Pelosi Daughter's 'Welfare Queens' Video...

Just keep the race card out Democrats. Its going to be a long year.
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your racist shit doesnt fly with the American people anymore.

You're racist, you think I can't be black because I don't toe the democrat line.

Hello racist.

where is a quote of mine to prove your fucking claoim about what I said?

You said this because you cant defend your racist statement about black voters.

Your a liar , a racist and a chicken shit who cant admitt when your wrong.

^ Racist! Nazi! Kkk!
Tm has essentially called me an Oreo. She has shown her true colors. She has tried to electronically lynch me on my VMs. Disgusting. The democratic party KKK TERRORISTS live.
when you say racists things people will call you a racist.

that is how it works.
Tm has essentially called me an Oreo. She has shown her true colors. She has tried to electronically lynch me on my VMs. Disgusting. The democratic party KKK TERRORISTS live.

Yes she did. And i am very sorry about that if it offended you.

Just got around to looking at your VM's did you...... :lmao:
Tm has essentially called me an Oreo. She has shown her true colors. She has tried to electronically lynch me on my VMs. Disgusting. The democratic party KKK TERRORISTS live.

Liar .

I have called you a racist.

you have made racist statements for everyone to see.
Tm has essentially called me an Oreo. She has shown her true colors. She has tried to electronically lynch me on my VMs. Disgusting. The democratic party KKK TERRORISTS live.

Don't worry about it. Everyone here knows TM is a lunatic and a pathological liar.

She belongs in an insane asylum.
when you say racists things people will call you a racist.

that is how it works.

No. I'm a black man I cannot be racist towards myself. Racism is the belief that ones race is better than another. How can I be racist against myself.
Also, if I go by the left's addendum to the word racist I cannot be racist because I hold no power over the system, being black and all.

You need to invent a new catch phrase.
90% fo black people vote the way they vote out of principle just like white voters.

Lol! If they were voting on their principles 90% of the time it would not be that high. Most black folks are against gay marriage. Most black folks want strong families. Most blacks want more law and order in their communities. Most black folks are religious.

If most of us voted our principles we'd most likely vote republican. But most blacks are misinformed by meddlers like you. I still have to explain to many brothers and sisters that Abraham Lincoln was not a democrat for Pete's sake!

And THAT is why gay marriage was struck down in CA. There was a huge push to trun out the black vote for obama...

they voted for obama...and struck down gay marriage....

the little liberals haddent thought of that.......

I agree... its people like liesmatters that has made an new brand of slavery... slavery to the economic hold of the government

Stop scapegoating blacks in CA. Turns out it was an age, not race, issue.
Tm has essentially called me an Oreo. She has shown her true colors. She has tried to electronically lynch me on my VMs. Disgusting. The democratic party KKK TERRORISTS live.

Yes she did. And i am very sorry about that if it offended you.

Just got around to looking at your VM's did you...... :lmao:

I have to admit it is quite offensive. But, at the same time it's been a very enlightening experience.
Tm has essentially called me an Oreo. She has shown her true colors. She has tried to electronically lynch me on my VMs. Disgusting. The democratic party KKK TERRORISTS live.

Liar .

I have called you a racist.

you have made racist statements for everyone to see.

No I didn't say anything racist. I spoke the truth. I'm black, grew up in a black neighborhood, have black relatives and friends... Honestly I don't even have that many white friends. I still live in a predominately black neighborhood though it's more middle class then where I grew up and attend a predominately church and my small buisness employs more blacks than any other race.

Just shut up, Tm. I know my people you don't. Obviously.
Lol! If they were voting on their principles 90% of the time it would not be that high. Most black folks are against gay marriage. Most black folks want strong families. Most blacks want more law and order in their communities. Most black folks are religious.

If most of us voted our principles we'd most likely vote republican. But most blacks are misinformed by meddlers like you. I still have to explain to many brothers and sisters that Abraham Lincoln was not a democrat for Pete's sake!

And THAT is why gay marriage was struck down in CA. There was a huge push to trun out the black vote for obama...

they voted for obama...and struck down gay marriage....

the little liberals haddent thought of that.......

I agree... its people like liesmatters that has made an new brand of slavery... slavery to the economic hold of the government

Stop scapegoating blacks in CA. Turns out it was an age, not race, issue.

Poll: Prop 8 Voting Driven By Religion, Not Race - The Huffington Post

do you live in CA?
An Entitlement/Moocher State. That's what we've become unfortunately. I know some parts of this vid are rough. She is very annoying. She loves to hear herself speak. It runs in the family i guess. lol! But the video is pretty interesting, so hang in there.
I'd like to see Ms. Pelosi and Bill Mahar both go on food stamps, live in subsidized housing, for a year and see how they like it. I mean does he feel GUILTY because he's rich? Does Ms. Pelosi? Then - hey give ME your money and YOU go live live in a tar paper shack for a year and live on the food you get with food stamps. Take away his car and his fancy clothes and his $600 hair cuts, etc. They'd be singing a different tune. It's like they want to fix people, their teeth - hell fix MY teeth while you're at it - but neither one of them want to see people self-reliant. That's what I got out of it. Since when are all doormen WHITE? Every time I see him or hear him I have the urge to knock him in the head with something.
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Tm has essentially called me an Oreo. She has shown her true colors. She has tried to electronically lynch me on my VMs. Disgusting. The democratic party KKK TERRORISTS live.

Yes she did. And i am very sorry about that if it offended you.

Just got around to looking at your VM's did you...... :lmao:

I have to admit it is quite offensive. But, at the same time it's been a very enlightening experience.

I am sorry you were offended. Its just liesmatters. Stick around long enough and you will understand her better.

Yes she did. And i am very sorry about that if it offended you.

Just got around to looking at your VM's did you...... :lmao:

I have to admit it is quite offensive. But, at the same time it's been a very enlightening experience.

I am sorry you were offended. Its just liesmatters. Stick around long enough and you will understand her better.

She is just your dime a dozen liberal. I think I have heard the term SWPL, used for her type. Her heart is in the right place, but she does have some of her own racism to deal with. It's like my speaking the truth was a death blow to her fragile psyche. If she thinks I LIKE that what I said is the truth, she'd be wrong.

She doesn't understand anything other than slogans and propaganda.
I have to admit it is quite offensive. But, at the same time it's been a very enlightening experience.

I am sorry you were offended. Its just liesmatters. Stick around long enough and you will understand her better.

She is just your dime a dozen liberal. I think I have heard the term SWPL, used for her type. Her heart is in the right place, but she does have some of her own racism to deal with. It's like my speaking the truth was a death blow to her fragile psyche. If she thinks I LIKE that what I said is the truth, she'd be wrong.

She doesn't understand anything other than slogans and propaganda.

You have her pegged down pretty well! Though she will never fess up to offending you...and if she does it will be half assed.

I am sorry you were offended. Its just liesmatters. Stick around long enough and you will understand her better.

She is just your dime a dozen liberal. I think I have heard the term SWPL, used for her type. Her heart is in the right place, but she does have some of her own racism to deal with. It's like my speaking the truth was a death blow to her fragile psyche. If she thinks I LIKE that what I said is the truth, she'd be wrong.

She doesn't understand anything other than slogans and propaganda.

You have her pegged down pretty well! Though she will never fess up to offending you...and if she does it will be half assed.

And after her weak apology, she will go back through this thread and his VM and edit out her comments.

I am sorry you were offended. Its just liesmatters. Stick around long enough and you will understand her better.

She is just your dime a dozen liberal. I think I have heard the term SWPL, used for her type. Her heart is in the right place, but she does have some of her own racism to deal with. It's like my speaking the truth was a death blow to her fragile psyche. If she thinks I LIKE that what I said is the truth, she'd be wrong.

She doesn't understand anything other than slogans and propaganda.

You have her pegged down pretty well! Though she will never fess up to offending you...and if she does it will be half assed.

I was once a stone cold Marxist. I know people hear that a lot but it's true. In my college years I was a black nationalist type, to a degree I still hold some of those views because it was more than just the touchy freely stuff liberals love. Black nationalism turned me towards the right believe it or not. Self determination is the most important right that's been stolen from Americans of all races. I'm not an advocate for segregation or "black power", I have no beef with whites or any other race. What I have a beef with is a system that tries to direct my people into the gutter. I'm not going to claim it is designed purposely to do so, the welfare state, but that's exactly what it is doing and I won't shut up and sit down. The future of all americans is at stake in this.

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