Perry decides to meet with Obama in Dallas tomorrow

These are not true conservatives, just wing nuts like you pretending to be conservatives.

You are obstructionists who hate the values of America.

Your power has broken for good.

American values are based on the liberty of the individual. People like you fake cheer as we loose it:cuckoo:
Middle class conservative are good Americans; they are not the silly trash of the TeaP far right

RINOs like you demonstrate the arrogance and ignorance of your ilk.

The Tea Party is still cleaning up the mess the establishment left behind.
Middle class conservative are good Americans; they are not the silly trash of the TeaP far right

RINOs like you demonstrate the arrogance and ignorance of your ilk.

The Tea Party is still cleaning up the mess the establishment left behind.

The teabaggers ARE the mess the Koch Brothers overwhelmed to push their agenda of smaller government and less regulation to boost their profit.
I certainly hope that OOOPS moment is no where near as tragic as the one experienced by Texas governor Connally in 1963.

Obama has about 60,000 of them sitting at the border.

You mean the TEXAS and Arizona borders, two of the most anti-Obama states in the Union? Looks to me like them ol' boyz want a handout from the Obama administration...heck, that's welfare, ain't it? By golly, Yesireee...

Looks to me like them ol' boyz want Obama and his administration to do their job and shut down the illegal border crossings... By golly, Yesireee...


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