People getting fired

Never even filed, not enough evidence that a crime occurred to bother.

divorce is an ugly business. Ex's often harbor rage and hatred that comes close to the rage and hatred you Communists have toward Trump, a level of insanity induced by feelings of betrayal.

If you have an ex, they probably say some pretty ugly things about you as well.

Typically they say things like you were mentally cruel. They don't produce pictures of you with a black eye and say you beat them supported by another ex-spouse who says you did the same to her.

Also, they typically want money and if they make you unemployable, that's hard to get. If they have children that's also a strong thing to do to their father.

Sure, one accusation I could write off. But two and photos, that's hard to ignore

When I was young and poor, we had a washer that would have the clutch jam. I kept the back off of it so that I could reach the clutch lever to break it free. My ex knew how to do this as well. One night she hit the high voltage box while reaching in and it threw her back, she caught her arm on the sheet metal case and had a severe cut, like 4 layers of stitches over a 6 inch laceration. Obviously paramedics were called via 911.

Years later when we were divorcing, she threatened to use photographs of her arm as proof I had attacked her with a knife. Now my ex is dumb as a rock, and didn't grasp that the paramedics keep records. BUT a photograph of an injury is evidence of absolutely nothing.

I don't know anything about the Porter situation, nor do I much care. I DO care about due process and the direct assault on Western justice that is going on. Guilt or innocence is now a matter of party affiliation and gender, rather than evidence and fact.

Fair enough. If it was one person alone, I'd be a lot more willing to write it off despite the photo. Two is harder to ignore. And I do not believe it's very common to accuse spouses of actual physical assault much less getting two to do it to one guy.

And again, all I'm arguing is it's enough to get him out of his job in the White House. If he married two psychos who'd make that accusation, that says something about his judgment anyway
Except one wife didn’t bring her claim public until the press talked to her. Having arguments with a spouse is normal. We wouldn’t have 50% divorces if it weren’t. What a bunch of sick mther fkrs for pointing fingers.

She didn't say they were "having arguments," she said he hit her

I think only the first wife alleged he hit her. I believe the second wife alleged verbal and emotional abuse and breaking a window.
Oh....having no conviction makes it alright then.

Depends. If it went to trial and was declared innocent or thrown out for lack of evidence then yes that is how our system works.

Just FYI, there is no "innocent" verdict in courts. There is a "not guilty" verdict. But all that means is you were not proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. It doesn't prove you were actually innocent
True. But we take it as innocent.

If by "we" you mean Democrats who aren't convicted, then that's true.

When a Republican is tried as usual you suddenly grasp it.

Actually, no one who knows anything about the law believes not guilty verdict = innocent verdict. Just Democrats talking about Democrats.

Did you know OJ was successfully sued for millions of dollars after he was declared innocent (sic)? How did that happen? Isn't it Unconstitutional? They found him innocent (sic)!

Our justice system isn’t perfect but it is far better then most and certainly better then the court of public opinion. What are going to do?

Right now a lot of people including Porter have been convicted in the court of public opinion.

Kaz: I'm convinced Porter is a wife beater enough to say that I think he's guilty, he should get fired and I hope he gets what he deserves

Coyote: Pointing out that Democrats are paying Democrats to make accusations against Trump is calling them liars

Coyote: kaz, you're as R as I am D

For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.

Why not make it political? While it applies to both parties, it's the Democrats who actively play the role of thought police. Think like them or they attack you economically, and this was taken to extreme under liberal doctrine on Obama's snowflake watch. I've experienced it myself in a liberal setting. I ran rings around those people, but was an outcast and not considered for a management position, despite being more capable and having management experience since I was a kid.

You should have seen those people the day after tTrump's election. Some were crying. Other than that you could have heard a pin drop in an office of 35 people. Wholly fuck what snowflakes.
Never even filed, not enough evidence that a crime occurred to bother.

divorce is an ugly business. Ex's often harbor rage and hatred that comes close to the rage and hatred you Communists have toward Trump, a level of insanity induced by feelings of betrayal.

If you have an ex, they probably say some pretty ugly things about you as well.

Typically they say things like you were mentally cruel. They don't produce pictures of you with a black eye and say you beat them supported by another ex-spouse who says you did the same to her.

Also, they typically want money and if they make you unemployable, that's hard to get. If they have children that's also a strong thing to do to their father.

Sure, one accusation I could write off. But two and photos, that's hard to ignore

When I was young and poor, we had a washer that would have the clutch jam. I kept the back off of it so that I could reach the clutch lever to break it free. My ex knew how to do this as well. One night she hit the high voltage box while reaching in and it threw her back, she caught her arm on the sheet metal case and had a severe cut, like 4 layers of stitches over a 6 inch laceration. Obviously paramedics were called via 911.

Years later when we were divorcing, she threatened to use photographs of her arm as proof I had attacked her with a knife. Now my ex is dumb as a rock, and didn't grasp that the paramedics keep records. BUT a photograph of an injury is evidence of absolutely nothing.

I don't know anything about the Porter situation, nor do I much care. I DO care about due process and the direct assault on Western justice that is going on. Guilt or innocence is now a matter of party affiliation and gender, rather than evidence and fact.

Fair enough. If it was one person alone, I'd be a lot more willing to write it off despite the photo. Two is harder to ignore. And I do not believe it's very common to accuse spouses of actual physical assault much less getting two to do it to one guy.

And again, all I'm arguing is it's enough to get him out of his job in the White House. If he married two psychos who'd make that accusation, that says something about his judgment anyway
Except one wife didn’t bring her claim public until the press talked to her. Having arguments with a spouse is normal. We wouldn’t have 50% divorces if it weren’t. What a bunch of sick mther fkrs for pointing fingers.

She didn't say they were "having arguments," she said he hit her
And no other cooberating evidence...?? How do we know this was not an accident?
Typically they say things like you were mentally cruel. They don't produce pictures of you with a black eye and say you beat them supported by another ex-spouse who says you did the same to her.

Also, they typically want money and if they make you unemployable, that's hard to get. If they have children that's also a strong thing to do to their father.

Sure, one accusation I could write off. But two and photos, that's hard to ignore

When I was young and poor, we had a washer that would have the clutch jam. I kept the back off of it so that I could reach the clutch lever to break it free. My ex knew how to do this as well. One night she hit the high voltage box while reaching in and it threw her back, she caught her arm on the sheet metal case and had a severe cut, like 4 layers of stitches over a 6 inch laceration. Obviously paramedics were called via 911.

Years later when we were divorcing, she threatened to use photographs of her arm as proof I had attacked her with a knife. Now my ex is dumb as a rock, and didn't grasp that the paramedics keep records. BUT a photograph of an injury is evidence of absolutely nothing.

I don't know anything about the Porter situation, nor do I much care. I DO care about due process and the direct assault on Western justice that is going on. Guilt or innocence is now a matter of party affiliation and gender, rather than evidence and fact.

Fair enough. If it was one person alone, I'd be a lot more willing to write it off despite the photo. Two is harder to ignore. And I do not believe it's very common to accuse spouses of actual physical assault much less getting two to do it to one guy.

And again, all I'm arguing is it's enough to get him out of his job in the White House. If he married two psychos who'd make that accusation, that says something about his judgment anyway
Except one wife didn’t bring her claim public until the press talked to her. Having arguments with a spouse is normal. We wouldn’t have 50% divorces if it weren’t. What a bunch of sick mther fkrs for pointing fingers.

She didn't say they were "having arguments," she said he hit her

I think only the first wife alleged he hit her. I believe the second wife alleged verbal and emotional abuse and breaking a window.

OK, thank you for that additional info. The bottom line for Republicans though is especially with the photo, they would only have paid for his staying in the white house.

That while leftist women like Coyote consistently sell out conservative women and lie that women are a priority for them because they have no soul
Why are people pluralising - ie - photoS, restraining orderS etc?
As far as I’m aware there is a single photo, a single temporary restraining order which was not renewed and nothing after that.

A photo of someone with a black eye doesn’t prove who/what caused the black eye. Also, Porter claims he took that photo, and the wife admitted he did. Maybe we’ll get to hear why.

A police report is a report of the allegations made, it is not proof of the allegations, it is not proof of how the injury occurred and making a report of the allegations is what the police routinely have to do.

I also keep reading how easy it is to get a temporary restraining order, as who wants to take the chance of refusing one?
Maybe someone can clarify this. Also they seem to be awarded on the allegations made without the alleged ‘abuser’ even being asked any questions - the person may be able to prove they couldn’t have committed the offence but isn’t even given the opportunity to do so. Now I understand why it is this way, but it doesn’t PROVE guilt.

I believe someone ? Letterman had a restraining order awarded by a judge to a nutty woman Letterman had never even met. They’ve also been issued against people who are in prison.

Like everyone else here, I don’t KNOW if whatshisface is guilty, but I am absolutely stunned at the number of people who are so happy to completely dispense with due process. SMH :frown:
Had Kelly placed both on administrative leave pending review this would be a non-issue. If the entrenched bureaucrats moved the Security Clearance process along, like it should have been and not obstructed, these people would not still have "temporary clearances" and this would have been resolved long ago.

This whole thing is a contrived nothing burger... The meetoo movement is very destructive to all things.. Due Process and being innocent until proven guilty are just one more Constitutional right the left is destroying...
The meetoo movement is very destructive to all things.. Due Process and being innocent until proven guilty are just one more Constitutional right the left is destroying..
You have a point about innocent until proven guilty, but you are forgetting that in the case of the high profile "firings" and forced resignations from the MeToo movement, HR departments DID look into the allegations, and in the case of Porter, the FBI did. They determined after getting all the information that the allegations were credible.
Maybe now that women feel they will be listened to, it won't take decades for them to speak up. Maybe, now that women feel they will be listened to, they will be more willing to follow up with criminal court proceedings.
Why are people pluralising - ie - photoS, restraining orderS etc?
As far as I’m aware there is a single photo, a single temporary restraining order which was not renewed and nothing after that.

A photo of someone with a black eye doesn’t prove who/what caused the black eye. Also, Porter claims he took that photo, and the wife admitted he did. Maybe we’ll get to hear why.

A police report is a report of the allegations made, it is not proof of the allegations, it is not proof of how the injury occurred and making a report of the allegations is what the police routinely have to do.

I also keep reading how easy it is to get a temporary restraining order, as who wants to take the chance of refusing one?
Maybe someone can clarify this. Also they seem to be awarded on the allegations made without the alleged ‘abuser’ even being asked any questions - the person may be able to prove they couldn’t have committed the offence but isn’t even given the opportunity to do so. Now I understand why it is this way, but it doesn’t PROVE guilt.

I believe someone ? Letterman had a restraining order awarded by a judge to a nutty woman Letterman had never even met. They’ve also been issued against people who are in prison.

Like everyone else here, I don’t KNOW if whatshisface is guilty, but I am absolutely stunned at the number of people who are so happy to completely dispense with due process. SMH :frown:
Had Kelly placed both on administrative leave pending review this would be a non-issue. If the entrenched bureaucrats moved the Security Clearance process along, like it should have been and not obstructed, these people would not still have "temporary clearances" and this would have been resolved long ago.

This whole thing is a contrived nothing burger... The meetoo movement is very destructive to all things.. Due Process and being innocent until proven guilty are just one more Constitutional right the left is destroying...
The meetoo movement is very destructive to all things.. Due Process and being innocent until proven guilty are just one more Constitutional right the left is destroying..
You have a point about innocent until proven guilty, but you are forgetting that in the case of the high profile "firings" and forced resignations from the MeToo movement, HR departments DID look into the allegations, and in the case of Porter, the FBI did. They determined after getting all the information that the allegations were credible.
Maybe now that women feel they will be listened to, it won't take decades for them to speak up. Maybe, now that women feel they will be listened to, they will be more willing to follow up with criminal court proceedings.
Maybe they should have filed for court proceedings? Called Police? DUE PROCESS not the severity of the accusation without proof..
I think it actually might have more to do with being a woman than a Dem. I'm not a Dem.

Why do you people insist on that lame lie?

It just happens that the Democrats are right on every issue. But you're not one of them, you just happen through independent research and self reflection to come to the conclusion they are right every time.

I'm having the same discussion with Moonglow who every time I ask why he's a "Republican" blasts the Republicans. You're a hoot.

Oh, and it just happens through independent research and self reflection the Democrat is always the better candidate, LOL
You some sort of creepy stalker keeping track of my stance on every issue here? No? Then don't keep pushing lies as if you know what you're talking about. I come down on the liberal side of things a lot. Ask any of the real Democrats around here if I'm always with them, though.

Wow, isn't she full of herself. No, just every debate I see you in you're arguing down the line with the Democrats.

So tell me, what Democrats don't you like and what issues are the Democrats wrong about?
You're the one making accusations. You tell me. Back up your horseshit.

I already said, every discussion I see you in you're 100% aligned with the Democrat talking points.

It's hilarious for Democrat moonbats like you and Moonglow that while claiming you're not Democrats, the question what you disagree with absolutely stumps you.

I'd have no trouble at all saying how I'm not a Democrat, a Republican or even a Libertarian even though I'm libertarian and often vote for them.

But OldLady. How am I not a Democrat? Shit, I don't know. How would I know that? LOL
Keep it up, Kaz. I'm not stumped in the least, but you can only keep repeating the same lie over and over. I don't like liars or trolls. Get lost.
Typically they say things like you were mentally cruel. They don't produce pictures of you with a black eye and say you beat them supported by another ex-spouse who says you did the same to her.

Also, they typically want money and if they make you unemployable, that's hard to get. If they have children that's also a strong thing to do to their father.

Sure, one accusation I could write off. But two and photos, that's hard to ignore

When I was young and poor, we had a washer that would have the clutch jam. I kept the back off of it so that I could reach the clutch lever to break it free. My ex knew how to do this as well. One night she hit the high voltage box while reaching in and it threw her back, she caught her arm on the sheet metal case and had a severe cut, like 4 layers of stitches over a 6 inch laceration. Obviously paramedics were called via 911.

Years later when we were divorcing, she threatened to use photographs of her arm as proof I had attacked her with a knife. Now my ex is dumb as a rock, and didn't grasp that the paramedics keep records. BUT a photograph of an injury is evidence of absolutely nothing.

I don't know anything about the Porter situation, nor do I much care. I DO care about due process and the direct assault on Western justice that is going on. Guilt or innocence is now a matter of party affiliation and gender, rather than evidence and fact.

Fair enough. If it was one person alone, I'd be a lot more willing to write it off despite the photo. Two is harder to ignore. And I do not believe it's very common to accuse spouses of actual physical assault much less getting two to do it to one guy.

And again, all I'm arguing is it's enough to get him out of his job in the White House. If he married two psychos who'd make that accusation, that says something about his judgment anyway
Except one wife didn’t bring her claim public until the press talked to her. Having arguments with a spouse is normal. We wouldn’t have 50% divorces if it weren’t. What a bunch of sick mther fkrs for pointing fingers.

She didn't say they were "having arguments," she said he hit her
And no other cooberating evidence...?? How do we know this was not an accident?

Good question in court. In the public arena? Not so much. I'm going to address this further in the next post
Why do you people insist on that lame lie?

It just happens that the Democrats are right on every issue. But you're not one of them, you just happen through independent research and self reflection to come to the conclusion they are right every time.

I'm having the same discussion with Moonglow who every time I ask why he's a "Republican" blasts the Republicans. You're a hoot.

Oh, and it just happens through independent research and self reflection the Democrat is always the better candidate, LOL
You some sort of creepy stalker keeping track of my stance on every issue here? No? Then don't keep pushing lies as if you know what you're talking about. I come down on the liberal side of things a lot. Ask any of the real Democrats around here if I'm always with them, though.

Wow, isn't she full of herself. No, just every debate I see you in you're arguing down the line with the Democrats.

So tell me, what Democrats don't you like and what issues are the Democrats wrong about?
You're the one making accusations. You tell me. Back up your horseshit.

I already said, every discussion I see you in you're 100% aligned with the Democrat talking points.

It's hilarious for Democrat moonbats like you and Moonglow that while claiming you're not Democrats, the question what you disagree with absolutely stumps you.

I'd have no trouble at all saying how I'm not a Democrat, a Republican or even a Libertarian even though I'm libertarian and often vote for them.

But OldLady. How am I not a Democrat? Shit, I don't know. How would I know that? LOL
Keep it up, Kaz. I'm not stumped in the least, but you can only keep repeating the same lie over and over. I don't like liars or trolls. Get lost.

If it's a 'lie', then that would be so easy for you to prove by rattling off a bunch of meaningful things you are against Democrats on.

For all the feathers flying, you're not laying any eggs
Why are people pluralising - ie - photoS, restraining orderS etc?
As far as I’m aware there is a single photo, a single temporary restraining order which was not renewed and nothing after that.

A photo of someone with a black eye doesn’t prove who/what caused the black eye. Also, Porter claims he took that photo, and the wife admitted he did. Maybe we’ll get to hear why.

A police report is a report of the allegations made, it is not proof of the allegations, it is not proof of how the injury occurred and making a report of the allegations is what the police routinely have to do.

I also keep reading how easy it is to get a temporary restraining order, as who wants to take the chance of refusing one?
Maybe someone can clarify this. Also they seem to be awarded on the allegations made without the alleged ‘abuser’ even being asked any questions - the person may be able to prove they couldn’t have committed the offence but isn’t even given the opportunity to do so. Now I understand why it is this way, but it doesn’t PROVE guilt.

I believe someone ? Letterman had a restraining order awarded by a judge to a nutty woman Letterman had never even met. They’ve also been issued against people who are in prison.

Like everyone else here, I don’t KNOW if whatshisface is guilty, but I am absolutely stunned at the number of people who are so happy to completely dispense with due process. SMH :frown:
Had Kelly placed both on administrative leave pending review this would be a non-issue. If the entrenched bureaucrats moved the Security Clearance process along, like it should have been and not obstructed, these people would not still have "temporary clearances" and this would have been resolved long ago.

This whole thing is a contrived nothing burger... The meetoo movement is very destructive to all things.. Due Process and being innocent until proven guilty are just one more Constitutional right the left is destroying...
The meetoo movement is very destructive to all things.. Due Process and being innocent until proven guilty are just one more Constitutional right the left is destroying..
You have a point about innocent until proven guilty, but you are forgetting that in the case of the high profile "firings" and forced resignations from the MeToo movement, HR departments DID look into the allegations, and in the case of Porter, the FBI did. They determined after getting all the information that the allegations were credible.
Maybe now that women feel they will be listened to, it won't take decades for them to speak up. Maybe, now that women feel they will be listened to, they will be more willing to follow up with criminal court proceedings.
Maybe they should have filed for court proceedings? Called Police? DUE PROCESS not the severity of the accusation without proof..
Maybe they will in the future. What we have to work with right now is different. You can wish for a criminal court to make all your decisions for you, but right now it is your responsibility to weigh all the information and decide what you think. Same as the WH did.
Typically they say things like you were mentally cruel. They don't produce pictures of you with a black eye and say you beat them supported by another ex-spouse who says you did the same to her.

Also, they typically want money and if they make you unemployable, that's hard to get. If they have children that's also a strong thing to do to their father.

Sure, one accusation I could write off. But two and photos, that's hard to ignore

When I was young and poor, we had a washer that would have the clutch jam. I kept the back off of it so that I could reach the clutch lever to break it free. My ex knew how to do this as well. One night she hit the high voltage box while reaching in and it threw her back, she caught her arm on the sheet metal case and had a severe cut, like 4 layers of stitches over a 6 inch laceration. Obviously paramedics were called via 911.

Years later when we were divorcing, she threatened to use photographs of her arm as proof I had attacked her with a knife. Now my ex is dumb as a rock, and didn't grasp that the paramedics keep records. BUT a photograph of an injury is evidence of absolutely nothing.

I don't know anything about the Porter situation, nor do I much care. I DO care about due process and the direct assault on Western justice that is going on. Guilt or innocence is now a matter of party affiliation and gender, rather than evidence and fact.

Fair enough. If it was one person alone, I'd be a lot more willing to write it off despite the photo. Two is harder to ignore. And I do not believe it's very common to accuse spouses of actual physical assault much less getting two to do it to one guy.

And again, all I'm arguing is it's enough to get him out of his job in the White House. If he married two psychos who'd make that accusation, that says something about his judgment anyway
Except one wife didn’t bring her claim public until the press talked to her. Having arguments with a spouse is normal. We wouldn’t have 50% divorces if it weren’t. What a bunch of sick mther fkrs for pointing fingers.

She didn't say they were "having arguments," she said he hit her

I think only the first wife alleged he hit her. I believe the second wife alleged verbal and emotional abuse and breaking a window.

I did more google research, and this is mostly true. For sure the most physical accusations were by his first wife as you said.

The second wife did say this, "We were in a fight and I disengaged from the fight after screaming at each other. I took a shower and Rob followed me fairly shortly after and grabbed me from the shower by my shoulders up close to my neck and pulled me out to continue to yell at me."

There was also an ex-girlfriend who said he was "abusive and degrading."

He sounds like someone I don't want in the White House. But again, what you said that most of the physical abuse accusations were by his first wife is true
You some sort of creepy stalker keeping track of my stance on every issue here? No? Then don't keep pushing lies as if you know what you're talking about. I come down on the liberal side of things a lot. Ask any of the real Democrats around here if I'm always with them, though.

Wow, isn't she full of herself. No, just every debate I see you in you're arguing down the line with the Democrats.

So tell me, what Democrats don't you like and what issues are the Democrats wrong about?
You're the one making accusations. You tell me. Back up your horseshit.

I already said, every discussion I see you in you're 100% aligned with the Democrat talking points.

It's hilarious for Democrat moonbats like you and Moonglow that while claiming you're not Democrats, the question what you disagree with absolutely stumps you.

I'd have no trouble at all saying how I'm not a Democrat, a Republican or even a Libertarian even though I'm libertarian and often vote for them.

But OldLady. How am I not a Democrat? Shit, I don't know. How would I know that? LOL
Keep it up, Kaz. I'm not stumped in the least, but you can only keep repeating the same lie over and over. I don't like liars or trolls. Get lost.

If it's a 'lie', then that would be so easy for you to prove by rattling off a bunch of meaningful things you are against Democrats on.

For all the feathers flying, you're not laying any eggs
You brought the argument. You prove it, not me.
Wow, isn't she full of herself. No, just every debate I see you in you're arguing down the line with the Democrats.

So tell me, what Democrats don't you like and what issues are the Democrats wrong about?
You're the one making accusations. You tell me. Back up your horseshit.

I already said, every discussion I see you in you're 100% aligned with the Democrat talking points.

It's hilarious for Democrat moonbats like you and Moonglow that while claiming you're not Democrats, the question what you disagree with absolutely stumps you.

I'd have no trouble at all saying how I'm not a Democrat, a Republican or even a Libertarian even though I'm libertarian and often vote for them.

But OldLady. How am I not a Democrat? Shit, I don't know. How would I know that? LOL
Keep it up, Kaz. I'm not stumped in the least, but you can only keep repeating the same lie over and over. I don't like liars or trolls. Get lost.

If it's a 'lie', then that would be so easy for you to prove by rattling off a bunch of meaningful things you are against Democrats on.

For all the feathers flying, you're not laying any eggs
You brought the argument. You prove it, not me.

You sure dance well for an old lady.

That I see you only arguing for Democrats is pretty clear.

That you could so easily disprove me if I'm wrong yet can't is just as clear.

You're the liar. If you're going to blindly follow Democrats, that's fine. But be honest about it
You're the one making accusations. You tell me. Back up your horseshit.

I already said, every discussion I see you in you're 100% aligned with the Democrat talking points.

It's hilarious for Democrat moonbats like you and Moonglow that while claiming you're not Democrats, the question what you disagree with absolutely stumps you.

I'd have no trouble at all saying how I'm not a Democrat, a Republican or even a Libertarian even though I'm libertarian and often vote for them.

But OldLady. How am I not a Democrat? Shit, I don't know. How would I know that? LOL
Keep it up, Kaz. I'm not stumped in the least, but you can only keep repeating the same lie over and over. I don't like liars or trolls. Get lost.

If it's a 'lie', then that would be so easy for you to prove by rattling off a bunch of meaningful things you are against Democrats on.

For all the feathers flying, you're not laying any eggs
You brought the argument. You prove it, not me.

You sure dance well for an old lady.

That I see you only arguing for Democrats is pretty clear.

That you could so easily disprove me if I'm wrong yet can't is just as clear.

You're the liar. If you're going to blindly follow Democrats, that's fine. But be honest about it
Bye, Troll.
I did more google research, and this is mostly true. For sure the most physical accusations were by his first wife as you said.

The second wife did say this, "We were in a fight and I disengaged from the fight after screaming at each other. I took a shower and Rob followed me fairly shortly after and grabbed me from the shower by my shoulders up close to my neck and pulled me out to continue to yell at me."

There was also an ex-girlfriend who said he was "abusive and degrading."

He sounds like someone I don't want in the White House. But again, what you said that most of the physical abuse accusations were by his first wife is true

So they were fighting?

My, no one else has ever had a fight where they screamed at each other.

Definitely crucify him... :eusa_whistle:
Why are people pluralising - ie - photoS, restraining orderS etc?
As far as I’m aware there is a single photo, a single temporary restraining order which was not renewed and nothing after that.

A photo of someone with a black eye doesn’t prove who/what caused the black eye. Also, Porter claims he took that photo, and the wife admitted he did. Maybe we’ll get to hear why.

A police report is a report of the allegations made, it is not proof of the allegations, it is not proof of how the injury occurred and making a report of the allegations is what the police routinely have to do.

I also keep reading how easy it is to get a temporary restraining order, as who wants to take the chance of refusing one?
Maybe someone can clarify this. Also they seem to be awarded on the allegations made without the alleged ‘abuser’ even being asked any questions - the person may be able to prove they couldn’t have committed the offence but isn’t even given the opportunity to do so. Now I understand why it is this way, but it doesn’t PROVE guilt.

I believe someone ? Letterman had a restraining order awarded by a judge to a nutty woman Letterman had never even met. They’ve also been issued against people who are in prison.

Like everyone else here, I don’t KNOW if whatshisface is guilty, but I am absolutely stunned at the number of people who are so happy to completely dispense with due process. SMH :frown:
Had Kelly placed both on administrative leave pending review this would be a non-issue. If the entrenched bureaucrats moved the Security Clearance process along, like it should have been and not obstructed, these people would not still have "temporary clearances" and this would have been resolved long ago.

This whole thing is a contrived nothing burger... The meetoo movement is very destructive to all things.. Due Process and being innocent until proven guilty are just one more Constitutional right the left is destroying...
The meetoo movement is very destructive to all things.. Due Process and being innocent until proven guilty are just one more Constitutional right the left is destroying..
You have a point about innocent until proven guilty, but you are forgetting that in the case of the high profile "firings" and forced resignations from the MeToo movement, HR departments DID look into the allegations, and in the case of Porter, the FBI did. They determined after getting all the information that the allegations were credible.
Maybe now that women feel they will be listened to, it won't take decades for them to speak up. Maybe, now that women feel they will be listened to, they will be more willing to follow up with criminal court proceedings.
Maybe they should have filed for court proceedings? Called Police? DUE PROCESS not the severity of the accusation without proof..
Maybe they will in the future. What we have to work with right now is different. You can wish for a criminal court to make all your decisions for you, but right now it is your responsibility to weigh all the information and decide what you think. Same as the WH did.
I wonder if you’d feel this way if it were your husband or son who were accused and didn’t get their day in court?

I wonder how you’d like it if you had a son at uni who was kicked out and had his future ruined on the basis of allegations alone?

I suspect you’re one of those people who operates on double standards and is only for principles such as ‘innocent until proven guilty’ when it directly effects them, and sod everyone else :eusa_naughty:
I already said, every discussion I see you in you're 100% aligned with the Democrat talking points.

It's hilarious for Democrat moonbats like you and Moonglow that while claiming you're not Democrats, the question what you disagree with absolutely stumps you.

I'd have no trouble at all saying how I'm not a Democrat, a Republican or even a Libertarian even though I'm libertarian and often vote for them.

But OldLady. How am I not a Democrat? Shit, I don't know. How would I know that? LOL
Keep it up, Kaz. I'm not stumped in the least, but you can only keep repeating the same lie over and over. I don't like liars or trolls. Get lost.

If it's a 'lie', then that would be so easy for you to prove by rattling off a bunch of meaningful things you are against Democrats on.

For all the feathers flying, you're not laying any eggs
You brought the argument. You prove it, not me.

You sure dance well for an old lady.

That I see you only arguing for Democrats is pretty clear.

That you could so easily disprove me if I'm wrong yet can't is just as clear.

You're the liar. If you're going to blindly follow Democrats, that's fine. But be honest about it
Bye, Troll.

Gotcha, no way someone can question why you constantly post for Democrats and anti-Republican when you claim not to be a Democrat. That's just an outrageous question

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