Pelosi: it's really a false narrative to claim we have a spending problem


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
OMG! This woman is insane.

Here's her quote:

Well, I think that sequestration is a bad idea all around. … The fact is, we’ve had plenty of spending cuts. … What we need is growth. We need growth with jobs. … So, again, we have to make a judgment about how do we get growth with jobs, that’s where the real revenue comes from. You don’t get it by… cutting into education, cutting back on investments in science and National Institute of Health, food safety, you name it. … So, it isn’t as much of a spending problem as it is a priorities, and that’s what a budget is, setting priorities. …

Rest at link:

Pelosi: It?s really a false argument to say we have a spending problem « Hot Air
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Pelosi is right. In fact, the government should be spending more until the economy is on more solid footing. Austerity has been bad and slowing progress.
Federal life goes on with or without a budget. It ain't rocket science...


Despite 14 Straight Months Of Public Job Loss, Republicans Continue To Block Obama's Jobs Plan | ThinkProgress
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All that imaginary job growth, can you say bull shit. There are fewer people working today than when your dear leader took office. That ain't growth.

Thank you! It's logic like that that keeps Obama in the White House for another 4 years.

That would be 3 yrs 11 mos and 9 days. Oh, and counting.

Who is he raising taxes on? Most of Bush's tax cuts are still in effect. BTW, it wasn't good for Bush to cut taxes while conducting TWO wars. Had never been done in U.S. history - and we continue to pay the price.

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