Pelosi announces fines for members avoiding metal detectors at Capitol


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Can anyone cite by what authority Pelosi can issue fines against House Members and garnish their pay?

Can anyone cite by what authority Pelosi can issue fines against House Members and garnish their pay?

The House of Representatives is the authority..Do you refuse to go through the metal detectors at a courthouse?
there has been metal detectors in the capital for years - no one is allowed to come in from the outside without going thru them.

i believe the 'new' detectors are placed at the house chambers.

that being clarified ... this might also clear it up:

What Does the Speaker of the House Do?
By Kirk Bailey

The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, commonly referred to as the Speaker of the House (or simply, House Speaker or the Speaker), serves as the presiding officer of the U.S. House of Representatives. The Speaker fulfills several roles, including representing constituents as a Member of Congress, acting as administrative head of the House, and serving as leader of the majority political party in the House. If you’re wondering exactly what does the Speaker of the House do, see the full description of this political representative’s full responsibilities below.

What does the speaker of the house do?

The Speaker of the House exercises duties as a Member of Congress, as presiding officer of the House of Representatives, and as leader of the majority political party in the House.

These responsibilities include voting on legislation, administrative duties such as maintaining order within the House chamber, and other tasks such as appointing special committees.
Speaker of the House |

seems that having the majority comes with some perks, 'eh?

kinda like how donny dismissed protocol re: security clearances for certain individuals ( like his panty waist son-in-law ) ... because well... he can.
Can anyone cite by what authority Pelosi can issue fines against House Members and garnish their pay?

Actually, they should be conducting House of Rep sessions virtually, with the members staying in their districts. Little reason for congress people to travel to Washington DC.

But if they are serious about security, congress people should be subject to body cavity searches. If a member is smuggling plastic explosives into the House Chamber, the people have a right to know.
Can anyone cite by what authority Pelosi can issue fines against House Members and garnish their pay?

It probably had something to do with Lauren Boebert who wants to carry in Congress. She was involved in a "standoff" with the guards there when she went through the metal detectors they sat up at the capitol building the other day.

Gun-toting GOP congresswoman, Capitol Police in standoff over bag
, they should be conducting House of Rep sessions virtually, with the members staying in their districts
This would fix a lot of problems, which is why they won't get it

Virtual congressional meetings would pose difficulties for lobbyists looking to impress Congress people. Further, it would keep congresspeople away from the swamp if they can stay in Duluth or Abilene or Butler, PA or Youngstown and do their jobs. I don't see a downside.
, they should be conducting House of Rep sessions virtually, with the members staying in their districts
This would fix a lot of problems, which is why they won't get it

Virtual congressional meetings would pose difficulties for lobbyists looking to impress Congress people. Further, it would keep congresspeople away from the swamp if they can stay in Duluth or Abilene or Butler, PA or Youngstown and do their jobs. I don't see a downside.
It would make their meetings open to the public instead of allowing them to make back room deals in private that end up screwing everyone.
, they should be conducting House of Rep sessions virtually, with the members staying in their districts
This would fix a lot of problems, which is why they won't get it

Virtual congressional meetings would pose difficulties for lobbyists looking to impress Congress people. Further, it would keep congresspeople away from the swamp if they can stay in Duluth or Abilene or Butler, PA or Youngstown and do their jobs. I don't see a downside.
It would make their meetings open to the public instead of allowing them to make back room deals in private that end up screwing everyone.

The negative the Deep State sees is that making the congressmen stay in their districts would make it easier for the constituents to see the representative and give them their opinions on the issues.

Lastly, it would be bad for the Washington DC real estate market. Congress would stay at home, not need a DC residence
, they should be conducting House of Rep sessions virtually, with the members staying in their districts
This would fix a lot of problems, which is why they won't get it

Virtual congressional meetings would pose difficulties for lobbyists looking to impress Congress people. Further, it would keep congresspeople away from the swamp if they can stay in Duluth or Abilene or Butler, PA or Youngstown and do their jobs. I don't see a downside.
It would make their meetings open to the public instead of allowing them to make back room deals in private that end up screwing everyone.

The negative the Deep State sees is that making the congressmen stay in their districts would make it easier for the constituents to see the representative and give them their opinions on the issues.

Lastly, it would be bad for the Washington DC real estate market. Congress would stay at home, not need a DC residence
Oh, I agree. I don't see many negatives for the people should they all stay in their districts and states. I hate the fact that so many idealistic first timers get elected on the promise that they're not going to be <fill in the blank>'s lap dog, only to get to Washington and in a few months are voting the party line faithfully. I firmly believe that there are many meetings held with these freshmen where the old-timers let them in on the way things work and they learn how to get along. I really believe there is little reason that they would actually need to physically be present in one place, one exception being to view and discuss classified info. Like business is discovering, it is quite possible to get things done remotely.
Imagine it's your first day on the job with the Capital Police and you gotta strip search Pelosi!
"Hey Rookie, we got a job for you.....". :ack-1:
, they should be conducting House of Rep sessions virtually, with the members staying in their districts
This would fix a lot of problems, which is why they won't get it

Virtual congressional meetings would pose difficulties for lobbyists looking to impress Congress people. Further, it would keep congresspeople away from the swamp if they can stay in Duluth or Abilene or Butler, PA or Youngstown and do their jobs. I don't see a downside.
The environment around D.C. is not the same as the real world. They are immersed in the Swamp news and culture and not connected with their own districts. Going virtual and actually working in their districts would solve a lot of problems
The House of Representatives is the authority..Do you refuse to go through the metal detectors at a courthouse?
To answer your question, 'No'; however, the House is a member of the Legislative Branch. Nancy Pelosi is not THE House. She is the Speaker of the House. By what Law, Regulation, the Speaker of the House authorized to dole out Fines?

My question is not to be partisan but a legitimate question about the Speaker of the House's - Not Pelosi's - authority to do this.
Can anyone cite by what authority Pelosi can issue fines against House Members and garnish their pay?

Republican Congresscritters think they are better than the rest of us.
She’s the Speaker of the House, dumbfuck.

So? She Controls the House members and what happens on the floor / in House Chambers. Last I checked the Speaker of the House is not in charge of Capitol security.
Can anyone cite by what authority Pelosi can issue fines against House Members and garnish their pay?

if I'm not mistaken theres something in the constitution about impeding an elected official from getting to their job for official duties,,

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