Pelosi: Buy Insurance Policy Or Go To Jail...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
According to the non-partisan JCT (Joint Committee on Taxation),they have confirmed that Pelosi's Health Care Legislation does include language that leads to large fines and even possible imprisonment for not having Health Insurance. Failure to comply with Pelosi's mandate to buy Health Insurance will result in numerous civil and criminal penalties including fines that could go as high as $250,000. Failure to pay these fines will result in imprisonment.

Wow can this really be happening in my country? Fining and imprisoning fellow American Citizens for not having Health Insurance? Is possible "Free" Health Care really worth it America? This is a shockingly oppressive Socialist debacle. Lets just hope & pray that some brave & reasonable Democrats stand up to Pelosi and vote against this mess. Start the praying!
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Why are so many so willing to just give away all of their Freedoms & Liberties for some possible "Free" Health Care? What a Socialist Nightmare.
According to the non-partisan JCT (Joint Committee on Taxation),they have confirmed that Pelosi's Health Care Legislation does include language that leads to large fines and even possible imprisonment for not having Health Insurance. Failure to comply with Pelosi's mandate to buy Health Insurance will result in numerous civil and criminal penalties including fines that could go as high as $250,000. Failure to pay these fines will result in imprisonment.

Wow can this really be happening in my country? Fining and imprisoning fellow American Citizens for not having Health Insurance? Is possible "Free" Health Care really worth it America? This is a shockingly oppressive Socialist debacle. Lets just hope & pray that some brave & reasonable Democrats stand up to Pelosi and vote against this mess. Start the praying!

Still got your panties in a wad, I see. The Senate Finance Committee bill (the one that will be used to merge with the House version) did not contain such language. So once more, your scare tactics are shallow as usual. The House bill being debated today IS NOT THE FINAL DEAL.
According to the non-partisan JCT (Joint Committee on Taxation),they have confirmed that Pelosi's Health Care Legislation does include language that leads to large fines and even possible imprisonment for not having Health Insurance. Failure to comply with Pelosi's mandate to buy Health Insurance will result in numerous civil and criminal penalties including fines that could go as high as $250,000. Failure to pay these fines will result in imprisonment.

Wow can this really be happening in my country? Fining and imprisoning fellow American Citizens for not having Health Insurance? Is possible "Free" Health Care really worth it America? This is a shockingly oppressive Socialist debacle. Lets just hope & pray that some brave & reasonable Democrats stand up to Pelosi and vote against this mess. Start the praying!

Still got your panties in a wad, I see. The Senate Finance Committee bill (the one that will be used to merge with the House version) did not contain such language. So once more, your scare tactics are shallow as usual. The House bill being debated today IS NOT THE FINAL DEAL.

If it isn't going to be in the final bill, just drop it now. Certainly it COULD be in the final bill, if included at this time. I don't fall for magic tricks.
And why isn't the latest Republican Plan being debated properly? Their plan was clearly more reasonable & coherent. Who is really going to read Pelosi's massive 1,400 page Socialist Boondoggle? I seriously doubt she even read it. The Republican Plan was much more streamlined and coherent. Their plan also did not include Fining and Imprisoning Citizens for not having Health Insurance. That's a good start for me. The CBO says that their plan does reduce costs,reduces the Deficit,and doesn't raise taxes. Yet the MSM just continues to regurgitate this White House's Talking Points without even mentioning the Republican Plan. Do we have a credible MSM anymore? How sad.
According to the non-partisan JCT (Joint Committee on Taxation),they have confirmed that Pelosi's Health Care Legislation does include language that leads to large fines and even possible imprisonment for not having Health Insurance. Failure to comply with Pelosi's mandate to buy Health Insurance will result in numerous civil and criminal penalties including fines that could go as high as $250,000. Failure to pay these fines will result in imprisonment.

Wow can this really be happening in my country? Fining and imprisoning fellow American Citizens for not having Health Insurance? Is possible "Free" Health Care really worth it America? This is a shockingly oppressive Socialist debacle. Lets just hope & pray that some brave & reasonable Democrats stand up to Pelosi and vote against this mess. Start the praying!

Still got your panties in a wad, I see. The Senate Finance Committee bill (the one that will be used to merge with the House version) did not contain such language. So once more, your scare tactics are shallow as usual. The House bill being debated today IS NOT THE FINAL DEAL.

it won't pass in the senate.

But regardless, it does have the language:

From the bill:

• Section 7203 – misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.

• Section 7201 – felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.”
I just don't understand how so many can go through life being such ignorant sheep. Is possible "Free" Health Care really worth all this Socialist oppression? It seems that most Americans believe it is. Pretty sad.
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According to the non-partisan JCT (Joint Committee on Taxation),they have confirmed that Pelosi's Health Care Legislation does include language that leads to large fines and even possible imprisonment for not having Health Insurance. Failure to comply with Pelosi's mandate to buy Health Insurance will result in numerous civil and criminal penalties including fines that could go as high as $250,000. Failure to pay these fines will result in imprisonment.

Wow can this really be happening in my country? Fining and imprisoning fellow American Citizens for not having Health Insurance? Is possible "Free" Health Care really worth it America? This is a shockingly oppressive Socialist debacle. Lets just hope & pray that some brave & reasonable Democrats stand up to Pelosi and vote against this mess. Start the praying!

Still got your panties in a wad, I see. The Senate Finance Committee bill (the one that will be used to merge with the House version) did not contain such language. So once more, your scare tactics are shallow as usual. The House bill being debated today IS NOT THE FINAL DEAL.

If it isn't going to be in the final bill, just drop it now. Certainly it COULD be in the final bill, if included at this time. I don't fall for magic tricks.

After today, maybe it will be. Go to C-Span and you can watch the House debate live.
So theoreticall 30 million Americans could face jail while illegal aliens roam free. 30 million.Americans could be arrested at a hospital while illegal aliens continue to use the ERs for free. Maybe they can pass a 2nd stimulus to build some shovel ready federal prisons. This is flabbergasting.
According to the non-partisan JCT (Joint Committee on Taxation),they have confirmed that Pelosi's Health Care Legislation does include language that leads to large fines and even possible imprisonment for not having Health Insurance. Failure to comply with Pelosi's mandate to buy Health Insurance will result in numerous civil and criminal penalties including fines that could go as high as $250,000. Failure to pay these fines will result in imprisonment.

Wow can this really be happening in my country? Fining and imprisoning fellow American Citizens for not having Health Insurance? Is possible "Free" Health Care really worth it America? This is a shockingly oppressive Socialist debacle. Lets just hope & pray that some brave & reasonable Democrats stand up to Pelosi and vote against this mess. Start the praying!

First, this mandate will not pass constitutiona muster, even the CBO has said the following;

“A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be an unprecedented form of federal action,” stated the CBO. “The government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States.”

“An individual mandate would have two features that, in combination, would make it unique,” said the CBO. “First, it would impose a duty on individuals as members of society. Second, it would require people to purchase a specific service that would be heavily regulated by the federal government.”

In addition, an October 2009 Congressional Research Service (CRS) report said that mandating individuals to buy health insurance may be "the most challenging question" posed by the health care reform proposal.

“Whether such a requirement would be constitutional under the Commerce Clause is perhaps the most challenging question posed by such a proposal"

While this mandate might sound good and stir up the more rabid base it won't survive a constitutional challenge. One reason why the Speaker has this requirement in the bill is because it is supposed to scare the otherwise healthy into some for of health insurance namely the "public option" as a premium offset for the sheer number of poeple that will flood the system that will burden it, "pre-existing conditions" etc. The problem though, is that the penalty tax is a lot less than the actual cost of purchasing insurance. so a young person is more likely than not to just pay the tax penalty at the end of the year rather than participate anyway. That is the flaw in the program. What you end up with is another deficit adding Federal program and one that this nation will have to borrow over a Trillion dolllars from China to fund. This is all provided the "mandate" itself passes the constitutional test which it won't.
Book me passage on the last plane out.

Will this be what it looks like?


(Photo courtesy of

The Last Huey Out Of Saigon...
According to the non-partisan JCT (Joint Committee on Taxation),they have confirmed that Pelosi's Health Care Legislation does include language that leads to large fines and even possible imprisonment for not having Health Insurance. Failure to comply with Pelosi's mandate to buy Health Insurance will result in numerous civil and criminal penalties including fines that could go as high as $250,000. Failure to pay these fines will result in imprisonment.

Wow can this really be happening in my country? Fining and imprisoning fellow American Citizens for not having Health Insurance? Is possible "Free" Health Care really worth it America? This is a shockingly oppressive Socialist debacle. Lets just hope & pray that some brave & reasonable Democrats stand up to Pelosi and vote against this mess. Start the praying!

First, this mandate will not pass constitutiona muster, even the CBO has said the following;

“A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be an unprecedented form of federal action,” stated the CBO. “The government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States.”

“An individual mandate would have two features that, in combination, would make it unique,” said the CBO. “First, it would impose a duty on individuals as members of society. Second, it would require people to purchase a specific service that would be heavily regulated by the federal government.”

In addition, an October 2009 Congressional Research Service (CRS) report said that mandating individuals to buy health insurance may be "the most challenging question" posed by the health care reform proposal.

“Whether such a requirement would be constitutional under the Commerce Clause is perhaps the most challenging question posed by such a proposal"

While this mandate might sound good and stir up the more rabid base it won't survive a constitutional challenge. One reason why the Speaker has this requirement in the bill is because it is supposed to scare the otherwise healthy into some for of health insurance namely the "public option" as a premium offset for the sheer number of poeple that will flood the system that will burden it, "pre-existing conditions" etc. The problem though, is that the penalty tax is a lot less than the actual cost of purchasing insurance. so a young person is more likely than not to just pay the tax penalty at the end of the year rather than participate anyway. That is the flaw in the program. What you end up with is another deficit adding Federal program and one that this nation will have to borrow over a Trillion dolllars from China to fund. This is all provided the "mandate" itself passes the constitutional test which it won't.

And these statists accuse Conservatives of fear tactics?

I don't think it will survive Constitutional muster either. But the whole thing with me is to stop the process in the first place to avoid dragging this country down a costly challange as this that we can ill-afford.

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