Pelosi: it's really a false narrative to claim we have a spending problem

All that imaginary job growth, can you say bull shit. There are fewer people working today than when your dear leader took office. That ain't growth.

There is a readily available source for employment statistics which disagrees with you. Since you obviously don't use it, WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU GET YOUR NUMBERS? A CRACKERJACK BOX?

"Ignorance can be cured; dumb is forever."

Oldguy, down in OK Texas, they don't have no stinkin numbers. They don't even know how to read them stinkin numbers hardly. They just go with the feelin'. And ok Tex is feelin those numbers. And they feel gooooood. Obaaaaaaama baaaad, texassssssss gooood.

Ain't that right tex?

So, you're not only economically inept, you're also a bigot. There is that LOLberal tolerance we've all come to expect.
OMG! This woman is insane.

Here's her quote:

Well, I think that sequestration is a bad idea all around. … The fact is, we’ve had plenty of spending cuts. … What we need is growth. We need growth with jobs. … So, again, we have to make a judgment about how do we get growth with jobs, that’s where the real revenue comes from. You don’t get it by… cutting into education, cutting back on investments in science and National Institute of Health, food safety, you name it. … So, it isn’t as much of a spending problem as it is a priorities, and that’s what a budget is, setting priorities. …

Rest at link:

Pelosi: It?s really a false argument to say we have a spending problem « Hot Air

Pelosi's comments are proof positive that despite all the denials by liberals, the cheer leading for Obama's deficit spending and the creation of more government dependency, liberals firmly believe that the best path is to employ large intrusive government together with central planning.
Pelosi is right. In fact, the government should be spending more until the economy is on more solid footing. Austerity has been bad and slowing progress.

There HAVE BEEN NO CUTS...Yearly budget increases are on time and in full.
Taxes were just INCREASED.
The federal government is buying $85 billion in securities each month in order to prop up the stock market. Lots of people on Wall Street are getting rich(er) ,but the economy still flounders.
The federal government is getting rich(er) bit no one is cheering except those who believe the government exists to "take care of people".

This is all bullshit. There have been no cuts in government spending. Not here in the US.
Anyway, anyone with half a brain knows government cannot tax or spend the people into prosperity.
In fact history shows that each time government attempts to manipulate the marketplace through excessive spending or taxation, the private sector suffers, unemployment rises, inflation occurs and economic disaster is the result.

Who is he raising taxes on? Most of Bush's tax cuts are still in effect. BTW, it wasn't good for Bush to cut taxes while conducting TWO wars. Had never been done in U.S. history - and we continue to pay the price.

Now you are just making up stuff.
You are living in an intellectual vacuum.
If , as so many Rightests seem to understand, the dollars are fiat?

So too are the debts counted with them.

But for some reason most Rightest never seem to make that obvious connection.

And that makes going into debt the size of the nation's net worth all ok?
What's a "rightest"?
You libs screamed you God Damned heads off accusing the Bush admin of all kinds of crimes when his admin ran deficits. BTW those deficits were TINY compared to the Mt Everest of debt Obama has run up.
Of course now that your guy is in office, all is well. Spend spend spend.
Hey genius, have you noticed the price of gas rising since Christmas when this is the time of year gas is at its lowest price? Have you noticed the price of Gold has also been rising? As well as other precious metals?
Have you noticed the US Dollar has been falling in value? Because it has.
And all because of Obama policies.
Star, interesting interview.

Unfortunately the representation for the rethug point of view here on this site is lacking in most of the basic skills needed to look at an problem and move forward to a solution. You can ask any right winger what will happen if the government cuts 10% out of their spending and they all go apoplectic. Funny shit.

I live in SW Ohio and in Fairborn Oh is a large air base. My Congressman is a Repub. John Bohner's district goes right by my house (but I am not in it). We have rethugs galore all around. Tea party everything. They hate the government.....well they did till the Air Force started letting everyone know how many jobs were going to be cut. Then they found god in air force blue.

Nah the rethugs know how much job loss they will create if they cut our way to suppossed prosperity. And it scares them to death. They like the idea of being able to beat up on Obama about the debt and how spending must be cut, then turn around and beat Obama when jobs are lost because cuts are made.

It really is about a perfect delimna for Rethugs. Obama's damned if he does and damned if he doesnt.
Resistance to government over spending is NOT hatred for the government.
Straw man argument.
People on your side are concerned only with yourselves. You worry about your entitlements.
All that imaginary job growth, can you say bull shit. There are fewer people working today than when your dear leader took office. That ain't growth.

There is a readily available source for employment statistics which disagrees with you. Since you obviously don't use it, WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU GET YOUR NUMBERS? A CRACKERJACK BOX?

"Ignorance can be cured; dumb is forever."

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Enough said..

You appear to be mentally challenged. OKTexas refers to "fewer people working today than...". This is a reference to employment level. Your BLS link is to the labor force participation rate. Do you know the difference?
Oldguy, down in OK Texas, they don't have no stinkin numbers. They don't even know how to read them stinkin numbers hardly. They just go with the feelin'. And ok Tex is feelin those numbers. And they feel gooooood. Obaaaaaaama baaaad, texassssssss gooood.

Ain't that right tex?

I have quite a bit of family in Texas. Now that my brother is retired, he is giving thought to emigrating to America. Apparently white Taxans do not identify as American.
This is all bullshit. There have been no cuts in government spending. Not here in the US.
Anyway, anyone with half a brain knows government cannot tax or spend the people into prosperity.
In fact history shows that each time government attempts to manipulate the marketplace through excessive spending or taxation, the private sector suffers, unemployment rises, inflation occurs and economic disaster is the result.

OK I get you don't like CBO. I assume you don't like any commonly utilized source of economic statistics. Then WHERE THE FUCK do you get your information from to make your batshit crazy economic opinions?

Oh, I forgot. You're a Conservatard so you don't have any source of economic information recognizable in the universe of reality.

Democrats will never feel there is a spending problem because they just don't believe in
that concept.To them there is no such thing as a limit to spending.They will not put a budget
together they keep raising the debt ceiling because of all the spending.

Anyway I just want to add this....
Am I the only one that finds Nancy hot in a weird disturbing way.... :cool:
This is all bullshit. There have been no cuts in government spending. Not here in the US.
Anyway, anyone with half a brain knows government cannot tax or spend the people into prosperity.
In fact history shows that each time government attempts to manipulate the marketplace through excessive spending or taxation, the private sector suffers, unemployment rises, inflation occurs and economic disaster is the result.

OK I get you don't like CBO. I assume you don't like any commonly utilized source of economic statistics. Then WHERE THE FUCK do you get your information from to make your batshit crazy economic opinions?

Oh, I forgot. You're a Conservatard so you don't have any source of economic information recognizable in the universe of reality.
Who said anything about the CBO?

Show where the cuts have been made. Not reductions in increases.
Oh, if you want to start with the insults, be advised, I don't give a shit about the rules.
Have at it. Or you can keep it civil.
Once again. No cuts. Haven't been any. At least of any significance.
When this federal government stops borrowing 40 cents of every dollar it spends, you come back and play.
This is all bullshit. There have been no cuts in government spending. Not here in the US.
Anyway, anyone with half a brain knows government cannot tax or spend the people into prosperity.
In fact history shows that each time government attempts to manipulate the marketplace through excessive spending or taxation, the private sector suffers, unemployment rises, inflation occurs and economic disaster is the result.

OK I get you don't like CBO. I assume you don't like any commonly utilized source of economic statistics. Then WHERE THE FUCK do you get your information from to make your batshit crazy economic opinions?

Oh, I forgot. You're a Conservatard so you don't have any source of economic information recognizable in the universe of reality.

Instead of deflecting, go ahead and address what I posted.
Government cannot tax or spend the population into prosperity. It is impossible.
Though libs like Pelosi and Obama believe it IS possible.

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