Pelosi: it's really a false narrative to claim we have a spending problem

Who is he raising taxes on? Most of Bush's tax cuts are still in effect. BTW, it wasn't good for Bush to cut taxes while conducting TWO wars. Had never been done in U.S. history - and we continue to pay the price.

Can you say everybody. Between payroll taxes, income taxes and Moabamacare taxes, I don't think anyone is spared.
So? A blogger with an opinion!

Another blogger on staff!

HuffPo? Really??
Another Krugman opinion, which btw was reguritated in HuffPo above.

May 2012

"He also warned that the U.S. economy was in danger of slowing next year because of stagnant wages and Washington gridlock with fiscal policy. Further, Roubini warned that consumer spending would dive if taxes were raised and government subsidies dried up.

"The optimists today are saying the U.S. is on the cusp of self-sustaining recovery," he said. "My view of it is: The data suggests that we'll be lucky if this year we're going to grow [by] barely 2%."

Whoops! Guess he was right!
Didn't you forget one, not good to raise taxes in a bad economy. But hey if that's what the dear leader wants, right?

Who is he raising taxes on? Most of Bush's tax cuts are still in effect. BTW, it wasn't good for Bush to cut taxes while conducting TWO wars. Had never been done in U.S. history - and we continue to pay the price.

Remember the 'fiscal cliff'? Who did taxes get raised on?
So? A blogger with an opinion!

Another blogger on staff!

HuffPo? Really??
Another Krugman opinion, which btw was reguritated in HuffPo above.

May 2012

"He also warned that the U.S. economy was in danger of slowing next year because of stagnant wages and Washington gridlock with fiscal policy. Further, Roubini warned that consumer spending would dive if taxes were raised and government subsidies dried up.

"The optimists today are saying the U.S. is on the cusp of self-sustaining recovery," he said. "My view of it is: The data suggests that we'll be lucky if this year we're going to grow [by] barely 2%."

Whoops! Guess he was right!

Democrats in Congress would like to build up there campaign war-chests for the next election, union pay-offs, special interest payoffs, free stuff for their constituents and set-ups for voter fraud etc..

Alas... Those mean ole Republicans are standing in their way and what's left of the privately employed Americans are tapped out because of Democrat policy failures.

I never felt more like singing the blues....:lol:
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No spending problem??

What fucking planet is that flamming idiot living one??

Oh wait. I forgot. She's a Dem in a safe Dem district and a millionair to boot. She has not problem along with the rest of the Clowns in DC spending someone elses money. Never mind.
According to the left when every dime you spend is 'off budget' then there is no spending problem, it simply doesn't count. Kind of like broken cookies have no calories.

Leftist think sure is whacky.
Pelosi is right. In fact, the government should be spending more until the economy is on more solid footing. Austerity has been bad and slowing progress.

In fact, the government should be spending more

We are carrying at least 16 trillion in debt.
The interest payments alone on that debt is staggering.
And the Democrats way out of this mess is..... spend more

If , as so many Rightests seem to understand, the dollars are fiat?

So too are the debts counted with them.

But for some reason most Rightest never seem to make that obvious connection.
We are traveling on a fast track into oblivion and the Democrats attitude is let's upgrade our ticket
to first class....

You know I completely agree with that.

My only complaint is that you apparently think the Republican leadership isn't doing the same.

And ya' know...there is no excuse for being so ignorant.

Look at what Bush II and Paulson did when the meltdown happened.

Now see how what Obama did was basically the extention of that "fix".

If you don't know this by now, its because you refuse to look.

Its all public information, Lad.

Read a book!
editec, a reasonable person. I have asked rethugs this questions, but none ever answer.

What do you think the debt is doing to harm the American economy AT THIS POINT IN TIME?

Interest rates are dirt cheap (I borrowed mortgage money at 2.75% unbelievable) Wall Street and corporate profits are doing fine.

Food prices are going up, but that is more an indication of what last years drought. Energy is up and down, depending on what war is brewing in the ME.

Companies are sitting on piles of cash.

What is the debt doing to harm the USA Right NOW that is worse than the rising UE that will come about if the government cuts spending a great deal.

If the UE rate climbs about 9% again. what good will that do the government? UE insurance will go up, revenue's will go down. Recession will come back full swing. Where is the up side?

What will be all the good things that will happen if the government cuts spending, lets say 10% across the board?
editec, a reasonable person. I have asked rethugs this questions, but none ever answer.

What do you think the debt is doing to harm the American economy AT THIS POINT IN TIME?
Interest rates are dirt cheap (I borrowed mortgage money at 2.75% unbelievable) Wall Street and corporate profits are doing fine.

Food prices are going up, but that is more an indication of what last years drought. Energy is up and down, depending on what war is brewing in the ME.

Companies are sitting on piles of cash.

What is the debt doing to harm the USA Right NOW that is worse than the rising UE that will come about if the government cuts spending a great deal.

If the UE rate climbs about 9% again. what good will that do the government? UE insurance will go up, revenue's will go down. Recession will come back full swing. Where is the up side?

What will be all the good things that will happen if the government cuts spending, lets say 10% across the board?

The government is debasing your currency and buying up assets. As a start. The low interest rates are building another bubble which will pop, and look a lot worse than 2008 did. Thqat's the problem. The debt is being monetized which is destroying the country's wealth.

We're still in a depression. The only people who are doing well are those who are funded or have favoritism ties tot he government. Main street isn't seeing any so called recovery. In fact, taxes just went up on everyone and there are more taxes on the way come next year.

You're delusional if you believe there is a recovery in progress. Only another bubble is being built. That's it.

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