Pelosi: it's really a false narrative to claim we have a spending problem

Pelosi is right. In fact, the government should be spending more until the economy is on more solid footing.


And the money to spend more is coming from...where?

Oh you'll get some bullshit response such as "raise the top marginal rate to 91%"..
Which is enacted would account for about 1% of the money spent( notice I did not use the word "budget" because there hasn't been one in 4 years) by the federal government.
Be prepared to hear a lot more of this nonsense. Despite what they have been saying Publicly, I have always known that Obama and the Dems do not think we need to spend less, they want to spend more. They only think Debt is a problem when a Republican is in the WH.
OMG! This woman is insane.

Here's her quote:

Well, I think that sequestration is a bad idea all around. … The fact is, we’ve had plenty of spending cuts. … What we need is growth. We need growth with jobs. … So, again, we have to make a judgment about how do we get growth with jobs, that’s where the real revenue comes from. You don’t get it by… cutting into education, cutting back on investments in science and National Institute of Health, food safety, you name it. … So, it isn’t as much of a spending problem as it is a priorities, and that’s what a budget is, setting priorities. …

Rest at link:

Pelosi: It?s really a false argument to say we have a spending problem « Hot Air

I thought she said .....

Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.
Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs | Fox News

Her priority is to get more people onto unemployment...THAT'S what creates jobs! Lol!
Despite the hand-wringing from conservatives and media types about the federal debt and deficits, these charts make it clear that America’s problem isn’t that the government is spending too much. Rather, it’s that the government isn’t spending enough. Investments into infrastructure, education, teachers, public workers, and other programs could boost the economy. Instead, Washington has turned its attention to cutting spending, and the results have been dire, even if they are totally predictable to anyone who has read about the plight of the European economy over the last three years.

More: Three Charts That Show America Doesn't Have A Spending Problem
Pelosi is right. In fact, the government should be spending more until the economy is on more solid footing. Austerity has been bad and slowing progress.

Pelosi is lying through her teeth. Name one single program that has been cut.
Despite the hand-wringing from conservatives and media types about the federal debt and deficits, these charts make it clear that America’s problem isn’t that the government is spending too much. Rather, it’s that the government isn’t spending enough. Investments into infrastructure, education, teachers, public workers, and other programs could boost the economy. Instead, Washington has turned its attention to cutting spending, and the results have been dire, even if they are totally predictable to anyone who has read about the plight of the European economy over the last three years.

More: Three Charts That Show America Doesn't Have A Spending Problem

yes 6 trillion in debt isn't enough..
When it is spent by government is it NOT an investment. It's a LOSS.
The Euros have stopped their spending because they ran out of money after they ran out things they could tax.

Thanks for the charts.
Lower spending equals slower recovery!

In fact, the reduction in growth of spending under Obama is unprecedented in the last half-century, and government spending under Obama is growing at the slowest rate since Dwight Eisenhower was president:

This reduction in spending, however, is not necessarily a good thing.

This chart from the Federal Reserve’s Janet Yellen illustrates the effect of fiscal contraction of economic growth. In previous recessions, government spending has encouraged faster recoveries, and the stimulus initially helped boost this recovery. But the spending cuts that have resulted since 2010 have had the opposite (and a totally predictable) effect, driving down consumption and slowing the recovery:

Despite the hand-wringing from conservatives and media types about the federal debt and deficits, these charts make it clear that America’s problem isn’t that the government is spending too much. Rather, it’s that the government isn’t spending enough. Investments into infrastructure, education, teachers, public workers, and other programs could boost the economy. Instead, Washington has turned its attention to cutting spending, and the results have been dire, even if they are totally predictable to anyone who has read about the plight of the European economy over the last three years.
The entire left is in denial of reality, always have been and always will be. When you have a failed agenda, reality is the problem that needs to be ignored and denied when confronted with it.

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