Peace is not just a tactic, it has intrinsic value


Dec 22, 2011
'Tis the season when many of us celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace. As Jesus preached, it is rarely easy to do the right thing. Hence I think the protestors suffering police brutality for demanding economic justice deserve our thanks and praise; not only for standing on the side of the poor, but for remaining non-violent in spite of being beaten for exercising their constitutional rights. It is easy to allow oneself to counter violence with violence. Albert Camus understood the importance of remaining peaceful in trying to make a better future:
From the moment that he strikes, the rebel cuts the world in two. He rebelled in the name of the identity of man with man and he sacrifices this identity by consecrating the difference in blood. His only existence, in the midst of suffering and oppression, was contained in this identity. The same movement, which intended to affirm him, thus brings an end to his existence. He can claim that some, or even almost all, are with him. But if one single human being is missing in the irreplaceable world of fraternity, then this world is immediately depopulated. If we are not, then I am not.... The rebels, who have decided to gain their ends through violence and murder, have in vain replaced, in order to preserve the hope of existing, "We are" by the "We shall be." When the murder and the victim have disappeared, the community will provide its own justification without them. The exception having lasted its appointed time, the rule will once more become possible. On the level of history, as in individual life, murder is thus a desperate exception or it is nothing. The disturbance that it brings to the order of things offers no hope of a future; it is an exception and therefore it can be neither utilitarian nor systematic as the purely historical attitude would have it. It is the limit that can be reached but once, after which one must die. The rebel has only one way of reconciling himself with his act of murder if he allows himself to be led into performing it: to accept his own death and sacrifice. He kills and dies so that it shall be clear that murder is impossible. He demonstrates that, in reality, he prefers the "We are" to the "We shall be."​

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