Perhaps some good news??


Gold Member
Aug 9, 2011
NW Georgia
Not sure if it's really "good" because of the reasons this is happening but it looks like the price of gas just might be going down........we'll see. Forgive me for being skeptical.


Oil prices were in free fall Friday as worries about a weakening global economy combine with seemingly ample supplies and less fear of a confrontation with Iran.

Traders also point to new margin requirements by the CFTC, announced Thursday. However, those requirements do not go into effect until August, and the bigger factor behind the selling is concerns about a global slowdown.

West Texas crude finsished down nearly 4 percent at $98.49 per barrel, after breaking key technical levels and the psychological $100 mark. WTI has now wiped out all of its gains for the year and is down fractionally for the year and down 6 percent on the week.

Brent crude, the international bench mark, was also tumbling, down 2.5 percent at $113.18 per barrel after breaking through its 200-day moving average of $113.60. It lost 5.6 percent for the week.

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It's sort of clever to get us conditioned to paying $4 per gallon, and then when it goes down 50 cents we get all happy and excited.:lol:
Media Goes Silent as Gas Prices Fall After Obama Crack Down On Oil Speculation

It seems like only yesterday that the GOP and their corporate media lackeys were telling us that gas prices would ruin Obama, but they have gone silent as gas prices have fallen since Obama announced his administration&#8217;s crackdown on oil speculation.

As recently as last month, Mitt Romney was still blaming President Obama for the price of gas, &#8220;He gets full credit or blame for what&#8217;s happened to this economy and what&#8217;s happened to gasoline prices under his watch and what&#8217;s happened to our schools and what&#8217;s happened to our military forces &#8212; all these things are his responsibility while he&#8217;s president.&#8221;

Speaker of the House John Boehner went as far as to claim that gas prices could cost Obama the election, &#8220;But if the economy doesn&#8217;t get better, I don&#8217;t think he&#8217;ll win. If people don&#8217;t feel better about government-run health care, I don&#8217;t think he&#8217;ll win. And if gas prices are $5 or $6, he certainly isn&#8217;t going to win.&#8221;

The media was happy to give the Republicans a free forum and plenty of airtime to use to blame Obama for gas prices, but on April 17 Obama called for a crackdown on oil speculation, &#8220;We can&#8217;t afford a situation where speculators artificially manipulate markets by buying up oil, creating the perception of a shortage, and driving prices higher, only to flip the oil for a quick profit. We can&#8217;t afford the situation where some speculators can reap millions (of dollars in profits), while millions of American families get the short end of the stick. That&#8217;s not the way the market should work.&#8221;

Since Obama announced his crackdown on oil speculation, gas prices have fallen twelve cents a gallon. The media response to this news has been total silence.
Media Goes Silent as Gas Prices Fall After Obama Crack Down On Oil Speculation

It seems like only yesterday that the GOP and their corporate media lackeys were telling us that gas prices would ruin Obama, but they have gone silent as gas prices have fallen since Obama announced his administration’s crackdown on oil speculation.

As recently as last month, Mitt Romney was still blaming President Obama for the price of gas, “He gets full credit or blame for what’s happened to this economy and what’s happened to gasoline prices under his watch and what’s happened to our schools and what’s happened to our military forces — all these things are his responsibility while he’s president.”

Speaker of the House John Boehner went as far as to claim that gas prices could cost Obama the election, “But if the economy doesn’t get better, I don’t think he’ll win. If people don’t feel better about government-run health care, I don’t think he’ll win. And if gas prices are $5 or $6, he certainly isn’t going to win.”

The media was happy to give the Republicans a free forum and plenty of airtime to use to blame Obama for gas prices, but on April 17 Obama called for a crackdown on oil speculation, “We can’t afford a situation where speculators artificially manipulate markets by buying up oil, creating the perception of a shortage, and driving prices higher, only to flip the oil for a quick profit. We can’t afford the situation where some speculators can reap millions (of dollars in profits), while millions of American families get the short end of the stick. That’s not the way the market should work.”

Since Obama announced his crackdown on oil speculation, gas prices have fallen twelve cents a gallon. The media response to this news has been total silence.

The falling of gas prices has nothing to do with a crackdown on speculation. They are just going back to the point they were at before bad stuff started happening.
$3.30-$3.50 for gas seems to be the norm for right now. It goes higher when shit goes wrong in the middle east. In the last year the only times it has gone higher was during the Arab spring, and when Iran started rattling its saber around.
It's sort of clever to get us conditioned to paying $4 per gallon, and then when it goes down 50 cents we get all happy and excited.:lol:
Many years ago when gas was 50 cents a gallon, a 10% increase hardly made the newspapers. Today it's a subject of national debate.
Media Goes Silent as Gas Prices Fall After Obama Crack Down On Oil Speculation

It seems like only yesterday that the GOP and their corporate media lackeys were telling us that gas prices would ruin Obama, but they have gone silent as gas prices have fallen since Obama announced his administration’s crackdown on oil speculation.

As recently as last month, Mitt Romney was still blaming President Obama for the price of gas, “He gets full credit or blame for what’s happened to this economy and what’s happened to gasoline prices under his watch and what’s happened to our schools and what’s happened to our military forces — all these things are his responsibility while he’s president.”

Speaker of the House John Boehner went as far as to claim that gas prices could cost Obama the election, “But if the economy doesn’t get better, I don’t think he’ll win. If people don’t feel better about government-run health care, I don’t think he’ll win. And if gas prices are $5 or $6, he certainly isn’t going to win.”

The media was happy to give the Republicans a free forum and plenty of airtime to use to blame Obama for gas prices, but on April 17 Obama called for a crackdown on oil speculation, “We can’t afford a situation where speculators artificially manipulate markets by buying up oil, creating the perception of a shortage, and driving prices higher, only to flip the oil for a quick profit. We can’t afford the situation where some speculators can reap millions (of dollars in profits), while millions of American families get the short end of the stick. That’s not the way the market should work.”

Since Obama announced his crackdown on oil speculation, gas prices have fallen twelve cents a gallon. The media response to this news has been total silence.

The falling of gas prices has nothing to do with a crackdown on speculation. They are just going back to the point they were at before bad stuff started happening.
$3.30-$3.50 for gas seems to be the norm for right now. It goes higher when shit goes wrong in the middle east. In the last year the only times it has gone higher was during the Arab spring, and when Iran started rattling its saber around.

What do you base that bolded belief on?
It's similar to the "boiling frog" anecdote. Dump a frog in boiling water and he will jump out but put in in cold water and gradually turn up the heat and he won't notice. Guess who the frogs are.
Not sure if it's really "good" because of the reasons this is happening but it looks like the price of gas just might be going down........we'll see. Forgive me for being skeptical.


Oil prices were in free fall Friday as worries about a weakening global economy combine with seemingly ample supplies and less fear of a confrontation with Iran.

Traders also point to new margin requirements by the CFTC, announced Thursday. However, those requirements do not go into effect until August, and the bigger factor behind the selling is concerns about a global slowdown.

West Texas crude finsished down nearly 4 percent at $98.49 per barrel, after breaking key technical levels and the psychological $100 mark. WTI has now wiped out all of its gains for the year and is down fractionally for the year and down 6 percent on the week.

Brent crude, the international bench mark, was also tumbling, down 2.5 percent at $113.18 per barrel after breaking through its 200-day moving average of $113.60. It lost 5.6 percent for the week.

News Headlines

Gas prices went up in my town .05 today, from last Tuesday. :eek: Now 4.19 a gallon.
Not sure if it's really "good" because of the reasons this is happening but it looks like the price of gas just might be going down........we'll see. Forgive me for being skeptical.


Oil prices were in free fall Friday as worries about a weakening global economy combine with seemingly ample supplies and less fear of a confrontation with Iran.

Traders also point to new margin requirements by the CFTC, announced Thursday. However, those requirements do not go into effect until August, and the bigger factor behind the selling is concerns about a global slowdown.

West Texas crude finsished down nearly 4 percent at $98.49 per barrel, after breaking key technical levels and the psychological $100 mark. WTI has now wiped out all of its gains for the year and is down fractionally for the year and down 6 percent on the week.

Brent crude, the international bench mark, was also tumbling, down 2.5 percent at $113.18 per barrel after breaking through its 200-day moving average of $113.60. It lost 5.6 percent for the week.
News Headlines

Gas prices went up in my town .05 today, from last Tuesday. :eek: Now 4.19 a gallon.
Think they should drill out on the western badlands east of the Cascades and south of Pendleton. They could have a lot of oil down there and benefit from price per bbl if they get lucky. :)
Media Goes Silent as Gas Prices Fall After Obama Crack Down On Oil Speculation

It seems like only yesterday that the GOP and their corporate media lackeys were telling us that gas prices would ruin Obama, but they have gone silent as gas prices have fallen since Obama announced his administration’s crackdown on oil speculation.

As recently as last month, Mitt Romney was still blaming President Obama for the price of gas, “He gets full credit or blame for what’s happened to this economy and what’s happened to gasoline prices under his watch and what’s happened to our schools and what’s happened to our military forces — all these things are his responsibility while he’s president.”

Speaker of the House John Boehner went as far as to claim that gas prices could cost Obama the election, “But if the economy doesn’t get better, I don’t think he’ll win. If people don’t feel better about government-run health care, I don’t think he’ll win. And if gas prices are $5 or $6, he certainly isn’t going to win.”

The media was happy to give the Republicans a free forum and plenty of airtime to use to blame Obama for gas prices, but on April 17 Obama called for a crackdown on oil speculation, “We can’t afford a situation where speculators artificially manipulate markets by buying up oil, creating the perception of a shortage, and driving prices higher, only to flip the oil for a quick profit. We can’t afford the situation where some speculators can reap millions (of dollars in profits), while millions of American families get the short end of the stick. That’s not the way the market should work.”

Since Obama announced his crackdown on oil speculation, gas prices have fallen twelve cents a gallon. The media response to this news has been total silence.

The falling of gas prices has nothing to do with a crackdown on speculation. They are just going back to the point they were at before bad stuff started happening.
$3.30-$3.50 for gas seems to be the norm for right now. It goes higher when shit goes wrong in the middle east. In the last year the only times it has gone higher was during the Arab spring, and when Iran started rattling its saber around.

I agree that it has 0 to do with his 'crackdown on speculation', which was ahem, announced.

I was so excited today to buy gas at $4.05.9, as two weeks ago the 'best price' was $4.49.9. A significant difference between 'Chicagoland' prices and national avg has to do with taxes. Related to that, the geniuses in our legislators making our 'winter gas' a blend only for our area. Insane.
South of Pendleton is volcanics, Colombia Basalts, until you get to the Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains have a mix of volcanics, ophiolites, and igneous intrusives. Down around Izee, there are a few small formations that might have a bit of oil or gas, but no one has done any extensive exporation, because the geology is not such that one would expect to get any profitable showings. South of there, it is all volcanics in the high desert.

Now, until you get south of Burns, it is not badlands. From Pendleton to the Blues they grow huge acrageas of wheat. The Blues are heavily forested with Pondera Pine, Douglas Fir, Lodgepole Pine, Spruce, and many other varieties of timber. Even the high desert south of Burns is rich in wildlife

And the area is rich in energy. Wind from Pendleton south to the Blues is being exploited successfully right now, more being added every day. South of Burns, there is not only huge wind potential, but enough sun not only for photovoltaic, but also solar thermal. And the area from the Idaho Border to Klamath fall also has huge potential for geo-thermal.

Oregon has little potential in fossil fuels, but huge potential in renewables.
For what it's worth...


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