but were repeatedly told nothing could be done unless there was a threat of death involved. They suffered through smear campaigning, stalking, online harassment, slander, defamation, invasion of privacy, displaying of personal, medical, and financial information online, cyberbullying, cyberstalking, intimidation, job loss, hacking, credit monitoring, accessing of credit/auto accounts, and so much more. When the abuser gained access to a personal cloud acct while the victims were vacationing, a folder containing incriminating evidence against the abuser was deleted. Fortunately the missing information was backed up through another device and all was retrieved intact. The abuser constantly made threats of litigation of defamation against the victims, but the victims were never worried about the latter. As the saying goes... Its not defamation if its the truth....and can be proven! The worst part is that the abuser also claimed to be the victim (which is a typical behavior of Narcissistic Personality disordered individuals). Despite the mounting evidence collected by the victims, neither the law nor the courts would or could help, including a suit filed by the victims against their abuser. Even with standing legal documentation in place, the harasser continued their behavior. The victims were told to "continue documenting, collecting, and make reports." Even during this time, the victim had been threatened by his abuser that his long time career in IT would be in jeopardy as well as his financial well being for his refusal to communicate with his abuser. The abuser followed through with their threat. A "complaint" was made to his employer just 5 days after his decision to go "No Contact" with his abuser. He felt he was wrongly terminated based on misconstrued information based on "half truths" by his abuser. The victim already under mental duress became even more agitated. The victim, an Air Force Veteran, already aware he had been suffering from PTSD as Late-Onset Stress Symptomatology (LOSS), became even more depressed and mentally stressed from the continued harassment and smear campaigning of his personal and professional reputation as well as his wife's. With the victims wife having never met the abuser, she also became a victim of smear campaigning by the abuser as well. All the while, the abuser was claiming to be the poor victim of stalking and harassment despite evidence to the contrary. The constant onslaught, psychological toll, with no relief from law enforcement or litigation was more than they could bear. The victim felt the only thing he could do was to take his own life to be at peace and protect his wife. By the time the victims were beginning to see a crack in the abuser’s carefully planned torment, it was too late.
I'm starting a petition to end petitions!

...but if I suppport your petition, am I enabling petitions or protesting them???
Wouldn't I be a hypocrite contradicting myself??

Never mind, I'm a liberal Democrat. I'm supposed to do that.
Do one thing but lobby to stop OTHER people from doing it.

Like having free speech, free choice, freedom of THEIR beliefs.
Why not petition to stop OTHER people from petitioning?

Perfect, JoeMoma ! Where do I sign???
I started the petition against petitions in the USMB Mafia Zone. I intended to start it in the USMB Lounge.

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