People just can't know MO SEN. McCaskill hides agenda including semi automatic rifle ban from modera


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
“People just can’t know that.” MO Sen. McCaskill Hides Agenda Including “semi-automatic rifle ban” from Moderate Voters, Staffers Reveal in Undercover Video it “could hurt her ability to get elected.” – PVA
Senator McCaskill on Tape: “Of course!” She Would Vote Yes on Gun Bans”
Campaign Staff Says: McCaskill supports “a semi-automatic rifle ban“
McCaskill is Quiet on Gun Views “because she has a bunch of Republican voters,” Secretly Supports Gun Control Group
Staff: Wait Until After Election to Bring up Trump Impeachment; to Voters: “Get over it”


“People just can’t know that.” MO Sen. McCaskill Hides Agenda Including “semi-automatic rifle ban” from Moderate Voters, Staffers Reveal in Undercover Video it “could hurt her ability to get elected.”
THe democratic scum are getting caught every where it's so great to see how these stupid bastard can't even lie, cheat, or steal without getting caught.

You all who have a head on your shoulders, better get prepared food, etc.........................

You leftist are such dumbasses you continously get caught, never brainy enough to realize you just might be getting video taped LOL>

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