PETA ... seriously?


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014

From the players:

PETA: "but wearing the skins of dead animals doesn't take any skill."

FAN: Really. Attaining a pelt from the wolves of Fenris takes no skill? Why even try to discuss something if you know zero about it?
~ Wags a fox tail at the screen ~ Every year I support Alaskan trappers at the state fair, I buy at least one fox tail and one leather item (purse, gloves, etc.) Wildlife management is pretty good in Alaska :)
If hunting is a sport, it's the only sport where the other team doesn't even know they are playing.

While there are plenty of marksman-orient sports, hunting isn't one of them.

If you require another man to kill your food for you, fine, but don't denigrate those that can do it for themselves.
If PETA actually cared about animals (which they don't) they'd be going after halal slaughter and the celebration of Eid al-Adha. PETA is simply a branch of the Leftist cult pushing the Liberal/Progressive agenda. In other words, they're phonies.

And PETA's attack on this game is laughable.

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