People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit by a 2-to-1 Margin

It appears that Republicans have walked away from a historic opportunity to reduce the deficit because of their obsessive insistance that not one penny come from higher revenues. Recent polls, however, suggest that the American people are not so obstinate and are more than willing to accept some increase in taxes to reduce the deficit. There is a high degree of consistency in every poll I could find on this topic. ...

To see the polls, click the link.

People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit by a 2-to-1 Margin | Capital Gains and Games

And from Quinnipiac

Voters will blame Republicans over Obama 48 - 34 percent if the debt limit is not raised;

National (US) Poll * July 14, 2011 * President Is Best Of The Worst - Quinnipiac University – Hamden, Connecticut
Yeah right....First question in poll.."Do you earn under $50k per year?"
Second question....."Are you receiving public assistance?"
If the person answered yes to these questions, the survey went forward. If not, the caller thanked the person for their participation
Look, anyone with a political agenda can commission a poll. They simply ask questions in such a was as to elicit a predetermined response.
Polls are for the uninformed and the easily led.
The results in the link are not from a poll. It's from 11 different polls.

Can/Should the Budget Deficit Be Reduced with Spending Cuts Alone
or Should There Be Some Increase in Taxes?

The question leaves no room for misinterpretation.
All the polls agree, we should not have just spending cuts.
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For the sake of argument, I'm going to presume that your stats are correct despite doubting them. Even if that many people supported raising taxes to fix the deficit, raising taxes wouldn't fix the deficit. It would merely slow the economy and we would see even less revenue than we have before

Cutting spending will also slow the economy. But that's all beside the point.

This shows that the Republicans are on the wrong side of this issue with the American people because their Tea Party base is fanatical and religious about the tax issue. So the GOP is in a box.

But if you read through those polls, they generally say that people want more spending cuts than tax increases to address the deficit. They just don't think that it should come entirely from spending cuts.

These polls are not surprising at all. What is amazing is how the Republicans are throwing away this opportunity to actually accomplish something positive just so they can pin it on Obama. It will be ironic if it backfires on them. We actually have the perfect opportunity to make substantial cuts in spending while increasing revenue some. It would be great if all of them would pull their heads out of the sand and actually do what they were elected to do.
raising taxes wouldn't fix the deficit. It would merely slow the economy and we would see even less revenue than we have before

This is an assumption not based in reality. Bush Jr. proved we are on the left side of the Laffer Curve, and at that point, raising tax rates will in fact bring in increased revenue.

The Laffer Curve? That is something Republicans Laugh about? Didn't you know that if we cut the tax rates to zero that it will help the economy grow and then tax revenues will increase? Oh yea, zero percent of anything is ???, yea, what I thought; ZERO.
The only person who would support a tax increase is a person who does not pay taxes. Other then that one category of citizens you would have to be a moron to support someone taking more money from your paycheck. The poll is flawed, like most leftist polls are. I would like to see Rasmussen do this same poll and see what happens.
For the sake of argument, I'm going to presume that your stats are correct despite doubting them. Even if that many people supported raising taxes to fix the deficit, raising taxes wouldn't fix the deficit. It would merely slow the economy and we would see even less revenue than we have before

Cutting spending will also slow the economy. But that's all beside the point.

This shows that the Republicans are on the wrong side of this issue with the American people because their Tea Party base is fanatical and religious about the tax issue. So the GOP is in a box.

But if you read through those polls, they generally say that people want more spending cuts than tax increases to address the deficit. They just don't think that it should come entirely from spending cuts.

I'll wager that those in favor of tax increases are in favor of tax increases on people other than themselves....

They should start with the wealthiest, but everyone should see some increase. A good starting point would be to see the super wealthy pay more than 17%.
I'll wager that those in favor of tax increases are in favor of tax increases on people other than themselves....

Yup. That is true. And consistent. Polls have consistently shown that people want taxes on the rich to go up, but not on themselves. Recently, they've also wanted corporate taxes to go up too.

The corporate tax is, I think, pretty easy. Lower marginal rates and close the loopholes you can drive a semi through.

Taxing the rich at 100% would still leave us in a HUGE heap of debt...

It's a tired meme....

I have no problem with simplifying the tax code and closing the loopholes...

Nobody wants to tax the rich at 100%. But when they are only paying 17% while those in the middle class are paying upwards of 25%, then something is drastically wrong.
Someone needs to tell 67% of the public then that they can send the IRS as much as they'd like. Leave the other third of us alone.
Fucking idiots.

Continue to destroy the middle class and everyone with any money at all will be taxed at 75%. If the middle class disappears, you can be certain the wealthy will have nobody to protect them from the masses when it comes to future legislation.
It appears that Republicans have walked away from a historic opportunity to reduce the deficit because of their obsessive insistance that not one penny come from higher revenues. Recent polls, however, suggest that the American people are not so obstinate and are more than willing to accept some increase in taxes to reduce the deficit. There is a high degree of consistency in every poll I could find on this topic. ...
To see the polls, click the link.

People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit by a 2-to-1 Margin | Capital Gains and Games

And from Quinnipiac

Voters will blame Republicans over Obama 48 - 34 percent if the debt limit is not raised;
National (US) Poll * July 14, 2011 * President Is Best Of The Worst - Quinnipiac University – Hamden, Connecticut

When did you start posting blatantly partisan links?

Those polls show that people are willing to accept higher taxes as a part of reducing the deficit. They also show that people want that deficit reduction to be mostly about cutting spending, and that only 20% or so actually support using only taxes to reduce the deficit. Why does your site fail to mention any of that?

You must have missed Toro's post where he stated:

But if you read through those polls, they generally say that people want more spending cuts than tax increases to address the deficit. They just don't think that it should come entirely from spending cuts.

Total push poll.
Try the question: Would you support a rise in your taxes to pay for government spending
and see how that turns out.

No, the GOP is right on this one. If they cave on taxes they are toast in 2012.

32. Do you think any agreement to raise the national debt ceiling should include only spending cuts or should it also include an increase in taxes for the wealthy and corporations?

Only spend cuts 25%
Taxes: wlthy/corps 67

There is a huge disconnect between the public and the Republican base.

If the Dems state this case to voters next year, the Republicans are going to be in trouble. But the Dems are going also going to have to show a true willingness to make necessary cuts in order to take advantage.
I'll wager that those in favor of tax increases are in favor of tax increases on people other than themselves....

Not me. I have no problem giving back. I was born in the US, and thanks to incredible luck and hard work I have never wanted for anything. I'm perfectly happy giving up discretionary spending and I think everyone else should be too in these tough times.

Give up your Starbucks/Dunkin' Donuts.

It really isn't that hard.
Luck has nothing to do with it.
I will maintain that most people are well aware that our taxes are necessary to fund government.
What we object to is the waste, fraud and abuse of our tax dollars. Not a day goes by where we are exposed to stories of incredible nonsense in Washington.
Government takes our money, misuses it then runs out. Government then goes to the Treasury and tells them to print more money to make up the difference. That devalues the Dollar which suppresses our buying power. Essentially this is another tax.
Next, government demands more taxes. Why? Because they say the need more money.
The most insidious part is when politicians are told they cannot have more, they threaten to cut out things that hurt people the most. Such as laying off public safety people and shutting down parks and other things which politicians are certain to create the most pain. Meanwhile these jerks keep paying themselves.
If you feel so compelled to as you say "give back" be our guest and write a check.
You're not giving back. You are being made to feel guilty over the stupidity of watching politicians YOU voted for blow money like they found it in the street.
Ya know what the true definition of giving back is? Giving back is when you donate time or money to your community. Or help a friend or relative who is in need.
One cannot "give" to government. Government already "demands".
The press reports waste in government because it makes news. They never report efficiency in government because no one is interested. So when all you see in the media is Medicare abuse, Social Security fraud, $25,000 hammers, and government workers sleeping on the job, you naturally assume all government is wasteful and inefficient. But remember, there are always two sides to a story and you hearing only one side. You don't hear about Medicare claim processing overhead is 2%, or federal agencies that routinely come in under budget, or programs that reduce cost and inefficiency in government or Social Security benefit processing that has never been late getting out checks. These items don't make the news because tax payers want to believe their taxes are being wasted and thus should be reduced. I worked as a consultant to several government agencies and I have found the employees worked just as hard and were just as efficient as those in the private sector. I have to question the value of some of the programs but not the workers.
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I'll wager that those in favor of tax increases are in favor of tax increases on people other than themselves....

Yup. That is true. And consistent. Polls have consistently shown that people want taxes on the rich to go up, but not on themselves. Recently, they've also wanted corporate taxes to go up too.

The corporate tax is, I think, pretty easy. Lower marginal rates and close the loopholes you can drive a semi through.

Taxing the rich at 100% would still leave us in a HUGE heap of debt...

It's a tired meme....

I have no problem with simplifying the tax code and closing the loopholes...

I agree it's a tired meme. So why do you keep repeating it?
Nor I. Get rid of the Bush Tax cuts. For everyone.

They were galactically stupid to begin with.
How so? Explain.
Use facts. Not blogs or opinion pieces.

Just use your head, if you can find it.

Shitsao aka Shitfucker,

You are a certified fucked up Obamarrhoidal stooge ......and I checkmated your usual arrant bullshit in my thread on Page 4 : "McConnell NAILS Obummer."

Not that I, or anyone who is rational, could convince an established Obamarrhoidal Piece of Shit like you on anything that is REALISTIC about your idol the MONUMENTAL MARXIST FRAUD, RACIST, MUSLIM & ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT PROTECTOR, Obami Salaami.

However, I totally exposed your idiotic bullshit regarding your LIEberrhoidal Phoney Messiah to enlighten those who are totally ignorant, or who landed from another planet....because those are the ONLY ones who don't know what a turd Obami Salaami is.
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Someone needs to tell 67% of the public then that they can send the IRS as much as they'd like. Leave the other third of us alone.
Fucking idiots.
Huh? 67 percent??? Are you saying that is who doesn't pay taxes?

And who are the rest of us? If you are "the rest of us" you are benefiting from living here.
Benefiting from living here.?
Fuck you.
I was born here. I am not a guest. This is MY COUNTRY.
The country benefits from the people. Not the government.
It is people who make this nation great.
Your idiotic premise implies it is government that is benevolent and that we all owe something to the politicians. No. It's the other way around. The government exists and operates because we allow it to do so.

Let it be noted that rightwingloons believe we don't owe anything to our country and that we derive no benefit from being American.
For the sake of argument, I'm going to presume that your stats are correct despite doubting them. Even if that many people supported raising taxes to fix the deficit, raising taxes wouldn't fix the deficit. It would merely slow the economy and we would see even less revenue than we have before

Cutting spending will also slow the economy. But that's all beside the point.

This shows that the Republicans are on the wrong side of this issue with the American people because their Tea Party base is fanatical and religious about the tax issue. So the GOP is in a box.

But if you read through those polls, they generally say that people want more spending cuts than tax increases to address the deficit. They just don't think that it should come entirely from spending cuts.

The Democrats also painted themselves in a corner by announcing they would not accept any cuts in entitlements....which is really to say - we don't want to cut anything.
Huh? 67 percent??? Are you saying that is who doesn't pay taxes?

And who are the rest of us? If you are "the rest of us" you are benefiting from living here.
Benefiting from living here.?
Fuck you.
I was born here. I am not a guest. This is MY COUNTRY.
The country benefits from the people. Not the government.
It is people who make this nation great.
Your idiotic premise implies it is government that is benevolent and that we all owe something to the politicians. No. It's the other way around. The government exists and operates because we allow it to do so.

Let it be noted that rightwingloons believe we don't owe anything to our country and that we derive no benefit from being American.

oh for crying out loud, that is not what he said and you know it. so when are YOU going to give all your monies to Government?
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Benefiting from living here.?
Fuck you.
I was born here. I am not a guest. This is MY COUNTRY.
The country benefits from the people. Not the government.
It is people who make this nation great.
Your idiotic premise implies it is government that is benevolent and that we all owe something to the politicians. No. It's the other way around. The government exists and operates because we allow it to do so.

Let it be noted that rightwingloons believe we don't owe anything to our country and that we derive no benefit from being American.

oh for crying out loud, that is not what he said and you know it. so when are YOU going to give all your monies to Government?

I know what he said. He twisted my words and pretended I said something that I didn't.

Thanks for noticing, Stuphanie!
Don't know where you got your facts about people supporting higher taxes. No "people" around where I live are in favor of higher taxes. They are in favor of less government spending though...

I got the facts from a website which posted many polls conducted over the past half year. It links all the polls. You can click on the links in all of them.

Yes, from the highly respect, of course every knows of that prestigious organization.

How about Gallup? What does that more respected polling organization say?

Attention to Debt Ceiling Debate Doesn't Affect Policy Views

"Echoing resistance to raising the nation's debt ceiling among the public at large, 53% of Americans who say they are following the issue very closely in the news want their member of Congress to vote against raising the debt limit, while 37% urge a vote in favor."

Federal Budget Deficit

"From what you know or have read about the discussion of raising the debt ceiling, would you want your member of Congress to -- [ROTATED: vote in favor of raising the debt ceiling, vote against raising the debt ceiling] -- or don't you know enough to say?"

Vote for 19%
Vote against 47%

2011 May 5-8
* Less than 0.5%

Which do you think is more to blame for the federal budget deficit -- [ROTATED: spending too much money on federal programs that are either not needed or wasteful, (or) not raising enough money in taxes to pay for needed federal programs]?

Spending too much 73%
on programs

Not raising enough 22%
money in taxes

2011 Apr 20-23

Toro, you are either purposing lying, or just cherry picking polls from organizations no has ever heard because you are wrong--WRONG--when you say a majority of Americans want higher taxes.

The plurality of Americans are against this administration and you are on the losing end of this debate.
It appears that Republicans have walked away from a historic opportunity to reduce the deficit because of their obsessive insistance that not one penny come from higher revenues. Recent polls, however, suggest that the American people are not so obstinate and are more than willing to accept some increase in taxes to reduce the deficit. There is a high degree of consistency in every poll I could find on this topic. ...

To see the polls, click the link.

People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit by a 2-to-1 Margin | Capital Gains and Games

And from Quinnipiac

Voters will blame Republicans over Obama 48 - 34 percent if the debt limit is not raised;

National (US) Poll * July 14, 2011 * President Is Best Of The Worst - Quinnipiac University – Hamden, Connecticut

Skewed polls that ask "adults" aren't of much value.

The real poll that matters is the ELECTIONS, that happened last November, and that election said, keep the Bush tax cuts, cut spending.

Federal Budget Deficit

From Gallup again:

As you may know, Congress can reduce the federal budget deficit by cutting spending, raising taxes, or a combination of the two. Ideally, how would you prefer to see Congress attempt to reduce the federal budget deficit -- [ROTATED: only with spending cuts, mostly with spending cuts, equally with spending cuts and tax increases, mostly with tax increases, (or) only with tax increases]?

Only with spending cuts 20%
Mostly with spending cuts 28%
Equally with spending cuts/tax increases 37%
Mostly with tax increases 9%
Only with tax increases 2%

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